Lore и Хроники


#1 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Français | English | Deutsch | Español

Reproduction, gestation and childhood

Q: Are there children on Atys ? Why can’t we see them ?
A: Yes, the homins do reproduce and have children. They are not visible in game because the 3D models don’t exist for the moment.

Q: How long is a pregnancy on Atys ?
A: The average gestation lasts three Atysian cycles, or thirty-six Atysian months.
This duration corresponds to three quarters of a Jena year. Three Atysian cycles last about 54 days IRL.

Q: Is there some profession specialized in supervision of pregnancy and delivery ?
A: Yes. The pregnant hominas have access to these services unless they find themselves isolated, far from cities.

Q: What about half-caste children ? Is there a rule ?
A: Concerning this, there is a probability rule that players can use to determine the race of a half-caste child to come :
A child from a Zoraï parent and a Matis one has nine chances out of ten to be a Matis versus one out of ten to be a Zoraï.
A child from a Tryker parent and a Matis one has a six out of seven chance to be a Matis versus one out of seven to be a Tryker.
A child from a Zoraï parent and a Fyros one has a six out of seven chance to be a Fyros versus one out of seven to be a Zoraï.
A child from a Fyros parent and a Matis one has a four out of five chance to be a Matis versus one out of five to be a Fyros.
A child from a Zoraï parent and a Tryker one has a four out of five chance to be a Tryker versus one out of five to be a Zoraï.
A child from a Fyros parent and a Tryker one has a four out of five chance to be a Fyros versus one out of five to be a Tryker.

Q: Are the children going to school ?
A: Yes, in all fyros, matis and zoraï cities, children have a common education. Zoraï schools are under the authority of the Temple of Knowledge. Fyros schools are dependent on the Imperial Academy. Matis schools are managed by the Royal College. On the other hand, the Trykers don't have any formal school and children's education is provided by their family or possibly by a mentor.

Q: Do Zoraï children have a mask ?
A: No. They only gain their mask during their adoption ceremony which marks their transition to adulthood. This rite doesn’t occur at a fixed age. Some Zoraï children are ready earlier than others.

Q: At what age is the onset of puberty ?
A: The age at which a child goes through puberty and changes to become an adult varies from one individual to another.

Q: Does menopause exist on Atys ? At what age does it happen ?
A: Menopause (and andropause) exist but may occur more or less early varying from one individual to another.

Q: What about the fertility cycle for hominas ?
A: The fertility cycle doesn’t occur monthly but on a seasonal cycle. There are then 16 fertility cycles during a Jena’s year (as there is four seasons for each of the four atysian cycles of a Jena’s year).

Discussion around Lore F.A.Q.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Tamarea (8 лет назад)

#2 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Français | English | Deutsch | Español

Homin physiology

Q: What colour is the sap of homins?
A: When a homin cuts himself, a red fluid flows out of him: blood. There is no other fluid of green colour or other. Sap is their blood, often named so because of this predominantly plant world.
However homins also designate by the word "sap" something which is tangible, though invisible, and which magic practitioners know well. Some claim that it is this same sap which determines the race of a homin.

Q: Do resurrections erase scars and amputations?
A: By nature, homins have considerable regenerative ability, simply by resting. The resurrection, just like the healing magic, erases any wound which immediately preceded it. However, if a homin being is recovering from a serious injury slowly, the after-effects will be "part of him", and will be retained in subsequent resurrections.

Q: Apart from the variations of natural resistances to magic, are there other differences between homin races?
A: The differences are mainly cultural. For example the Fyros were the only ones to cook their food and eat meat. The Trykers ate a lot of fish, while the Matis and Zoraï ate insects.
But during the time of the Exodus, after the first Great Swarming, when most of the surviving homins lived in a close confinement, differences between them lessened, out of necessity and also curiosity.
The Lore texts sometimes evoke physical differences or competences according to the race: the warrior Fyros, the magician Zoraï, etc. One can also find these traits in the way in which the four tutors of Silan are embodied. But the gameplay choices put everyone on a par.

Q: Does the death penalty make sense in roleplaying?
A: It is a particular trauma left by the process of resurrection. It does not affect the body physically (once treated homin beings finds themselves in possession of all their capacities) but it temporarily inhibits their ability to learn, as if they first have to "resynchronize" themselves with their bodies.

Q: Are the Zoraï masks fused to the skull or only hooked to the muscles and skin and of what material are they made?
A: The Zoraï mask is inseparable from the skull at the forehead, but covers the face below like the nail covers the tip of the finger.
The mask is made of organic tissue, bone and cartilage.

Q: In what situation is a Goo infection definitely fatal?
A: Dying from Goo contamination implies a definitive alteration to the Seed of Life and therefore the impossibility of resurrection. Absolutely lethal (without the possibility of resurrection) are the ingestion and injection of Goo. On the other hand, as long as one has not reached the final stage of the disease, an infected homin being can have access to resurrection if, for example, he is killed by a predator or an enemy. However, do not trust in the longevity of Supplice or Lenja (characters of the Zoraï rite) or even Pei-Ruz, to deduce that one can live long while being contaminated. This is not the case! Supplice is a totally unique case that we absolutely can not use to generalize. Normally, contamination causes death much more quickly. That said, we will not risk to specify a time limit that would certainly be too restrictive for you. Just keep in mind that you will not survive such an infection for very long.

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