
#16 [en] 

I don't think its giving in to mediocrity or the status quo, just realistically most Ideas for Ryzom are not accepted. So we would have to present a really good reason for the dev team to even consider it.

There are advantages to the idea you propose:

a) People won't be logged on to the server but afk for hours as much (server population management, like I mentioned earlier)

b) Players that play less frequently or often but just for an hour or two are at less of a disadvantage to those with many hours to play. (since part of the game is competitive or requires higher levels this might be a valid concern)

c) Ryzom's current level system is a bit of a grind and could occupy many hours of individuals that have addictive personalities (giving a bonus xp for taking a break can reduce this effect)

In Ryzom I imagine it would look like- if you are logged out for 2hrs (or maybe just once per day?) when you return you get +100% of base xp for the first 20 minutes? So F2p it would be like a set of xp catz, for paid you would get 3x base xp for that limited amount of time.

I'm not saying I'm 100% for this, but at mid-range levels you can get what, 4 levels in 20 minutes? So if 4 levels becomes 6 for a short amount of time I don't think it is Atys shattering. Which actually raises the question of if it is even worth the effort then, if a person might get only a couple more levels daily?

#17 [fr] 

@Kyriann : ...Je sais pas si la nouvelle explication de Loved t'éclaire ? Pour résumé en français, quand tu relog, tes levels n'ont pas bougés d'un iota, mais tu bénéficies de gain d'expérience supplémentaire sur chaque action qui t'en donne habituellement, et ce temporairement puisque le réservoir d'xp supplémentaire s'épuise à mesure. Quand tu es offline, ce réservoir se remplie doucement, jusqu'à une certaine limite...

C'est le même principe que dans lotro, qui même s'il ne remue pas des montagnes est appréciable (pendant qque minutes vu que c'est peu ^^) mais parfois suffisant pour faire un quart de lvl manquant ?

Voir ici :


#18 [fr] 

Merci Zendae, je n'avais pas compris cela
Dans ces conditions bien sur c'est intéressant.


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#19 [en] 

Thank you for the clarification, Loved. Putting numbers to it (even if they are made up with no attempt at balance) makes it easier to understand. I still don't see the need for it, but I'm a strange duck anyway.

The devil, of course, is in the details, i.e. in making up a set of numbers that does not penalize the person who stays online for 12 hrs. per day, but gives some incentive to the person who can only get online for an hour every other day except weekends. The number also need to *encourage* paid low-activity players by giving them a substantial advantage over unpaid players with the same low level of activity.

In the end it would depend on the actual numbers whether I would support this or oppose it.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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