
#1 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français | Deutsch
Thesos strategos, Ibiritis Ibirus, was furious, and Gramald Xarius, member of the Imperial Academy in charge of the plans for Thesos fortifications, couldn't understand why.
"It's scandalous! Outrageous! An intolerable breach against Discipline! How could a celiakos break one of the Pilars like this?
"The celiakos thought he was doing right..."
"He thought? Thesos defense falls under MY responsibility!"
Thesos celiakos Ibiphan Dynix, decided it was time for him to take part, calmly but coldly.
"sharük defense falls under the responsibility of all Patriots. sharükos was very clear on this."
Ibiritis opened her mouth but the celiakos didn't let her resume her protests.
"I acknowledge that I should have invited you to this assembly when Gramald told me he wanted to talk to the Patriots. It was surely to speak about the Empire's Shield. I apologise for this oversight of mine, and of course I will let you continue from here." The celiakos managed to keep his voice neutral. But nothing more. "But I won't apologize for responding to the Patriots requests. They made immense efforts to retake their place in the Empire. It would be a treason to sharükos Honor if I wasn't available to them."
The two homins faced each other for a few moments. Gramald Xarius stepped into the heavy silence.
"So? Who'll let the Patriots know about the tower?"
Ibiphan gave a minimalist nod to the strategos but she was already answering in a biting tone: "I'll do it, of course."
Announcement stuck up in all of the Cities of the Empire
The Patriots and inhabitants of the Desert are called at the Thesos Citadel on 20h - Prima, Thermis 25, 3rd AC 2590(*). I willl inform you about the conclusions of Gramald Xarius' study of the first steps of Thesos fortifications.

sharükos pyrèkud !
Ibiritis Ibirus, Thesos strategos

[OOC] (*)Пятница, 11 Ноября 2016 20:00:00 UTC (8 лет назад) [/OOC]

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Tamarea (7 лет назад)

#2 [fr] 

Naema giggles.

Inside herself, her Matis superiority to Fyros imperialism attitudes made for some humor to her.

Then she snaps back to reality, she is a Ranger after all, so she has to be nice to all... or is she?

Her familial roots rise to the surface again and she giggles at some 'Pillar' broken? What pillar? In her mind it should have been broken along time ago then if they are setting up a shield against the Matis kingdom.

She hides her anger at what they did to the forest in Hidden springs, nothing but a burnt out wasteland now with a hiding camp for marauders. Some day, she says......grrrrr!

~she just hopes this 'broken pilar' sets back their ambitions and delays any action for now..

#3 [de] 

*Yzam adressé à Ibiritis Ibirus, Strategos de Thesos*

Je vous adresse cet Yzam pour vous informer que la campagne de récolte des matières premières requises par l'Acamedie de Pyr à été menée à son terme.

Les Patriotes de Thesos se tiennent à votre disposition pour les prochaines étapes de l'édification du Bouclier de l'Empire.


Achilleos, Akenak de Thesos.


<< Achilleos - Akenak de Thesos >>

#4 Многоязычный 

Удалено Ghost of Atys (8 лет назад) | Причина: The event is removed for technical reasons. The post will be reactived when all will be ready.

#5 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Deutsch | Français
Message sent to all Patriots and Desert inhabitants:
oren pyr,

The patriots of Thesos and the whole sharük are invited to come to witness the topping off ceremony for the framework of the first Thesos Defense Tower. Please meet us at the Fortress of Thesos at 20h - Quinteth, Pluvia 5, 1st AC 2591 (*).
Your contributions of materials have made this possible.

Thesos strategos Iribitus
Academy Member Gramald Xarius

(*) [OOC] Четверг, 22 Декабря 2016 20:00:00 UTC (8 лет назад).
This will be a very short event to examine and talk about the building progress.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (8 лет назад)

#6 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français
[OOC] We have postponed the event from 16th december to 3rd january for technical reasons. We apologize for the inconvenience. [/OOC]

