
#22 [en] 

If we are going by alliances, it would behoove both kara and kami to allow rangers to use their TPs, maybe for a higher cost, but still allow.

After all if I recall what I have read correctly, the story is rangers' primary concern is homins vs kitin, and rarely if ever take sides. When they do, they will side in a homin disagreement, it tends to take side to balance power or gross injustice.

It benefits both to have rangers to keep the other side in check.

I do know this will never happen.

#23 [en] 

If we are going by alliances, it would behoove both kara and kami to allow rangers to use their TPs, maybe for a higher cost, but still allow.

After all if I recall what I have read correctly, the story is rangers' primary concern is homins vs kitin, and rarely if ever take sides. When they do, they will side in a homin disagreement, it tends to take side to balance power or gross injustice.

It benefits both to have rangers to keep the other side in check.

I do know this will never happen.

This would be cool and sounds like fun, however, Then everyone in the game would like to become a Ranger and that would not be very much fun either imo :/

#24 [en] 

Daomei has stated the position that Wuaoi (our instructor) has repeated many times. The Rangers, as Rangers, do not take sides in conflicts between religions or Nations. They are neutral in those cases.

Wuaoi has also stated definitively, to the consternation of some who are anti-PvP, that OP battles, being guild-related and not a matter (in theory) of Nation or Religion may be participated in or not as the Ranger Aspirant feels is necessary or desirable. Of course if it becomes obvious that a Ranger is siding not on a Guild side but a religion or nation, they will have to be comfortable in justifying that.

The Rangers were founded to combat the kitins, and that still remains a focus of the group, but ever since the foundation of Silan have more and more acted as "honest brokers" when Nations and Religions have to meet in neutral circumstances to address problems.

As for Prime Roots and Paths (not tp's -- you can't rez to them and they have no safe zone unlike real tp's), we are waiting with some greater or lesser degree of patience for the Ranger Rite and access to PR paths. However, I have been playing true Neutral since the Second Swarming, and I regularly hunt in PR. (I also re-sole my boots every year.) It can be done. It may not be convenient, but it can be done.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#25 [en] 

It seems to me that the simplest solution is more Kitin involvement. It's been too long since Kitins were much more than a navigational hazard (KP) or good XP for near-masters (Great Kincher). That lack of a common enemy relegates Rangers to RP-only and makes Kami and Karavan go at each other just for fun. About the only ones not suffering are Marauders since they're inherently out to fight anything or anyone, homin or not.

We need a box of Kitins!


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#26 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch
Fully agree with Gidget. Ryzom needs a big Kitin event at least once or twice a year.

Years ago, after server merge, I sent a concept for half-yearly or quarterly kitin events on national or regional level. Would be nice if the event team remembers this draft somewhere in their archive.

#27 [en] 

Nothing improves a platoon's cohesiveness than a good shelling...

It would be tragic if Kitins suddenly attacked a capital and Rangers had to rally everyone...

Jus' sayin' . . .

#28 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch
With my suggestion for more Kitin events I referred to the entire player community. Ryzom needs more big PvE action events for all.

#29 [fr] 

Et la guerre des temples, on nous l'avait promis le retour de la guerre des temples ......

#30 [en] 

It seems to me that the simplest solution is more Kitin involvement. We need a box of Kitins!



#31 [de] 

das wieder mehr kitin atacken kommen wäre eine gute Möglichkeit, meine liebste zeit wo auch der Zusammenhalt aller Factionen gegeben war war noch auf leanon, das haloween event, wo es die Wächter titel gab.

atys war nahezu überflutet von ihnen, kaum jemand konnte vor die Stadttore treten ohen Geleitschutz um die 50ger quellen zu graben.

Grosse schwärme bedrohten die hauptstädte, und töteten sogar zum teil die NPC ^^

gut es gab zu der zeit nur 3 Möglichkeiten, neutral kami oder karavan zu sein, dennoch sind sie über ihren schatten gesprungen, haben ihre Diskrepanzen begraben und sind gemeinsam gegen ihren feind getreten.

sicherlich war dieses event eine schlimme zeit für neue und kleine spieler, die wirklich nicht aleine mehr vor die tür konnten, doch etwas überlegt die horden von kitins gesetzt würde dieses Problem schon beseitigen.

RP hin oder her, schaut auf die reale welt. was würde passieren wenn die existenz aller bedroht sein würde? würden die Länder engstirnig auf ihre Meinung beharren? oder würden sie plötzlich mit den angeblichen feinden, zusammen seite an seite stehen?
viele müssen dann RP technisch sehr weit über ihren schatten springen, aber je ehr sie das lernen, je ehr wird es eine neue Spielqualität geben.

ein kluger man sagte eins: verbünde dich mit den feinden deiner feinde, oder mach die feinde deines feindes zu deinen freunden. sobald alle ein gemeinsames feindesbild besitzen, erst dann wird es möglich sein diese Bedrohung zu besiegen.
doch der feind in dir selbst, ist dein größter feind vergesst das nie!

soh jetzt dürft ihr mich zerfleichen ^^ ... ok Lollis gehn aber auch ^^


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#32 [de] 

Naja, wir stehen in der realen Welt vor einer gemeinsamen Bedrohung, die Klimaerwärmung, arbeiten wir deshalb etwa zusammen? :P

Davon abgesehen bin ich mit dir einverstanden ^^


#33 [de] 

Wären die menschen nicht von Natur aus so faul, würden alles auf den nächsten tag schieben, würde die Welt nicht von Bürokratie geführt und vom Finanzwesen... dann würde ich sagen ja ^^

da es aber nicht der Fall ist, die Gefahr nicht als sonderlich akut weil, hat ja noch zeit definiert wird ^^ hast du recht ^^

ich ging jetzt auch mehr von einer art Angriff akuter massen, außerhalb von uns aus ^^, nicht von einer langsamen fortschleichenden von innen ;)


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#34 [en] 

I am new to Ryzom but I intend to stay here for a long time.

