How should the occupations/new horizons system behave?
occupations nh gives the fame, nation points, and dappers like before the patch
Atys: Bitttymacod, Carmie, Csilla, Dioaxius, Djiper, Dudu, Eodgen, Eryandir, Hendat, Hinokee, Joline, Jorgensen, Loved, Mathimat, Mermaidia, Sarahjayne, Zvorax
17 (6)
nh give no fame, no nation points, and limited dappers like after the patch
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Hayt, Heernis, Lasabo, Maiyr, Mnemosyne, Naema, Northstar, Revvy, Sienn, Sukhamoy, Victoriacamper, Wilczek, Zendae
14 (3)
Atys: Gidget, Kaetemi, Laoviel, Luminatrix, Placio, Wirroy
Abstain 3

#16 [en] 

I think we should give the chance to the new adjustments. Sadly, if all your game was about NH i don't think you were even playing.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Bisugott (5 years ago)



#17 [en] 

The fact that people have over 200k points just shows how an unbalanced reward it was and its really not necessary.

- A homin who didn't use alts to get NH money and is still rich :P



#18 [en] 

Before it was really easy to get tons of dappers (resselling your crap xp craft item was enough ... no need to do missions or occupations at all).

By before, i'm sure you mean pre-merge, i was talking rather right after merge.
And when I will use them all, I still have about 200k faction points...

Now imagine when people have 36 alts just as full of points. Something is very wrong with that system, no matter how much others try to justify it and/or make it seem detrimental for noobs, it isn't. Noobs don't need 200k points, noobs don't need crystals.

#19 [en] 

Crystals are meant to be boost to your skill, not your skill, the fact that you think you can't play without them is really, so sad.

Okay. Tell me how else I can do the things I do without using sap crystals. I'll wait. And please, ditch the condescending tone. It's not helping your case whatsoever.

I would love to see anyone take out Dolak solo without them, since if you try to recharge your weapon with spells, he'll kill you because you're either standing still or you'll run out of sap and will have to run away from the fight. Same thing when you're 2 people heading to dig and you PW into a bunch of voraxes. The 5 shots of heals you can put in an amp won't be enough. You can both respawn, the weather changes meanwhile and now you have to wait another 2 hours for it to pop again. For a lot of us, 2 hours is how much playtime we get.

I guess sap crystals weren't needed when the playerbase was larger and there was always someone around to help, but that's simply not the case anymore. Most players have to make adjustments for the fact that they'll be doing a lot of things alone or in very small groups. That's the sad reality of how few homins there are left on Atys.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#20 [en] 

I think we should give the chance to the new adjustments. Sadly, if all your game was about NH i don't think you were even playing.

Again. The problem is the NH nerf should have come in the same patch as the quest adjustments. Not a month before them. That's all there's to it.

I also doubt most poeple really earned that much through just NH. Crafting missions still pay much, much more, if you have the levels neccessary.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#21 [en] 

I would love to see anyone take out Dolak solo without them, since if you try to recharge your weapon with spells, he'll kill you because you're either standing still or you'll run out of sap and will have to run away from the fight.
... please.. lol

Dolak without crystal is one of the thing you learn to do at beginning.. like solo-ing Muncham.
Not to mention you can kill most surface named with full reloaded (by primal magic) weapon before engaging battle.

Same thing when you're 2 people heading to dig and you PW into a bunch of voraxes. The 5 shots of heals you can put in an amp won't be enough. You can both respawn, the weather changes meanwhile and now you have to wait another 2 hours for it to pop again. For a lot of us, 2 hours is how much playtime we get.
I knew it, enchant and sap crystal was created has a mean to fight against nasty server PW!

Gonna vote #2 to the poll "How should the occupations/new horizons system behave?"

Only to express the wish to see how Ryzom can look like with players doing missions, dynamics events rewards, prime roots and PvP without wasting crystals.

Change can't be bad anyway, its way too static and we are way too used to things.
Not to mention new comers are.. new comers, so they aren't used to the facility you are used to ;)

Last edited by Revvy (5 years ago)


#22 [en] 

I feel like the poll should have had 6 individual categories:

- Do you wish to retain NH giving fame? (y/n)
- Do you wish to retain NH giving nation points
- Do you ... dappers

Because I would definitely vote differently on the questions.

Dappers from NH? Nope, there are plenty missions, if I can get 100k in one go that's quite ok. Let's not forget occupations' primary purpose is to be leveled in order to gain consumable products. The mere fact that NH exists makes people keep Water Carrier / Magnetic Cartography at level 1 perpetually, which is kind of sad.

