

#1 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English

Report of Ryzom Forge's meeting - monday, 30th of april 2015.

<YannK> Following the works around the Marauder drill, I've found how to apply the same kind of particule effects of a set of objects. So we'll be able to have marauder OP object (if the Lore and LD groups want it). I'll have to make tests to prepare a clear tutorial but I've great hope to manage it. At least before Wiedii's drill is available in game. We could even have bubbles effects on the beer barrels or the mugs held in hands, it's the same logic.

I'll also have to create a tutorial for the particles editor, with using examples little by little but it is very comple and I'm still working a lot by trial/error to get what I want. But the more I study Ryzom and Atys, and the more I realise that one of its visual attrative traits comes from the quite intensive use of the particles systems, sot the more people will be able to create them, the better it will be.

Easter eggs

Hideaki, an infographist who was there at the beginning of Ryzom Forge, is coming back a bit when his RL work gives him time. He's preparing something for the events of the Refugee days: He still has to give them a more "sculpted wood" look and to add colours. Hideaki whould like to have feedbacks on the forum to guide his work.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
Report of Ryzom Forge's meeting - monday, 30th of april 2015.

<Wiedii> The marauder drill is still on the shelf, with other projects.

*YannK: I got from Cerulean a texture to create a ranger standard-bearer. I'll see if I can make esaily a .shape from it, but I don't master the specific process on 3DSMax. We already have the .shape, it's just a matter of applying the texture, so I'll cheat a bit by using the set-ups of the other standard-bearer (the one of the OP), hoping it'll work. I'll keep you informed.

*YannK: On the other hand, I'm still studying the particles system and since KaizeFx doesn't seem to have time anymore, I can give a try on the effect for a mara teleport.But I need directives from the LD/anims/lore master/designers... 'cause I'm no graphic designer.
*Wiedii: I can help you on this, we'll talk about it in private if you want.
<talkIRC> i spoke with kaizeFX (i was the person to direct him to the forge teams) and it was discussed that a possible animation based on the madness and fear animations was his project plan, i've not seen him in game or on IRC in some time so i have no idea of his progress or if he will return.
<YannK> With a mercurial deposit, we could have continued his work.
talkIRC> The marauder players that we (kaizefx and myself) spoke with about this idea was well liked over-all, the last he had told me he was going to attempt to start then animation with the madness cloud and as that faded and the player "vanished" the fear animation would would fill the location they were. I agree yannk that a central location of all works of this type would help to share the work should a member leave.

*YannK: Finally, I ask again solemnly: could we have a centralised deposit where to put our works (such as a mercurial deposit), it would be much practical.

*Wiedii: More generally, there's a problem with the graphics team. Actually, I believe (but I may be wrong) that there currently isn't really a team, nor dedicated tools.
*YannK: Indeed Wiedii. We've got to use 3DSMax (and an old version, furthermore) and a dedicated plugin, so it's not easy to find volunteers.
<Lyne> *YannK: Supporting pirating is out of the question, so ti restricts, of course. The licence is 3900€, just a reminder.
<Remigra> Is it possible for students to get a 3dsmax lizent, free but limited 3 years I believe.
*Wiedii: It's a bit late, and it probably doesn't affect everyone here, but I think we should discuss the needs, and the organisation, an evening here, on the #ryzomgraphic channel.  We'll speak on #ryzomgraphic about our needs and the organisation we'll install to structure this team.

Remigra> team in matters graphics. Even if I do not get along with 3dsmax. For help when creating icons or textures I am prepared to dds format for each. simply write ingame.
*Wiedii: Ok, thanks Remigra. On short term, we'll always find someone to export to the formats handled by NeL, but in the futur proper plugins to create from free softwares will be necessary, yes... but we'll need voluntary dev to work on it.
*Goki : Mon seul commentaire pour l'instant : les images statiques des organigrammes seraient mieux au format text, pour que ce texte soit sélectionnable.
<wiedii> J'ai à présent un outil pour extraire le contenu texte.
<Lyne> *Goki : Ca sera utile.
<wiedii> ok, je vais essayer de voir pour que ce soit traduit rapidement alors.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
Meeting of may, the 11th

[Tamarea] Several atysian cities have already chosen their future banner. I've got to open a new topic in the Graphime forum to ask RF to create them, I'll add of course the sketches provided.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
25 mai 2015

City banners

Some banners can already be create by graphic designers: Crystabell, Windermeer, Jen-Lai (as on the screen but on white instead of purple), Min-Cho (resume the proposed screen for Zora to Min-Cho).

