
#1 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | [Deutsch] | English
Khalaoden erreichte das Lager der Marodeure in der Versteckten Quelle. Sein Herz schlug ihm bis zum Hals. Es hatte nicht viel gefehlt und er wäre einem Cuttler zum Opfer gefallen. Seine lebende Fracht wäre ihm beinahe zum Verhängnis geworden. Vorsichtig betrat er das Lager. In der Vergangenheit hatte er gelernt, dass die Wachen tiefer im Lager sehr aggressiv waren. Gleichzeitig hatte er bei dieser Gelegenheit gelernt, dass nicht alle Marodeure schlechte Homins waren, hatte ihn doch ein Marodeur wiederbelebt. Aus dieser Begebenheit schöpfte er auch Hoffnung für sein jetziges Vorhaben.

Er stellte den Käfig mit dem Izam im Eingangsbereich ab. Bevor er seinen Teleporter-Pakt für Faihaven benutzte, versicherte er sich nochmals, dass sein Brief fest und gut sichtbar an dem Käfig angebracht war.
Lordoy Mithomins,

mein Name ist Khalaoden. Ich interessiere mich für Atys und die Homins die es bewohnen. Sofern es mir möglich ist, verfolge ich das Geschehen rund um die Nationen und Organisationen auf Atys. Aus diesem Grund möchte ich mehr über die Organisation der Marodeure erfahren. Was bewegte Homins dazu allen Nationen den Rücken zu kehren? Was beschäftigt Marodeure heute, mit welchen Problemen haben sie zu kämpfen und welche Langzeit-Ziele verfolgen sie?

Um auf diese und weitere Fragen Antworten zu bekommen, möchte ich gern einen regelmäßigen Schriftwechsel zwischen mir und euch etablieren. Zu diesem Zweck habe ich euch einen Izam dagelassen, damit er mir eure Antwort überbringen kann.


#2 [de] 

Virg lazily sat atop the viewing deck of the stable tower rocking back on his stool. He gently sipped at his Shooki Beer enjoying the sunlight streaming across the camp. Today had been an amusing day. Yenno the great pretender had been stalking him and constantly attacking him when he was engaged in training. Virg snorted to himself, 'As if that half-wit could ever actually kill him when he was ready. He might as well make the most of it as he hardly knew which end of the axe to swing'. Indeed Yenno had actually failed to hit Virg standing there naked a few times drawing laughter from his training group.

A noise caused Virg's ears to prick up
'An izam in hidden source.. clearly someone is getting a message'. He stood up swaying slightly, his head buzzing a gentle thrum of happiness and looked to see where the source of the noise was coming from. What he saw caught him unawares. Instead of using the Izam's preferred method of travel a homin had actually decided to take the bird by foot. Probably the Izam lacked the proper training. The homin looked around quickly, put the cage at the entrance area, broke a teleport pact and just like that was gone. He grabbed his daggers and walked towards the edge of the tower, swaying to the point of tipping as he went 'hmm.. perhaps the stairs might be a safer bet this time'.

Eventually after a lot of cussing, tripping and stumbling Virg reached the cage. He saw the letter and opened it. Reading the later he found himself grinning,
'So finally', he thought to himself, 'Someone might actually think Marauders might be a little more than just thugs'. He put the letter in his bag and picked up the cage walking off towards his guildhall. He would have the scribe write up two copies, one for the guildhall and one for the stables, detailing he had the Izam and any correspondence could be sent through him.

He entered the Guild Hall and strode towards his favorite spot, the Haverster trainers quarters. Thankfully the trainer had gone on holiday and never came back so Virg had setup a mini-apartment within the room, a handy convenience. He sat next to his desk, grabbing a quill and Kirosta ink and began to write:

Lordoy Khalaoden,

Thank you for your letter although I assure you I have not turned my back on the nations I adore. Whilst their ignorance assumes this, I actually still fight for them. The Marauders themselves are no different from the Kami or Karavan in a very simple aspect, that they believe, or at least preach, that through them alone hominkind will have salvation. Whilst they paint petty pictures of merciless bloodshed at the hands of the Marauders, their hands are dripping with the blood of innocent homins. The Marauders themselves are a strong, honorable organization who see the true beauty and art of battle. Whilst the Kami run around like thugs, striking down those unprepared time and time again, Marauders are an intriguing collection of homins. From the moment they wake they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue. You will never see such discipline elsewhere.