I'm a bit split on the other two topics. Yes, I do believe NH should give fame, but certainly not as easy as it used to be. Since it benefits any citizen regardless of their own contribution to the running of the system, it only makes sense that you should gain *some* fame. But yes, either cap it at 50, or make it progressively slower to gain fame, just like it happens with missions. Too many "patriots" and "vassals" running around.

Same for nation points. I don't believe the amount was right, but the idea behind it is actually cool. Delivery missions for the observer camps suck (I timed it at 35 minutes in the desert, and I believe it can be close to an hour in the lakes). So ... sure, lower the yield from NH, but don't gut the entire thing without anything else in place.

The entire thing reeks of the usual problem: the game's too hard to balance between what's accessible to a smart newcomer, and what's accessible to a master. Formerly, having easy access to crystals made masters breeze through things. Nowadays, veterans will have to actually re-discover how to play, but the difficulty may have been raised too much for low-levels.

my 2 dappers

Last edited by Laoviel (5 years ago)


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#23 [en] 

* Remove NH
* Remove Occupations
* Remove Wheel



#24 [en] 

I like occupations for products. But I would remove most of teleports and pathways.

#25 [en] 

I think that the NH rewards cuts are mostly warranted, with one GLARING excpetion.

The fame was a bit ridiculous, yet due to the low rewards of other methods of gaining race fame, NH would've been the preferred method even at one-quarter the payout. If other missions get their fame rewards tweaked to actually be worth doing for once, then it's entirely justifiable for an entity not tied to any one nation to no longer give fame.

The dappers made a lot of folks not even look into more effective ways to make money. If you put in the time to master at least one dig and the right craft skills, you can earn more in two hours than NH will pay in a week.... but many will never know because NH gave the easy money. The current dapper rewards are a lot better; enough to give newer players an okay income, but not enough to really be satisfying once you've "grown up" a bit.

However, losing the race points, the only reason many even did occupations at all in the first place, is pretty much just a good reason to remove occupations from the game entirely. If you think a Sap Recharge enchantment or an Armilo ammo crafting tool are pointless, occupations are not much better. As much as I would've loved the products to be useful, they really have no actual utility beyond trading for points to buy crystals/picks/potatoes/cats.

And it's not like package runs are a viable alternative to NH for those who want some sap crystals but have lives and don't feel like spending their entire available nightly playtime doing half a tour, especially not for what they pay! For that sort of time investment, it's questionable whether even tripling the rewards would make them worthwhile to anyone who doesn't already play at least six hours a day.

* * * * *

@Revvy - Not all of us learn that sort of thing "at the beginning". Please do not do what I often do and fall in to the trap of thinking everyone should know what you know. At best, that will lead people to think you are too arrogant to be worth listening to and dismiss every single word you say, even the ones that are sensible/true. Just... trust me on this one ;)

@Moniq - Really?
You managed to farm 200k points, so nobody else deserves to get points without spending more time than they have.
You like to walk, so nobody else should TP; in fact, you want many TPs removed.
You do not PvP as a Ranger, so no Ranger should ever accompany their allies to dig Sups or help defend an OP.
It's not always about you though. Not all of us are you, no matter how much you call us lazy or greedy or bloodthirsty for not being you.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#26 [en] 


And you expect me to support view of someone else? Oh yes, you do, with every of your manipulative answer...

It's not always about you though. Not all of us are you... :P

Last edited by Moniq (5 years ago)

#27 [en] 

However, losing the race points, the only reason many even did occupations at all in the first place, is pretty much just a good reason to remove occupations from the game entirely. If you think a Sap Recharge enchantment or an Armilo ammo crafting tool are pointless, occupations are not much better. As much as I would've loved the products to be useful, they really have no actual utility beyond trading for points to buy crystals/picks/potatoes/cats.
No i think occupations are interesting, take it as a side quests to get uncommon items.
That should not be removed really :)

Lets do a little list ok?

- Scrollmaker is heaven for craft attempt and boost.

- Larvester is very good for diggerS in prime roots, since you can't focus gift heal in the game.

- Butcher is very good to regenerate your health at a cost of stamina, so in fact best to use as a Mage, yummy meat.

- Florist will give you a boost of stats on your Mage characteristic with no malus!

- Medic with medikit give you the same regeneration as butcher meat but with a cost of sap, so in fact this best to use with a Warrior.

