

#1 [fr] 

The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Great Greenhouse of Yrkanis, on Dua, Nivia 8, 4th CA 2578 *, and was lead by His Grace the Duke Rodi di Varello, counsellor of the Karan Stevano.

Filira Erminantius has first provided a detailed summary of the ongoing works by the study group on the kitins of the depths.

He has reported his successful diplomatic mission towards the Trykers, since these ones have produced the three nets needed for the capture.

Next step will be the building of the pen which will hold back the creature. The place has been chosen in Heretics Hovel, near the kitin’s observation camp.
Help from the royal botanist, Cuiccio Perinia, will be needed to reinforce the barrier with plants. The Duke di Varello mentions that ser Perinia has showed a real enthusiasm for this idea.
The attending Zoraï ambassador has also mentioned that the Theocracy was willing to support our ambitious project. This request has been granted through Filira Salazar’s voice.
Serae Zendae has proposed herself as a guide towards the place for any homin willing to visit it

Next step will be the capture itself, since all this is only a preliminary phase of the project itself: the study of a living kitin of the depths, in order to get all the information needed for our victory against this ancestral foe.

By the meantime, academic research works are also ongoing, in order to define the basis of the study which will be done in the field.

His Grace has complimented the study group for the progress in its work, but mentioned that the Karan was waiting for results very soon.

This was the opportunity to bring up the subject of current affairs in the cities of the Kingdom, since the Duke proposed that the kitin’s capture would be the chance for a tournament.
Serae Shepeng volunteered for its organisation, since a similar project had already been envisioned by several Avalae’s Houses during their local Assemblies.

The subject of Avalae’s market, which was supposed to be the next topic, has been put on hold, so that attending ambassadors could express themselves.

Zorai ambassador has reported that some fyros hotheads, seemingly with support from at least one akenak, were trying to restart hostilities against the Kingdom. Or maybe against the Lakes? Her mentions were confused. And such was also the involvement of some Min-Cho’s inhabitants.

The Assembly has listen this report with courtesy, and several Nobles have shared their relevant analysis on the chance, real or not, for these troublemakers to achieve their ends and start a war between the Kingdom and the Desert, or even on atysian scale.

This subject will be considered will all due attention, but there won’t be given any follow-up to the request of the ambassadors, who was asking for the Chamber’s help in order to decrease the chance of a conflict.
Indeed, all this is a purely fyros matter, and the Kingdom isn’t responsible for the belligerent leanings of some maniacs in the Desert.

Much more interesting was the mention that the Fyros, like matis people before them, have become aware of the troubling differences in the memories of the homins who have lived through Second Exodus, and moreover before this on.
The Duke di Varello has confirmed that those phenomenon were known from the Royal Academy, which had already been studying them for quite some time.

Since there was no other subject on the public agenda, His Grace has thanked the guests and ambassadors.
The rest of the Assembly was held behind closed doors.

Written down for Avalae’s Archives on Prima, Nivia 13, 3ème CA 2578
Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Dua, Nivia 14, 3ème CA 2578

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

OOC: On July, 7th 2014 /OOC

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Copal (10 years ago)

#2 [en] 

Copal (atys)
Zorai ambassador has reported that some fyros hotheads, seemingly with support from at least one akenak, were trying to restart hostilities against the Kingdom. Or maybe against the Lakes? Her mentions were confused. And such was also the involvement of some Min-Cho’s inhabitants.

The Assembly has listen this report with courtesy, and several Nobles have shared their relevant analysis on the chance, real or not, for these troublemakers to achieve their ends and start a war between the Kingdom and the Desert, or even on atysian scale.

This subject will be considered will all due attention, but there won’t be given any follow-up to the request of the ambassadors, who was asking for the Chamber’s help in order to decrease the chance of a conflict.
Indeed, all this is a purely fyros matter, and the Kingdom isn’t responsible for the belligerent leanings of some maniacs in the Desert.

Much more interesting was the mention that the Fyros, like matis people before them, have become aware of the troubling differences in the memories of the homins who have lived through Second Exodus, and moreover before this on.

