
#16 [en] 

#15 - Ezek

Leaving the darkness of the jails, I enter the blinding light. The one which burns my retinas, used to obscurity. The guards of the detention service push me outside the building. I whisper a few words to my neighbor before losing sight of him. He doesn’t answer, but I know that a poisonous smile is twisting his mask.

Entering the assembly area, the fattest guard grabs me by the scruff of the neck and throws me in a cage, at the center of the place. I don’t make out the faces of each attending homin at this time, but I realize that they are many all the same… moreover, the Tryker presence almost dwarfs the Zoraï one.


An obese Zoraï looks at me haughtily and presides over the ceremony. What for a buffoon… He should hide back in his larder, instead of lecturing me. This gathering doesn’t make sense at all. How come they dare to judge me? If I’m a criminal according to them, I’m only doing my job within the marauder community, namely destroying the peoples and the religions. I love this job, and even more, it’s a vocation. Of course, I’m well aware that I’m not getting the approbation of most of my colleagues, starting with my own sister. But let them hide their weaknesses and stay unassuming.

Only the Dark Queen will judge me.

The blue fat ball carries on whistling his useless speech, when I notice two homins in the defenders row. Not one, but two.
I know this ugly pale mug. Chonchon the Just.*
I just cannot believe that you have the audacity to affirm defending someone who is one hundred percent responsible and guilty. I’m always tending to underestimating you…
Excuse me, he he he…

Trembling beside him, Na-lëndit.
I know well that you’re nothing but the puppet of the Other, but your pathetic speech tickles my murderous instincts at the highest point. Just you wait and see…

I test several times the bars which shackle me, and notice that I won’t be able to break them. I’ve got to leave this place at all costs. I’ve got to find a way. Otherwise, the Sages’ “treatments” are awaiting me at the end of the day. Well, this may be quite interesting as well. A game where some kind of scientist is trying to poison a poisoner… I don’t know about you, but it gives me pleasant shivers.

Who’s to lose his head first? The Sage or Ezekiel?
Silly me… Ezekiel lost his head long years ago.

Then Osquallo takes the floor. I cannot help but staring at this so pink blazon of him. I am going to make some nasty comment toward him when the city guards become definitively crazy and start screaming.

Sweat song.

The Black Sap clan swamps the town with the help of others allied clans, and ask for negotiations. The assembly answers with the muzzle of its cannons, and panic spreads in the tiers.

I’m free.

[HRP: T.N : Chonchon’s guild name is, in French, « Les Justes ».[/HRP]

#17 [en] 

#16 Kiwalie

Kiwalie arrived at the Ranger camp in the Almati Woods for their meeting, about the kitin invasion, the termites’ mounds and the future Ranger ambassadors.

She scanned the crowd until her eyes finally stopped on the mask of the Zoraï.

She decided to seat just near her, with her amps ready on her hands, her mind on the lookout. She was ready to protect her in case of an incoming danger. Despite being almost convinced that seating in the middle of the Rangers would be safe, she kept alert.

She gave her a furtive smile, and put her hand on hers.
Whispering, she slipped theses words:

Don’t be afraid, sister mine, you’re safe here. The homins I’ve spoken to will take care of you. Even if you cannot see them, they will never be far away. Wilk has come back but the tent behind us is empty. It will be your refuge. Rest, meditate, and make peace with yourself.

The meeting started with the kitin invasion, the plague that the homins had to face took a long time of the discussion. The assessment about the termites’ mounds was quick. Then came the subject of the Ranger ambassadors to the four nations.

Kiwalie already had an idea of which homins would be diplomats enough to fit in this role, and thought that the talk would be quick also. Hence she was listening serenely, until Chonchon, guild leader of “Les Justes”, threw himself into a rant of which she didn’t understand much, and where he mixed the strength of his guild with his desire to become ambassador to the marauders.

