
#33 Multilingual 

So, you can't just decide to make teleportation harder because it suits some players, without re-writing the Lore (at least in part).

You don't need to re-write the existing Lore when you are not going to change history. Lore is not static and can evolve, High Powers can change their minds.

It's no great shock that you would disagree Moniq, you seem to feel that making the game harder for everyone is better, because it suits your own style of play.

What amuses me most about this post is this, why would anyone care if someone teleports all over the planet?
Lets take for instance, I log in this morning, and spend 200k porting, how did that harm you? It doesn't is the answer!

So why would anyone support to change a game, to remove something that doesn't affect 'you' either way, but makes it more difficult for others. Some of whom may be lower level players that will prefer to port for the safety?

It just goes to show how fickle the tiny community have become wasting time blabbering about pointless changes in a hope of doing something interesting.

As for the Lore aspect, if you alter the ability to teleport, then you also alter the appeal to follow any particular deity. Lets hope, if this proposal goes anywhere, that an amber cube is created so that Hominkind in the future can re-discover the technology.

The real elephant in the room here though is, would this change be popular? When you listen to the constant grumbles from people about how much swimming is needed to get anywhere in Lakes, I seriously doubt that making everyone run everywhere as well is going to win you any popularity awards :-)



Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)

#34 [en] 


Maybe you didn't read my reply, I was just saying...

You don't need to re-write the existing Lore when you are not going to change history. Lore is not static and can evolve, High Powers can change their minds.

I see nothing about teleports there...

#35 [en] 


Hi.. almost sprayed my coffee laughing at this in a morning, the "freedom" stuff was just too much lol
Thank you!

You gain 1 point freedom today Bubbason, care Gidget is still in top of the race :D


#36 [en] 



Keep teleporting as is.


~ Ranger Aspirant ~ Officer of Fluffy Bunnies ~ Generally Mischievous ~

#37 [en] 


Maybe you didn't read my reply, I was just saying..

I see nothing about teleports there...

...aside from being a direct response to a comment explicitly about teleports. Context has meaning too. Maybe you didn't read what you were actually saying?


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#38 [en] 

I have a "super power" wherein I always (Always (ALWAYS)) die in the PR... I am a "death magnet" wrt the Prime Roots


I need me a new tag line on my messages!

#39 [en] 

I am a "death magnet" wrt the Prime Roots

Count yourself lucky, back in the days when I was a noob fresh from Silan, Binarabi used to craft my gear and sew bacon strips into the lining.

Now that's an agro magnet!


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)
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