To really define a Marauder, you need only look at the simple definition. "Marauder" comes from an ancient language, most of which has been lost to us. In this language it translates as "a homin who raids" or more simply put a "raider". This ancient language puts forward this definition of a raider, as someone skilled within the arts of close combat or one who attacks to defend their territory. Much of the ignorance of homin's today is put forth as the governments propaganda, incorrectly defining what a Marauder is. The territory I seek to defend is all the lands I have walked, they are precious to me as is the life that runs through them.

But.. you must be asking yourself this now.. who am I fighting? and why? The answer is very simple. The parasitic governments that corrupt and weaken these lands. The false religions that would have us worshiping them and slaved like Mektoubs to do their bidding. A threat draws near Khalaoden. A threat from the skies. The recent ship crash was only the begging, a failed scouting if you will. If you seek more information on the threat Hiaoi is a name you might want to try whispering in certain.. places covered in shadows. Do not whisper it lightly though. The Karavan will kill just upon hearing that name. Whilst the Karavan are aware of this approach, the followers of the Karavan are blinded. They do not know who they really support.

The threat however isn't just one from above, but one from below. The Kitins are ever-present. The rangers have blocked there tunnels so what does this mean? Let me tell you.. it means we no longer have access to their strong fighters- it means no invasions to cull. It means these kitins that would usually fall upon our axes are surviving not dying. Their numbers are growing. We must be ready.

The governments have done next to nothing to prepare for this. They sit on their backsides, growing fat and lazy in their dotage. They squabble and squawk at each other over petty things like Izam's fighting over a mate. The threats draw closer and they leave us unprepared. I foresee only one plausible way in which homins survive- that they have strong leaders. Warriors who are capable of leading armies of homins, warriors who have proved themselves worthy and know the true song of battle, warriors who will defend their territory.

What is my goal? To rid Atys of these parasites. To lead hominkind against these threats and once again wipe them out. Within time homins will come around to see we are their true salvation. As for those who oppose us? They will be removed from our path. War is coming. We do not have the time to deal with petty nuisances.

Virg rolled up the parchment and sealed it with some heated Dung Resin, pressing his ring hard to imprint his guild emblem. As he was attaching the letter to the Izam's leg a thought occurred to him. He attached a pouch to the Izam's leg and writing quickly on a scrap of paper he informed Khalaoden that any trained Izam would know where to go after smelling it. Tucking the scrap into the pouch he quickly thew the Izam out of the window.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#3 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | [Deutsch] | English
Khalaoden suchte den Izam-Schlag in Davae auf, bereits zum dritten mal an diesem Tag. Er konnte kaum erwarten eine Antwort aus dem Marodeurslager zu bekommen. Dieses mal war es nicht vergebens. Sein Izam war zurückgekehrt. Seine Hände, vor Aufregung etwas zittrig, erleichterten den Izam von seiner Ladung, ein zusammengerolltes Pergament und ein kleines Täschchen mit einer kleinen Notiz daran. Er las die Notiz und verstaute beruhigt das kleine Täschchen. Er hatte sich schon Sorgen gemacht, ob der einmalige Besuch des Izams im Lager der Marodeure genug war, damit er auch selbst dorthin fliegen würde. Zufrieden widmete er jetzt seine Aufmerksamkeit dem zusammengerollten Pergament. Er löste die Schleife und entrollte das Pergament. Der Brief war im Dialekt von Crystabell verfasst.
Lordoy Khalaoden,

Thank you for your letter although I assure you I have not turned my back on the nations I adore. Whilst their ignorance assumes this, I actually still fight for them. The Marauders themselves are no different from the Kami or Karavan in a very simple aspect, that they believe, or at least preach, that through them alone hominkind will have salvation. Whilst they paint petty pictures of merciless bloodshed at the hands of the Marauders, their hands are dripping with the blood of innocent homins. The Marauders themselves are a strong, honorable organization who see the true beauty and art of battle. Whilst the Kami run around like thugs, striking down those unprepared time and time again, Marauders are an intriguing collection of homins. From the moment they wake they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue. You will never see such discipline elsewhere.

