
#31 [en] 

#30 – Ezek

Escorted by two soldiers, I left the guild hall of the “Forces Obscures”. I was putting my tools away when I noticed my sister staring at me and spying on each of my movements. This one look, I’m the only one who’s getting it. I’m well aware of what she has in mind, yet she’s doing nothing.

She’s doing nothing but watching me.
A warped smile will by my answer.

I’m wondering if she’ll crack one day and take her axe. Who knows.

Once in the laboratory, I finally decide to write down everything I’ve done. I hate leaving tracks but I’m feeling it is oddly necessary. I’ve read and read again for the thousandth time Ki’gan’s notes about the Theory of the permanent death. I want to finish this study and you, Anonyma, you’ll help, whether you like it or not. The number of guinea pigs isn’t big enough to my taste to come to a conclusion. I’ll need other ones.

Xiao Mei...

I’ll kill you. But don’t worry, dear child, you’ll die for something useful. You cannot escape from me anymore. My will goes over the limits of my body. Even if I die, you’re not done with me.
Slaves are exasperating me more and more, as if taking care of their rebellions was the only thing I had to do. The problem with those guinea pigs, it is their sheer number. There are too many of them. If I can find the answer to the Theory… there will be a lot less of them.

#32 [en] 

#31 - Sovyc

My brother Ezek.

Between putting my hands around your neck to have you spit your life seed, or give you a number of kicks in the ass hard enough to rebalance you, I don’t know what to do for you anymore.

Between obeying the dappers as a mercenary, obeying Chiang’s lessons from Silan, or taking my pike and nailing it between your eyes, I’m lost.

Meditating on your insanity, that’s what I’ll do… craziness is something I’m used to, you’ve taken care of me enough when I was Louf, that I’ve got to consider your good nature lost and buried in the black sap and the goo.

Your torn (but not for very long anymore) brother

#33 [en] 

#32 Swan

After a last tour on Atys, Swan was back in the Lakes, eased and dizzy after so many talks. The valiant Pimm was waiting for her impatiently
The situation was hopeless, but Swan couldn’t prevent herself from smiling.

- ny-Swan, you’re smiling while Anonyma is risking her life?
- this ultimatum story has tortured me for a long time, Pimm, but I believe I’ve got a lead and this one makes me smile. I’m thinking of Anonyma continuously, but…
- but what? Tell me!
- I believe Nizyros is talking about Thalyna, a MacFay – you’ve known her shortly – who joined his clan. And there, everything makes more sense.
- come on, you’re intriguing me.
- you haven’t known Thalyna, but she’s dreadful. She has drained us… She left, then came back desperate and begging us to accept her again. And we’ve always accepted because of Atharius. She had turned his head. Well, they were in love. Luth organised a spectacular wedding, you remember!
- yes, it was magic
- in short, just after that, they’ve left us. All of a sudden.
- what’s the link with the ultimatum ?
- well, I don’t know really, but the consequences of Thalyna’s departure have been… hem… how to say that… savage.
- ok but what about the contract ?
- I’m not thinking of this, I’m thinking of Thalyna. She’s got a power on the homins. She has transformed Atharius. And I cannot help but thinking that she’s doing likewise today.
- Could you be clearer?
- I believe that Nizyros, as much leader and marauder that he is, has fallen in her net, and it makes me laugh.
- but you’re crazy, it’s impossible, an in love marauder!!!
- it’s funny, isn’t it ?
- Anonyma’s life for a passing romance! I can’t believe it! I’ll butcher him, Swan.
- Come on, we’ve still some details to settle.

#34 [en] 

#33 – Storyteller

Almati, the rangers’ camp. Four homins – one per nation, two per religion – gather around a table. Around them, some rangers which are supposed to serve as mediator if need be.

- That’s unbearable! shouts the Tryker. He has smashed scores of beer barrel before escaping!

- Beer, beer, what triviality occupies your insane spirits for the worst crime ever committed among yourselves being spreading it! Do blood and sap have no significance for your kin? If he had killed, would he be more or less sought?

The Tryker gives his Matis counterpart a cold look.

- And what has he done which is so dreadful by you? Pulling a strand of the royal rug? Saying cuss words around a window of the throne room?

