
#1 [en] 

Original text (in French) available there.
We are looking for a translator in German (even Spanish and Russian, if there's any volunteer?). Please tell Krill, Centor or Stcentor if you can translate.

Next occurrence of Miss and Mister Atys contest will take place soon!

This event is open to all homins and hominas on Atys.

Candidates, we’re waiting for your applications with eagerness!

Apply quickly!

-The contest is the chance to dress to the nines. And if ever your wardrobe wasn’t up to your inspiration (or to your aspiration, for that matter), generous dressmaker* will be thrilled to assist you in the creation of your outfit.
Choose your hairstyle and make-up with care: the smallest detail may seduce the judges.

-On the contest evening** you may introduce yourself to the jury (who you are, where you come from, what matters in your life…), have them admire how you’re pretty, and give a small show: poem, song, small tale… You’re free to choose your arms to seduce the judges!
-The homin and the homina who will have convinced of expert jury, will win the titles of Miss Atys and Mister Atys.

There have been some rumours regarding corruption of the judges during the previous occurrences. It’s false, definitively false***!
*If you don’t have the level/mats/friends to get your dreamed outfit by yourselves, the organizers can dot it for you. But, let’s be clear, it will be only for showing off! If you are a forager or a crafter and you want to help, contact the organizers, and you will be given an officiel place as « sponsor » ;)
**Depending on the number of candidates and their availability, the contest may take place on several evenings.
***But it shouldn’t prevent you to organize all the scandals you want, as long as it remains in a joyous and relaxed atmosphere. Fun in Miss and Mister Atys is also there!
This year, there may be a lot of us, really a big lot of us!

Hence, we’re looking for:

Send an izam (IG mail) to Stcentor. You can also contact directly the judges (see below list) or answer on the forum. Mention if you’re an homin or honima, the languages you understand (in the order you prefer to use them) and the ones you speak (so that we can hire the proper translators).

We’ll need you to be available several evenings, and if possible to understand French and English (even if English alone may be sufficient). Already named judges are: Krill, Kiwalie, Kaaon and Anyume.

As much to translate the messages on the forum as for translation during the events.

Help homins and hominas to be sublime!

Details on the place(s) and date(s) will be given later, depending (among other things) of the candidates. (Presumably in October 2013)

Last edited by Vradden (1 decade ago)


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#2 [en] 

mise a jour Juge

cette annees => Krill, Kiwalie, Anyume, Celiana und Eloan.

Bonne soiré

#3 [en] 


You still have three days to register for this event.
It's a original event opened to all : during an evening, you must present yourself with a song, a poem, a story, a danse, or other.
Each participant is evaluated by a jury (dress, quality of presentation, attitude, tatoo, emotes, and more).
The one who has the best note obtains the title "Miss Atys" or "Mister Atys".

Please send a message to Stcentor or Anyume if you are interested.
See you soon :)


Misulud productions

#4 [en] 

Translation of the last message from Stcentor

Hello dear Atys-inhabitants,

Here we come to the end of the registration procees, hence you will find below the list of candidates (singles and pairs), and judges.


1.Eerie + Icus
2.Kaoon + Nuttie
3.Rillia + Kilvaner


If you see any error in your name, please let me know by answering here or by ingame mail. Same if I've forgotten someone, or added someone that I shouldn't have.

Thanks in advance.

Here are the rules:
1. Armors: Marauder and refugee armors aren't allowed.
2. No PvP during the whole event. Please respect the candidates, the judges, the animation team and the organisation team.

What will be considered for the votes:
1.Presentation of your character, RP or not
2.Your outfit, if you've one
3.The songs or poems if there are any
4.Various, depending on your taste

The date will be given within a week, along with the place (pictures of the place), but anyway it will occur at the beginning of novembre, which means you've at least 1 week to get ready.

I wish good luck to all of you, and be there to support the candidates.

FDL administrator


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#5 [en] 

(si quelqu'un pourrai me le traduire en englais je le remercie d'avance)

Bonsoir tous le monde,

comme prevu voici les dates de miss et myster atys

les dates seront

Vendredi 6 Dec. des 21h00

Samedi 7 Dec. des 21h00

Vendredi 13 Dec. des 21h00

Samedi 14 Dec. Des 21h00

Les participants passerons en theorie dans cette ordre et par soir

Vendredi 6 Dec.
1) Alexarwe
2) Anesia
3) Cob
4) Djaimse
5) Eerie + Icus

Samedi 7 Dec
1) Kaaon + Nuttie
2) Lerya
3) Misugi
4) Myah
5) Perinne

Vendredi 13 Dec
1) Rajaaar
2) Rillia + Kilvaner
3) Skoma
4) Sylva
5) Syron

Samedi 14 Dec
1) Tylaikna
2) Xantiva
3) Yenno
4) Zeraillan

Si vous souhaitez changer de jours pour cause irl
hesiter pas a me contacter ou me mailler je vous rassure nous comptons
normalement 7 personnes par soir, donc on a de la place pour vous placer les 4 autre soir
si necessaire