[Remigra] I'll be happy to create the icons of the banner when they are known. I have the graphic Forge forum uploaded something to look for already, as an example: #12. The arms are ansich like, the background was added only for better visual representation. I Belase everything always einzelsekmenten in several stores and step, so you can edit quickly, or change. The symbols themselves are individually, the background was ^^ added only for better visual representation. I belasee everything always in several individual steps and step storages, so that you can edit quickly, or change.

[Remigra] A question which will be used for banner in Matis as a 3D element? I want to know if a new 3D object is created Banne for the city, or whether the national flags are used? If the existing countries are used banner stands, the realization is possible faster. I mean the 4 nationwide stand banner, which can be seen on the Forge page! ( - look for "banner"). -Fyros_flag.jpg -Zorai_flag.png -Matis_flag.png x-Tryker_flag.png
Matis city banner:

[Wiedii] Initially, there were supposed to "be banners" (without flags) for the guilds, with their symbol... they have even been modelised. You probably have already seen them: they're used as "staffs" by the CSRs... I'd like, for me, for these banners to be used for their initial role... But it will be up to Winchgate.
For example, here is the Tryker banner:
The fyros one :
Here is the zorai: and the "common/tribe":
As mentionned on the artwork, the were supposed to show the logo of each guild: (matis city banner).


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
13th of july, 2015

1 Creation of the cities banners

There is already some precise requests in RF forum: but some of them are missing.
Zora, Jen-Lai Crystabell, Windermeer, Avalae banners seems to be decided and waiting for validation. The one from Davae is already done (congratulations to Remigra), we just need to wait for players feedback.

We would need to schedule city assemblies again, either to evaluate the current results, either to choose the banner's pattern and colours.

2 Creation request: female tryker leader armour (for Ailan Mac Kean)

All is said in the title!

Q: Is this armor based on the tryker heavy armour shape?
R: N, the male leader has got a medium armor.It's a special version, titally different and unique: The problem is to create Still Wyler's armour for a female.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Beesjy (9 años hace) | Razón: Fix of multilingual version


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#6 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | [Français] | English
27 juillet 2015:

1 Création d'un groupe Infographie Ryzom Forge sur Asana

Le groupe Infographie a besoin d'être mieux structuré, et pour cela un groupe RF Infographie va être ouvert ouvert dans Asana.
Les groupes Asana ne sont gratuits que jusqu'à 15 membres, mais ça suffira à nos besoins actuels. Par contre, ce groupe sera réservé aux actifs du groupe Infographie, à cause de cette limite.
Pour demander un accès, donnez simplement votre email à Tamarea (, qui vous enverra une invitation à rejoindre le groupe Asana. Vous pouvez aussi lui donner votre email sur IRC en message privé, ou bien par mailIG.

L'avantage est que les diverses équipes de Ryzom (sous NDA) utilisent déjà Asana et y ont leurs propres groupes, et on peut facilement partager une tâche entre plusieurs groupes. Ce qui fait qu'au total, on peut suivre une tâche à bien plus de 15 membres.
Cela permettra une meilleure coordination entre les groupes Infographie, Level Design, Dev, Event...
Asana envoie des notifications par emails en cas d'ajout ou de modification d'une tâche (sauf si on préfère désactiver le paramètre).
Il n'est pas nécessaire de créer un compte avant, on peut inviter soit en invitant directement un compte asana, soit en entrant une adresse email.

Q : Est-ce 15 membres par groupe ? Ou 15 membres pour tous les groupes compris ?
R : 15 membres par groupe.

Q : Est-ce que je peux rejoindre Asana malgré mon "désavantage" linguistique ? (Je ne parle qu'allemand).
R : Oui bien sûr ! En interne nous avons des volontaires DE qui ne parlent que DE et je ne le parle pas. ; Nous avons aussi des FR qui ne parlent pas EN. Tout le monde arrive à travailler ensemble, parfois avec google trad, souvent avec l'aide des autres pour traduire. Chacun est important et a beaucoup d'idées intéressantes, la langue n'est pas un problème, nous sommes une équipe multilingue.

