
#1 Multilingual 

Hello atysian folks,

We are at a point where low lvl (well under 250 to be clear) OP mats are useless, especially when now tool mats must match the level of the craft you want.
So my question is why not allow combination of same low lvl mats to "upgrade" them?

2 armilo 50 -> 1 armilo 100
2 armilo 100 -> 1 armilo 150 and so on...

Or simply addition the values. There can be many solutions.

So it would make the OP mats interresting (again) and not completely useless to those who stack tons of useless mats from low lvl OPs.

I must admit I did not read all the posts i missed so sry if it has already been submitted.

Thx for reading and happy to be back after 1 year ;)

Cya IG

Last edited by Sammaelle (7 years ago)


#2 [de] 

ja das wäre eine tolle Idee für ein neues Handwerk ^^

oder eine Idee für einen NPC für Gildenhallen, der einen gegen Dapper und zb 2 q50 Op Materialien daraus ein q100 baut. usw.

im Gegenzug, könnte man dann auch zb 1 q250 material zb dann auch in 2 q200 umtauschen, das dann aber kostenlos ^^

Beispiel der Auswahl beim NPC:

1. 2x q50 + dapper ---> 1x q100
2. 2x q100 + dapper ---> 1x q150
3. 2x q150 + dapper ---> 1x q200
4. 2x q200 + dapper ---> 1x q250

5. 1x q250 ---> 2x q200
6. 1x q200 ---> 2x q150
7. 1x q150 ---> 2x q100
8. 1x q100 ---> 2x q50

Dieser NPC Kann dann von Gilden vielleicht für Gildenpunkte (Permanent) oder Dapper (Zeitlich) Gemietet werden. Und steht dann in der Gildenhalle für 10, 20, oder 30 Tage.

der NPC könnte dann zb. Außenposten-Material-Veredeler, Außenposten-Material-Handwerker oder Außenposten-Material-Schmied heißen.


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#3 [en] 

I can definitely imagine this being a Tryker invention, throw 3 of equal quality mats into the machine get 1 upgraded one out- 2 of the mats are the material for the output 1 is fuel or payment for the machine. My idea of 3 would mean it would take 81 q50 mats to make one q250- so q250 mats would not become too abundant. Teenah's 2 mats per upgrade would mean going from q50 to q250 would cost 16 q50s which might be too easy. I guess it could also get more inefficient as you go up: 2 for q50, 3 for q100, 4 for q150, and 5 for upgrading q200 to q250. That would make going from q50 to q250 cost 120 q50s.

#4 [en] 

I'd also suggest a chance for degrade and (or) material loss being implemented. Making the process a new dapper sink is good as well.


"People let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say "So what". That's one of my favorite things to say. "So what". - Andy Warhol.

#5 [de] 

das mit den 3 um eins höher raus zubekommen, fände ich am besten. :) aber auch dapper kosten sollten dabei sein, das würde wiederum eine sinnvollere dapper Ausgabe bedeuten als am Glücksrad zu spielen ^^, und somit auch wieder dapper im wert steigern ;)


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#6 [en] 

Thx for answering, i thought bout an exchange option we could add to Big Trepan / Tree-Bore crafters or create an NPC that could replace the never-used-Fortunate Gubani NPC.


#7 [en] 

I wonder if this 'Quality Amplifier' could work on normal mats too? Turn 5 q200 Zun into 1 q250 Zun? would make lower level PR regions a bit more interesting. Or even with looted mats, turn 5 q210 gubani nails into 1 q260? Maybe even working with xp catz?

Yeah Kim, maybe there is a chance of reduced number of output or increased, so you must put in mats for 2 outputs, but you actually could get between 1-3 back.... So put in 10 q200 zun and get back 1-3 q250s. Could also pay with dappers, gubani tokens or whatever :)

#8 [en] 

I know that I suggested something like this *mumble* years ago, with options like degrade, an "occupation" that you needed to study for, etc.

As it is, OP's of q150 and q200 do give q250 OP mats on occasion, but the q50 and q100 OP's are currently pretty much useless.

I would *NOT* want to see this applied to harvested and looted mats.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#9 Multilingual 

Yes this is a suggestion to put those low lvl OP mats back in the system, and OP mats only. Would not like to make possible the upgrade of looted/digged mats as well.


#10 [de] 

das verbessern vom Geerntetem material, fände ich auch nicht so sinnvoll.

man könnte dadurch zb unendlich viel sup zun aus länder exe material herstellen!!!

sicher es gibt nur sehr wenig sup zun in den roots, aber das finde ich grade wichtig das diese sup materialien selten und wertvoll bleiben.

durch das aufwerten können der kleinen OP Materialien werden die op Materialien nicht wertloser finde ich.

jetzt muss man sich überlegen, was ist schlimmer...
wenn jeder mit einer OP Waffe rumlaufen kann, die höchstwahrscheinlich nur aus exe material dann überwiegend ist, oder jeder nur noch sup material als Standart ansieht mhmmm....

ich fände das 2te schlechter.

wenn es so etwas geben sollte, wie aufwerten von Materialien, dann würde ich meinen 10 oder sogar 20 einsetzen um 5% Chance zu bekommen das 1 rauskommt, was 1 stufe höher kommt.
und es sollte nicht mit Ledermaterial möglich sein (Nur Roots), weil dieses Länder material von sehr fleißigen Harvestern tonnenweise in exe geerntet werden kann in kurzer zeit! ;)

über die Kostenfrage will ich mich jetzt nicht dazu äußern. das muss abgewogen werden


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#11 [en] 

Would not like to make possible the upgrade of looted/digged mats as well.


Choice+ loot mats and Exe/Sup dug mats are scarce for very valid reasons. They should remain hard to get. As for upgrading the Q of dug mats, I feel it better to just spend the time/effort to master a dig or five and get your q250 mats that way.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#12 [en] 

Back to the main thought on the thread, I Agree 100%.
My thoughts are 2XQ50=1 Q100, 3Xq50=Q150 mat, 4XQ50=200 and so on. makes the OPs worth something!

#13 [en] 

Good idea but I think the quantity proposed here to get to higher level is too cheap.

If it's expensive (or more complicated, for example with risk of failure) the alchemy process could be extended to normal materials. Could be interesting to create new recipes with loot materials that are otherwise too low for HL players.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#14 [en] 

I'm __strongly__ against this !

Because, all of you need q250 gears you want to be able to use multiple q50…

If you really want q250, you can attack a q250 outpost !

If q50; q100; q150; q200 are so useless, leave it to any guild for who it'll be useful.


#15 [en] 

This has been suggested over and over again since the days OPs were 1st introduced.  This is the 1st time I seen it w/ dapper tho and that is a wrinkle Id rather see avoided.  The problem remains that the value of the 50 - 150 OPs is such that when a guild who owns one isn't playing enough or no longer sees value in holding it, it is actually hard to give it away.  The main reason the 200s have value is that once and a while they will pop a 250 mat.

I started a thread many years ago and IIRC suggested something like 5x QL 50 = 100QL and so on ... yoiud need 625 QL50s to make a 250 at that rate.  So maybe its a bit steep ... but it shouldn't be 10 or 20.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (7 years ago)


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