
#1 Multilingual 

Bonjour à tous !

Plusieurs questions qui me taraudent:

Que reste-t-il des Cercles Zorais ?
Certains joueurs sont-ils prêt à les reprendre ?

Le RP a-t-il encore des fans parmis les Zoraïs ?

Hello everyone !

Some questions about Role play:

Do Zoraï Circles are still working ?
Do players want to join them ?

Do you want to do Zoraï RP ?


Ky Ta-Ro Zoraï
Scribe du Clan Sckinook
Orateur du Clan Sckinook
Ambassadeur Zoraï auprès de la Fédération Tryker

#2 [fr] 


J'ai constaté une grande perte de vitesse du RP d'assemblée au pays malade, où je passais régulièrement en qualité d'Amazone.

Néanmoins d'après le calendrier tu as un assemblée à Zora le 18 fev.

Sinon la question serait mieux placée en "général". Ceci n'est pas du RP mais une discussion sur le RP.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#3 [en] 


Zorai Circles are still working, but we're severely lacking more engaged Initiates and Awakened at the moment. I returned from a long absence and we've been trying to stir some RP in the circles again. Since I returned, there's been 2 or 3 meetings (one local in Min-Cho, my home town). I was the only Awakened I saw at those meetings, plus a Zorai Ambassador from my guild/shizu (Sygmus). I heard Awakened Zhoi might be back as well. There were a few other Initiates and some ambassadors from other countries. Here's some links of recent Zorai RP/events:

Last Assembly of Min-Cho

Oracle of Min-Cho Event

There's also some unfinished events from before as well. Good to see you back Kytaro, and I hope we can do more RP in the Circles! =)


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
Last visit Wednesday, 8 May 06:07:33 UTC

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