
#1 Multilingual 

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A letter is delivered to Ba'Roley Hathy, chief of the tribe Shadow Runners. Instead of the usual Izam method of delivery, this letter is personally brought by a heavily armed Zoraï messenger. It bears the seal of the Zoraï Theocracy:

"Kami'ata, Chief Ba'Roley Hathy,

I write to you about an urgent and delicate matter concerning a supposed member of your tribe, a Tryker called Eppie.

A caravan of Zoraï Initiates and their allies was making their way to the Gibads tribe to deliver a shipment of fruit baskets, when we were ambushed and attacked by a group of Trykers bearing the emblem of the Shadow Runner tribe. We were able to take their leader prisoner, this homin called Eppie.

At first he tried to blame the Hamazans of the Dead Seed tribe, claiming they were the ones who paid him to attack the Zoraï caravan. But one of the guards traveling with the caravan actually happened to be a member of the Hamazans, a homin called Marae who belongs to the sorority known as Amazons Mysticia.

Eppie's lies were short lived as it soon became clear the Hamazans were not guilty of anything. Instead, he finally admitted he was hired by the vile tribe of the Antikamis to attack us and steal the fruit baskets. We took Eppie to the Hamazans of the Dead Seed camp and delivered him to Tinaera Rosirello as a prisoner. However, the bandit managed to trick us and escape with a teleport pact.

The crime of attacking an official Theocracy caravan inside the Witherings is a very serious one. The fact this crime was commited by several Trykers bearing the emblem of your tribe concerns me greatly. Therefore, I respectfully ask you for a reply of some sort as soon as possible and an official statement from the Shadow Runners tribe on this matter.

Eppie has commited further crimes of theft against the Gibads tribe and the Theocracy is determined to hunt him down. We need all the information we can get on this homin and your help on this matter would be appreciated.

Ari'kami for your time and mata nékéan,

Rikutatis, Dynastic Scribe"

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Rikutatis (9 years ago)


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Ba'Roley Hathy sent a young homin from his tribe to Zora to bring his answer.
"Kami'ata, Nair-Rikutatis(*),

I'm shocked by this news.

Obviously, our shizu(*) disavows such actions. We are traders and never look to steal from anybody. Tryka(*) has its limits that we nékéan(*) break.

From you are saying, I think that it's Mac'Cauppy Eppie , he always was apart in our shizu, but I must investigate, because it could be Be'Yle Eppie, our overseer's tala(*), although I would be very surprised. Moreover, this investigation will help me understand how much Eppie lied to us.

I wish then to judge him inside the shizu, so he can explain himself in front of his peers and bosses. If he is condemned, we will hold him for the Theocracy, together with the results of our inquiries.

Ari'Kami et Mata Waki (*)
Ba'Roley Hathy, Chief of Shadow Runners shizu
Tryka : freedom
nékéan : never
shizu : tribe
tala : brother
Nair : mark of courtesy
Mata waki : See you later

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ba'Roley Hathy (9 years ago)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Some time later, a second letter from Shadow Runners arrived in Zora.
"Kami'ata, Nair-Rikutatis,
I'm sorry to inform you that Mac'cauppy Eppie fleed out of our shizu.
During our investigations, we could find some evidence which you can take to Zora. We noticed that he is really a ki'gai, and I banned him from our shizu, so I'm sure he won't come back.
I'm anryal from that news.
Ari'Kami et Mata Waki (*)
Ba'Roley Hathy, Chief of Shadow Runners shizu
Nair : mark of courtesy
ki'gai : robber
shizu : tribe
anryal : sad (not happy)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)

#4 [en] 

Rikutatis sends his response in the form of a letter to the Shadow Runners tribe, addressed to Ba'Roley Hathy.

"Kami'ata Chief Ba'Roley Hathy,

I appreciate your efforts to investigate the matter and your quick response on the matter. Ari'Kami!

It is a shame this treacherous homin managed to escape, I just hope he will not cause any further mischief in the Witherings. We will keep an eye out.

Our most sincere thanks.

Mata yume,

Rikutatis, Dynastic Scribe"


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
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