In a minute, she felt Xiao-Mei’s hand trembles under hers. She turned her face to her and saw fear in her eyes. In a glance, she showed her the tent behind them, and the homina slipped in it without a sound and disappeared.

Trying to get her composure back, Kiwalie looked at the homins around her. They didn’t seem to understand much of Chonchon’s words either. Her friend Zorroargh gave her a knowing smile. She saw Geyos staring at Chonchon with his hand on the handle of his mace. Zilon seemed as unshakeable as usual. Seeing them all so united and quiet reassured her.

The meeting ended and she went to join the young Zoraï. She was sleeping; her mask slightly tense, she seemed exhausted. Kiwalie knew she was safe, at least for now, and left noiselessly, letting her face her tormented dreams.

#18 [en] 

#17 Denakyo

The mad eyes of the Tryker terrified her. Why was each one dafter than the others?

Both of them were questionning her relentlessly:
- You’re sure that you don’t know where your fried could be?
- She’d probably be in less pain, if Na-lëndit told us what she says…

She begged, quaking, swearing that she didn’t know a thing. Lying wasn’t hard, she was to scared for any emotion to show on her mask.

The Tryker whispered:
- Slaves always stick together, no matter who they are, don’t they Na-lëndit. You know it well, don’t you… who else than her could understand your pathetical life?

Too close, they were too close from the truth, while they were seeking where Xiao-Mei could have found a refuge. But as long as they believed her, even if only by half, it wouldn’t be to bad. She had believed that she had convinced the scarred one from her truthfulness, but she had discerned a glance earlier… Still playing ragus and mouse. But as long as they were doubting... All the same with Ezek. He had doubts, but he wasn’t sure: they were trying to push her over the edge, but as long as she stuck to her story, it wouldn’t get worse.

Finally, her master had let her with the madman.
- You’ll keep company to our friend, and comfort him a bit. He’ll need it, after the ordeal he went through.

He had left with this noxious smile which twisted the scars of his mask, and had let her alone to obey the Puppeteer’s orders.

Now, all she wanted was that the crazy homin didn’t give her one of his drugs. She could cope with pain, but the potions that Xiao-Mei had told her about… Kamis, no, she didn’t want the last thing she had to be taken away from her: her conscience.

The Tryker was speaking half to himself:
- Toub. I had thought of loads of things, but I don’t know anymore where to start. Ah yes! There’s this old friend of mine… I want you to meet him! I want you to go to Almati Woods and to await me quietly over ther.
- A… Almati Woods?
- It’s a surprise.

Had he guessed? She could feel the few sap she still had, deserting her mask. It didn’t matter, she’d better obey and pray for Xiao-Mei being well hidden.

She broke her pearl towards the Woods, fighting against her shakes. Once here, she headed towards the kitin-lair, as per his explanations, checking out of the corner of her eye if her friend was there. It was a relief not to see her.

Ezek joined her sometimes later. How had he managed to reach here? She thought the place to be unreachable for marauders. Obviously, not that much.

She could see Rangers throwing glances to their strange couple. Please, let’s hope they wouldn’t try anything, they wouldn’t say anything… They should have been given the description of the criminal beside her, and been told not to attempt anything without an army. Or they weren’t in the know at all. She wasn’t to ask them.

Ezek and she didn’t linger on. They went down the tunnels of the kitin-lair and arrived before the Terminator Kipucka.

- Look at him… He’s magnificent, isn’t he?

Only thing she could see were the sharp mandibles of the monster:
- He’s looking at us, isn’t he?
- Yes. He recognizes his old pal. The aim of the game is to stay alive, simple like that.

Then he rushed toward the kipucka, before making a U-turn, kitin on his heels, taking him back to Denakyo. She screamed and ran away the other way round. She stumbled and felt the enormous mass floor her.. then a healing spell lifted her up.

- Run, he’ll nab us! shouted the Tryder with a cruel laugh and a demonic look.