2 Réalisation des bannières des villes
Bannières matis :
Bannières fyros :
Bannières zoraïs :
Bannières trykers :
Remigra et Osquallo ont beaucoup avancé en deux semaines, bravo !
L'Event Team va planifier des réunions des assemblées locales et nationales pour choisir ou valider les bannières déjà créées.

Q : Il y a-t-il une description des usages prévus de ces bannières ? 
R : Chaque ville aura sa bannière qui flottera au vent, mais libre à vous de proposer d'autres utilisations.

Q : à propos de ces bannières des villes, juste pour resituer, d'où vient la volonté initiale de leur création ?
R : C'est partie de la volonté de l'Event Team de donner de la profondeur roleplay aux villes en leur donnant leur propre identité. Avoir son propre blason y contribuera.

Q : j'ai une idée pour une bannière de Davae aussi, mais je peux pas le faire parce que je ne sais pas quel programme utiliser. Puis-je dessiner mon idée à la main? j'ai un mac.
R Lycimima : Oui, tu peux le dessiner sur papier et le scanner, je verrai ce que je peux faire avec.
Je n'ai pas de Mac donc je ne sais pas quel programme utiliser.
Je pense qu'on devrait publier le modèle de texture pour que tout le monde utilise la bonne taille pour la texture.

Q: Les textures et les tailles des bannières existantes sont déjà disponibles pour nous. Nous devons juste savoir s'il y a des nouveaux objets.
R : Tout le monde ne sait pas où chercher les données, ou alors j'ai raté cela sur le forum ?

Lycimima : Pour l'utilisation, on peut aussi remplacer les bannières des villes zoraïs et trykers par les nouvelles, en plus des versions sur support. Et sinon vu qu'actuellement on utilise les même matières pour tous les pays faute de mieux, je me propose de refaire des versions adaptées à chaque pays en plus de la bannière en elle-même. De sorte qu'on puisse être complètement libres sur la forme également.

Q : j'ai pas compris, tu parles des supports ?
R : De la partie en bois qui tient le drapeau, le modèle 3D, donc oui. Plutôt que juste refaire une texture en utilisant un modèle existant générique.

Q : Comment faire apparaître un nouvel objet sur le serveur Yubo ?
R : Si quelqu'un a besoin de voir ce que donnerait sa bannière en jeu et ne sait pas comment faire, il suffit d'envoyer un mail à avec les infos jointes, il fera des screens sur le Yubo.
Lycimima va aussi faire un petit tutoriel pour expliquer comment tester les bannières (et d'autre projets plus tard) sur Yubo, comment faire poper un objet et lui donner la forme d'un autre etc.

Q : Est-ce qu'il y a un groupe pour Ark sur Asana? Ou un groupe Dev ? Je pense que ça pourrait être utile.
R : Chaque équipe sous NDA a son propre groupe sur Asana. Mais il n'y a pas de groupe RF Ark ou Dev pour le moment. C'est facile de les créer si vous en avez besoin.

3 Création d'une tenue de leader tryker en modèle féminin

Des idées ont été proposées ici : N'hésitez pas à participer / commenter sur le forum !
Pour le modèle 3D, étant plus complexe qu'un accessoire inanimé, il faudra faire quelques test si on veut le modifier (mais de légers changements seraient sûrement envisageables).

Q : Il faudrait donner une image de l'armure masculine actuelle pour s'inspirer.
R : Oui, c'est une bonne idée.

4 Création d'une nouvelle stèle pour Jen-Laï

Lycimima : Comme j'essaie de reprendre les projets RF qui manquent de graphistes ou sont restés bloqués à l'étape de modélisation, je me suis penché sur la stèle de Jen Laï. J'ai fait le .shape correspondant, j'ai juste retouché certains détails pour ajouter des inscriptions et pour faire des textures en version été/hiver :
(Les noms avaient été validés en assemblée.)
J'ai d'autres petits objets en cours pour accompagner des rites/missions, mais je vous garde la surprise !

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Gaueko (9 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#7 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
7th of september 2015:

1 Preparing ready to use items packs, to be put at the disposal of missions designers
When Ark will be open to all players, it should be as practical as possible. That's why we have the project of preparing ready-to-use item packs, in which mission designers will be able to select the ones they need.