- Toolmaker like Florist product increase your stamina regeneration without any cost!

- Magnetic Cartographer and Water-Carrier:

Both give an aura of 10s with a boost of hp, difference is: Cartographer boost your stamina while Water-Carrier will boost your sap.
This can buff the stats of a team while allowing them to still use tactical aura.

We start to notice something here :)

First most are rendered useless because of the abuse of alt to help you do anything and everything.
Once again its easy to click a double 250 heal on your alt than consuming an item and wait a few seconds.

Second people misunderstood the usage of occupations, thinking it is indeed just for money and nation points.
They forgot what the item are for, and the use of it.

We shall notice, the game isn't hard at high level and the kittins are not a menace anymore, one can solo mostly everything or a team can rules over Atys pretty much.
There is really no need to push yourself to use buffed item and boost, when it need 1 tank and 2 mages to kill everything.

Not to mention, buffed item and boost charac are mostly used in PvP usually.
And we all know the state of PvP in Ryzom lol.

And the last, that wheel of everything-Fortune give you massive boost potions!

They give you so much potions that even potion are rendered meaningless and finish their life in the consumable merchant.
Because they don't know what to give otherwise, since this game has NO rewards.
if you notice, all "rewards" lately are just re-skin ;)

De facto this render all the occupations product useless.
But it wouldn't be like this with a right direction.


#28 [en] 

@Moniq - I seek to grant freedom, you seek to take it. You seem like the type to force-feed meat to vegans. If you dislike me for that then I know I'm doing something right. And if you're going to try gaslighting me for that then I have to wonder if you're even capable of respecting others. If you want to prove me wrong then stop imposing your restrictions on everyone and respect that more than one play style is valid.

@Revvy - I am fully aware of what the products do, but on balance, I've found that only the Scrollmaker and q10 Larvester products are really worthwhile. This from someone who really wanted to love Water Carrier products too, so it's not like I didn't try giving them a fair shake. The use and cooldown times on products restrict their utility, especially at higher grades. And if potions really were that much more useful, I'd expect fewer to be sold. Not that there's as many as you imply; only those who spend hours at the wheel get an appreciable number.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gidget (5 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#29 [en] 

Okay. Tell me how else I can do the things I do without using sap crystals. I'll wait. And please, ditch the condescending tone. It's not helping your case whatsoever.

Okay dear, could you make a list of the things you do? I would gladly tell you ways to optimise your gameplay without you having to play at all :-).

"I can't solo dolak without crystals (insert mimimi and 5yo tears)"
- For starters, you can definitely solo kill Dolak without any crystals, trap him around the paramount stock and move around casting a cheap q200-q250 spell on him while he moves. In fact, using crystals for this is wasting crystals in my opinion

Even if you don't want the <<danger>> of doing it with no crystals, have you considered maybe the spirit of the game is to play together? Don't come at me with excuses that you don't have anyone to play with, maybe that applies for NPC bosses light and heavy, but 1 person, for Dolak, i'm 100% certain there will be someone available. If you don't find anyone maybe you need to work on your social skillz.

"I can't have dappers for scout without NH (insert mimimi and 5yo tears)"
- There are thousands of dapper missions. If you don't want to level a craft skill, farm a corporal mission? This way you gain the fame you no longer can through NH as well. . . You can also beg, the wealths of people on Atys are beyond imagination, just ask RW to let you see their guild hall coffer ;-) or attend a black market and see how many dappers they spend for Bras and Thongs. I'm sure it's perfectly plausible to find a sugar daddy to finance your scouting.

Tell me what else you do and I'll think of something :-) Always happy to help a fellow newbie.

P.S. The dependence of you all from NH to play helps my case as much as it should.

Love and war.

Last edited by Victoriacamper (5 years ago)

#30 [en] 

@Revvy:I grant that larvester and scrollmaker are highly useful, with no further comments. I personally enjoy medic very much, but that's just because I like to scout -- and in case of death, I can pop a quick medic kit and go on with minimal downtime; others who don't scout don't bother overmuch with this occupation.

As for the rest, sorry, but I never could fit them in my playstyle. MC/WC level 6 products restore some hitpoints, maybe half of a master; that's not nearly enough considering they have a cooldown of .. what, 5 minutes? And they require you to sit down while you consume them, so you can't even pop one during a kill. Relying on healers is ... well, far more reliable.

So, sorry, but taking away their use as dapper-earners without proposing a rebalance/rework of the occupations was not entirely towards a good game balance.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Laoviel (5 years ago)


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