I am attracted to Ryzom because of it's complexity.

To get 15 Million Players it seems to me that we would need to dumb Ryzom down to the point that no choices and you can access all of the controls on a gamepad.

If we retain the complexity we might just have to rely on a smaller (more dedicated) player base.

It does seem strange to me that people are saying that the Religion of the Guild does not affect the Guild Members Religious activities, If I join a guild that follows the Kami religion then why should I be allowed to use Kara (only) TP's and vice versa. We can't remove existing entitlements or perks without angering some players however by adding some new (Religion based) perks that are only available to guilds that follow a specific religion we could make the choice of religion less trivial.

When any race with a high level of technology comes to lands populated by people with a lower level of technology there is invariably some hidden agendas and areas of conflict (on earth this often results in the subjugation of the peoples with the lower level of tech). The Kara will no doubt have some hidden agendas and will not be telling us everything that they are doing. Whilst they might help to fight kitin incursions their experimentation and extraction technologies are actually causing the increased kitin presence.

When missionaries from an advanced civilisation come to a less advanced country they come bearing gifts and promises however their converts often loose things that are precious to them. The Kami have not told us that they will control our population in order to maintain balance and prevent Kitin incursions.

We can join one of three "factions" :
1/ Guild with pro Kara "religion" , the guild gets free "extraction" crystals from the Kara, use of these crystals doubles focus generation and raises the effectiveness of a user's forage skill by 20 points for 1 hour however it offends the Kami by ten points per crystal.
Plus light armour "head covers" that provide 25% protection (no maximum absorption ) and 5% HP generation. Use of this armour offends the Kami by 10 points per hour (or part thereof) This Armor degrades by 10% per day after being removed from the guild storage. The "head cover" is free after making a 10,000 dapper donation.

2/ Guild with pro kami "religion", the guild gets light armour "head covers" that provide 25% protection (no maximum absorption ) and 5% sap generation. Use of this armour offends the Kara by 10 points per hour (or part thereof). This Armor degrades by 5% per day after being removed from the guild storage. The "head cover" is free after making a 10,000 dapper donation.

3/ Guild not aligned to Kami or Kara get
free "ATYS for ATYSANS" Heavy Armor vests (AKA the Ned Kelly) that provide 25% protection (no maximum absorption ) 10% HP generation and a 25% speed boost. Use of this armour offends both Kara and Kami by 10 points per hour (or part thereof) This Armor degrades by 10% per day after being removed from the guild storage.
Plus free Light Armor vests that provide 25% protection (no maximum absorption ) 5% HP and sap generation and a 25% speed boost. Use of this armour offends neither faction. This Armor degrades by 10% per day after being removed from the guild storage.

Kitin incursions will increase if more people use Kara gear because of the increased experiments conducted by the kara due to the additional "donations" to the kara.

Kitin incursions will decrease if more people use Kami gear because the kami use the additional "donations" to fund secret "focus mirrors" that drive forage resources back into the centre of the planet. Unfortunately this results in reduced forage yields for homins.

I just took a stab in the dark with the % protection and sap and HP regeneration, perhaps more experienced players could "fine tune" the percentages.

#35 [en] 

Hmmm.. Some interesting stuff there, Nubios, but it ignores two other factions already in game: Marauders and Rangers  (making a total of five possible orientations: Kami, Kara, Marauder, Ranger and "don't give a fart").  Basing player goodies on Guild alignment allows unaligned players to have goodies, since neutral players can be members of either type of Guild. (Think of them as homins that go to church on Sundays but have not yet been baptized/"reborn") If something like this is to be done there needs to be additional restrictions on Player alignment.

I admire (and applaud) your effort to include complexity in your suggestion.

As a person (and toon) who has (have?) been waiting for Ranger status to be a "thing" for four years, I would expect this to be done in five to eight years even if enthusiastically endorsed by the development teams.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#36 [en] 

A lot of good thoughts there, Nubios. There is one thing I would like to shed a little light on though.
It does seem strange to me that people are saying that the Religion of the Guild does not affect the Guild Members Religious activities, If I join a guild that follows the Kami religion then why should I be allowed to use Kara (only) TP's and vice versa. We can't remove existing entitlements or perks without angering some players however by adding some new (Religion based) perks that are only available to guilds that follow a specific religion we could make the choice of religion less trivial.

The larger a particular population, the less homogenous it is. Rift Walkers is a fairly large guild and thus more diverse than smaller guilds. While RW itself is Karavan, not all Rift Walkers are Karavan; we have a fair number of neutrals in our ranks as well. Not just those who have yet to raise their Karavan fame to a level sufficient to align, but some who have made a conscious decision to remain religiously neutral.

Why should neutral/Agnostic members of a guild that is officially aligned to one of the powers be penalized? When you give a homin a choice between religious conversion or leaving their friends, you will create problems. Considering that one must be Kami, Karavan, or Marauder to get to PR without having to trek, agnosticism is arguably the hardest path to travel, so why make it even harder?

I like your idea of faction-specific perks, but I feel that they should be based on the homin's alignment rather than that of their guild. I would like to be Neutral and get comparable perks to Rangers, but I refuse to leave Rift Walkers to do so. I don't like having religion shoved down my throat IRL, so why would I approve of that in an MMO?


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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