
#115 [en] 

be fun to have a fifth branch of magic: Conjuration.
-Summon a creature or creatures to fight for you.
-Your level,your amp's conjure stat, and your conjure stanzas determine the level of the mob
-each type of mob has a quest in order to conjure it. Or perhaps just bought like craft plan.
-more dangerous mobs would have a larger cooldown timer, or require many multiple casts to invoke.
-perhaps more than one conjurer could cast a team conjuration to create a really big mob like a named.
-you level by selecting a target, conjuring your mob, and if it wins it generates the xp.
-conjured mobs don't drop loot
-if no attackable target, just follows you around - which would be fun.

#116 [en] 

Bitty - I'm not entirely sure how the item with the huge Sap Load has no magics while the "boxing gloves" are the items used to focus magical energies, but there are so many other things that make even less sense that I just roll with the weirdness.

I wouldn't say that the damage/speed stats on amps do nothing; they are simply set to the same values as bare hands, so their effect is indistinguishable from nothing. And the "Nothing != Nothing" nature of amps in H2H is one of those weird things that I just roll with :D

Zarden - I agree that a large part of why PvP isn't more popular has to do with griefers abusing PvP the way you describe and then trying to hide behind the RP "justification". I imagine that I'n not alone when I say that if it weren't for those folks, I might actually tag up.

Última edición por Gidget (5 años hace)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#117 [en] 

[Edit] Deleted because out of topic.
Please only add your own wishes for Ryzom in this topic, not commenting the wishes nor comments of the other players. Thank you.

Oh which reminds me, why cant tagged one heal another tagged one? That is one more to my wish list ^^

Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace)


#118 [en] 

[Edit] Deleted because out of topic.
Please only add your own wishes for Ryzom in this topic, not commenting the wishes nor comments of the other players. Thank you.

Oh which reminds me, why cant tagged one heal another tagged one? That is one more to my wish list ^^

A simple section of computer code cannot make the sort of "friend or foe" distinctions us sentient beings make, so for those that are tagged up, there are only two types of homins; those that are in the same team/league, and those that are enemies.

Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#119 [fr] 

It reminds me that I would like to see something else.

Remove the possibility of untagged homins to heal the tagged one ! (and remove inter-faction heal too with exception made for rangers as one of their purpose is to help hominity regardless faction).

Última edición por Sinvaders (5 años hace)

#120 [en] 

It reminds me that I would like to see something else.

Remove the possibility of untagged homins to heal the tagged one ! (and remove inter-faction heal too with exception made for rangers as one of their purpose is to help hominity regardless faction).

you don't want to be able to heal other factions at all?

#121 [fr] 

I do not want others faction to heal me at all too.

#122 [en] 

[Edit] Deleted because out of topic.
Please only add your own wishes for Ryzom in this topic, not commenting the wishes nor comments of the other players. Thank you.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace)

#123 [en] 

[Edit] Deleted because out of topic.
Please only add your own wishes for Ryzom in this topic, not commenting the wishes nor comments of the other players. Thank you.

Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace)


#124 [en] 

[Edit] Deleted because out of topic.
Please only add your own wishes for Ryzom in this topic, not commenting the wishes nor comments of the other players. Thank you.

Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace)


#125 [en] 

[Edit] Deleted because out of topic.
Please only add your own wishes for Ryzom in this topic, not commenting the wishes nor comments of the other players. Thank you.

Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace)


#126 Multilingüe 

[Edit] Deleted because related to a deleted post.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace)

#127 [fr] 

It reminds me that I would like to see something else.

Remove the possibility of untagged homins to heal the tagged one ! (and remove inter-faction heal too with exception made for rangers as one of their purpose is to help hominity regardless faction).
+1 for the first part; the second part should be left for the conscience of the homin.


#128 [fr] 

Second part, is a personal wish I have (and I have never think more about it as it will be anyway harmful to the basis of the players interactions).

#129 Multilingüe 

Let anyone in team invite to team.


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