Running, she knew how to do that. Escaping the Kipucka wasn’t that hard, actually. She managed for it to concentrate on Ezek, against whom he visibly hold a grudge. After some roud trips, he finally let go, while Ezek kept laughing whit an insane look. Well, at least, he seemed pleased.

They did it again with the kirostas and other kitins that haunted the place. It seemed to plunge Ezek into a crazy hilarity when the kitins were closing up enough to cause them some wounds. But despite the terror of being caught, Denakyo kept repeating herself that it could have been worse. Finally, he ordered for a stop.

- Enough of that. But before we leave, I want to see who’ll win between the rangers and the Terminator.

They irritated the kipucka once again, and climbed back towards the exit, making sure for it to reach the Rangers. Denakyo was sorry to have to do this, but she couldn’t disobey.

Luckily, Rangers were efficient and made short work of the kitin.

And then, in no time at all, Ezek’s mood changed.
- I’m getting bored.
- Ah, er, then, I’ll let you rest, won’t I?
- That will be al for today, but next time I won’t be that… nice.
- I… I can leave?
- Yes, you can leave… wait… I’ll help you.

He moved backwards and put his amps on. Denakyo knew to well what was incoming and suddenly lost the few self-control she had. After all, she had been allowed to leave, hadn’t she?

She jumped through the vortex without waiting for Ezek to finish putting his gloves on, and ran until she was out of breath towards the kami camp. Getting back to Zora, the safety of the city… Escaping this madness.

The spell mowed her down while the kami lights were in sight. She fell down with a big cry. The marauder went nearer and looked her with contempt while she writhed in pain.
- Tsss… I told you not to move… Slaves should be where their place is… and it is on their knees before their masters.

Then he left, letting Denakyo sob and bleed to death.

She knew she had made a mistake, this insane laugh had finally get done with her strengths. She felt her life quit her, and prayed the kamis to not bring her back.

But she woke up at their feet. At least, she was alone for a few hours.

#19 [en] 

#18 – Denakyo

A Zoraï, her mask tattooed with tears, goes from one Ranger to another in the Almati’s Camp. She’s looking for one of her kin, who has arrived some weeks ago. But no one seems to know whom she’s speaking about.

She seems strangely satisfied with the answers she gets, as if she wasn’t really willing to find the Zoraï girl. She finally let a small package to one of the Rangers, asking her to give it to the unknown Zoraï is she ever comes across.

- It will be a bit difficult to give it to her, answers the Ranger, since I’m not even sure of whom you’re speaking about.
- Doesn’t matter. At worst, you’ll keep it. But I’m sure it will find its addressee.

She leaves, throwing worried looks behind her. The Ranger who has received the package, puts it aside till the end of the day, preferring to make sure that there isn’t any indiscreet watcher left. Then, she takes it to a tent, where is hiding a certain Zoraï, who looks strangely like the given description.

Xiao-Mei unfolds the package cautiously, a bit worried about what she’ll find inside. There is a letter, and three phials.

"Kami'ata Xao,

I’m taking the chance to contact you before becoming too big a danger for you. I don’t know how much time I’ll be master of my minds. The Puppeteer said that he would give me the poison, and that he had a mission for me. I haven’t said anything about you, just that you had escaped while I was trying to take you to them through duplicity. Since he didn’t seem to be convinced that I didn’t know a thing about what had happened to you, I fear that he may force me to speak with his potions. From what you told me, I know that I won’t be able to fight against this. I don’t know what to counsel to you… I suppose it’s better if I don’t counsel you anything, by the way, since everything I know, he may know it soon. He said also that he had hired a marauder to trace you back, but I don’t know more about it.

Aribini, all prospects seem gloomy to me. I don’t see how we could defeat our masters.

If ever I were to disappear before he gives me his potion, it may give us a chance. Or if I managed to get some of the poison that destroys the life seed and to kill him with it… Né, he’s much too strong for me, and anyway, this poison is unobtainable.

