

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

It has come to my notice that "in the future" marauder homins will not be allowed in any guild which is not a maurauder guild

That affects GoS and Monks - as far as I know no one else

Is this because the "developers" want GoS to leave the game?

The marauders in GoS make no trouble - they come on - play, chat, sit at stables - we are not a strong role-play group and see no reason why we should be forced into any action that does not affect anyone else but us
I find the move vindictive - no good giving me role play reasons for it - I am not interested - who is is hurting in game if we stay as we are?

From a guildie:
There is already a game mechanic for grouping characters by faction, it's called FACTION. There is no reason that guilds can't be multi faction. Especially when developers have not finished adding all the factions that are in the game/lore.

Guilds SHOULD be a way for players (no matter what faction) to join together for WHATEVER common reason. The current mechanic of only Kami in Kami guilds is pointless. Kami are Kami, and they do NOT need to further be defined as Kami because of their guild. It's a redundant game mechanic that is breaking the game.

If you want to turn this game into nothing but role playing with no originality or flexibility, then you are going to eliminate a HUGE part of your player base that does NOT role play and even more role players that do not want to be confined to "following the rules".

Also if you want to say mara can only be in mara guilds - fine, do it, then you also need to say that rangers can only be in ranger guilds, and neutrals can only be in neutral guilds. If you are going to use that type of thinking then you need to apply it to ALL factions not just one or 2.

From another guildie:
For me it's about them doing all they can to make it so that we can't be friends anymore.

I've been in guild with some lovely ppl for 6+years, a lot of those years I had -50 fame and lower in all. Never was I accused or told not to do it.
If they now all of a sudden it is forbidden - this is then personal fo me and it is them telling me I can't be guilded with these fabulous ppl for some stupid rp reason. (pls check the ppl, we don't like this rp anyway so stop forcing it down our throats)

I have no idea how more sad and retarted event team can go but this is just sad in end I hope it brings them a lot of new subs since I'll be called Subunsubbed and just login on a f2p when they do it.

            RYZOM - we hate ppl having fun with friends

And another guildie:
Ryzom used to be about the players actually forming the world, letting them influence what happens, not dictating to them what to do.

Ryzom doesn't have mandatory missions, it is a real sandbox game, where you have to find purpose for yourself, not follow NPC orders all the time. In Ryzom you can choose your skills, even develop your own stanzas, you are not bound by race or "class".

Recently the development of Ryzom also follows an open source model.
Clearly, Ryzom is driven by the creativity and enthausiams of the players, not by some central authority.

The new "rule" that we are talking about, is clearly not inspired by the needs of the players, who just want to have fun, and it is not in line with the open and flexible basis of the game.

In addition:

I would not even dare to call GoS a guild anymore we might be small in the grand scheme of things but we are more of a faction then a guild but then again we are a faction the way we want.

We have our own language that we use in guild
wood node=sex on the beach

(yes ours isn't as intricate as the languages of the other races and factions but we still got our own dictionary and language)

We accept ppl from all races and faction (game does not allow kara and such sadly enough, which is racism by the devs) but we like to think we are a faction of homins at the border of society. We do not judge a choice or influence ppl to make a choice. The choice is up to the homin and not the ppl around them.

                 LET'S GO FOR NO RACISM IN RYZOM

Open guilds up to all if they want, rpers would not want kami in their kara guild and they would be free to say so (but sounds discriminating); non rp guilds could go for the whole package and instead of having RP rules make a real friendly community like I know all of you want in the real world.

Show that a game community can be more then a place of grinding, show instead it can evolve into a community where homins for every race and religion are accepted like a real multi-cultural place

Finally from our Guild leader:

I have a dream that one day this world will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all homin are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the hills of Fairhaven the sons of former homins left behind and the sons of former homins that were lucky enough to be rescued will be able to sit down together at a campfire of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the Matis, a state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my 64 little guildies will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin or the religion they follow but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Binarabi (9 years ago)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

what can i say except hoping this finally gets into the ears of ppl wanting to break us apart for no reason whatsoever

+999999... to make this collage of different ideas and viewpoints bina


#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Well Said!

The appeal of Ryzom to me has always been that it is not like other games out there. If I wanted iron clad rules about who I can associate with in game I would have stuck with something like WoW. If the Dev go ahead with this plan, they will be taking one huge step backwards.

I, for one, do not want to be in a world that is just black and white, and where I am told who I can be friends with or group with, because the only proper way to "role play" is determined by a few developers, and thier ideas of what the Ryzom experience should be for all others.


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

The guessing of who said what is open!! Haha

No, fun away, I agree with you, even though it doesn't affect me directly now. Why don't let the founder of a guild, when creating it, letting choose which factions/nations are allowed? Then strict roleplayers can have their guilds with Limited access and guilds like GoS can allow all nations and religions? It would need to be programmed of course, but I think it would be worth that programming part.


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Finaly a real reason to stop play!

nothing else to add...

I can only hope they wait some more months to let me finish all masters.
I like to end what i start.

to the ones that dont know me:
i am here for the last 10 years, love the game by the freedom alowed to players in near all aspects.
was always a defensor of new ways to make things, we acomplish some real amazing things on the old Aris, that seem near impossible here with all this crap of rules and limitations.
( I will keep try to change things for the time I have here)

i am simply tired to see payers, complain and doing nothing to change things and accuse and defame those who make or try .

leave here apologies to all the ones i told i would stay another year.
will move from year sub to monthly sub untill the change to leave for the last time!