The Matis’ eyes don’t betray any expression when she answers:

- He has sung a full of hatred poem while he was within earshot of the royal apartments. Whatever, he’s an outlaw by us also.

The Fyros and Zoraï stay quiet, maybe a bit less personally involved by the insult given to their nation than are their Karavanier counterparts.

- Your nations aren’t the only ones that this homin has besmirched, says the Fyros. He has entered an accommodation, inside the city, and has poured a whole bucket or arma manure on a senator, last week. By the Zoraïs, he has had notice boards burnt almost right in front of the guards eyes before running for his life.

- More important for us is the fact that he went to Ma’Duk’s temple and urinated on its effigy. He doesn’t seem to be violent, but his intent is definitively to offend. Has he done such a thing on Jena’s statue?

The Tryker’s eyes blur. He reddens a bit.

- He proceeded otherwise, but he also degraded Jena’s image.

The Matis’ eyes open wide. She becomes scarlet. The Zoraï speaks.

- We’ve got to add this homin to the list of the marauders sought by the nations. He may be only a rebellious teen who want to get accepted by the real gangsters, but we cannot do otherwise. May the gods have – or not have – mercy upon him.

Awkwardness set in. No one speaks anymore

In the distance, in the frozen moors of the Hidden Source, a homin, a quill in his hand, draws a portrait. The one of Gincini Lidarund. Behind her, the hill, the tower, the stable…

He’s far from the bottle, now. He has to keep far from it. He owes it to his son.

He has no idea on how to take care of children. He has never been good at being considerate nor present. He’s awfully good at being absent.

As long as he does what he is good at, as long as he doesn’t let himself be taken by the thought of his dead spouse, he’s repaying his debt to the one who is making sure that his son is being taken care better that when himself was struggling to provide him food and clothes.

He has got his orders. They are clear. Soon, an izam will fly with the portrait – and especially the landscape behind the homina, the one who would reveal the arrangement of the place to the ones who would soon need it.

He wonders fleetingly until where he could approach. To which point he could infiltrate.

Far… he knows that. The night is ready to fall.

In Oflovak, two hominas meet. They are Fyros, and their inner flame burn sharply.

- It won’t be a problem for me. The plan isn’t bad, but I doubt it will help much the homina. Ezek is really insane and will kill her just for fun, and Nizyros isn’t the kind of homin who would be moved by the idea of killing the wrong person. This being said… I’m wondering where he took that the contract came from the MacFay. Thalyna also seemed to be convinced that they were responsible for her misfortune, but I don’t see how a Tryker and Karavanier clan would have been embarrassed by killing a marauder.

#35 [en] 

34 – Ezek

-There it is, take it and be careful not to let it slip.
-You don’t want to know it, just make sure that the phial doesn’t touch your skin.

Nizyros started to feel cold sweat and hesitated to grasp the bluish white phial.

-Take it, I’m telling you!

The fyros marauder grumbled and took the phial. He stayed there, gazing upon it for a long time, and finally said:

-You’re sure it will work?
-You’re kidding me?!
-Then after the physical damages, but especially the psychological ones, that Eighteen suffered, she just cannot get through. I’m looking forward to seeing the result.

Nizyros was beginning to understand what was driving his counterpart. He thought he could kill two birds with one stone. The interest of catching Anonyma didn’t serve only his personal revenge. The studies he was carrying out needed this guinea pig. But doubt was starting to overcome him. Would the homina really die?

-And if she doesn’t die?
-Has it been difficult to pick this flower? No, the other slavenis couldn’t do anything about it. It will be enough to uproot some others. It could be a lot of fun to occupy Avendale, wouldn’t it.
-Don’t you see that time is pushing?
-I do and I don’t give a toss. What will be, will be. Everything is inevitable but, Nizyros… all of this is only a dream. You don’t exist, and I’m not sure that I do exist either. I think that all that is done, all that is said, has already occurred and will occur again. It’s an endless loop. I’m dead, I’m dying, and I’ll dead…

Nizyros punched the mad Tryker behind his head to have him shut up, but his eyes betrayed some confusion.

-Give up goo, you’re becoming really strange!

Ezek opened his eyes wide and turned slowly his head till his gaze met the one of the other marauder.

-Strange? Insane? I’m the one being mad?

