

#16 [en] 

Dont assume that the only people who have been cheating in the race are the ones with unrealistic times. Also you should keep in mind that the term "cheating" is subjective as I have applied it to this event based on my interpretation of the spirit of the event. This event will be over soon and the game will go back to normal. I suggest that if you want action you can a) ticket about it and hope something is done or b) volunteer your help in planning and running future events as a part of the event team.

This game is moderated by volunteers and the events are planned and executed by volunteers. Be the change you want to see in the game.


#17 [en] 

Please do not put words in my mouth. I gave an example of a possible outcome not a statement of fact.

A fews quick Points to consider.
1) If you free your mount, you abbandon the race
2) If you teleport, you abandon the race
3) If you used speed eggs or speed up, you abbandon the race

 Whether the Fact that  other server/client events don't trigger a forced abandonment of the race may be due the technical limitations ( shared code with allowed events for example) or oversight on the part of the event team. I believe most people do not go looking for ways to circumvent rules either implied or clearly stated. And as such may overlook all but the most obvious exploits.

Continuing to utilize an exploit, and then seaming proud of such actions, to me, is sickening.


Gaurdian of the Kingdom
Guild Leader of Spears of Eora

#18 [en] 

I didnt go looking for ways to to circumvent anything so clearly you are the one putting words in my mouth. I simply saw the terms of the race being changed by some competitors and decided to meet the new terms, with full transparency of my actions. Yes I am proud of my actions. Without my actions you would have no idea what has been going on in this race. Without my actions the cheaters would go unchallenged and continue to claim they won fair and square. While you and your friends choose to sit back and complain and expect someone will intervene on your behalf, talk about quitting the game and ridiculously misdirect your anger at me for bringing this all out into the open, I choose to act and give everyone else the opportunity to do the same.

Honestly you really think it would have been right and fair for me to sit back with you guys whining about the cheating and then crack the shits when nothing is done about it after the race and the cheaters are praising themselves? Please... Ive been playing too long.


#19 [en] 

Since civility appears to be rapidly degrading I try to will keep this short.

Nowere did I state you went looking for a, shall we say, extream short cut.......
however it was discovered.

 A couple of quotes from something all players should be adhearing to.

"III. Rules

1 - Exploits and use of third-party programs

The concept of "exploit" covers any use of a third-party program or a bug to gain an advantage over the other players. Exploits are forbidden and punishable by the Customer Support team, who has the right to decide the severity of the noticed exploit. On this subject, repeated offense is an aggravating factor.

If you notice a potential exploit, you should contact us using one of the means mentioned above."

It is rash to assume that it has not been properly reported by others( Myself included, prior to your frst post in this thread).

I don't see how the "terms" of the race changed due to the actions of one or more other players not adhearing to the rules.

And I don't see how by you following suit revealed anything more about this issue. Making excuses for questionable actions aside, you do come across to me as rather arrogant. I never stated to anyone that I would quit playing based on this. And I am not angry, at you or anyone else at the end of the day it is a game.
Dissapointed yes, frustrated a little.

As one more point, I must have missed it, but since when has two wrongs ever made a right. Thats not the way I remember the saying.


Gaurdian of the Kingdom
Guild Leader of Spears of Eora

#20 [en] 

You have quoted a portion of the games terms of use and laboriously twisted it in an attempt to apply it as some sort of race rule and I am sorry but that is going to do you no good. I did not assume the issue of cheating in the race had not been reported. I asked Tiximei openly in uni if the issue of cheating was going to be addressed and made no secret about my intention to compete with those already cheating by racing on their own terms. Lastly the talk about quitting over this came from the tell I recieved from Ozwomen right at the same time as you started posting here. Basically mate, you completely missed the point here and if you dont like my actions you are quite welcome to get over it or go along with your guild leader to complain about it to the King at the next Matis assembly and see where that gets you. I come across to you as arrogant because I am bloody arrogant. I wont bother telling you how you and your mates come across to me.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Beeficus (8 years ago)


#21 [en] 

The odds of any player getting less than 1hr 10 minutes are extremely low. So when a player has a time around 1:14 and then their next run is around 1:09, you do have to ask- Did they manage to reduce each waypoint time and save 5 minutes total, or did they just die at Victoria Falls and respawn at Yrk and trade mounts with another toon...? With the waypoint time data it would be easy to spot any respawn jumps in the race, however I'm not certain WP times were recorded or that Event Team can access them...

