

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

So this means mara has been killed by event team now officially? Pre merger there where mara meetings and such since merger not now not even a forum for them while rangers and such get one?

Well it's up to event team 2months ago I was promised there would be mara event within the month by event team, 3months ago I was told there was now and official mara event team, ... => well is there now one and will they do something or not since no forum here seems to me like there won't be mara events or mara meetings with akilla like we had on aristople.

Maybe just delete that whole camp and be over with it tamarea seems you all got no mara love and all we do as long as we got our camp is nag you to consider us. Wich you won't I guess.


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

+1 make this happen please


#3 Report | Quote[fr] 

Suboxide (atys)
Pre merger there where mara meetings and such since merger not now not even a forum for them while rangers and such get one?
You wrote on the forum .. Not it's seems there is one mara forum ..
Btw, for the meetings, try to write something and speak with event team, not just put it on forum and wait ?

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

We have spoken with the event team and meetings lead by an anim were supposed to happen quite a while back.



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#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Let's do some simple math here :

The Event team is composed of around 10 people (or 10-15) ? I have no idea of the exact figure.
It's currently working on :

Kara / Kami / Matis / Fyros / Tryker / Zorai / Rangers / Marauder / Trytonist events.

For each group of players.
In 3 languages.

It's composed of voluntary ppl who work on that during their free time.

Among the event related stuff, you can throw in all the ARCC related stuff (except the marauder gameplay which is worked on by the dev team), it means missions, OOC and IC events and all.

They get to do all the communication, work on the forums merger, translations, maintaining the website, completing the Lore wiki...

It has launched the Ryzom Forge recently as well.

Tamarea promises lots of stuff to a lot of people.
The only thing is that there is not enough manpower to just do everything at the same time.

And you can't even say the mara are killed since the new server patch is almost all about them :-)

I guess there are a great way too many works in progress for too few people working on it.

I'd expect that the mara meetings are sidelined, and maybe even more since the FR mara community has almost shut down.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Well this past summer we where told some event team got 'trained' for marauders => waiting
2 months ago in the guard debacle in FH => when I unsubbed angry I was told it was a bad decission since within that month mara rp was gonna start

Yes I know they do and try alot and it takes alot of their free time as an volunteer to do stuff. But now they are introducing the trytonists, after they did the rangers this year.
Kind of strange saying to much work got no time for mara but at the same time introducing whole new organisations at the same time and adding more work.
Why not fix and do something good with the stuff already there then trowing new organistations at the wall and see what sticks. Since one year before merger mara have been death RP wise by event team.
Yes we get new stuff:
'hairdresser & tatoo' => great but not really new everyone in this game except us had access to them past 4years,
'working guards' => great finally again everyone had working guards, trykers even got really well working guards added week after they asked for em,
'rite got fixed and overseer moved' => great that rite was a really fun one (hope with new anti mara guards in towns it's still possible to do it now) but yes same again is something basic that everyone else had no probs with
'tamarea finally said how mara should be played' => kind of sad here since it's not how the teachings of akkilla where on aristople (and not the same way tama told me last year on CeB); but stuff changes and if event team wants to go that route (given to them by some french players); fine by me we all got to addopt in the end. But an RP meeting with akilla to tell us that route and new rules would been great. Instead of forum post.
'they added mission NPC's" => states they not gonna be working yet but atleast I guess we gonna have a new NPC to look at in town hope this also opens the door to some type of occupation like thing (I know NH is not possible for mara lore wise)

=>  seeing they have no intention to add mara based event/meeting forums my only conclusion can be that for the event team we are good enough to  be pictured as baddy's in the assembly's they have with their friends in the civs but they got no intention to try and do meetings or stuff with us like they did on ari pre merger.


#7 Report | Quote[en] 

I would not say killed.. myself and a few other mara got to be apart of one of the "StoryTellers" RP "events" any and all Mara may mail me for information on what happened and what WILL happen with that next =)


"We won our freedom and will not fold to any homin laws of the New Lands. The only law we recognize is ours." ---Hail Melkiar the Black Varinx---

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Rangers & Trytonists have been in the tubes for almost 3 years... and mainly by 1 person and then his follower. You can't use that as an example...

Last edited by Maximus (10 years ago)

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Don't miss understand me I don't really want to blame anyone really, they try to work with what they got.
But have to be honest that it's kind of strange to see stuff happen all around while (ok patch is nice and gonna give us some content and fixes but thats dev team not event team i guess (ryzom teams don't work coherently toughether I keep hearing from themself)). I fear for Rangers and Trytonists aswell the ryzom track record of the Mara don't promise much good for them.
But yes I would like event team to come out and say forget we not intrested in it anymore we just gonna use it as a faction we can bad mouth in RP and discriminate the ppl in it, go do something else if you want content and fun or is there is still a sliver of hope where we can go back to how mara was 3years ago.
(even a 10th of that I would be happy with in end)


#10 Report | Quote[en] 

Why was this official post by ryzom team get deleted? red name is official ryzom team i tought (kind of know that name tough and real player behind it but I guess I get banned if I post it)

Last edited by Suboxide (10 years ago)


#11 Report | Quote[fr] 

Suboxide (atys)
Why was this official post by ryzom team get deleted? red name is official ryzom team i tought (not sure what rules are but Glorfem is kind of Iccus making public he's event team?)

Cause i used the wrong account while i was testing some ARCC stuff.
And no, it's me making public i'm event team, the Glorfem toon is on the test account who has been given to ryzomforge (it's on betaem0, if you are curious to see). Sorry to disappoint, i'm not an evil member of the event team who tries to remove all people i don't like from the game :(


#12 Report | Quote[en] 

could have deleted it saying misspost or something.

fully removing it and not reposting, well it was up quite some time there i screened it since i wanted to read it later when at home and even then it was up 27min, only screened it since forums get cleaned fast these days


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