The tryker marauder became definitively red with anger.

-What do you know about madness?! What is madness according to you!? How could you judge that I’m infected by it?! Can you say that you know, can you say that you fully understand what reality is?! We’re deaf, blind and dumb! The other ones, the slaves are worse! But how can you be sure to know that I’m mad! The other ones are, and they don’t understand a thing!

Ezek let out a long grunt and calmed down, his hands relaxed little by little. As if nothing had happened, he carried on with recapitulating the goals to achieve. The black fyros stared at the strange small creature that livened up before him, but that wasn’t listening him anymore.

-Hey ho, you’re sulking or just being tired?

Nizyros gave a hint of a thin smile.

-No, I’m taking the mickey out of you, that’s all.
-Another time. So, as I was telling you, we stick to the original plan. I’ll kill Eighteen at this time, and it will be too late for them, whatever they’re attempting.
-You think the Other will come to fame?
-No, no, no….that’s the only word you know…

#36 [en] 

35 – Zahra

Seated in her apartment, her eyes lost through the phial that she had stolen long ago from her half-brother, the Fyros was looking for a way to gather her mind…

Anonyma.... so that’s why this name had rung a bell… she remembered vaguely of hearing it from Olorin, at the time when she was among the ”Larmes” guild… but never, NEVER would have she thought that this name would reappear this way today… how could have she guessed?!

-No, shh, don’t speak! No-one should know who you are!

Only yesterday, she was laughing while hearing the marauders speaking about Nizyros’ ultimatum before the stable, and this famous “contract”, since she was one of the few who was knowing the truth… today… she wasn’t laughing at all anymore…

She sighed deeply…

-Come what may, the dice are cast… once again… I’ll do what has to be done!

#37 [en] 

36 – Ombre

A Shadow (*) sneaked in between the tents of the Hidden Source, outwitting easily marauder guards’ watchfulness, as they were too occupied at starting quarrels…

The tent of the Leader of the “Clan des Forces Obscures”… exactly as it had been indicated to it.

It slipped the message that it had been entrusted before disappearing in the night.

Message intended for Nizyros

I know who is the one you are looking for.

Stand ready to leave with the hostage as soon as I send you an izam to confirm you the place. We’ll make an exchange, the hostage against the backer… Come alone and don’t try anything stupid or you’ll know the truth.

(*) NT: “Ombre” can be translated by “Shadow”

#38 [en] 

#37 – Ezek

What had happened?

Something hasn’t worked as it should have.

Where was Nizyros?

I hate, detest and despise when strangers stick their noses in my business and lay into my experimentation subjects. All the more so as I had the opportunity to observe that the Eighteen subject was still alive. But that’s not the whole of it, they said it, I’ve heard them. Something was wrong with her condition.
Just as unusual was the number of impertinent homins… I had noticed that there was some rumble a the camp entrance, but I wouldn’t have expected this… for a simple homina. Especially since they haven’t really played it diplomatically.

They wiped out everything on their path.

A landslide.


I was taken between amazement, anger and hysterical laughter.

Gang of insolent homins.

Surrounded, I couldn’t escape. The Usurper was enchaining me and forcing me to follow him. What else could have I done? I know him, in the worst case he would have had me bound and carried on his shoulder. Better do be able to walk and watch out for their travel difficulties to escape.
They finally let me in the hands of the Fairhaven’s guards, taking turns to reinforce security. Except that the security of this town is defective, as all marauders know well…

I’ve got the mean to escape, but I hope never to have to use it.
Among the questions that burn the most my lips, there’s this one. I’ve been attacked by a guildless homina who looked strangely like… Ingfarah? But this frahar is not of the kind who would hide her face so.

I’ve got a bad feeling. Is my queen in danger?

Her safety matters more than my own fate. I have to get certainty… and I’m at risk of never getting it.
Nizyros had told me of a message that he had received from a homina who pretended to have information about the culprit. Was she this one? I only needed someone to blame, and this sorceress has bewitched my colleague with her ideas.


But truth doesn’t matter to me.

Truth… doesn’t exist.

I’ve got no time to play with the Trykers as I’ve done with the Zoraïs. I want to get out but, this time, I’m alone.