To really define a Marauder, you need only look at the simple definition. "Marauder" comes from an ancient language, most of which has been lost to us. In this language it translates as "a homin who raids" or more simply put a "raider". This ancient language puts forward this definition of a raider, as someone skilled within the arts of close combat or one who attacks to defend their territory. Much of the ignorance of homin's today is put forth as the governments propaganda, incorrectly defining what a Marauder is. The territory I seek to defend is all the lands I have walked, they are precious to me as is the life that runs through them.

But.. you must be asking yourself this now.. who am I fighting? and why? The answer is very simple. The parasitic governments that corrupt and weaken these lands. The false religions that would have us worshiping them and slaved like Mektoubs to do their bidding.

The Kitins are ever-present. The rangers have blocked there tunnels so what does this mean? Let me tell you.. it means we no longer have access to their strong fighters- it means no invasions to cull. It means these kitins that would usually fall upon our axes are surviving not dying. Their numbers are growing. We must be ready.

The governments have done next to nothing to prepare for this. They sit on their backsides, growing fat and lazy in their dotage. They squabble and squawk at each other over petty things like Izam's fighting over a mate. The threats draw closer and they leave us unprepared. I foresee only one plausible way in which homins survive- that they have strong leaders. Warriors who are capable of leading armies of homins, warriors who have proved themselves worthy and know the true song of battle, warriors who will defend their territory.

What is my goal? To rid Atys of these parasites. To lead hominkind against these threats and once again wipe them out. Within time homins will come around to see we are their true salvation. As for those who oppose us? They will be removed from our path. War is coming. We do not have the time to deal with petty nuisances.

Khalaoden lächelte zufrieden, er hatte einen Kontakt im Lager der Marodeure. Wenngleich er noch nicht dessen Namen kannte. Er begab sich in seine Wohnung, um den Brief ein zweites mal zu lesen und eine Antwort zu verfassen.

vielen Dank für Eure schnelle und ausführliche Antwort. Ihr sprecht von parasitären Regierungen. Ich nehme an Ihr meint damit alle Regierungen. Wie kommt Ihr zu dieser Überzeugung, könnt Ihr Vorfälle benennen die deutlich machen, dass die Regierungen gegen die Interessen ihrer jeweiligen Nation gehandelt haben?

In diesem Zusammenhang muss ich feststellen, dass ich nicht verstehe wie Ihr Atys ohne die Unterstützung der Nationen gegen irgendeine Bedrohung verteidigen wollt. Regierungen sind nicht losgelöst von den Nationen zu betrachten. Wenn sich Regierungen wie Parasiten verhalten, müssen sie von innen heraus verändert werden. Wenn die Sache rechtmäßig ist, wird man unter der Bevölkerung Unterstützung finden. Gemeinsam lassen sich Dinge am einfachsten verändern. Zum Beispiel kritisiert Ihr die Aktion der Ranger. Vielleicht hätte das Schließen der Tunnel verhindert werden können, hättet Ihr euch bei den Rangern eingebracht. Das ist natürlich nur hypothetisch, mir ist klar, dass es für die Marodeure an sich keine Möglichkeit gab sich zu beteiligen.

Ihr erwähnt eine antike Sprache der Maraudeure. Ich habe von einer Sprache der Marodeure in unseren Archiven gelesen. Allerdings ist nur der Name der Sprache verzeichnet, in den Quellen wird sie als Marund bezeichnet. Könnt Ihr mir mehr Informationen dazu geben?

Möge Euch mein Izam finden.



