Communication & Marketing


#22 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
01st of february 2016 

Tamarea: The 2016 roadmap will be shared soon. The first half is already validated but I'd prefer to announce everything at the same time, during a next RF meeting on Atys.

Q: will the communities and guides and that stuff for Steam be available to test before the official Steam release?
A: They will (be accessible). Regarding the guides, we'll still need the help of proofreaders and translators.
The guide written by a player has just been published on the wiki, but it needs to be checked, fixed and translated. Volunteers take note! . The player's guide, and soon the one for Silan, will be two big bits to check and translate. But we'll need them for Steam.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#23 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
8th of february 2016

Siela: "We're searching players to write guides for Steam (or translate them after that). The structure of the guides section on Steam will be designed here: And yes, it needs to be improved a lot, we have time till the outcome on Steam."

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#24 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
15th of february 2016

1 Interview of David Cohen Corval
The interview of David Cohen Corval is published on the forum: (In FR only for the moment, translations will be published when finished).
talkIRC: Just a note: the default translation system does a modest job, for those that wanted to read it asap. I was able to understand the bulk of it, only a few words here and there complicated it.

2 Ryzom on Steam
For Steam we progress well, what is left is, mainly, the preparation of the community group of Ryzom (including guides), that is a rather big work.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#25 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
29th of february 2016 

Siela: We are advancing good on the translation of the User Manual to french. We still need some translators and most importantly proofreaders to check it. The link is:
Nilstilar: May I add : not only for checking language, but what is said, too.

Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#26 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
7th of march 2016 

Q: Siela, how are the translations for the User Manual going?
A: Nilstilar: Translation is done. It has now to be checked and loaded in the wiki. It also need to gather images of the French interface.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#27 [fr] 

petite visite du site, texte parcouru rapidement, un petit ajout à faire sur les produits de métiers? on n'y parle pas des points de nation acquis lors du don de produits au NH.
Sinon le texte me semble très clair et bien fourni.. reste tout de même un florilège de fautes d'orthographe :s

#28 [fr] 

Nerwane: vas-y, corrige-les quand tu les vois! :D


#29 [fr] 

je peux éditer et corriger?

#30 [fr] 

Heu... Oui, Nerwane. Mais sur le wiki (Encyclopatys) s'il te plaît : le fichier a été wikifié samedi dernier.
À la réflexion : si tu ne peux éditer le wiki, corrige le fichier, oui ... En rouge vif :-)

Last edited by Nilstilar (8 years ago)


#31 [fr] 

pas trouvé ^^ par contre j'ai lu un truc sur: attention! importer les trucs modifiés, ça m'a fait peur :D vaut mieux laisser des fautes plutôt que je vous fasse une grosse boulette .. sisi! j'arrive à faire disparaitre des trucs qu'on ne savait même pas que ça pouvait disparaitre .. huhu :)

Last edited by Nerwane (8 years ago)

#32 [fr] 

Serae Nerwane,

Si le "pas trouvé^^" est le manuel traduit (aux illustrations près) sur Encyclopatys, voici l'adresse :'utilisateur ... Et tout coup de main en vérification sera le bienvenu... Naete

Deles aiyai, Serae, e a nata veleis

Last edited by Nilstilar (8 years ago)


#33 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
14th of march 2016 

Q: Gaueko: Will the user manual be ready in FR on the wiki before the 31th? We would need also in PDF.

A: I think it would be ok for the 31th... but we need people to check it.
Nilstilar: It is online but not complete and checked
Gaueko: Do you need Translation Team help?
Siela: if they have some time to spare, we would hugely appreciate though!
Gaueko: I will share this with them and invite them to join.
Nilstilar: The pdf with picture or not? and to who we need to send it?
Gaueko: If possible, with pictures, and you can send to Tamarea or me ( /

Q: Gaueko: Is there any idea of other manuals to add on Steam?
A: There were once upon a time some BDish manual
Gaueko: But nothing planned by now then.

Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#34 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
21st of march 2016 

1 Tamarea

Gaueko: Tamarea is ok. She is not ill, or having RL problems. She is busy with all the Steam's tasks we have to do and she needs to focus on them. Thanks Jena I am here.

2 Manual

Gaueko: Tamarea and I have received the manual and the PDF. Thanks a lot!, Is a great job! 

We would need one more thing for this task be done by now:

- We will need a PDF of the EN manual too if possible, the one we had we noticed is not up to date. Send to Tamarea or me ( /

Q: OK for the english PDF. Next Week-end will do ?
A: Before the 31st of March, but needs an EN check before that. 


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#35 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
11th of april 2016 

Gaueko: As you all know, I was ranked in the beginning of the year as Communications Manger Assistant. Tamarea and I are working to reorganize ourslef better and we have started with the Communications Team. As you might noticed, I have been around in game as CMA. In the following, I will try to be present in game as CMA too. Wich means you can ask me questions of general content about the game. And I will try to help you, so your words reach to the proper place.

I want to add too, that Gaueko is now on Facebook (Gaueko Ryzom) and on Twitter (@GauekoRyzom) too. So you have more ways to reach me.

Q: Can you confirm that Steam release is 15th april without further delay?
A: We can´t confirm that by now. We are waiting Steam adds the billing system so the players can subscribe to Ryzom using Steam. Our release date is by now the same unless they tell us something else. We are still waiting too. As soon as we know more, we will share with all you. We will make an official announcement too.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#36 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
18th of april 2016 

1 Ryzom on Steam 
We are still waiting steam to create us missing packages, without them it will not be possible to subscribe over Steam, because of that we have to postponed Ryzom release on Steam. We are still not able to give you a definitive date, that's not depends upon us.

The Steam release blocked severals months almost all working group, since each of our project involves more than 1 group... a lot of project were in break. Now, we smoothly restart everything, this will also allow RF projects, which were waiting the help of others group to restart.That's why, there is only few news to tell during our meeting at the moment, but this is just temporary, the time for things to go up again.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
Last visit Thursday, 6 June 12:30:48 UTC

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