Typical of the pompous overlords we have long come to expect from Matis and Matis sympathisers, dismissive, insensitive and insulting


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#3 [de] 

It is most unfortunate that my explanations have not been understood and instead seen as confusing; maybe because of the different dialects we speak? So for anyone interested I will repeat them here and now:

* in one past and part of the New Lands before the second Great Swarming Thesos was attacked by some Matis-Vasalls, as can be read in more detail at this place http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/20410

* Virg, a Fyros-guardian from the guild Asylum, spoke in front of the Akenak during the previous national Assembly and asked for this attack to be solved and the Empire to be recompensated by the Kingdom

* one of the leaders of the attack in this past was named by Virg: Maegon

* Maegon is a Tryker-Taliar nowadays, an official political representative of New Trykoth, not a Matis any longer

* the reports of the Assembly of Pyr incited bellicosity in Binarabi, who declared her readiness for battle against the Kingdom, a readiness shared by several members of her guild. Binarabi is the leader of a political active guild from Min-Cho that has two Awakened in their ranks - who are both entitled to vote at national political referendums in the Circles of the Theocracy until the Sages will decide otherwise.

* while some political representatives say that we are experiencing the start of an international crisis and should nip it in the bud, others advocate to not do anything - in the hope that a war will break out and give them an opportunity to fight...

As a side-note:

as Binarabi is considering "Matis-sympathizers" as being "dismissive, insensitive and insulting", what of our Sages then, who gratefully welcomed the valuable help by the Matis-nobles? And what of our beloved Grand Sage Mabreka Cho who has helped prince Yrkanis in 2509 in dethroning Jinovitch and claiming the throne of the Kingdom? And Mabreka Cho's honored father and former Grand Sage, Leng Cheng-Ho, has even given his life for saving Yrkanis in his youth...

Unfortunately during the last Assembly of the Circles it came to light that Binarabi's guild also is home of at least one professed Marauder who has not renounced the Marauder-ways... No wonder that the guild has asked for Min-Cho to be made into a free-trade-zone for Marauders, by ordering the guards of Min-Cho to not attack Marauders anymore. Luckily this request was denied by the Sages. On the other hand Awakened Astarth has publicity declared that his views and that of the Theocracy are no longer compatible, but his title and political rights have not been deprived by the Sages yet. These are disturbing times.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Zhoi (10 years ago)


#4 [en] 

Copal (atys)
Zorai ambassador has reported that some fyros hotheads, seemingly with support from at least one akenak, were trying to restart hostilities against the Kingdom. Or maybe against the Lakes? Her mentions were confused. And such was also the involvement of some Min-Cho’s inhabitants.

The Assembly has listen this report with courtesy, and several Nobles have shared their relevant analysis on the chance, real or not, for these troublemakers to achieve their ends and start a war between the Kingdom and the Desert, or even on atysian scale.

This subject will be considered will all due attention, but there won’t be given any follow-up to the request of the ambassadors, who was asking for the Chamber’s help in order to decrease the chance of a conflict.
Indeed, all this is a purely fyros matter, and the Kingdom isn’t responsible for the belligerent leanings of some maniacs in the Desert.

Much more interesting was the mention that the Fyros, like matis people before them, have become aware of the troubling differences in the memories of the homins who have lived through Second Exodus, and moreover before this on.

Troublemakers.. Hotheads?

You set our home on fire.

Your phrasing "restart hostilities against the kingdom" is most incorrect. As several accounts have shown the hostilities were against the Fyros. Bina called it correctly- you are extremely arrogant and pompous.

I would normally tell you to get down off your high horse but there is no need. I will set fire to it and you alike.

PS. Don't base your assumptions upon others confusions and then try to claim we have "belligerent leanings".



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#5 [fr] 

cal i selak !!

No one in the Fyros goverment wants to restart hostilities against the Kingdom. It is truth that some Fyros citizens are angry about Matis people attacking Thesos in the past, and the dead malos, but never was said that we would take revenge or restart any hostilities. 

The reason is simple. When I was told about this attack, I reported to the celiakos and the answer was that the story isn´t  clear, due to different memories from the Fyros patriots and from the celiakos itself. So in the assembly, we only tried to bring light to what really happened and what not, and I say try, because who was present in that assembly knows that we didn´t reach to nothing. 

celiakos Lyan Cexius asked before we start to listen to the different memories if it is really necessary to take weapons against something happened long ago. And after the long assembly, he even told us that a meeting with the Matis people should be done to understand about this different memories and to see if they could help us to understand what happened. But it seems that it is a Fyros matter, according to what I have read.

The sharükos, the celiakos and the akenak know that some of those memories aren´t good for the Honor of certain public homins, and we won´t start hostilities against someone that didn´t made nothing, or that was judged from his acts in the past.

