
#1 [en] 

I had made my mind, and thus went to talk With Liao Fa-Ling, dynastic magistrate:

Hello Astarth Li' lai Ho- she said- what brings you here today? any news from Grove of Umbra?

No- i replied- i came here to resign my zoraï citizanship

She looked in awe and worried- What? is this a joke?- she answered disgusted

Im afraid not, my dear friend, i no longer wish to be a part of this theocracy

But you're an awakened, im sure you must be mad at somthing, but surely it's not enough reason to leave us- she said worried

Yes, Liao Fa-Ling, I'm mad, more disgusted, saddened and troubled than you could ever imagine, and ill tell you why...

But Astarth, you can't just leave, the Circles NEED YOU!!- she interrupted

NO they don't, and the reson i leave is because of them and their disgusting lust for power, they have become too concerned about their glory to look for the well being of the people of the witherings, they just crave for their names to be written in amber cubes and thus have neglected all their duties,

#2 [en] 

they have forgotten and forsaken this lands, and even now the fact of being awakened is irrelevan as they let other lands ambassadors to say what is to be done in the theocracy. They took ages to repel the kitins just so they could get their names, they have neglected the marauders who have taken control of The Void, and have done nothing to fight the Goo... that is the state of our land, and im tired of fighting alone and not be heard. Liao Fa-Ling, It's my desire that the zzoraï be a proud and strong people, but the lazy storytelling took control of the Circles, and now decisions get delayed just to feed the egos of those who tell those stories, this land will fall to the hands of marauders or others with them in charge...i'll fight what i can the goo, kitins and enemies, but not anymore consorting this glory adicted zoraïs whom you call "awakened"

my shizu and I have been acused of being criminals, of aiding them... but all i've done is defend thsi realm with all my resources and all i've got is scorn

#3 [en] 

and for what? for defending and doing the job they're not doing, and if I may give you a final peice of inteligence... The zoraï guards are unfit to fight, the marauders kill them mercilessly without effort, the Guild of Cho seem to have fallen victim of the same laziness and neglect as the rest of this lands, and any single well coordinated attack might leave zora ready for looting or worse.

I did train Min-cho Guards to defend themselves, with the hope that it would become an independent free city, which is something all merchants and peoples from min-cho want, yet the Circles fail to see this reality and with only prejudice attacked the idea.

If the witherings are to survive, political power must be taken directly by Mabreka-cho and the Sages, the council is an idle institution

With all that in mind Liao, if i may call you that, i'm ready to leave and search for a good way to help hominity

Freedom! is what i wish for you and this lands

#4 [en] 

Liao fand a Ling looked sad, worried and dismayed- Ill tell the sages of everything you told me... are you sure about the guard situation?

Yes, very sure Liao... our guards won't hold an attack. And good bye

#5 [en] 

Dear Astarth,

I feel not often forced to reply, if someone is saying a good bye, for what reason ever. But your story is only half of the truth.

You say, Marauders will take control over the witherings, but isn't it your guild and your kind of policies in Min Cho, that wanted a wide open gate for the Marauders with your idea of a free trading "center" in the witherings? Wasn't it you yourself and members of your guild, that killed Zorai guards? Isn't it your guild, that gives marauders, enemies of ALL governements, a home? And: who is not part in EVERY convenience of the circles and is doing "his own business" all over Atys while we are discussing YOUR themes in the circles?

Sorry, but your story is less than the truth of what is happening in the Witherings. The circles need every Zorai, that is willing giving all for the well-being of every homin crossing our country or maybe stayin in on of the cities to settle there. But only for every homin, that is accepting the rules we as Zorai give them. Not for homins, that want to take control over the countries and build their godless dictatory regime all over atys, defeating the order given to them by the homins living there.

So, I say a farewell, may Ma Duk bless you and give you an epiphany moment showing you the right way on Atys and to your inner light.



Mata Hoï­­­­-Cho.
Sartyrica Gū Niang Yèguāngyún
Discepatores Zorae - Shizu
Zoraï-Initiatin und Zoraï-Erleuchtete
Hoï-Cho Intendantin

Der Hauch der Weisheit Ma-Duks weht zärtlich über Atys und erfüllt alle Homins mit seiner Weisheit. (naja: FAST alle)

#6 [en] 

again the acusations, and the obvious refference to min-cho being some marauder paradise... no even going to go further on such discussion as im not taking part of it anymore. I think ezek polluted more minds than what i originally thought, so much so that they let him escape, when i would've gladly cut off his head, and of course as expected he is at large and laughing, one more thing to add to the evident state of decay of the government. I feel Ma'kwai and the sages should retake control of the theocracy.

