
#1 [fr] 

[OOC] We think it is time to share information about Atreus but please notice that your avatar can not be aware of most of them. So please play the game and take them as simple information from players to others ;)

PS : Dates are only given as time markers. We tried to make it short and we did it even it is not really obvious for you !
So… maybe we should advise you to take a large coffee cup before reading… :p
And please be friendly with our English, it is not our mother tongue ;)
Mermaidia and Eeri


2013, March 7th : When Thesos guild leaders have received a strange anonymous message…

oren pyr bek fyros,
More than ten years have passed since our last meeting. Left for dead by Kamis and Karavan, I was brought back to life by old friends of mine.
I come back among you to regain the power that was stolen to me, in order prove to these traitors of Kamis and Karavan that fyros no longer need them.
sharük pyrèkud !

April 2nd : When patriots have met Euracus Cethus for the first time…

Patriots were gathering for an akenos meeting in Thesos, waiting for Senator Abycus Zekops who was late.
Euracus Cethus took advantage of the situation introducing himself as a Patriot too and willing to talk about the message. He told them that rumours were spreading in Pyr and how urgent it would be to get in touch with the author of the message. Maybe Thulam Cekaps could help them, the Burned Faces General was worried about the message too.
He left quickly when Pephosse Aerus entered the tavern to excuse Abycus.
She seemed to be annoyed by this homin. The only think she explained was that he was a former senator.

April 8th : message from Euracus
He wrote that Thulam has met the author of the message and came back really shaken. The General would get in touch with guild leaders soon.
Euracus added that some of our assumptions seemed to be confirmed.

April 9th : message from Thulam Cekaps
He told us he want to meet us because of serious news that had distressed him. He advised us to be careful.

April 10th : meeting with Thulam Cekaps
Were present : Thulam Cekaps / Euracus Cethus / Bardor, Geyos, Icus, Mermaidia

Thulam explained he had met Atreus, the homin pretending to be Sharükos Dexton. Thulam thought the fyros is trusty. He is disfigured but his voice, his build and his charisma spoke for him.
The former general would try to organise a meeting with him.
Euracus told them he did not trust senators Abycus Zekops and Dios Apotheps.
The patriots were wondering about his hatred against Powers, especially against Kamis because the late Dexton was one of their disciples.

April 15th : message from Thulam Cekaps announcing next with Atreus a few days later, asking us to act with discreetly

April 17th : When Patriots have met Atreus in Scorched Corridor for the first time !
Were present : Atreus, Decalion Krilius, Icus, Geyos, Bardor, Mermaidia

The patriots met Atreus. He took off his helmet, his face was unrecognizable because of his disfiguration. He explained how he awakened in a closed room, how Karavan agents questioned him, how he managed to escape but consequences were serious : Kuilde persecuted him.
Then he explained how he approached the trytonnists shortly before the Swarm and that they helped him building bridges.
Then he asked Patriots to build future with him and to wear black fyros sleeves to recognize each other.

Atreus and Decalion had left hurriedly when a weird homine appeared, she was wearing Kuild’s blason.
Fyros managed to make her left but she threatened them.

July 9th
- Bardor talked about Atreus with Abycus Zekops. The senator is sad but certain of Dexton’s death. Nevertheless he would be interested in investigating with us on Atreus.
- The patriots involved received a message from Atreus, next meeting announcement.

July 12th : Second meeting in Scorched Corridor
A group of patriots rejoined Euracus Cethus in Thesos’s tavern, and all went for a meeting in Scorched Corridor.
Were present patriots Mermaidia, Saphirola, Geyos, Bardor, Icus, Eeri, Artherius.
Are waiting in a cavern : Atreus - Decalion Krilus

Artherius kept his sword and helmet on and asked Atreus to take off his helmet —finally they did it at the same time. Indeed Artherius was Lykos disguised, and he seemed to recognize his father in Atreus. Both were touched but Atreus asked him to go back to Pyr for his safety.

The meeting ended quickly after that Atreus asked which patriots would be willing to follow him. The Légions Fyros, convinced with Lykos’s venue, promised to help him in his quest. The Eclaireurs d’Atys prefers to take time to think about it in guild (a way for them to gain time and get Abycus' version) which created a tension between the two guilds.
The Patriots have different feelings concerning Abycus Zekops.

July 15th : Patriots meeting
Icus, Eeri, Bardor in Thesos bar, in order to talk about the last meeting with Atreus
Epus Xalaus came, and talked with them. Then he showed them a strange message written in his notebook, which warned patriots to talk about this subject out of the Desert, because they were under surveillance. The message said also to be careful with the white color (which is known to be the color of celiakos).

July 29th : Patriots meeting

Mermaidia, Saphirola, Shunto, Eeri and Icus met in Thesos and planned to go somewhere out of the Desert but Pephosse Aerus arrived and asked if she were late for meeting. It seemed that Abycus Zekops gave her the order to come there. Then she tried to get information about Atreus.
This confirmed the message of Epus, and made some patriots thinking that Abycus did not want, for some reasons, to make the truth on this story.
Eeri gave a message to each homin and all left to the Hidden Source. There the discussions went on and Mermaidia told them the story of Abycus, sure that they would better understand why she thought he were reliable.