#39 [en] 

#38 – Kigan

Ki'gan seemed a bit depressed. The homin army had partly razed the camp. As more time passed, there were less marauders, and the homins were more united. But where, by the hell, was Akilia? Months passed and no marauder boss had deigned to give news to them. What was awaited from them? Had they been definitively abandoned?

And then, Ezek had managed once more to get caught. Thought, he had told him, he remembered:

“Everyone is given a second chance, Ezek. You’ve just used yours. So, next time, make sure to break your life seed before I come and tear with my own hands.”

Of course, he hadn’t really meant it. He esteemed especially the Tryker, only member of the clan with whom he could discuss alchemy. He even sometimes considered him as a to-be disciple. But he had believed that Ezek would learn the lesson, his lack of concern was seriously getting on his nerves. If the assault against Zora to free him had been barely successful, this time a lot of marauder soldiers had fallen, the camp had suffered big damages, and especially the Clan had been humiliated. All this, what for? An insignificant guinea pig… He remembered the time when he had just joined the Black Sap. Ki’yumé had just abducted Awakened Ki’atal, and had taken great care not to keep her in the camp, too predictable a hideout, and above all too dangerous for the safety of the Clan. As important as were his researches, Ezek couldn’t continue to soil his blazon this way.

What was he supposed to do? The idea of getting rid of him didn’t really delight him, and he knew Rory would also try to find another solution. After all, Ezek was still a devoted and promising member. But yet, and he knew it, his second failure couldn’t stay unpunished… What was more profitable for the Clan? Killing him, freeing him or letting him rot in jail?

It was in such times that Ki’gan hated his position as Instigator, he had never appreciated to settle this kind of problems. The time was especially badly chosen, he also had personnal problems to solve. But yet, for the Clan, Ezek’s case was priority…

Well, after all, maybe being caught was part of the Tryker’s plan, maybe he had planned ahead to deal a big blow to the homins?! Yes, that was what he’ll think for now… Less complicated… He’d decide later on…

#40 [en] 

# 39 – Denakyo

— I know that the less I know, the better, but… when will we apply the plan?
— Not yet.
— Time is going…

Every time Dénakyo asked Fey-lin, this one gave her the same answer. It wasn’t time yet. The slave was seeing days running away with concern.

Ho, of course, the remedies of the Healer were working fine. There was no problem on this side. Actually, if she hadn’t feared that her masters would come and take her back one day, and what they would do to others, she would have enjoyed happy days.

But one thought alone filled her mind: putting an end to all of this. Not having any reason left for fear. It was finally possible… but no one seemed to move! Were they going to miss this opportunity?

She was walking round and round, counting the days which were separating her from the fateful date, when she heard the rumour. Ezek had been caught.

Was it true? It was said that he had been jailed in the Lakes. But Lakes were far away from Jungle, it was probably an error, an altered piece of information. And if it wasn’t… why was she the last one to hear about it?

She didn’t even consider that Fey-Lin had tried to protect her. The only reason which came to her mind was that the Awakened mistrusted her. She didn’t try to ask her. She took her pact to the Lakes, this pact which had cost her so much sap and blood in the past, and broke the pearl.

She hadn’t come back there for a long time. The exoticism of the place disturbed her. And all these Trykers, so small, while she wasn’t that big herself…

Whom to ask? The touristic guide in Fairhaven pointed her out towards the bar, “the best place for fresh news”. She found a Tryker there, sipping his beer, looking a bit drowsy. She greeted him, noticing that he belonged to a guild, and tried to confirm the rumour she had heard.

But the Tryker didn’t seem to be inclined to provide an answer. Never saying yes or no, he carefully avoided to give her the least clue. Offering him a beer didn’t make him more talkative. She finally let him, and wandered through the city, asking aimlessly, getting answers which were always… unsettling. Was it because she was a Zoraï? Or because they had been warned against her? Her paranoia was waking up.

She went to the other cities, but found the same polite and reserved silence in the ones she asked, when they were understanding her language. She was starting to panic. If Ezek was jailed, why hiding it to her? And if he wasn’t, why not telling it?

And, as she was passing under one of Avendale’s towers, she heard a name that she recognized:
-...Anonyma !