And I´m not telling, that any of that happened, again, I don´t have the Truth in my hands. 
The sharük wants to understand what happened and then we will decide about it.

I´m not supporting any attack, I only help those Fyros that come to me. If those Fyros are angry and want to attack right now, I understand that feeling. But I told in the assembly, and I tried to make it clear in the summary I made after the Pyr assembly and in my words above, sharük is trying to find the Truth behind what took place in the past, nothing more. 



Lerya Rechtuch

#6 [en] 

The slim Matis with the amber-green eyes read the public answers to the published protocol of the Assembly of the Chambers of Nobles with some interest, and with some interest he had also read the protocols of the Akenak, where obviously some homins - one who might be, or not, a Fyros citizen, and one who still is, or not, a member of the Theocracy - more or less called the Empire to arms for an invasion of the Kingdom.

He had listened to the worries regarding this attitude in both the Witherings and the Lakelands, but - as he told Menthys - he was a historian, not a hysteric, and therefore was much more interested in the fact that the Fyros, at last, became aware of the inconsistencies in the memories of homins, indeed in the archieved knowledge of their past he recognised and started to study some time ago.

Obviously the Imperial Senate had put some thought in this, which implied not every Fyros politician suffered from too much exposure to the sun. The suggestion of Lyan Cexius, to Salazar's knowledge the current Celiakos of Pyr, was interesting, and even more interesting if it was backed by the Sharükos. At the same time, it was a challenge - a challenge to the Akenos, for how could such a suggestion realised without a diplomatic flow? They would have to get in contact with the Nobles at some point, or decide to ignore both the suggestions of their Senate as well as the limitations of their knowledge.

He took up the tumbler filled with red wine, scented the spicy aroma before finally nipping it. 'Good,' he thought. 'We all will be learning from it, one way or the other.'

His lips curled into a smile. Then he whispered: "It's your draw."


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#7 [en] 

Salazar (atys)
[color=green]some homins - one who might be, or not, a Fyros citizen, and one who still is, or not, a member of the Theocracy - more or less called the Empire to arms for an invasion of the Kingdom.

We called for justice. The fact everyone assumes this means war perhaps rings a truth to what justice would actually be? (As for what I am, all will be cleared up shortly in a few posts :))



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#8 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Salazar (atys)
some homins - one who might be, or not, a Fyros citizen, and one who still is, or not, a member of the Theocracy - more or less called the Empire to arms for an invasion of the Kingdom.

We called for justice. The fact everyone assumes this means war perhaps rings a truth to what justice would actually be? (As for what I am, all will be cleared up shortly in a few posts :))

I would call on all nations to disregard all that Virg has stated without further consideration. The well known Fyros guild, Asylum, was infiltrated by Marauders. Their corrupt whisperings have led a number of Asylum's members down dark paths and into believing that plundering their own guild and becoming Marauders themselves is their true calling.

As Virg's statements were clearly made while under the influence of these Marauders, it is quite likely that his efforts were little more than a Marauder plot to use our varied memories of events to divide the nations and, thus, make us easier targets for Marauder aggression.

Last edited by Anzhanto (10 years ago)


An'Zhanto, Jeweler
Blessed by Ma-Duk
Guardian of the Theocracy
Eldest, Order of the White Lotus Guild Info

#9 [fr] 

Disregard me because I am now part of the marauder organisation? So quick to ignore yet so slow to understand (or even to not understand at all). I thought better of you Anzhanto. How narrow minded.

My statements are my own to make and my guild did not even know what I was saying, save for the fact I was calling for justice. As for plundering our own guild, well just listen to yourself. We took what we had earned and left behind that worthy of those who stayed. One left who we offered his share to and he has now returned to Asylum.

Perhaps actually look into the situation a little before making assumptions. To assume is to make an ass out of u and me.

We fight for the survival of hominkind. Dark days are to come.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#10 [fr] 

I can understand that homins have different memories, we have lived diverse lives elsewhere before the last swarming, I am ashamed that homins would rather study plants and kitins and dismiss out-of-hand the memories of others

It is to be hoped that one day Atyss might regain some of it's pride and passion for taking actions where all homins can be involved if they so choose ...

This is unfinished business no matter what "some" homins say


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#11 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Disregard me because I am now part of the marauder organisation? So quick to ignore yet so slow to understand (or even to not understand at all). I thought better of you Anzhanto. How narrow minded.

