
#1 [en] 

Heyo there.

Dunno if it's the good spot to throw it, but have a suggestion.

When we are Marau , like -100 fame, it could be great if we can get a mission for get all 0 on all fames.

For exemple a mission we could only get 1 times per 2 or 3 mounths...

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
I think that this proposal should be moved to the ideas section. And I consider it not a too bad idea.

Only: Such a mission should not be too easy not to make the escape from the marauder situation a too easy task. It should be an interesting and carefully designed mission, with enough roleplay implications, not just a "kill that, collect this" boredom.

It might, for example, contain an expedition to all zinuakeen, to destroy the own crystal irrevocably. And that should be only one step.

just my .2 dappers.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Topic moved.

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 [en] 

Indeed a 'Repent Your Crimes' or "Make Amends' mission chain would be an interesting long mission (like sage missions are). However setting all to 0 from -100 would be a big change, maybe bring them up to -20ish?

#5 [en] 

can see this as a nice addition

but yes not a mission you do in an hour or so, a multi chain mission where you got to make amends with all races/kami/kara and maybe even rangers


#6 Multilingual 

I am 100% against it reseting fame to zero. I think that is just way too unbalanced in terms of other fame mechanics in the game.  Moreover, Marauder is meant to be hard, this would just make it easy as becoming Mara :(  However, a very challenging series of missions, like Daomei suggests, that reset fame to about -45, so homins could safely enter cities, would be fairer and more fun than the monotony of making homins killing bandits and hand in to NH.  But I think this should go with corresponding series of missions that let a homin drop all their fames -45 as a prelude to taking the rite (which REALLY needs fixing!).   I think if both sets of missions required a team to complete this would stop players being bored stupid when raising and dropping fame.  Grinding fame should be hard not boring.

*Hopes Mithian will soon be back in camp*


#7 [en] 

+1 a good idea and could make the Marauder faction seem, in a roundabout way, more a part of things.

I have a friend who is currently remaking fame to leave the Marauder life and I can only say this is too hard and boring at the moment.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#8 [en] 

I have seen many people leave the game instead of doing the road back from marauders, actually.

Maybe not get the fames to 0, but a hard redemption path that would bring you to -10, for example. You still have some of the way to go, but it wouldn't be as huge as going from -100 and it would represent the fact that despite being redeemed "legally", people don't trust you yet.

Of course... -10 to 0 is still pretty quick with NH and K/K missions anyway.


#9 [en] 

Good point about people leaving game instead of reworking several fames.



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