Wasn’t it the name of the pour abducted Trykette? But, if she was there…

Dénakyo casually settled by the foot of the tower, gazing at the horizon. The wind brought her fragments of the talk that was probably taking place upstairs. From what she understood, this was really the hostage… which meant she had been freed. So, Ezek had suffered a defeat, one way or another. Let’s hope he wasn’t free, he’d be in a foul temper otherwise. Well, especially, he may want to take it out on her.

But the fragments she heard also made her sick. The homina had visibly been broken. Her family and kin lamented and tried to bring her back to them. Dénakyo felt cold overcome her. She knew all this only too well. Yui, these homins could have told her what had happened to Ezek, but… it wasn’t the place. She moved away, leaving them with their sorrow, ashamed for her indiscretion and for thinking only to herself when they were facing such a dreadful tragedy.

After all, if something happened to her, no one would suffer for it.

But she’d come back, later. She had a mission to accomplish, and these Trykers had the pieces she was missing.

On this evening, she didn’t go back to Zora. She settled on a deserted and uninteresting island, hidden in a bark hollow, and slept a troubled sleep.

#41 [en] 

# 40 – Olorin

Olorin was coming back from his expedition. He had to keep his mind busy in those troubled times. He was simmering with anger… but he had to keep his promise: protecting HER.

When he arrived in Fairhaven, he noticed an unusual bustle in the capital… His researches and his mission regarding distancing with the marauders had prevented him of following the proceedings of the operations, but it seemed that the attack had occurred… and that it had been successful!

It made his blood boil.
Without taking time to remove his armour, he ran towards the transporter. The New Horizon would have to hurry up today… he was in a rush.

As soon as he took foot on Avendale’s beach, the Matis started to run:
-Where is she? he shouted. Where is she?

Coming at the base of the main building, he heard a recognizable voice…
-Uncle mine?

Not thinking twice he hurried towards the terrace. There he could see that Jazzy, but especially Swan MacFay, were attending his niece.
Without even respecting the protocol, this one reassured him: “She’s alive… she’s sleeping.”

But the grimace that showed on their faces suggested that this wasn’t all of it…
After a lot of bargaining, especially with Jazzy who feared a fate similar to the one of Ba’Kyl, Olorin managed to obtain to be escorted by Swan to Anonyma.

Indeed, if her body didn’t show any visible injury, her mind seemed to be badly affected.
Swan described to him the symptoms that her kin had noticed: amnesia, speech difficulty, inability to memorize… this son of a ragus had done his work, he would pay for that.

He didn’t want to wake her up, since he was hoping that sleep would have a healing effect on her sister of the heart, still he still to approach her.
Seeing Nair-Swan’s reluctance, he immediately gave her his weapons: 2 daggers, one axe, one pike, and even his amps.
- Do you want to search me to check that I’m not hiding something else?
After a short uncertainty, Swan answered no.

Removing his gloves for more gentleness, Olorin approached the Tryker homina:
- My gentle friend… by the spirits, what has he done to you?
He skimmed her cheek tenderly, came even closer, almost touching her face with his one:
- What for a curse, this promise you’re forcing me to keep… Come back to us, sister mine, I don’t know if I will hold without you.
He kissed her tenderly on her cheek before leaving.

He thanked Swan for her kind thought, and joined his niece and Jazzy on the terrace.
Olorin didn’t follow the talk anymore, mistaking the words said… he asked Jazzy if Ezek had been caught and, if yes, where he was detained.
But the Tryker refused to answer him. What did he fear? That he would free him? Or instead…
But what did he want actually? His mind was cloudy, torn between anger and his commitment…

After a brief moment of complicity with his niece, during which he remembered to remind her that her mother wanted her to live her life for love and not for war, Olorin went back to Fairhaven.
He wasn’t in a mood to go back to Yrkanis.

It was only when he heard an izam knocking at the hall’s door that he woke up.
- Well, mail for the guild?
He took the parchment from the bird’s leg and let it fly away. The mail was addressed to him personally and was from his brother Sovyc.
But what was strange in it was that it was an answer…
Olorin blessed the past madness of his brother which had incited them to always answer behind the letter of the other one, in order to refresh the memory of the sender.

Thus, he had asked his brother where Ezek was… the empty shooki bottles which covered the hall floor could explain this oversight… he’d have to clean before leaving.

