
#1 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | [Deutsch]
Heute war ich zufällig im Palast in Yrkanis als die "Adligen" eines ihrer Treffen abhielten. Im Vorraum hörte ich leise Stimmen. Ich versuchte herauszufinden woher sie kamen und fand in einer Ecke des Raumes eine Stelle wo ich die Stimmen deutlich hören konnte. Die Stimmen mussten aus dem Thronsaal kommen. Ich weiß nicht wie es möglich war, dass ich sie belauschen konnte. Vielleicht gab es ein Loch in der Wand oder so. Eigentlich hätte ich dem Treffen auch persönlich beiwohnen können, da ich eine gebürtige Matis bin, ich wollte aber nicht, dass die "Adligen" wissen das ich da war. Wie auch immer, es ist nicht wichtig wie es möglich war, dass ich sie im Vorraum hören konnte. Wichtig ist was ich aus dem Thronsaal vernehmen konnte. Obwohl ich ihren Dialekt nicht spreche, konnte ich doch einige Fetzen verstehen. Sehr interessante Fetzen sogar. Und nicht nur für mich interessant, das Volk der Fyros sollte noch viel mehr daran interessiert sein. Wenn ich diese Information nur irgendwie an die Fyros verkaufen könnte. Leider besitze ich keinerlei Kontakte bei den Fyros und war nie in der Brennenden Wüste. Die Reise wäre zu gefährlich für mich allein.

Vielleicht, wenn ich nicht zu den Fyros komme, kommen die Fyros zu mir. Ich sollte irgendwie verlautbaren, dass ich für sie wertvolle Informationen besitze. Aber wen könnte ich dazu ansprechen? Ich muss damit sehr diskret umgehen, je weniger davon wissen desto besser, aber gleichzeitig muss ich schnell handeln, die Information ist für die Fyros nur wertvoll, wenn sie sie bald erhalten. Ich sollte morgen die Bar in Yrkanis besuchen und dem Barmann ein paar Fragen stellen.

Zuletzt geändert von Aushienne (vor 10 Jahren)

#2 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | [Deutsch] | English
Gestern hielt ich mich ein wenig in der Bar in Yrkanis auf. Mein Gott, die Bar war so gut wie tot und von dem Barkeeper habe ich auch nichts erfahren können. Nach diesem Reinfall entschied ich mich dazu mich in der Nähe des Stalls aufzuhalten. Ich hoffte auf einen durchreisenden Fyros. Der kam zwar nicht, dafür hörte ich aber von einem Treffen der Ranger im Almati Wald. Dabei kam mir die Idee ein Flugblatt im Ranger-Lager auszuhängen, auf dass es mir einen Kontakt zu eventuell anwesenden Fyros einbringen könnte. Ich konnte allerdings schlecht darauf schreiben "Matis-Verräter sucht Käufer für geheime Informationen bei den Fyros". Daher entschied ich mich für eine andere Vorgehensweise. Ich schrieb:
Die Fyros sind ein Haufen Feiglinge und haben es nicht verdient auf dem gleichen Boden wie die Matis zu wandeln. Ich fordere jeden einzelnen Fyros dazu auf mich vom Gegenteil zu überzeugen und mich in einem fairen Duell zu besiegen. Ich bin in oder um Yrkanis zu finden.

Serae Aushienne

Ich reiste in den Almati Wald und heftete mein Flugblatt an einen Baum in der Nähe des Ranger Lagers.

#3 [en] 

Virg scanned around looking for Matisian guards. From the height of the tree he had a pretty impressive view of Yrkanis. He saw a figure, cloaked in shadow, right outside the throne room. The shadow was dead still and clearly attempting to listen to the conversation.. 'Interesting', he thought to himself. He watched and waited for the shadow to leave then quietly slipped out of the city.

1 day later.

Virg carried out his usual sweep of the city making sure the coast was clear when once again, a shadowy figure caught his eye. It scurried into the bar. He patiently waited for them to exit, shimmied down the tree and began to follow them. Dodging behind several convenient tree limbs he managed to keep out of the guard patrols sight. He followed the figure to the stable then waited. The figure eventually reached into their bag, brought out a teleport pact and broke it. Virg poised himself, ready to run. The figure vanished and Virg broke free from the bush, well more like a blade of grass, that he had been hiding behind. He shot the stable-boy a threatening look, instantly silencing him. Virg skidded to a halt over the spot the stranger vanished, took off his helm and took a deep whiff of the teleport residue. 'Earthy.. Fresh air.. Trees..' He groaned inwardly- Almati was a pain to get to for marauders. A guard shout broke the silence of the leafy city. It was time to go.