2 Creating the cities banners
The tryker players have chosen the final version of the flags for their cities at the las Taliari assembly. It's now again time for the infographists to work! Here are the decisions made by the players for the tryker flags:
- Windermeer: the players chose the symbol of Remigra on the flag design of Osquallo.
- Cristabell: the players chose the current one made by Remigra.
- Avendale: the players chose Osquallo's proposal (without the flence).
- Fairhaven: the players chose Osquallo's proposal (the blue flag with the white symbol).
Shape to use for all these flags: Osquallo's one.

Q: I've seen that some cities had already defined their banners, when will we be doing it for the Kingdom?
A: At the next Court of the Karae.

Última edición por Beesjy (9 años hace) | Razón: Fix of multi-language


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#8 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
28th of september 2015

1 Aileya's return
Aileya, who leads this group is back! If anyone may have a question or else and she is not online in irc, please feel free to contact her via email at

2 Cities banners
Remigra: "I have sent osquallo the results, I have just an answer that he received my mail and was glad about it. My webspace has moved, because of that my pictures wont show up anymore in the thread. I will edit the links in next days so they will show up again."

Última edición por Gaueko (9 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#9 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
05th of October 2015

1 City Banners

Q: Do we have any new about the banners for Tryker cities?
A: (No answer).

Gaueko: If someone has something mail Tamarea or me please ( /

Última edición por Gaueko (9 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#10 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
19th of October 2015

1 Remigra's textures for Anlor Winn
We get a nice Halloween graphic patch, thanks to Remigra. Unfortunately we can't use all the textures, because it would have been to much to patch.

2 City banners

Remigra: The 3 completed tryker banners are there: For Avendale i need more informations: Osquallo has made several versions without the sword, so I do not know exactly which of these versions is wanted.

Tamarea: The chosen shape for the trykers banners is the largest one, Crystabel one has also to be like that, if possible. The details are written here, but maybe it is not enough detailed:

Remigra: Done! final update:

PtitBill: FH logo is small compared to others.
Remigra: I have to use the proposals validated by the players, even for the sizes of symbols. This is what the players have sayed yes: [i][/i].

3 Request from Level-Design group

PtitBill: I will need very soon, even just now, Graphic group to realize new elements for missions/rites/occupations in preparation. Deed and Zendae need elements that are not available yet, and that will probably be usable for others missions too. I'm doing a list, I already gave a part to Aileya, and I'll have some others to communicate.

Q Remigra: Are they 3d elements, or 2d icones ? For icons you can ask me again, I just need a list.
A PtitBill : I will post in forum as soon as the list is ready.

Última edición por Gaueko (9 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#11 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
2nd of November 2015

1 Cities banners
Graphic group has finished the work for tryker banners: #30 . Now LD and Dev groups will work to integrate those banners in game!

2 Anlor Winn
Thanks again to Remigra for her graphics creations for Anlor Winn!

3 Animation during marauder teleportation

Q: Has the animation for marauder teleportation been created? It was a work in progress a while ago.
A: No, the one who started to work on has disapeared.

Q: did he provide the stuff he started ?
A: No.

Última edición por Gaueko (8 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#12 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
16th of November 2015 

1 Steam (Graphic part)
Aileya is working to create Ryzom capsules for Steam (background picture with Ryzom logo visible, in different sizes from the big one to the sticker).

Última edición por Gaueko (8 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#13 [fr] 

Now that the tools for exporting to NeL are apparently done, please post the location these tools can be found.

I didn't get a chance to write down the location at the in-game ryzomforge meeting.

Also, apparently they can be compiled for use on a Mac?

Kaetemi said maybe Kervala had tools to do this? How can we get this done? I am not a coder, :( Is anybody ambitious enough to do this? it would open it up to so many other players. And while we are at it...Linux too?

Thanks for your help :)

#14 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
23th of November 2015

Ryzom on Steam (Graphic part)

Aileya: The Graphics Team is by now creating all necessary capsules (logos) to be used later on Ryzom's Steam page when it goes public. In fact this means about 5 different kinds of capsules, depending where it needs to be shown. They are already more or less finished, but still need a little more improvements. After that, the best will be choosen to be used by the entire Ryzom Team. From these capsules their might be also one or two wallpapers coming out, which can be downloaded and used for sure by everyone.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (8 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#15 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
14th of december 2015

The caps/logos for Ryzom on Steam are ready and validated by Winch Gate. A big thanks to Aileya for creating them!

Última edición por Tamarea (8 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
Last visit jueves 9 mayo 18:59:33 UTC

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