My statements are my own to make and my guild did not even know what I was saying, save for the fact I was calling for justice. As for plundering our own guild, well just listen to yourself. We took what we had earned and left behind that worthy of those who stayed. One left who we offered his share to and he has now returned to Asylum.

We fight for the survival of hominkind. Dark days are to come.

Mjollren was about to reply to this in a joking manner, until the thought wormed its way in: what if Virg was dead serious? The sweet-talking high officer always seemed friendly in public and this would surely be a joke .. but then his actions went on to be self-serving regularly.

So deceitful, yet the ruse worked so well for so long.

As such -

Here are my thoughts, sweet talker:

Political speak is colored by the person's political views. Yes, you are a marauder and have been leaning towards marauding for a while now. Your attempt to disrupt a fragile peace achieved under the common kitin threat is marauder speak. Nations need to rekindle long-buried and long-forgotten enmities? You promote war, not peace - yet you claim exactly the opposite, liar.

Your way of parting with your own guild speaks volumes. You took what "you" deserved? Did Asylum win outposts on itself, by itself, in a void? You drive out members of Asylum with toxic speak, and then claim it's only fair to steal, because hey, they're weak anyway, and the other kami guilds can go die in a fire for all you care.

You will note I am not speaking of any supreme or boss materials, as I am well aware of who actively scouted and who put in time for supernodes. The line of thinking about outpost mats is laughable. It's ok though, we understand : you have always been a marauder at heart, selfish and power-hungry.

If you fight for survival of hominkind, I am a Great Kizoar.


#12 [fr] 

OOC: honestly our RP styles are clashing and it's time they take different paths, alternate stories on how atys went after the great swarm, this path of kiddie rethorics i void of any action and full of storytelling...in my oppinion the fyros-matis debacle should take place, and those opposing are invited to come along and enjoy it.

One of the many reasons i pulled out of zora circles and moved for the free trade hub in min.cho was so i wouldnt have to deal with the mimics of politics that take place every month. and in the case of Virg i feel he has a good idea that's just not being respected as part of the RP

Sicerely yours


ps: as i've said before in IC you can have your titles back if you care so much about them

#13 [en] 

Mjollren (atys)
Mjollren was about to reply to this in a joking manner, until the thought wormed its way in: what if Virg was dead serious? The sweet-talking high officer always seemed friendly in public and this would surely be a joke .. but then his actions went on to be self-serving regularly.
What actions are self serving? Make a claim, back it up.
Mjollren (atys)
You are a marauder and have been leaning towards marauding for a while now.
Funny you make such a comment you know absolutely nothing about. (I neither cared if I went maro or kami, both have their positives. What I cared about was keeping my guild intact- something I worked extremely hard for and yet still didn't quite achieve it).
Mjollren (atys)
You promote war, not peace - yet you claim exactly the opposite, liar.
I promote saving homins from what lies above and below. The current state atys is in, it wouldn't last a day if the Kitins threw their full force at us. In times of desperation we must act. Homin kind need to be stronger, we will make them so. The Zorai's can't even hold onto a prisoner. The Fyros can't even defend their own city. The Matis and Trykers can't even hold onto their own outposts.
Mjollren (atys)
Your way of parting with your own guild speaks volumes. You took what "you" deserved? Did Asylum win outposts on itself, by itself, in a void? You drive out members of Asylum with toxic speak, and then claim it's only fair to steal, because hey, they're weak anyway, and the other kami guilds can go die in a fire for all you care.
Once again you tall so much about something you know so little of. Please before making such outragous claims actually learn the facts. ~4 players out of the whole Asylum didn't move to Syndicate. I drove no one out of Asylum, I tried to keep our guild together.

Yes the Kami won the outposts with us. We did regular handouts and gave the mats to any who asked at any time. We left the outposts with the kami.
Mjollren (atys)
The line of thinking about outpost mats is laughable. It's ok though, we understand : you have always been a marauder at heart, selfish and power-hungry.
More claims... Where is your reasoning behind this?

All in all MJ, you have made yourself look arrogant.

Edited for language 

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tiximei (10 years ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#14 [fr] 

(( OOC: Just a reminder that this is in the RP forums and my char is actually talking IC. He's kami and he's a friend of all nations.

The character of Virg is a two-faced former kami who turned marauder, he needs to take the heat for it. Marauder is fairly opposite to my own allegiance.