#4 [de] 

Virg quickly rushed into his room. With all the fighting recently he had forgotten to reply to Khalaoden. He quickly grabbed parchment and a quill and wrote his reply:

I see your issues with what a wrote. As a parasite they must be gaining something? They are power hungry. They use their political leverage to abuse the very systems they are meant to enforce. Take Jazzy, a Tryker guard commander. He has abused his political leverage to recruit new, fresh guards and tasked them with fighting Marauders whilst he and his army sit back and drink all day. Of course can I show you evidence of this? Can I prove to you Matis nobles have used their political leverage to lead Matisian forces into the Desert and butcher innocent guards? Can I prove to you that these blood thirsty nobles now reside as Tryker Talari and remain free by abusing their power? Can I prove to you that the Fyros government let their guards be butchered and, in some 'stains', failed to exact any sort of justice? Justice- one of the primary attributes that the Fyros uphold!

Perhaps in some cases, yes. In others no. The corruption runs to deep, The infestation is too wide spread. When an infection takes over a leg wound to severely sometimes there is only one course of action- you remove the entire leg. That is what must be done. I have attended many Government meetings within my life. Fruitless endeavors.

The governments are too weak to protect those under their care. They are in part puppets to the religions that control them. The Zorai government can't even hold onto one homin in the heart of their capital! They were too weak during the last swarmings. Can we depend on rainbow bridges to lead us to safety once again? Can we say for 100% certainty we can be saved in the same manner? Many were left behind last time. This should have been prevented. Hominkind should have been strengthened to fight against the Kitins. That is what we shall do. Marauders grow stronger every day. We train hard and we fight hard. Many of our brothers and sisters have proved themselves countless times against the Kitins, wiping out entire Kitin Patrols without any aid. We will be ready. First though we need to remove these pathetic governments who stand in our way.

Virg quickly sealed the letter and attached it to the Izam's leg and sent it on its way.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#5 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | [Deutsch] | English
Khalaoden saß an seinem Schreibtisch und las den letzten Brief aus dem Marodeur's Lager. Er konnte sich nicht recht konzentrieren, was an seiner Nachbarin lag, welche den Geräuschen nach zu urteilen ein paar Gäste hatte. Es hörte ich wie eine kleine Feier an, die sie da oben hatten. Seine Gedanken wieder auf den Brief richtend fing er an eine Antwort zu verfassen.

Ich denke es ist ganz normal, dass der Kommandeur der Wachen andere Aufgaben hat als die Wachen die er befehligt. Ich glaube selbst in einer Bar wird Jazzy seine Pflichten nicht vergessen. Ich halte ihn für einen Mann der immer Dienst hat. Aber ich glaube wir drehen uns im Kreis mit dieser Diskussion. Ich nehme es hin, dass Ihr enttäuscht seid von Eurer Regierung, ich teile diese Meinung nicht, was klar sein sollte, aber ich versuche dem ganzen gegenüber aufgeschlossen zu bleiben. Wie Ihr in der Vergangenheit habe ich vor kurzem erst angefangen Regierungssitzungen beizuwohnen. Ich hoffe allerdings stark, dass es keine ergebnislosen Bemühungen sein werden, aber die Zeit wird es zeigen.

Es gibt da noch eine andere Sache die mir bei den Marodeuren nicht klar ist. Wenn ich richtig informiert bin, gehört es zum Ritual, dem man sich unterziehen muss um den Marodeuren beizutreten, die Stadtwachen anzugreifen. Nach meinem Verständnis repräsentieren die Wachen zwar die Regierung sind aber eigentlich nur Angestellte der Regierung und gehören somit zum Volk. Dem Volk, das Ihr zu beschützen versucht. Warum also greift ihr sie an? Wenn es nur als Kraftdemonstration gedacht ist, dann bin ich mir sicher, dass es andere, wirkliche Feinde gibt die man bekämpfen kann um sich selbst zu beweisen.

Khalaoden rollte das Pergament zusammen, band es zu und begab sich zum Izamschlag um es zu versenden.

Zuletzt geändert von Khalaoden (vor 9 Jahren)


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