My guild was always respectful of the Theocracy, but we're not docile frippos either and don't accept things without criticism, also you should ask some Zoraï guilds about their dealings with the Masters of Goo, the Black Circle and the anti Kamis, I know for a fact some very respectable awakened have spies in them, shall i acuse them of being enemies too?

#7 [en] 

(OOC: i had the ideas carefully planned, but ofc that idea in particular clashed with the premade ideas of others who wouldn't even take the time to personally ask me about it, and honestly i feel that my time is best consumed in more fruitful endeavours.)

#8 [en] 

Sartyrica you already live in a godless regime, you just don't realize it yet.

Naivety is an understatement.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#9 [de] 

To Renegade Astarth,

I heard that your guild Guardians of Shadows has left Min-Cho and will live on the beautiful beaches of Aeden Aqueous like before the second Great Swarming? If this should be true I bid all of you farewell.

Your guild-leader Binarabi once said that you, Renegade Astarth, have lost your marbles - at that time it sounded like a joke. But now, after talking to Liao Fa-Ling and reading this… You still are an Awakened, until your title will be stripped of you by the Sages. So you insult and slander yourself now too? Do you thing this sounds sane?

No, was never not your title that is important to anyone, but of course the political authority that it "entitles" you to. As well as the reputation of the Theocracy that you unfortunately represent as long as you still wear this title.

Contrary to your lies some Awakened and also initiates have in actual fact thought up many ideas to improve the well-being of the people of the Witherings. It was you, Renegade Astarth, who did not care about improvements and events. You did not contribute to to the many suggestions we Awakened made, like to fight against the Goo. And you never spoke up against any of the ideas that you now suddenly condemn...

While we discussed the Rangers' termite-plan in Min-Cho with Sage Sens and Awakened Fey-Lin Liang you did not even try to persuade anyone to support it. You were the one who suggested magnetic means instead - while not doing anything to turn this idea into action afterwards. Remember now?

Besides of that the only new idea that ever came from your guild was to let the guards admit Marauders into Min-Cho and declaring Min-Cho a "free trade city". Don't try to hide this truth, please. We heard Binarabi's public speech asking for sympathy with the Marauders.

But at the same time you, Renegade Astarth, actually complain about Marauders "controlling" the Void? No wonder even my honored mentor Sartyrica felt that this weirdness has to be commented on. Whatever you might mean, Astarth by exaggerating brief seizures of outposts for a short time or petty duels in the wild…

The ones who came up with wanting a botanical solution were all Zorai, starting with initate Valandrine. Only later on we asked the nobles from the Kingdom to join us and then they helped us. The lie about "ambassadors of other nations" engineering decisions of the circles clearly is only your unsuitable hatred of all Matis speaking.

You aren't Marauder nor Fyros; and as the Matis-nobles have helped us Zorai big time it is unworthy of a Zorai to keep on openly expressing hateful prejudice towards. Remember that you are still an Awakened.

I heard that you told Liao Fa-Ling that "all people" from Min-Cho allegedly agreed to your plans, Renegade Astarth. Do you really not know that four members of the "Wandering Hermits of Onaru" made clear in public that they are very much against the "free city"-plan for the Min-Cho where they feather their nest?

Pointing out that you were "defending this realm" - while secretly housing at least one professed, active Marauder, and at one time murdering Zorai-guards in the Great Outback with your guild-mates? No "Guardian" ever apologized for this - why do you lie about your guild always being "respectful" towards the Theocracy?

To be continued….

Zuletzt geändert von Zhoi (vor 10 Jahren)


#10 [de] 


You talk about fighting all day long, Renegade Astarth, and even want to make the Zorai "proud and strong" people. Do you really believe it would "benefit" our people to warp and twist their very souls - souls that value spiritual accomplishment, wisdom and respect for nature (ecology) more than anything?

Even lamenting that "all others got is scorn" - while it was only you yourself who ever threw accusations and imputations around - against your fellow Awakened and also against allied homins, patriots and nobles. You, Renegade Astarth, trample on the feet of others and then react resentful when they cry out because you have hurt them...