Brace for a wall of text. ))

With a sigh, Mjollren takes the yber feather and starts writing again. This time it would be longer, it would be more fleshed out, it would still be in vain for the addressee. Still, a few izams had arrived in Dyron soon after his first open letter went out - showing that there were homins who needed this, someone to put their thoughts into words. So, with a deep breath, he began on a new parchment.


I see no reason to disclose my sources of information, nor my means and devices of acquiring said information. Of course, you are free in turn to say I'm wrong and I know nothing, but am I really like that?

My judgments are in the open, and up for anyone to consider their weight; if they are unfounded, they shall be judged so. Should the judgments be baseless, you would not be worrying about them.

Asylum stands for kami and for fyros, I hope you can remember that despite your probable intoxication with goo. You claim you tried to keep the guild together.

Keeping a kami / fyros guild together means precisely one thing, and it's not what you did.

I vividly remember a certain change of season where actual Asylums killed karavan homins in the Roots, despite having accepted their help at first, precisely because the religion meant something to those Asylum members; the very idea to even allow marauders inside the guild would have been laughable and ludicrous back then.

The fact that marauders were allowed in under the guise of friendship, and were allowed to spread their toxic ideas is indeed a sad state of affairs. Whispers about the weakness of kami, dreams of grandeur despite the guild having the most power on the planet.

Maybe you personally did not spread marauder ideas nor did you test the waters towards those ideas. It's a possibility, I admit. Despite the fact that you followed ... maybe you were pressured all along. Is that what you're trying to convey?

Oh, and the perceived lessened strength of the nations? You were in a fyros guild with good fighters, yet you took no action, neither personally nor as an agent in your group. It was only after marauding ideas started pouring that you suddenly remembered about past conflicts and dead people who have been long buried.

You can justify it however you see fit, but again, my reasoning is here in the open : your motives have been built on a desire to fight, on made-up conflict that will weaken nation relations as a side-effect. Also: there is already a group dedicated to fighting kitins and uniting homins - the rangers. I remember complaints they did not have enough fluffers for you, and even expected you to read meeting minutes if not join them from time to time; outrageous, ain't it?

The marauder chapter took, at most, half the active homins from its former guild. We could pretend we're blind and Asylum doesn't have more people who are currently wandering the wilds and who will surely return home, to their guild that is kami and fyros, sure; still, the great feat was to convert half the guild.

Asylums will come home to a significantly weaker guild of course, because people who already enjoyed discretionary usage of their outpost materials also stockpiled for a while in spite of their faction, and at the end stole the better part of them. Just regular business for marauders, I suppose.

So, to end this : enjoy your marauding days, I do mean it, maybe you'll live long enough to see some god's light again.

But you remain a marauder, and in this light, your contributions regarding politics or nation life will amount to nothing more than a pile of mek dung!


#15 [en] 

((Just a reminder I was never two-faced about the situation and now Virg is actually fighting for hominkind, rather than just being friendly with them.))

Well then I will say you are mistaken. I was one of the last to leave Asylum, were I held the HO position. I can assure you over 70% of the active playerbase left. My cause for concern is you speak of them as if they are facts, something which can mislead others.

Asylum stood for much more than just Kami and Fyros. Had you been in the guild you would have known this. Asylum was built by 4 freinds who turned it into something much, much bigger. The values we held are still written in our Guild Reg. You can read them there if you would like.

I vividly remember Grave of the Fireflies fighting against a Kami attack against the Kara. Look to your own guilds wrongdoings. The idea to allow marauders into our guild was always not. People who were marauder for the sake of their tp system and pvp points have always been allowed since we started the guild.

Yes the guild had the most power but Atys was still weak.We offered to train homins yet few came. Now the time draws close and we must unite the nations and prepare them.

(I did what I could and then went with the 2 people I started this guild with, Bucshotz and Drezar.)

Check the Fyros forums young homin. I was calling for justice for the Matis for a very long time, and shouted out to the universe about justice for even longer.

The rangers are to busy fiddling with termites to do any actual damage to the kitins. They are busy playing their game of whack-a-mole, except fruitlessly attempting to cover up the holes. The will mean fewer, but larger invasions.

You are naive if you think that all the Asylum members who return will stay there.

Mek dung must be a great fertilizer as I am already in talks with one government representative who approached me.

Last edited by Virg (10 years ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
Last visit Thursday, 6 June 07:00:39 UTC

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