~~« Monks of Polonius »« Monks of Atys »« ShadoWalkers »«Grave Of The Fireflies»~~

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Farewell and Thank you

Good day everyone, I have come to a point-in-time where Ryzom has no longer been fun nor enjoyable. Usually when you enjoy something and you have had no access to do so for the last 3 months like i have, one would think a sense of lose or a desire to return is there but that in not the case with me and Ryzom. Over the past 7 years I have developed tremendous friendships and for those toons that I have sent private messages to, I thank you very much and will always be in contact and to the rest that have helped me have fun and enjoy the game which is no longer enjoyable; I say thank you.

I cannot say in good faith nor will i say this is the sole reason for my departure but after the merger of all atys servers into 1, Ryzom has seen an exudes of very good toons as well as a change in others (myself included). Prior to the merger (for the toons that know me) I was never mean nor did i have an attitude towards toons that I have now. I understand that change is part of life but the change that I have experienced it not one that i enjoy nor is it who i am as a person.

On the old atys English server, everything ran by a code that was followed based upon friendship, respectful understandings and loyalty and post-merger, all of that seem to be replaced by greed, excessive hostility towards toons that do not want to follow silly rules, anger and getting nasty with people all over a game (let me repeat that "Over A Game"). I prefer the old guard and old customs and new atys at it's present state, is not one for me. If things change back to how they used to be, then maybe Ryzom will see a return of toons that left for reasons stated or not stated above but had left.

I know that there will be toons out there who will criticize this post instead of looking at it for what it is and see why people are leaving and or why some have changed and not for the better. Also, I know that there will be a lot of you who will say things about me, some of it warranted, most of it not but none of you can question my loyalty because all you have to do is talk with Fenomeno, and Ulsort to learn the type of person i am both in game and real life.

There is more that i could say that would not change things nor make any difference really but
I wish the very best to my guild members and to the rest of Atys; farewell.


PS, since my account is deactived I asked a guild member to post....

Last edited by Soyeok (9 years ago)

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

When I read the notes about this the only impression I had was that they were finally going to apply the rules that exist already, you cannot have a member in your guild of a different alignment. It has nothing to do with RP or any personal vendetta. Every other guild in the game has to be either Kami or Kara, or only one nation at a time. It feel that it is absurd to ignore the rules for the benefit of 2 guillds.

Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

There is already a game mechanic for grouping characters by faction, it's called FACTION. There is no reason that guilds can't be multi faction. Especially when developers have not finished adding all the factions that are in the game/lore.

Guilds SHOULD be a way for players (no matter what faction) to join together for WHATEVER common reason. The current mechanic of only Kami in Kami guilds is pointless. Kami are Kami, and they do NOT need to further be defined as Kami because of their guild. It's a redundant game mechanic that is breaking the game.

If you want to turn this game into nothing but roll playing with no originality or flexibility, then you are going to eliminate a HUGE part of your player base that does NOT roll play and even more roll players that do not want to be confined to "following the rules".

and if you want to say mara can only be in mara guilds fine do it, then you also need to say that rangers can only be in ranger guilds, and neutrals can only be in neutral guilds. If you are going to use that type of thinking then you need to apply it to ALL factions not just one or 2.

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Placio (atys)
you cannot have a member in your guild of a different alignment..

That is not what was said, it was specifically named mara, not ranger or neutral.

If you are going to apply this rule, yea apply it to ALL, neutral, kami, kara, ranger, and mara. BUT be fair warned it's a stupid idea and shouldn't of ever gotten started.

Rangers esp should be in their own guild since they are not supposed to interfere with the kami and kara stuff, if this is really the thinking you are going to follow.

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

Callie, every guild already is faction limited, except that devs forgot to add marauder restriction since that faction was created more recently. Why should 2 guild not have to follow the same rules that every other guild already has?

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Rangers are an organization not a faction yet, as far as i know. And neutral have not choosen an alignment, so they would not conflict with the guild's alignment.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

Next think you know there is a Karavan priestess raising kami adepts at the mara campf

Thats what happens when things are not fully implemented and bugs / exploits and the likes of it are disregarded... People get used to them and don't want to let go afterwards...

Should consider making ryzom MMO instead of MMORPG since noone wants to RP anyway.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Victoriacamper (9 years ago)

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

As far as Rangers are concerned, I would like to point out that there are not any Rangers yet, and that Cerulean has said that the Lore is still being sorted out, so we don't know what they are going to be. They are an organization, not a nation and they are covered very well (imho) by the rules for neutrals.

- B


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Binarabi (atys)
It has come to my notice that "in the future" marauder homins will not be allowed in any guild which is not a maurauder guild

Sounds like a good reason for me to resub my 5 paid accounts. :-)

Is not that hard to raise fame, besides.. you guys are "light" on RP so why does it matter so much for you/your guildies what you "are" in the game? kinda.. contradictory.. but what do I know...

Best of luck to you all.



Je suis le début de la fin, l'ombre qui cache le soleil, le beffroi qui sonne votre glas.

#15 Report | Quote[en] 


Ok I love it everyone is saying organisations are not factions.
So everyone thinks mara should be like rangers allowed everywhere?


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