Insulting Awakened as "traitors" for having sent spies to dangerous tribes to watch over them and warn the Theocracy of any threatening development? If this were true, then wouldn't you be the only real traitor, Renegade Astarth, for exposing spies working for the very nation that you have sworn loyalty to?

Sorry, but it's laughable to describe how you "would" have fought (and defeated, of course) Ezek, Renegade Astarth... It was your own decision to not even take part at Ezek's trial: and that's why you naturally never stood a chance from the beginning.

So you'd like the circles and Awakened to be stripped of their powers and the Sages to "rule" the Witherings "directly", Renegade Astarth. Isn't this just pitiful cowardice to lash out at your colleagues while sucking up to the authorities of higher ranks who are more powerful than you, even though they are the truly responsible ones?

In actual fact it was the Sages who decided to decline your petition to make Min-Cho a "free" city, Renegade Astarth. As you should know very well. The Awakened and circles did not have any say in this decision at all. They were only permitted to voice their opinion afterwards.

Every political decision up until now has been made and executed only because of and according to the will of the Sages. As well as everything that has not been done and/or postponed.

Face it already: you failed as an Awakened, Renegade Astarth, as you never used your political powers that you had for a very long time to change anything to the better in your homeland; over the course of many Assemblies that you only ever briefly visited.

So stop blaming others for mistakes that you merely imagine, Renegade Astarth; as long as you yourself even have much, much more to be ashamed of personally.

Awakened Zhoi

Zuletzt geändert von Zhoi (vor 10 Jahren)


#11 [en] 

(OOC: Astarth, if you wanted to be asked "personally" why did you avoid talking to us then? IC we did read your open letters, some did reply to them, and we did invite you to talk with everyone in Zora. You were the one who pushed everyone away - even with OOC-statements like "idle kiddie politics" #11 and
"kiddie rethorics void of any action and full of storytelling" #12.

In terms of RP do you really think that discussing (often in your second language that you can practise by that), thinking up ideas for events for everyone's fun, scheming, and trickily interpreting complex lore-information is childish, for "kiddies"?

You say you want less / no storytelling but more "action" instead. Which means directing your character/toon across a virtual world and clicking buttons timely to simulate "fighting". How is this less childish then being creative, sharpening your wits in dialogues to put your plans across and adding a sense of aliveness as well as more depth to a virtual world?

OOC speaking you had the chance to think up and support action-filled events for everyone during RP-politics. Instead you hardly attended to Assemblies, often came late or left extremely early, and you never said much :( You actually had the chance to change political RP. You yourself deliberately chose not to do so.

The things you said about Virg's RP not being respected and the Rangers' plans not being pushed because whatever was said during Assemblies are all untrue.

Political representatives talked about Virg's claim at Assemblies of all countries. Virg's decision to become a Marauder is the only thing that will stop this now. And the Rangers pulled through with their plan until the end. The Rotoa-event merely added even more action for players. Isn't that exactly what you wanted? So why do you even complain about it?

The long delay was mostly caused by an event-team-member leaving Ryzom so another one had to take over the Rotoa-event and bring it to an end. And wasn't it really nice to make and then see the Rotoas grow in the Witherings and the Verdant Heights as a visible change on Atys?

P.S: telling players OOC that they are supposed to "enjoy" playing-styles/events that they oppose is disgusting. It's like slapping people in their faces and telling them that they shall enjoy this -_-)


#12 [en] 

My dear zhoi, this will be my last letter to you:
You fail to see that i wasn't even playing for 6 months, and that was while the trial happened... now i fail to see why i should go for a meeting of 3 hours or more for things that will get posponed over and over again, I've worked on politics in RL, and let me tell you if any of the authorities ive dealt with, wouldve had to endure 3 hours for nothing they wouldve certainly closed their doors on me and the ones i represented.

Also played roleplay MMOs, Ad&D and card games for a long time, and what you do is far from being RP, it certainly takes the form of it, but lacks the ROLE part, and whenever contradiction arises you dismiss it.

IC: You call me a renegade... yet still lack any proofs for that statement, i just stated my points clearly, now i won't have anything to do with you, and trust me neither will i object to your plans or whatever, as you also won't do anything to stop someone you claim to be so pernicious

#13 [en] 

*removed so no drama goes out*

Zuletzt geändert von Suboxide (vor 10 Jahren)


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