
#1 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty takes a fresh piece of paper, opens his ink-pot, takes a fine quill and quickly but neatly writes.

To Ranger Wilk Potskin greetings this 28th of Harvestor, 1st AC, 2577, from Mac'Od Bittty, ranger aspirant.

I have just returned home from a long day watching the efforts of the Royal Botanist, Cuiccio Perinia, working with the Rotoa. I am pleased to report that he did in fact manage (with the help of enthusiastic homins of all Nations) to grow massive Rotoa in a matter of hours.

We met at the Royal Conservatory and once Cuiccio arrived he was presented with the seeds that Nobles and others had harvested from the Ancient Rotoa in the Prime Roots. Noble Boreale presented for the guild La Firme. Ser Salazar presented a few seeds that he himself had gathered, and noted that Ser Erminantius had many more. (Erminantius was not present at that time.) Cuiccio was very pleased that so many had been gathered and said that he thought he might well have enough for both the Mounds in the Verdant Forest and in the Witherings.

The gathered homins then set forth and escorted nair-Cuiccio to the Royal Army Outpost of the Knoll of Dissent, keeping the somewhat frail Royal Botanist safe. Shortly after we arrived there, SerFilara Erminantius arrived and gave his share of seeds to Cuiccio.

After some discussion of which mound would be the best one to start with, Cuiccio selected one and cast the seed which sprouted almost immediately. However, he said that the seed would need help in order to grow rapidly. He asked therefore for those mages who knew the rooting spell to cast it repeatedly on the seed so that it would grow strong roots. After less than an hour the Rotoa grew higher than the mound, and finally stopped growing when it was three times the size of the mound and rooted through it. During the time it was growing, the homins present cast Root upon both its trunk and also roots that we could sense moving through the Dust of the Bark. Some of those roots pricked the feet of the homins as they grew, but no-one took serious injury from them.

Cuiccio planted four more seeds, but one of them was too shallow and the Rooting encouragement was insufficient to make it grow. In the end three immense Rotoa grew over the space of only four or five hours. I have made some quick sketches, which I attach to this message.

I had to leave to attend to other business, but I believe Cuiccio was then intending to do the same thing to the Mound in Upper Bog and eh one near the Falls of the Two Totems.

A view of the three immense Rotoa1

Another view of the three immense Rotoa.


Cuiccio said that the Rotoa were likely not to thrive well above ground (being of a different species than those that were cultivated by Lenardi Bravichi), but that the roots would make it impossible for the kitins to dig there again. I got the impression that they, in addition to being thorny, exude a substance that makes the very Dust unpalatable to the kitins. I, and others present, hoped we could distill some essence of this for our explorations, but Cuiccio said that it was only in the Dust that it worked. I hope that he proves to be wrong, for they are a magnificent tribute to homin ingenuity and persistence.

I did not observe the use of any compounds on the seeds, but Cuiccio did put them in a special bag while we journeyed north. I suspect there was some substance in that bag to excite the seeds so that they would accept the magical energy of the Root spell to trigger explosive growth (in addition to their heritage from the plants that Almati had developed). Certainly we have never seen such behaviour with casting Root on any of the other plants -- not even a little. If Ardan and Daeronn can make potions for termites, I see no reason why Cuiccio cannot make potions for Rotoa. I would recommend to the Ranger command that trading of analysis and potion crafting techniques be encouraged between all the researchers.

I trust that this finds you in good health and look forward to our assembly in a week's time (*)

-- Bittty

Mac'Od Bittty dries the ink and attaches the lumios, then bundles the whole message carefully and sends it via Izam to Wilk Potskin.

(*)(Atys week. The Ranger Meeting is at 2000 GMT on 24 February.)

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#2 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty sits at Ba'Naer Liffan's bar and orders some stinga rum from Liffan's private stock. He pulls out a sheet of light paper and begins to write.

Frutor 28, 1AC, 2577
To Wilk Potskin from Mac'Od Bittty, greetings.

I write to report quickly to you that the concerns about the Rotoas expressed at the recent assembly seem to have some basis. Daomei spotted some new incursions of white kitins by the Mounds near the Falls of the Two Totems. She and I then investigated the Mound in Knoll of Dissent and in Fearing Fens in Upper Bog.

All have infestations of Atrocious kinreys and Terrible kipukas as well as the large green worker kipees. Unlike previous incursions, the workers were also aggressive. Rather than write our observations over again, I have attached a private copy of a public posting that I am having copied even now.

I believe that Cuiccio Perinia did a marvelous thing with the Rotoas, and it may yet be that they will prove effective as they establish themselves. But for now, the fight is not over.

In haste,

Bittty blows the ink dry, attaches the first copy of a public flier to the letter and sends a fast Izam speeding to Almati Wood. An apprentice delivers another five copies of the flier then runs back to the guild hall of the Fairhaven Scribes. Bittty takes a sip of the rum and waits for the delivery of the rest of the fliers. While he waits he starts to work on his report of the Ranger assembly.

Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#3 [en] 

Fallenor 16, 1AC, 2577

Wilk --

  I woke from a nightmare that all of our countermeasures against the kitins had failed, and immediately checked the areas of the destroyed mounds in Aeden Aqueous and Burning Desert.  I am happy to report that there appear to be no incursions there.
  I can also report that the termites in Burning desert seem to have established a small colony on the site of the Mound, but have returned to their peaceful and quiet ways.

In service to hominity
-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#4 [en] 

Pluvia 5, 1AC, 2577

Wilk --
The kitins in the Mounds in Witherings have become aggressive in the same way that the the kitins that are pushing through the roots in Verdant Forest are. Ranger aspirant Sherkalyn brought this to my attention and she and I tested it thoroughly. I have penned and had copied a warning that has been posted on the stable walls thoughout Atys.

I am afraid that I do not know how to contact the sages of the Zorai.  Could you please use your contacts to make sure that they are aware of this situation.



Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#5 [en] 

Nivia 7, 1AC, 2577

To Wilk Potskin from Mac'Od Bittty.

Just spend a couple of days cleaning out white kitin pods from Fleeting Garden, only to find that in only a short while fresh pods appeared in areas that I have cleaned.

If these white kitins are residual larvae that are growing up, there must be thousands of them. For now, however, flower gatherers may have some respite.

-- B.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#6 [de] 

Daomei writes a letter to Wilk Potskin in a hurry, then copies it sending the copy to Mac'od Bittty. She considers to pin copies of her report to the stable walls.

Winderly 10, 2.AC, 2577

To Wilk Potskin from Daomei Lin Carthan and Diwu

After the victory in the jungle, and recent season change (ooc: and reboot) I patrolled the continents to observe the recent situation of the kitin threat. Here a short summary:

Desert, Lakes:
no change, everything seems safe at the spots of the former mounds. But pods of aggressive white kitins still exist as before at the known places.

Verdant Heights:
The mounds still exist, on top a single rotoa tree, considerably smaller than the original ones, but still impressive. Seems that the rotoa has adapted to the ecosystem, an encourageing sign and great work of the botanist. Kitins are still there, as well. I counted 5-6 workers, 5-6 kinreys, and 10-12 kipucka.

The aggressivity of these kitins has decreased remarkably. Kipees do not attack even when close, when attacked by spells or taunt, only 1-2 pursue. Kinrey and kipucka still spot homins, but the range seems smaller, and the attacking groups as well. A slow respawn of these kitins after destruction seems to occur as before. Agressive pods of white kitins are still around.

On all mounds in Cities of Intuition, Forest of Umbra, and Knot of Dementia, a Kitin population has appeared similar to that in the forest. But all these Kipees, Kipucka, and Kinrey are highly aggressive, their behaviour resembling that of the kitins in the forest right after the planting of the rotoas. Especially at the mound between Min Cho and Hoi Cho, north of Mektoub Waterhole, danger is extreme for freshly arrived refugees and young homins. Aggressive pods of white kitins still exist as well.

The kitin threat seems not to be over yet, especially in the theocracy, but as well in the kingdom. The annoying presence of smaller white kitins everywhere has not ended yet as we had hoped. We ought to inform the national governments, especially the sages and the circles in the Witherings. Further inquiry and constant patrolling seems to be crucial.

Daomei Lin Carthan, Diwu

Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#7 [en] 

Germinally 5, 2AC, 2577

Wilk --

After spending a few relaxing days crafting and digging I engaged to do a quick survey of the white Kitins. While Furious white kitins still roam in Frahar Towers, Haven of Purity and Knoll of Dissent and less strong white kitins in Oflovak's Oasis, Dew Drops, Winds of Muse, Fleeting Garden and Maiden Grove, they seem to be somewhat fewer in number.

The sites of the Mounds in the Desert and the Lakes continue undisturbed. The Mounds in the Forest seem to be slowly being sealed up. The one in Knoll of Dissent no longer has any white kitins or Kitin Workers, and the one in Upper Bog has only a few non-aggressive Kitin Workers. I did not travel to Two Totems, but Daomei's observations would indicate that those kitins are being weeded out as well. The Rotoa plants in Knoll of Dissent and Upper Bog have drastically reduced in size and number. I saw only one plant in each location and it was much shrunken.

In Witherings the Mounds continue to show the same pattern of activity that Daomei and Diwu saw earlier. I hope that Cuiccio has some worthy troops with him when he comes to plant his seeds; he will need them.

Thus my report. I hope that this finds you in good health.
Mac'Od Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#8 [en] 

Mac'Od Bitty sits in Ba'Naer Liffan's bar in Fairhaven and scribbles furiously on a scrap of paper. He rolls it together with some hastily drawn lumios and sends an Izam flying towards Almati Wood.

Harvestor 15, 2AC, 2577


I take pen in hand to inform you that my earlier report of Germinally 5 was over-optimistic. Over the last day I undertook to survey the previously active Mounds in Verdant Forest, acting upon a question from Daomei as to whether or not the Mounds had vanished. I did not expect that they had, since the roots of the rotoa would not break down the walls of the Mounds.