Nous vous attendons tous nombreux pour venir encourager chaque concurent(es)

J'affichera dans la semaine les luciols de l'endroit ou va avoir lieu l'evennement ;)

Bonne soiré et bonne chance a nos concurents(es)

Groupe centor

#6 [fr] 

Voici et voila les lucioles du lieu ou nous vous donnons rendez-vous

Comme information pendant les soirés vous pourrez utilise les new horizont du pays zorai

Bon visionnage ;D et venez nombreux les 4 soiré qu'on vous propose :)

suppression des luciols, pour eviter le plantage de certain joueur

je vous invite a regarde la video du poste suivante ;)

Last edited by Stcentor (1 decade ago)

#7 [en] 

(Translation of Stcentor's posts above)

Good evening everyone,

As promised, here are the dates for the Miss/Mister Atys event:

Friday 6th December, from 9:00 pm (CET)

Saturday 7th December from 9:00 pm (CET)

Friday 13th December from 9:00 pm (CET)

Saturday 14th December from 9:00 pm (CET)

The planned order for the participants is as follow, and per evening:

Friday 6th Dec.
1) Alexarwe
2) Anesia
3) Cob
4) Djaimse
5) Eerie + Icus

Saturday 7th Dec.
1) Kaaon + Nuttie
2) Lerya
3) Misugi
4) Myah
5) Perinne

Friday 13th Dec.
1) Rajaaar
2) Rillia + Kilvaner
3) Skoma
4) Sylva
5) Syron

Saturday 14th Dec.
1) Tylaikna
2) Xantiva
3) Yenno
4) Zeraillan

If you want to compete on another day for IRL reason, feel free to /tell or send an e-mail to Stcentor.
We have expected up to 7 people per evening, so we should have place to move you on another evening if needed.

We hope to see a lot of you supporting each competitor.

The images of the place where the event take place will be added during the coming week (N.T.: have been added).

Good evening and good luck to all of our competitors.

Groupe centor


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#8 [en] 

Bonsoir tous le monde,

Voici l'une des 2 petites videos que nous vous proposons pour miss et mister atys ;D

Je vous souhaite beaucoup de plaisir a la visionné et j'espere quelle vous plaira

Une 2ieme video et en preparation elle sera mise des quelle sera terminé

(A venir)

Bonne soiré a tous

Groupe Centor

#9 [en] 

oren pyr all,

to help you to wait for election results to be published, here is an animated lucio of miss and mister atys.


#10 [en] 

Bonsoir tous le monde,

Le classement définitif et en cours de validation par les juges

Il vous sera annoncer le 5 mars 2014

Je vous remercie de votre patience

groupe centor

#11 [en] 

Bonjour chers/cheres Atysiens/nes,

Vous l'attentiez tous

Donc voici le classement du concours miss atys 2013

Pour les homins:
1) Misugi 91 Pts
2) Zorroargh 85 pts et Depyraken 85 pts
4) Krokwai 77 pts
6) Djaimse 72 pts
5) Yenno 71 pts
7) Nizyros 65 pts

Pour les homines:
1) Lerya 90 pts
2) Sylwa 89 pts
3) Saphirola 88 pts
4) Xantiva 81 pts
5) Thysela 78 pts

Pour les couples:
1) Rillia+Kilvaner 92 pts
2) Eerie + Icus 91 pts et Kaaon + Nuttie 91 pts

La remise des prix se fera apres (hrp: le 17 mars), une date sera fixé
pour que nous puissions les préparés et vous les remettres

Je vous remercie tous de votre participation et espere vous revoir a la remise des
prix pour que nous puission vous remetre les prix que nous allons préparé

Bonne semaine a tous

Groupe centor

#12 [en] 

Grtz for the winners.

Please. Why does spitting out 10 numbers 3 months? Why not let the ppl that come to watch vote like in real miss elections with televoting. This would make it a lot more interesting for ppl to come watch I think.


#13 [en] 

heu... ces pas demain soir xD
laissez moi preparé vos lot xD

copis message:
=> La remise des prix se fera apres (hrp: le 17 mars), une date sera fixé
pour que nous puissions les préparés et vous les remettres <=

Nous n'avons pas encore fixé de date ;p
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