Virg arrived in Almati feeling sick. He tore his Kami skirt off, quickly putting his marauder one back on. He hated any Kami teleport sensations, the marauder sensations were much cleaner. They really needed to find better access to the woods. Running off in the direction of the camp he quickly found the figure, still hidden in shadow as the sun was setting. He waited till the figure left his message and ported out. 'Very interesting' he mused as he read the message. He was going to have to talk to this homin.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#4 [en] 

Virg cautiously crept up behind the shadowy figure and slipped the note into their pocket. It contained a simple statement and his guild seal.

Come find us. We should talk.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#5 [en] 

For a few days now I have the feeling of being watched. It started the day I went to Almati Wood to post my note, from which came nothing about, by the way. Maybe I should drop this. How much dapper would a Fyros give a Matis, even a traitor, anyway? But it bugs me to sit on this information and not to be able to do something about it.

Aushienne reached into her pocket for a handkerchief and found a piece of paper. She read it, frowned and finally cursed, "Sneaky bastard".

I found a note in my pocket. Someone wants me to find them. From the way I got this note, I can only assume these people are not great fans of publicity. So I probably won't find them in any of the cities. I guess I should explore the more remote places. Perhaps I can ask some of the tribes if they know the symbol on the note.

[OOC]Virg what timezone are you in?[/OOC]

#6 [en] 

[OC] GMT but my playing time is really random atm due to lots of work. Mikira and Seralee would also be points of contact for this and easier to get hold of.[OC]



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#7 [en] 

Sitting by her favorite fire, enjoying the warmth, the noises the branches made, while slowly being devoured by the flames, Seralee listens to what Virg has to say to her.

"Are you sure, this Matis is to be trusted? What ever she has in mind, do we risk to let her even close to our encampment?"

"I am not sure, dear", Virg replies, striving back and forth infront of the fire, contemplating upon the words his sister said. "But it is obvious that she has something important on her mind, why else go to the extreme of taunting those blockhead fyros into travelling to the woods? No, I am certain, we will have to find out, what she has to say! Please sister, you know how busy I am these days, always on adventures and finding ways of bettering our family, can you find it in you to meet with this Matis?"

Seralee looks into Virgs face, seeing his curiousity, feeling his need to question this young Matis, and comes to a conclusion: "If this homin contacts me, I will hear what she has to say, yes brother. And as soon as I have the information you seek, I will let you know."


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#8 [en] 

The tribes I asked were not much of a help so I ventured around for a while. In the area known as Knoll of Dissent I met a Hunter, I showed him the symbol and he denied knowing it but I saw recognition on his face, maybe mixed with a little fear. I reached for my dagger visibly and he grew more talkative. I learnt that it is the symbol of a marauder Guild called the Syndicate. I asked him where their camp was, but he could not tell me exactly, only that it is somewhere in the Hidden Source. (How appropriate, I thought)

So I went there. It is not a very welcoming area. It is full of Kipuckas, Kirostas and other Kitins. The Cuttlers and Torbaks in this area were not to be disregarded as well. After hours of searching and dodging the local wild life, I finally found a fortified encampment. The guards were many and looked very formidable so I remained at the entrance of the camp. Not counting the guards, the camp looked deserted, I wonder what they are guarding.

I stayed for a while to observe the camp, but nothing came of it. Finally I grew tired of it and watched a Torbak killing some herbivores in front of the camp. The Torbak prevailed of course, but badly wounded. I decided to end his misery. After that I had to rest a little bit, although wounded the Torbak was not easy to kill.

I decided to leave the camp and search for a quieter resting place in the area. As a sign that I was there I cut out the Torbak's tongue and pinned it, along with the note that was slipped into my pocket, with my dagger onto the small tower next to Erhialor Krinrund.

#9 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | [Deutsch] | English
"Deine Nachricht hat ihr Ziel erreicht, wir wurden gefunden." Mikira zeigt Virg das leicht beschmutzte Pergament, welches dieser als sein eigenes Schreiben bestätigt.

"Was mag sie uns zu sagen haben?" Virg schüttelt den Kopf "Keine Ahnung!"

"Wir sollten die kommenden Tage Ausschau halten und die Wachen etwas sensibilisieren." Mikira wendet sich in Richtung des Aufsehers.

"Seralee? Kommst du mit?" - "Wohin?" fragte die stets hilfsbereite Trykerin - "Lass uns etwas umsehen, vielleicht hat die Person weitere Hinweise in der Gegend hinterlassen"



High Officer of Syndicate

#10 [en] 

The following day I intended to return to the marauder camp, but it did not go as I planed. Only a few meters before I reached the camp a Torbak caught my scent. When I tried to hide in the camp from it, I ventured too far and the guards gave me a rough beating.
After my life's seed was restored I realized that this is no area for me to venture in, without having a place to retreat to. I went again to the camp, this time without any incident. I drew up a note and pinned it at the same place as the last one.
I have found you, yet you are still hiding. I will leave this godforsaken place, but I will return someday. For you owe me a hand.

Then I went, to heed the advice Erhialor Krinrund has given me.

Zuletzt geändert von Aushienne (vor 10 Jahren)

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