Thus the gnome was well guarded… the gnome! He’d had to remember to apologize towards the Trykers for this term… but regarding this one, even more degrading words should be applied.

"We’ll speak again…"
- Yes, brother mine, we’ll have to speak… but will I have the strength to wait?
Olorin sank in the cushions of the sofa.
- Well, I’ve got to tidy up… Pffff! Later! I’m tired…
The Matis nodded off… letting his mind wander amongst pleasant thoughts.

#42 [en] 

# 41 – Sovyc

Ezek, brother mine,

Thus, and for the second time, I’ve caught you and put you back in jail.

Strange relationship between us. I was lost, and you helped me (even if unintentional) to recover a balance by getting rid of this Louf.

You’ve helped me so much during many years, should I excuse the evil you’ve done to others?

You who helped me get out of my madness. Should I stop yours by becoming your executioner?

Destroying your life seed, is it the only way?

Should I be damned through this gesture?

Unfortunately, I fear I’ll have to act for the good of all, our brother Cyvos wouldn’t hesitate.


Enclosed, the story of Louf/Sovyc:


It was a much simpler time, when they were little and playing in Silan, Cyvos and Sovyc played often with their cousin, Fakuang.

This one was a little yobbo, but a popular one. Till the day when his family decided to adopt a small Tryker named Ezek.

Ezek was a terribly active child and he hogged Cyros’ and Sovyc’s attention, which drove Fakuang absolutely furious. The parents were totally distraught when Ezek had to have a rest. They had to resign themselves to giving him a small tumbler of strong alcohol.

As Fakuang wanted to kill Ezek in a horrible manner, he took a sinister and mysterious looking phial on Chiang the Strong’s mektoub (he had seen it before) and the club of a Ranger guard. Once Ezek fallen asleep, Fakuang prepared himself above the bed. Wanting to replace blankets of his little brother, Sovyc arrived at that moment. Fakuang had him take this ominous phial by force to hit him on the head a lot of times. Cyvos seeing the scene screamed in fear and Fakuang flew in the wind, proud of himself.

Months went and Sovyc’s coma lingered. On a pleasant summer morning, the always happy Ezek started to tickle this poor Sovyc. This one woke up abruptly and said his first word since the incident: “LOUF!”

Days passed, Sovyc still only said “Louf!”. The family decided, in order not to disturb his mind, to call him like that.

Cyvos was looking for a cure to take his brother out of his sad fate, but had to admit defeat. His last chance: have Sovyc leave Silan with Ezek and thus, one day, he would be strong enough to get rid of this shameful state by himself.

Years went on…

Yumé déna y baka né-akaba pukéan, Wang shi taka !!
Yumé déna y baka né-akaba pukéan, Wang shi taka !!

He exclaimed one first time before his guild mate Shuail. This one, used to Louf’s temporary delirium, ignored the vital message.

Months went on, trials became harder. Louf became strong and grew ceaselessly.
On a nice autumn afternoon, while he was helping Ezek foraging, an immense ache made him fall.

Yumé déna y baka né-akaba pukéan, Wang shi taka !!
Yumé déna y baka né-akaba pukéan, Wang shi taka !!

Ezek, attached to his brother, went through half of the Void to make sure he would survive this panic.

With Arpégione’s help, Ezek calmed his brother and had him back on his feet easily.

No one knew his life seed had been totally awakened.

#43 [fr] 

# 42 – Fakuang

As he was dying at the gate of the camp and the army of homins was dragging Ezek, Fakuang felt someone crushing his hand. He found strength enough to raise his eyes, and met the full of hatred gaze of Sovyc. But this one hadn’t time to stop. Just to let know, quickly, to his dear cousin, how much he cared for him. While the unconsciousness of death finally got him, Fakuang’s last thoughts were fore them.

Sovyc, my dear idealist, keep on hating me. Don’t let those inanities about goodness and forgiveness rot your heart. Kill, torture, slaughter. My biggest success is having given birth to the monsters you are, you and Ezek. What a pity that there aren’t more of you.

Ezek, don’t die. You cannot die. What would I do without you? Since the disappearance of Ki’yumé, you’re the only one who’s really entertaining me. You promised me that we would make fun with those two rebellious Zoraïs. Without you, it won’t have the same taste.