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost Of Atys (8 лет назад)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#7 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Français | English | [Deutsch]
Lykos haute auf den Tisch.
“Ich glaube die Frist, die ich gab, war klar genug!”
Gramald Xarius biss sich bei dem bitteren Ton des Imperators auf die Zunge. Bei jedem Anderen hätte er eine spitzfindige Antwort gegeben. Doch hier war es der Sharükos. Und er musste sich zugestehen, dass er sehr weit zum ursprünglich befohlenem Termin in Verzug gewesen ist. Wenn es doch nur einen klaren Verantwortlichen gegeben hätte … ! Aber nein; es waren viele Kleinigkeiten, die alles verzögerten. Letzten Endes wurde das Schild des Imperiums vier Jahre später auf einen einzigen Turm reduziert. Und nun nur noch auf einen Prototypen.
“Wer auch immer dafür verantwortlich ist, ich befehlige die sofortige Rücksendung! Und ich werde keine weitere Verzögerung bei der Durchführung meiner Befehle tolerieren! Ist das klar?
-Vollkommen klar, Sharükos.”
Lykos geht energisch einige Schritte bis hinter seinen Schreibtisch. Vermutlich um den Überschuss an Zorn zu vertreiben. Dann kam er wieder zurück an seinen Platz, ein wenig ruhiger.
“Zumindest ist dieser Turm nun fertig. Rufe alle, die daran teilnahmen, zusammen… die kompetenten. Und organisiere dessen Einweihung so bald wie möglich.”
Kurz danach wurde dieses Poster in den Städten des Imperiums angeschlagen
Malos und Einwohner der Wüste,

Der erste Turm des Schildes des Imperiums ist nun fertiggestellt. Der Sharükos wird ihn höchst persönlich einweihen.
All jene, die an der Unternehmung teilnahmen, kommt und begrüßt ihn am 20h - Quinteth, Thermis 5, 4th AC 2591 (*) an der Zitadelle in Thesos.

sharük pyrèkud!

Gramald Xarius
Kammer der Ehre
Imperiale Akademie

(*) [OOC]Am Среда, 8 Февраля 2017 20:00:00 UTC (8 лет назад).

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Takiito (8 лет назад) | Причина: Revision of DE text

#8 [fr] 

Any chance that when you run these events we can get a transcript of them? Some of us can't make the times that events are run and I would have liked to have been aware of how to take part in this one. Didn't even know it had started following the original postponement.


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.

#9 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français
Report of the assembly of the akenak - 5h - Holeth, Floris 30, 4th AC -6536 (*)

After the attack on Thesos by the Marauders, Emperor Lykos ordered the construction of new towers, some of which were connected to each other.

Messedos Syagrus therefore asks the Patriots, inhabitants and friends of the sharük to help him gather the materials necessary for the construction of a second tower. It will then be necessary to connect the first two towers together by a wall.

Messedos Syagris

oren pyr,

sharükos wants to see the rapid rise of other defence towers in Thesos, connected by a wall. For that, I need your help! Drillers, hunters, I need you to gather the materials needed to build a second tower! Then we will start the construction of the wall!

Here is a list of the resources needed:
- 20,000 units of wood (motega, abhaya, tama) (Q200+)

- 4000 sap units (visc, silverweed) (Q200+)
12,000 units of oil (all desert type) (Q200+)
- 4000 varinx ligaments (Q150+)
200 timari skins (Q150+)

The Master Craftsman Aernodon Apotis stands ready to collect the 
materials at the top of the path leading to the Fortress of Thesos.

sharükos pyrèkud!

(*) [OOC] Понедельник, 27 Ноября 2017 00:00:00 UTC (7 лет назад) [/OOC]

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (7 лет назад)

#10 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Deutsch | Français | English

[The Empire’s Shield] Building (2018-05-04)

Message sent to all Patriots, Desert inhabitants and friends of Empire:
oren pyr,

Patriots, Desert inhabitants and friends of the Empire are invited to come and witness the final stage of the construction of the first watchtowers set of Thesos. Please meet us at the Fortress of Thesos at 0h - Quinteth, Thermis 5, 1st AC 2598 (*).
Your contributions of materials have made this possible.

Iribitus Ibirus, Thesos strategist
Gramald Xarius, Imperial Academist, Chamber of Honor

(*) [OOC]
Пятница, 4 Мая 2018 19:00:00 UTC (7 лет назад).
This event will have a PvP action part.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (7 лет назад)

#11 [fr] 

And here i was thinking Towers would be associated with Kitin Invasion
... major disppointment ...   :(


#12 [en] 

FF? You *want* the Kitins to invade???


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#13 [fr] 

Of course .... Kitin Invasions were the best part of my experiences on Ryzom. In fact, as an engineer, it was the initial leaks about ryzom's "building" feature set that 1st attracted me to Ryzom

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (7 лет назад)


Last visit Вторник, 10 Декабря 12:08:13 UTC

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