August 1st : Patriots Meeting
Icus, Eeri, Geyos, Mermaidia, Kilvaner, Saphirola, Shunto
They met in Dew Drops following Epus’ advice but quickly they thought that Pyr would be a better place to investigate. So left and went to the Palace, looking for any official but without success.

December 9th : Akenak meeting in Pyr
Icus announced that he gave up with his akenak charge, and that he would go to look for Atreus and the truth.
Mermaidia and him argued in order to open people’s eyes and asking Empire to feel concerned about this story. If Atreus is who he pretends to be, Sharük had to welcome him back. If not, he had to be judged ! But a confrontation would be necessary so it must be their duty to find him.

2014, January 27th : message from Icus announcing he had news for them.

January 30th : Patriots meeting
While Geyos, Globhul and Mermaidia were discussing at Thesos’s Tavern, Xinna Cekaps, Thulam’s sister, came to us to know if we had news from his brother. She was the former secretary of Mephyros Xytis, former senator who left to Yrkanis after the Swarm and Dexton’s death. Patriots tried to get informations but Phephosse Aerus came to escort Xinna back to Pyr…

February 13th : Akenos meeting in Thesos
Eeri nomination.
The marauder attacks during fights against kitins were discussed. Mermaidia insisted harshly on the fact that Lykos has no reaction in order to catch the senator attention to meet him after the assembly. Her plan worked and she was touched by his words, sure of his loyalty.

February 20th

- Meeting in Pyr, where Lykos has announced the nomination of Euracus Cethus
Mermaidia worried about that : it is known that Abycus and Euracus did not get along. What was the purpose of Lykos ? Why Graphybus Ceros was not here although he was in charge of the announcement of this exceptional meeting ?

- Patriots met in Thesos after the meeting. Icus came back with sad news : Atreus has the same strange illness that Dexton had recovered years ago (called « Dyros’ fading »)

March 31th : Thesos akenos meeting
Gramald Xarius gave a letter to Eeri and Mermaidia, a confidential order to go to Lonesome Pass to meet Zekfinus Dyn.
Celiakos Graphybus Ceros was waiting them on the top of a hill to talk with them about Atreus.
They decided that the truth had to be discovered, by any mean, but with a lot of cautiousness. Tao Sian, who gave care to Dexton when he was ill, would be invited to the next Thesos assembly.
Eeri came back to Thesos to announce it while Graphybus and Mermaidia were staying on the hill.

April 16th : Pyr assembly
Celiakos Dios Apotheps, akenos Lerya, Eeri,
patriots Mermaidia, Ventron, Jarnys, Fyranth
Zhoi, Sari, Mirja, Daomei, Diwu.

Eeri explained about Atreus situation, and that it was now time that all patriots knew what was happening.

As we could see, Dios did not have much information, but she stays convinced that Atreus is an impostor. She apparently did not want to tell us too much about this, maybe because she’s less implicated than other celiakos.
It also seems that the Sharük is more and more divided, as we could expect, and that Lykos doesn’t take part or doesn’t really want to communicate about it.

May 25th : thesos assembly
celiakos Abycus Zekops, akenos Eeri,
patriotes Fyranth, Ouragant, Shunto,
Tao-Sian, Fey-lin
and Pecus Cegrips

Abycus bring an important information. Lykos accepted to try to organize a meeting with Atreus, with empress Xania. Tao-Sian accepts to attend to this meeting, and says she will not have difficulties to recognize the malady, and to know if Atreus is an impostor.
Eeri wishes that patriots could attend too, and is volunteer to make her possible to bring the message to Atreus.

Last edited by Lyren (10 years ago)

#2 [fr] 

(purely OOC: thank you very much for the information :) these have been interesting events)


#3 [en] 

It has now been five (irl) months since the last post and I keep hearing rumors of accusations and strange stories and such. Eeri? Could you possibly let us interested bystanders understand what has happened. Such tales are important, even to a Tryker. How could this be Dexton, who died of his disease even before the Second Swarming? (At least that is what I remember. I'm pretty sure my memory isn't that bad.)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#4 [en] 

Yes, long times with no news. Here is a summary :
Atreus have met Lykos, some month ago. He revealed us the truth.
Atreus is the twin brother of Dexton, who have been hidden and who grew up in the family of Epus Xalaus. Epus have been all his life the personal clerk of Dexton. Atreus tried to overthrow Lykos because he is not as good as his father.
Now we are waiting for a trial, for him, Epus, Decalion, Euracus, Thulam. They are asked no to leave Pyr.
One of the four pillars of the empire have been shaked, and this by Cerakos II himself.

That's all. End of the story.

#5 [fr] 

Eeri (atys)
That's all. End of the story.
Not really...

To be continued ! ;)


Mermaidia, heureuse Chef des Eclaireurs d'Atys
Homins, unissons-nous et agissons dès maintenant afin de préparer notre futur sur la Belle Atys!
Libres et fiers, en quête de notre histoire commune et de nos racines, nous retrouverons et protégerons ce monde qui nous a tant fait vibrer!
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