And if you die, may the goo finish destroying the mind of your brother, and may him be the one who will tear your life seed. There wouldn’t be anything better than seeing him finally sink into madness from killing the only homin he really loves. Oh yes, the life of a Tryker, even one as perverse as yours, is nothing before the hope of seeing a Zoraï give in to his deep nature.

Seeing Sovyc become everything he hates, so much like me, that would be my better reward. He’s wrapping it up in nice speeches about justice and dappers. But I know that he really enjoys it, and it’s all that matters.

And when he’ll have tasted the bitter flavour of the joy of killing a close relative…

OOC: if you want more details regarding the childhood of those psychopaths, it’s there (but in French). Some things may be a bit (a lot?) altered by the memories of the ones and the others. It’s up to you to make your own idea ;)

Last edited by Baboc (1 decade ago)

#44 [en] 

# 43 – Denakyo

After several days spent in the Lakes pretending to appreciate the strange things that were offered in the bar, Dénakyo had finally come upon some talks, here and there. She had also had time to think, during all this time.

She broke a pact to Zora. She was now regretting to have fled the way she had. Awakened Fey-Lin had probably worried, she had most likely reasons for not having kept her informed.

On Zora’s square, lots of homin had gathered. Dénakyo remembered then that it was the evening when the best of the kamists among the Ma-Duk worshipping guilds was honored. A bit moved, she let herserlf drift away in the devotion of the moment.

Then it was Zora’s Assembly. She was observing Fey-Lin from a distance. It wasn’t really the best evening to come, she would be too busy. Dénakyo was trying to focus on what was said, but nothing seemed to be of any importance. Her thoughts were taking her ceaselessly back to an idée fixe. She finally stood up and moved away discretely.

With a wealth of precautions, she went to her master’s camp. Fortunately, he wasn’t there. She took the dappers from their hiding place, letting only one of them in the box, as a last message to the one who had made her live years of hell.

Then she went to the Black Circle. It was the only idea she had. She bought them various things, supposedly under Fakuang’s order; for this, they were used at seeing her come and they weren’t fussy. After all, what she was asking them was part of the “basic” business.

There was a certain drug in the list… One which had marked more than the others. It would probably be violent enough for what she was planning to do. It had almost killed Fakuang, and he was in good health when he had tried it.

She had everything. But what she was preparing to do was terrifying her. And if whe was wrong? And if the guards caught her? Worse, if it allowed this monster to get free?

She went to the desert. The kamis in this temple were probably hearing as well as the ones in the jungle, but no one would disturb here. For three days and three nights, she prayed. She finally got the answer she was waiting for. Peace was on her soul.

She realised that she had forgotten, during these three days, to take the remedy of the Healer and that, despite this, she wasn’t feeling the effects of the withdrawal of the other drug. She was, finally, really free. It was another sign that she was following the right path.

Once more, she went to Fairhaven. The dappers were heavy in her bag. There were almost enough to buy a small guildhall. This money, this time, wouldn’t serve for the evil.

She found easily the officer she had been told about. She told him about her story, and left him quite a nice share of the bag’s contents to make sure of his feelings. One more proof of the power of the kamis: there weren’t that many corruptible Trykers, and if she hadn’t heard, on another day, those two Trykers complain about this one… Besides, for a just cause, there was nothing wrong in exchanging dappers. Supplied with the officer’s pass, she went to the place where Ezek was held captive. Without a glare to him, she gave the paper to the guards, slipping some remaining dappers in passing. It was risky, but… Dénakyo was relying a bit on the fact that Ezek had been insupportable enough for them enjoying a good reason to leave for a while.

After a few hesitations, the guards left them alone.
"Blessed be Ma-Duk, she sighed in her mind, if I still needed one more proof… "

There was nothing left between her and one of her torturers. Fastened closely, unable to move, gagged, he still emitted a noxious feeling. She checked his links just to be on the safe side. She wasn’t intending to let him the least chance. He struggled and rumbled violently, without getting anything.

Staying at his level, she whispered:
— It’s the second time I come to see you in jail. But this time, it’s not Fakuang sending me.

