
#1 Report | Quote[en] 

It has happened several times recently, that articles have been moved to an other thread.

One of the nasty byproducts of such moving is that references to them from other posts do not work anymore. One example are the imperial decrees about the cities in desert which have vanished to some place unknown to me so that even event guide hints like are broken (same with ).

I would like to know where these posts can be found now, and whether there are technical solutions to prevent such occurrences. I am aware that it is some effort for admins to Control for link integrity in longer threads. Maybe some place for announcement of such measures (e.g. Thread xx moved to yy ) would be helpful.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Could probably track changes in an internal lookup table, but only for future moves.

I want post #123, the system looks in the moved table, post not found, it must be in its original place. Post #123 is delivered to the user.

... someone moves post #123 and it becomes post #777 the lucky one. The system will add an entry:

#123 = #777

If I now want post #123, the system looks into the table, post is found, new id is #777. Post #777 is delivered to the user.

... someone moves post #777 and it becomes post #888. Another entry is added:

#123 = #777
#777 = #888

If I now want post #123, the system looks into the table, post is found, new id is #777. To make sure this post is valid, the system continues to look the posts up, until it is not in the list anymore. The second lookup will point it to #888 and the third returns a "not found".

So post #888 is delivered to the user.

It is some work, but I believe it is a very elegant solution for the future. Just add:
- old_id and new_id when a post is moved
- recursive id lookup before a post is delivered to the user


PS: Could also replace the new_id #777 with #888 if another move happens, this would save space and remove the recursive lookup.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Arcueid (7 years ago)


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