I’ve told you that I couldn’t run away, and there are a lot of reasons for this. But the best chain is contained in the potions that I’ve sent to you with this package.

When the homins have come back on the New Lands, after the Swarm, I’ve tried to escape. I haven’t handled it really well, and the Antekamis have caught me back quite quickly. After that, Fakuang had me to take what he called a “medicine”, supposed to counter the effects of an alleged craziness due to the goo (because, of course, wanting to escape them was crazy…). I don’t believe I ever caught goo-contamination, despite the time I spent with them, but this medicine is really something vile. There’s no real effect when you’re taking it. But when you’re deprived of it, the withdrawal symptoms are horrible, and it gets worse on every day, till a long agony. Resurrection reduces them for a time, just enough for the cycle to restart. I’ve gone through this once and I wouldn’t do it again, for nothing in the world. Suffering for days, dying, coming back, and starting to suffer again… If this method had been enough to sever me, I’d already be free. No, I’ve got to find the antidote, or at least a way to synthesize this potion so that I don’t depend on my master anymore.

I’ve managed to save these phials, when I was trying to take less of this drug. Luckily enough, they don’t believe me to be clever enough to try a double cross with them, and don’t watch me when I take the drug, sure as they are that I’ll come and beg for it before it becomes too painful. I’m still trying to save some of it, for the day when… But without a real alternative, leaving them is just impossible.

I’ve hesitated, more than once, to ask the Theocracy for their help. But there are spies everywhere: you and I know it well. If my master learned about it… I’ve managed to earn some freedom of move by winning his confidence; I don’t want to lose those few times of break.

Nonetheless, you may perhaps ask for the Rangers to study this poison, or through them, ask for help to someone else You should be cautious and discreet: if ever the Antekamis learn where it comes from, I’ll be in a very uncomfortable situation. Poisons that render slaves docile, they can be found by dozens, and I don’t want to test some more.

This poison here is supplied by the Black Circle. It is said that the Theocracy has some pressure means on them. I’d wanted to talk about this with Fey-Lin, she’s an Awakened who manages to mix kindness and iron grip, who knows Atys pretty well; she’d probably have an idea. But I’m also afraid of her judgement, if she learns that I’m related to the Antekamis and that I’ve been serving them for so long… She’s also in danger, but I believe that my master is too afraid of her to attack her directly.

Anyway, there’s no chance for this to work. We’re just struggling against what is ineluctable, but our faith has been sealed a long time ago. I know that I should just welcome with relief Ezek’s poison, which will remove all my conscience troubles. But I just can’t resolve do this. I can’t accept that Ma-Duk may have abandoned his people in the hands of people that bad. I don’t understand the ordeal he’s sending to us, and my prayers don’t get me any answer…

Take care of your safety, so that at least one of us may live. It’ll make all this less unbearable.



#20 [en] 

#19 - Ezek

The marauder camp was noisy, especially at the bar. New faces had appeared, but nothing that deserved his attention. Placed opposite to the stable boy, Ezek was waiting. A shadow passed before him; he followed it without drawing attention.

- Are you decided to carry out your revenge?

- More than ever.

- We’ve got two choices…

- I prefer the second option.

- It’s less subtle, but, given the previous results, I also think so.

They discussed for a while about the preparations and the path to follow, making a decision on every small detail. This operation hadn’t to be neglected. If the marauders got noticed, the Tryker people as a whole would come down on them. So were the Lakes inhabitants, united.

- We’ll lock her in your clan’s hall, if you may. There are some reasons why I’d prefer not to have her lock in the “Black Sap” hall.

Nizyros sounded out the face of the crazy marauder. He finally just gave his agreement without pushing his reflection further. Some secrets, even buried, reappear over time.

- When will we go?

- Soon. I’ve got to speak to some marauders. Then we’ll be ready.