Last edited by Placio (8 years ago) | Reason: grammar

#22 [en] 

First, I am not privy to any conversations between you and any other players, this is no more than hearsay and has little if any bearing on this thread.

From Post #20
....I did not assume the issue of cheating in the race had not been reported.....

From Post #18
.... Without my actions the cheaters would go unchallenged and continue to claim they won fair and square.....

The above seems contradictory. It would seem implied, at least, that no one but you saw the issue.

From Post #1

For the record my current time of 49:35 was done on 8 mektoub mounts using 5 alts positioned at 7 locations which took well over 2 hours and 3 Jim Beams to set up. If anyone from the event team would like more details in the interest of better preventing cheating in future mek race events please feel free to mail me, I am more than happy to help.

You are only allowed 4 simultaneous logins per IP at any given time, not six as the above implies. Much like your thread on being reported for this very act, it seems this does not apply to you. Ability to run 6 or 8 is not the question, it clearly states a set limit.

I did not try to twist the Code of Conduct. In real life laws are not suspended just because it is a holiday. Why would the rules govening play in a game be suspended during an event? Egging a house on Halloween is still vandalism and can be prosecuted.

Give that teleporting, freeing your mount, and speed modifying actions force abandoning of the race, taking advantage of other similar in game mechanics is a bug.


Gaurdian of the Kingdom
Guild Leader of Spears of Eora

#23 [en] 

Plac I think you are overlooking the fact that not all the runs are recorded. Marichia managed to improve her time by 5 minutes over the course of several days with dozens of runs. My time posted in the original screenshot at the start of this thread was achieved by running the race dozens of times and it was still not the best time i could achieve.

Here are the standings before the race ended

As for Ozwomen and Fateciy, I would like to know how you believe my actions affected the outcome for you guys in this race at all? Neither of you made the top 10 anyway and if there was no way to cheat in the race, you still wouldn't have.

For Nuno and Yenno, if your times were legit I apologise for implying otherwise. I dont believe it, but I have to admit the possibility that I am wrong. Yenno, all I can say to you about your apparently hurt feelings about being judged is: What goes around comes around.

For Niz lol out-cheating you was much harder than I expected it to be and I enjoyed the competition. Especially your hilarious attempt to stop me from beating your last time in ToT.

I really do feel for those people like Placio who tried their best and were either pushed out of the top 10 by cheaters or lost motivation to improve their times because of them. The point of this thread was to bring out into the open the blatant flaws in the event that made what I characterize as "cheating" easy. Again, if the event team would like to know some of the different ways to cheat that I noticed while running in the event and would like my advice on how to prevent it in the future I will be more than happy to help.

Last edited by Beeficus (8 years ago)


#24 [en] 

Fate, He didn't say he had 5 alts logged in at once. One additional Ryzom account would allow you to have 5 additional toons placed accross Atys and you could change characters as you approached each exchange.

#25 [en] 

Beef, as far as I know each completed run should be in the count as an attempt.

#26 [en] 

Not all the runs are completed, and some runs that arent completed were still counted as attempts. The attempts column really doesnt indicate much. I ran the race literally dozens of times and all on one toon.


#27 [en] 

Placio, eveyone is guilty of not seeing the forest for the trees from time to time. I assumed, based on other past threads it would be 6 at the same time. This was a mistake, stating oppinion and not fact with not supporting evidence.

Beeficus, not sure if what you did affected me directly, at the end I was just trying to beat Placio's time, a much more realistic goal:) But having said that, at the end I was in 12th, if (excluding you, you had a great time prior) the top 2, #2 and #3 had been unable to achieve those times without cheating I would have been #10( Or not more players may have praticipated, much like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie-Pop, the world may never know)


Gaurdian of the Kingdom
Guild Leader of Spears of Eora

#28 [en] 

I apologise for getting defensive, Fateciy. I cant really complain about taking some crap for my actions lol I asked for it by posting this in the first place. You are right we wont know what could have been.


#29 [en] 

All I have to say is ... way to go people.. way to ruin the fun for the part of the community that is honest... way to fix it so the event team has no choice but to remove events like this entirely because there is ALWAYS a hack out there willing to do just this. No I was not in the running to win, I ran once and didn't care to be the winner... I just wanted to complete it, but there are those who wanted an actual shot at it. I am saddened by it all.. so disappointed. Not that anyone actually cares. Just had to put my 2 cents in.


#30 [en] 

Why is this new this year, lol. People have been trading mounts for years to "win" this race. Maybe since fewer people are around this is a "new" issue. Always been the same. Good day

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