
#223 [en] 

i think it would be nice if plushies were flagged as exchangeable. The yubo used to be able to be given to a friend, now none of them can be.

#224 [en] 


Bug tracking and fixing is not working well.
- When a bug from a ticked gets to the board, it usually to track as many issues as possible, you can let me know.

The point I am making is ... that when I get a response from a ticket filed 6 weeks ago ... if it doesn't include the original message like it used to, then the response doesn't really serve any purpose and is a waste of the sender's time.

"We rec'd your ticket and .... now comes a bunch of words that I can not associate with any specific ticket."

I mean it's nice to know a ticket was rec'd and it's being looked at, but a bot could do that.  The rest of the comments needed no explanation.

I will comment on this tho.

Bug Ticket:  The mission from the "Nasty Nachos Nudist Colony" says go out and collect 2 skulls from a level 158 Mob Name in this 150 region but there's no such animal in the region.

What's to test, either there is or there isn't.   If you change the level number from 158 to a number that already exists in the region, it's fixed.

If there's gonna be a response, and I say if cause I don't expect one, "Got your message on the arma mission from the Nudie people, its on the list".

1.  It shows that the effort was recognized and 2.  Time permitting, it will get done someday  3.  I know what ticket it refers to.  When i see themm it's like getting a Thank You card for a wedding and it doesn't mewntion the gift or whosewedding.

Again, on point with the title, "I'd like to see" the original bug report with the response, but if that's gonen slow down th work, Im cintent to get no response.


#225 [fr] 

More things I'd like to see... I had a post-it on my monitor but it fell behind the desk and it takes 3 people to move :)

a)  Lock for all the precious things ...  I can deal w/ freeing my mount and losing it as it ony costs 5k.  Already have the zig and teddies locked.  Or once ya earn the Gunani ... if it dies or accidentally freed, you have a permemnent upgrade card.

b)  If ya gonna let me win bras and panties ... at least make them frilly So I can create a alt toon named Lola.   OK that was just for humor.

c)  Im no Lorist, but should the kara city welcomers be giving me (Kami) kara TPs ? ... and visa versa.

d)  A Craft 'n Sell checkbox whereby, if standing at merchant or hawker, you automatically sell as each is crafted.  easiest way would be , if in range, not having any HP, Focus, whatever boost is auto sold.

e)  A dump all mission mats button.   After you go aout and do a series of prospecting missions, to get to the level required, ya gotta dig 10 and you only hand in 2 ... you then wind up having to delete 43 stacks one at a time.

f)  A rewards trade in merchant .... for example turn in (2) stacks of Q100 Wundahmat for (1) stack of 200s

g)  on the wheel rewards:

1)  Less Fireworks
2)  Less Cats
3)  More Crystals ... don't go crazy as the idea is to steer folks into all aspects.... but "if ya get fries with that", shud be more than 3 fries.

Or ... have the dudes that sell the cats, wundahmat, etc, buy them too so that you could do trades.


#226 [fr] 

Why not fully remove cats? After all it's only use by unsub account and going to lvl 125 doesn't take much time after all.
I know that some unsub people will be against but still ... if you want to double your xp, sub your account :)

#227 [en] 

Why not fully remove cats? After all it's only use by unsub account and going to lvl 125 doesn't take much time after all.
I know that some unsub people will be against but still ... if you want to double your xp, sub your account :)

Not remove, just stop distributing it (disable all ways to get new). After some time "all" existing cats will be used.

#228 [fr] 

1. Given the new focus of harvesting mission mats, modify the Prospection Bricks as follows ...

Now it says "Supreme Materials Only" ... Suggest change to "Supreme / Magnificent Materials Only.

Now it says "Excellent Materials Only" ... Suggest change to "Excellent / Superb Materials Only".

and so on....

2. Bring back advanced occupations ...

a) So we could take lower level "Wundahmat" that we can't use and exchange quantity for quality changing xx number of QL 100s for yy quantity of 150s

b) So we could take lower level "Buff Flowers" that we can't use and exchange quantity for quality changing xx number of QL 100s for yy quantity of 150s

c) So we could take lower level "OP Mats" that we can't use and exchange quantity for quality changing xx number of QL 100s for yy quantity of 150s

d) So we could take lower level "Crystals" that we can't use and exchange quantity for quality changing xx number of QL 100s for yy quantity of 150s ... level 100 crystals that we have to do clickety clickety click to load 24 times are no fun.

3. Make all wheel items tradeable.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 5 ans).


#229 [fr] 

+1 Freddy!

#230 [en] 

(While at it it would be nice to change from "Magnificient" to "Magnificent" :P )



#231 [en] 

It would be great if you could have the following small additions:

~ Gen mats to be sorted in the crafting window.
They are sorted in our bag, so why can't they be sorted in the crafting window instead of being all out of order?

~ Being able to have an option where we can click on multiple stacks of items and then choose the option "sell all" to the merchant. Not to others, as I know there can only be so many stacks of a single type of item at once, but to the merchant.


~ Ranger Aspirant ~ Officer of Fluffy Bunnies ~ Generally Mischievous ~

#232 [en] 

(While at it it would be nice to change from "Magnificient" to "Magnificent" :P )

That's the way the game spells it ... drives me crazy when I use map search and BM Maps and come up empty


#233 [fr] 

Thanks for our mission icon colors back ! ! !


#234 [fr] 

I would love the option when you exit your apartment or guild hall to have the same choices as when you enter, if there are choices. For example: My apartment and guild hall are both in the same building in Thesos, which also has a Fortress on the top level. So, when I enter the elevator, it asks: Fortress, Spirit of Alervinda's guild hall or Meggy's apartment. But when I leave I get exit only. I would like to be able to go from my guild hall to my apartment without having to run in and out and have it like a real elevator lift. Please please pretty please?



#235 [fr] 

I assume that's an option only in the "outlying towns", when I got all my housing, GHs and Apartments were in separate buidings.  Thats would be a huge advanatge in muling mats back and forth .

Would also love a way to transfer stuff between toons on same account.

Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 5 ans).


#236 [fr] 


Je pense que les équipes de dev et de test sont insuffisantes pour développer de nouvelles fonctionnalités sans casser le jeu, malgré toute leur bonne volonté.

Je vois qu'il y a de moins en moins de monde sur Atys, et ca m'inquiète...
Par ex, je suis gênée, quand je traduis sur le wiki, de recopier le "Massivement" de MMO (je laisserai bien Multijoueur mais le "Massivement Multijoueur" me semble désormais erroné :) )

Alors je propose qu'on arrête les changes, au moins pour un an, et qu'on prenne le temps de débug et de documenter.

Après seulement, on pourra re-tenter une communication (interne, auprès des anciens joueurs partis), puis vers des magazines et autres sites.

Dernière édition par Craftjenn (il y a 5 ans).


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#237 Multilingue 

Que les events commencent à l'heure annoncée ...
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