Ezek whistled furiously and burst out laughing, obviously not much surprised, pulling on his links till some sap poured. Dénakyo remained calm, despite his response. Time for fear was behind. She carried on with her monologue, barely paying attention to him.
— I’ve prayed the kamis for a long time. A very long time, and they answered me.
— Hrrkk...
— They told me that time had come.
— Hmm?

She took the dagger from her bag, the one she had dipped into this terrible drug that had managed to daze an antekami for long weeks. She checked in the light that was filtering that the oily substance was covering the whole blade.

Ezek looked at the dagger with attention, calming down a bit, his eyes showing interest and amusement, then he started to snigger. Dénakyo spoke again:

— I think that the kamis won’t be annoyed with me if I help them slightly to break your life see. You’ve no chance. You know it. You were already sick. That poison is probably not as good as yours, but the Black Circle managed to get his hand on some interesting products. Given the price they asked for them, they could.

Ezek plunged his gaze into Dénakyo’s one and started to act strangely, whispering inaudible words because of the gag. She ignored his gesticulations:
— Moreover, kamis are supporting me. You’re not up to Ma-Duk’s will.

Ezek burst out laughing, unable to stop. Dénakyo finally looked into Ezek’eyes, very solemn:
— The only funny thing, you nutter, is that you’re the one who has showed me how to destroy a life seed.

Gazing at the so solemn, so serene, so self-confident Zoraï, while he had only ever seen her as a trembling wet blanket, the Tryker thought that Dénakyo was finally less stupid than what he has supposed. Seeing her becoming a murderer was entertaining him a lot.

Dénakyo closed her eyes and made a last small prayer, ending with the zoraï expression:
— Ochi kami no.

Ezek launched a last perverted and insane look at the Zoraï, resigning himself to the rest.

Dénakyo nailed her blade in the middle of his forehead. A brutal move, that she wouldn’t have been able to do some cycles before. But because of Ezek, she had found the strength to get free, and to train, and finally to fight. Because of him, she had had to kill. It was easier this time.

She let a last tear run, while the blood flew between her hands and life flew from Ezek’s body. Then she broke a teleportation pearl to Min-Cho, before the guards came back.

OOC comment: if you want to play a bit with Dénakyo, send me an izam, otherwise I’ll have a break far from her for a while ;).

#45 [en] 

# 43 – Jazzy

Fair Haven...
Winter morning…
Cold wind… freezing even…
Sunny weather…
Dawn is quiet indeed! Jazzy, back from an end cycle rest, treads once again upon the capital’s surface.

Something’s wrong… but what…?

And then… it’s settled!
He goes towards the prisoner to have some talk with him, same as he had done already to immerse himself a bit in the Demon and understand his insanity before taking action to transfer the marauder in a place safe for him and for the lakes inhabitants.
Jazzy was walking confidently because he had already found the perfect place where he would have Ezek imprisoned…

Something’s wrong… but what…?

Jazzy got the answer very quickly.
He stopped dead, fixed glare, wide eyes, without shivering, he saw… he discovered… in short, he had his answer: why the capital was so quiet this morning…
Ezek wasn’t there anymore!!!

A quarter of a second had allowed Jazzy to observe the place in all its details, a thing that wasn’t usual for him (Bai Nhori Drakani could still bear witness for it!)

Breathless, eyes now empty, body tensed, arms seemingly inert along his body, Jazzy was thinking at full speed about what had occurred. His mind filled with flashbacks: Ezek’s capture, the interview with Xiaomei, Anonyma’s pains, the talks with Sovyc, Nizyros’ threats, the involvement of the Awakened (…) and… what he now sees before him:

A sap puddle, whose appearance could only reflect the illness of the prisoner because of all sorts of drugs, poisons or kind of goo. The dull green of the puddle, already quite disturbing by itself since the sap of any homin is normally shining and glow the sun light, was stained with dark glows!
The two chains which had hold the prisoner are on the ground, cracked at the level of the wrists, the sand still bearing the marks of Ezek pacing up and down all day long.

Ezek is hurt, for sure! He may even be dead!
But his body isn’t there anymore!
Who has done that, who has removed Ezek?

How could such a thing be allowed to happen?
Or, rather, how such doings can occur without Jazzy being informed?

He couldn’t let all this story disappear as the corpse of the prisoner!
If only for Anonyma’s honour…!
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