#21 [en] 

#20 – Denakyo

Dénakyo cast regularly worried glances from pillar to post, checking that no one was following her, and that some specific characters weren’t hanging around in this part of the Jungle.

She usually avoided coming near the temple of Zora. She preferred the small altars at teleporters, especially the ones open to faithlessness’, more discreet. But, this time, she needed all the available help, et she was sure that the Kamis would better understand a big offering.

She gave the heavy basket she had been carrying till there to one of the bonzes. Bouquets of flowers, small breads still warm and tea to be infused, along with as much dappers she had dared to borrow: her offering still was lesser, but it already had required a lot of efforts.

The she chose a place as discreet as possible, trying to melt into the scenery, hoping that her fiancé wouldn’t choose this day to come and disturb the priests. Kneeled in the grass, bathed in Kamis’ light, she whispered them her secrets, her hopes, her fears.

Once she had finished, sure that no one had heard her beside Ma-Duk, she whispered:

- Guzu, Grand Kami, for always asking, imploring and waiting. Guzu for trying to understand. I don’t know what the future will bring to me. I can’t believe that you may abandon me, so I’ve got to conclude that my fate is favoring you, on a larger plan than what I may conceive. Kami, today, I’m not asking anything else than being with you.

She closed her eyes, abandoning herself totally in the meditation for the first time since the las Swarm, satisfied just with being there, with savouring the presence of the Higher Spirit and with knowing it was present. She understood that it was all that mattered. A smile appeared on her mask, a smile without the shadow of fear that went always along, a smile that had nothing forced in it. The kind of smile that her mask never displayed: the one of some kind of serenity.

She finally stood up, a bit less bent than usually. In her eyes glowed some resolution.

- Ukio. I know what I’ve got to do. There’s nothing else for it but to hold on… till the end.

Her hands still shook a bit while she thought of what was awaiting her, but she went back to Zora with a new self-assurance.

#22 [en] 

#21 – Xiaomei

-Hello Xiao-Mei! I’m happy to meet you at least.

The Zorai raised her mask to see who had recognised her. Kiwa Lie, phew… No danger… And even, it was rather good news. She put the package and the letter discreetly in her bag, before turning toward her interlocutor.

The two hominas exchanged some civilities, when Fey-Lin, who had just planned to forage some larvae in the kitin’s lair, arrived.

-Woh... Xiao-Mei!? It’s really you? That’s where you had disappeared?
-Yes, I took refuge here. I thought that the Rangers would grant me refuge and safety… I…. I apologize for not telling you… with all the help and support you provided to me from the start… I should have… I would…
-Népaï, don’t apologise. You haven’t gotten all the support you should have received…

Fey-Lin, as considerate as usual, asked about the living conditions of Xiao-Mei in Almati. This one took the opportunity to confide her that she had gotten news revealing that her safety wasn’t guaranteed anymore, and that she had to find another refuge.

-I thought I could go in the Lakes. Lots of Rangers apprentices lived there, and I believe that the researcher does also. What do you think about it?
-No, it’s really a bad idea. Marauders often come in Fair Haven.
-Moreover, it’s a land that can be easily entered.

Given the arguments from both Kiwa Lie and Fey-Lin, the Zorai had to resolve considering other solutions.

-But where, then? Where could I be safe?
-There are several discreet tribes, apart from main ways, where you could take refuge.

Several propositions were considered, before finding an agreement on one of them.

-You’ve got a peal, or a pact, for Almati, in case you should come back urgently in case of a danger?” asked Kiwa-Lie.
-No, I’ve used the only two ones I had.
-But if you agree on going to Zora, checking if the coast is clear, I’ll fetch one quickly from the Medic Master.
-Okay, I’m on my way. Just stay there!

Kiwa-Lie disappeared for a few minutes, before coming back, with a helmet in her hands.

-It’s good. Coast is clear. Put this on your head, no one will recognize you that way.