I did not expect what I did find, that the mounds are once again populated with Atrocious and Terrible white kitins and with large populations of the green Kitin workers. I have surveyed all three active sites, the one in Heretics Hovel with the aid of Daomei and Diwu. All show only one remaining rotoa and large numbers of Kitins. The kitins are all agressive.

I have attached lumios of the three sites to this letter. I intend to have them copied as soon as I can contact the Fairhaven Scribes and to post warning in all the cities. I believe that Daomei is planning to bring this problem to the attention of the Matis authorities as well.

With regret for the nature of the news...
Mac'Od Bittty

The Mound in KoD

The Mound in UB

The Mound in HH

Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#9 [en] 

Nivia 24, 2AC, 2577

Did a little patrol in Witherings. The mound outside Zora is apparently unchanged. Kitin workers spotted me about 40m away and chased me back to and through town. Unlike normal kitins they did not transfer their aggression to the guards, but kept following me, allowing the guards to take them down with no injuries.

South of Min-Cho the main mound was in similar shape although there were many rotoa still actively growing. In addition I spotted two rotoa growing with no mounds around either of them both to the east and the west of the main mound, in areas where I had not noticed mounds. Either Cuiccio dropped a few seeds or the rotoa are spreading along their roots. The white kipuka chased me for some distance, but they are slow.

The mound SE of Hoi-Cho also had a thriving population of rotoa. I spotted no additional rotoa nearby and was chased (as usual) by the white kitins.

In scouting for the rotoa, however, I discovered something very unusual: a natural termite mound in the Witherings! On close inspection it even seems to be of the correct species to help with the destruction of the mounds. I believe that contacts should be made with the Sages from the highest level of the Rangers to reassure them that we did not introduce these termites! (To the best of my knowledge that would be impossible due to the sensitive nature of the species being handled outside their nests and the fact that the vortexes seem to totally destroy their viability.)

In hopes that this finds you well,

Mac'Od Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#10 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty takes up his pen and quickly scribes a short note. Between words he is heard to mutter..."4 Jena Years ago...It's a good thing I kept those copies."

Wilk, disregard the observation of the termite mound. It was one of the four that we found back in 2573 when we were searching for them. Nothing new. I think I took one to many blows to the head while hunting kinchers earlier this week.


OOC: it can be seen in the maps here:


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#11 [en] 

Naema scribbles a note to a paper and ties it to an Izams foot and sends it off to Bitttymacod:

"Good news Bittty! it appears the Kitin mound in KoD forest is gone! Perhaps the Rotoa trees are working finally!"
With Regards,

#12 [en] 

(( ooc: Naema, please mind that there was a renewal of the world by the superior powers [aka reboot], so let us wait and hope. I shall check later))


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#13 [en] 




#14 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty takes the note from the foot of the Izam and reads it. He takes up a pen and scribes a note, attaches it to the foot of the same Izam and sends it on its way.

Nair-Naema --

In response to your message most recent, I undertook to travel to Knoll of Dissent. It would appear that your observation was in error. Not only did I see the Mound, but there was no sign of the rotoa. The kitins were as aggressive as ever. We do know that the rotoa roots survive far longer than the trunks, but it is discouraging not to see the beautiful flowers. This is especially so, since the rotoa in and near the Mounds located by Zora and Min-Cho have also disappeared, but the white kitins remain.

I only hope that the sudden events in Aeden Aqueous do not distract homins from the continuing concerns about the kitins.

--Mac'Od Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#15 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty takes a fresh leaf of find thin paper and his best pen and composes a note to Wilk Potskin.

Nair-Wilk, greetings to you this 10th of Medis 3rd Cycle of the 2577th year of Jena.

Today I undertook once again to investigate the Kitin Mounds in Verdant Forest and Witherings. Rumors had reached my ears that the white kitins were gone from them. Unfortunately, this is not true. I personally visited five of the six mounds that were planted with Rotoa, and my guildmate (and Ranger aspirant) Sherkalyn reported on the sixth. All show populations of the worker Kitins and both atrocious and terrible white kitins. The Mound west of Zora in Knot of Dementia also has a population of the weaker kitins of the depths. None of the Mounds showed any visible sign of rotoa plants.

I believe that the roots are still present (except possibly in the mound outside Zora) because only the strongest kitins are able to force their way through. Near Zora, the roots may be weakening. I hope that Cuiccio has been researching this matter.

I presume that you have heard of the meteor impact in Aeden Aqueous near Sandy Workshop and of the strange artifact that was found there. I traveled there and found one of the numerous amber cubes that seem to have been scattered around the impact area. I investigated the matter and have managed to activate the artifact I found therein, at least to some degree. The large object in the site, and the smaller object I found in the cube are clearly of Karavan origin, but I cannot understand anything further. I hope that Orphie Dradius has put the best scholars of the Rangers to study the situation. I understand that there will be a gathering in a week or so; I plan to be there.

I trust that this finds you and your family well.

Mac'Od Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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