
#1 Quote[en] 


After coming across this very interesting game, I've downloaded, installed, and tried to play it. I have run into a bit of a problem.

I downloaded the game via torrent, and it apparently installs without a problem. When I run it, it opens up the login screen, and works until I try to login. When I try, it gives me (Error Code 62: Empty answer from server). I have tried clicking the help button, but that leads to a (404 Not Found) error in my browser.

I've searched the Forums, and I was unable to find anything. Although, if it turns out there was something I missed, please do tell :)

Any help is appreciated.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

From what you say, i guess your client try to reach an old (and obsolete) server adress.
I have no idea on how to fix this. But maybe downloading via another mean can work.


Fey-Lin Liang

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Yep, the version on torrent is very old. I think at login you have an update button?

If it doesn't work either, the client you get using direct download (actually directs you to SourceForge) worked for me when I had to reinstall the game.


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

I tried searching as well, but found nothing, but I remember the cause.

The problem is that the servers merged and names were changed.

in your client.cfg file (NOT client_default.cfg!!!) you should see the following lines if you open it in a text editor.

RootConfigFilename   = "client_default.cfg";
StartupHost          = "";
StartupPage          = "/login/r2_login.php";
InstallStatsUrl      = "";
PatchServer          = "";
InstallWebPage       = "";

If you don't, feel free to cut-and-paste them.  This should get you connected.  Then you will have to patch again and again and again.

I would suggest that an easier way would be to download directly as suggested by Mjollren.

Bittty (not a CSR but knows a thing or two).

Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#5 Quote[en] 

I read about the server merges, and I wondered if that was a possible cause (well, kinda wondered anyway). Unfortunately, changing the client.cfg file didn't fix anything, so I'll just try downloading it again tonight, and see how that goes.

#6 Quote[en] 

You are not the only one facing this problem. I get this error permanently since using Win 7 64-bit, though login under my old Win XP (32-bit) works fine.

Until today I couldn't find any explanation for this behaviour. I tried several different installations, as using another partition than C and so on, but no success under Win 7 64-bit.

Any ideas?



#7 Quote[en] 

*sigh* Fresh download and still same problem. I even tried doing the config thing (turns out, except for a little bit on which language to use, its exactly the same). Just wondering, would not being to use (I think) Port 80 be upsetting it?

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Zicmak --

Ryzom does want some ports open, see [url=[/url]]http://f[/url] for more information.  Port 80 is one of the ports.

I'm pretty much at the end of my tech knowledge here (since I'm *not* a CSR), but you might try the suggestions in that thread (old as it is).  You can also email to get more immediate attention of CSRs.

Folkhere --

I have Win 64 bit on my comp, but run Ryzom just fine out of Program Files (x86) and out of two other top-level directories, so I don't think your problem is related directly to the OS.  You do have to run it as Admin or someone with Admin privileges to get past the Security bits in Win7.  (I miss Win XP, too.)

-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#9 Quote[en] 

Well, last thing before I go and email them. The background downloader, when I try to run it, always crashes. Almost straight after choosing between 'install or repair'. How likely is this to do with anything, and would it be getting the (practically) same problem as the launcher?

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

I've never tried to launch the background downloader independently.  I'm not at all sure that it's *meant* to be run independently.  However, given the symptoms, it's likely to be the same problem.  That's just my application of programming logic, not any deep knowledge.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, last thing before I go and email them. The background downloader, when I try to run it, always crashes.

Only exe(s) you should run are client_ryzom_rd.exe and ryzom_configuration_rd.exe.



#12 Quote[en] 

Well since it wasn't working, I was just trying random things. It appeared to have a proper interface. All well...
Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 00:27:17 UTC

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