The three hominas, attended by the valiant Depyraken, joined Zora at full speed. Once the pact had been taken, all of them broke a pearl for a more secret destination.

The progression of the small group was laborious, they had to avoid the creatures malicious toward the homins… Weapons were used several times. Xiao-Mei settled for healing her comrades. She did quite well. She was right in following Fey-Lin advices and training hard to improve… She hoped that this one would notice it… This one pronounced a prayer for every predator they had to kill, but not for the kitins!
After a long journey, and quite a lot of sap poured, the small group reached its destination. The place was nice. Xiao-Mei felt at home. She was happy, it was a lot better than Zora’s jail…

-I’ll come soon to see you with Zorroargh.” promised Kiwa-Lie.
-I thank all of you infinitely for everything you’ve done for me.

Fey-Lin stayed a bit more with Xiao-Mei. The two Zorais exchanged philosophical remarks on various subjects. Xiao-Mei wished to tell her about the phials, but it was still too early… She couldn’t put her friend in jeopardy. Let’s hope that the researcher would know what to do…

-The journey has exhausted me, I… I’ll have some sleep, I believe. You’ll come and visit me?
-Yui, with pleasure. Take care of you.

The awakened broke a pearl, and let the young homina to her questioning.

-We’ll make it, Ylang-Hao. I’ll do everything I can for us to make it!

#23 [en] 

#22 – Denakyo

Dénakyo had left Zora with some satisfaction. Future appeared less gloomy to her. Of course, deluding oneself with hope was hazardous, everything was left to play for, and everything could easily turn out badly. But… Yui, perhaps there finally was a solution.

She arrived a bit late at the kami teleport in Knot of Dementia. The appointment that awaited her cut a bit into her optimism, but…

She was hardly in sight that an acid spell caught her and sent her on the ground.
-Bankun... I’m in a very good mood… you’ll see.

That was the kind of greetings that was reassuring. Ezek lifted her up bluntly, and waved to her to follow him. If he was in a bad mood, the only thing to do was to be as discreet and obedient as possible.

He led her to the heights of the Knot of Dementia. Dénakyo heard the muffled screams before seeing the homin tied and gagged at the foot of an ancient altar. She stayed frozen for an instant. This was a young and handsome Zoraï, and obviously, on a sacred site… all this didn’t look to good.

Ezek started torturing him before her eyes, making a senseless speech. Her head lowered, looking as submissive as possible, Dénakyo listened, trying to nod her mask at the proper times and to ignore the muffled screams of the homin. She could do nothing, she knew that. If she tried anything, she would receive additional blows, without helping the Zoraï. And then, it wasn’t the first time she had been invited to this kind of festivity… She felt herself slipping in a disturbing feeling of detachment, as if she wasn’t really the one being there, forced to endure all this. And during this time, the Puppeteer was speechifying:
-Look at what arrises when playing for too long with my patience… I’ve found him today morning, this one. He was lost near Min-Cho. In the wrong place at the wrong time… Na-lendit… I want this slave…
-I… I know… I’m looking for her… But… But if I give you a wrong track, you’ll be mad with me… let me some time to find her!

She hesitated for a very short instant to share the trail with him… but no, it was too early for that. It wouldn’t save this homin anyway. Ezek, all to his ominous work, didn’t notice the uncertainty:
-It’s not enough… I’ve got to work off in between time… And while waiting, my dear… I’ll kill Zoraïs… One after another… To satisfy my passions. Listen to me… If I haven’t Xiao-Mei… The serial murders won’t stop.

Dénakyo was gazing at the snow, lost in her inner world, hardly hearing what he was saying. It was only when he got started with the Zoraï’s mask that she couldn’t keep a cry. She was thinking of her own mask… It was one of the rare advantages amongst Antekamis. Mutilating one’s mask was a proof of value, an acknowledgment that one was opening one’s eyes on the world and giving up the kamis’ lies. Therefore they never attacked the masks of their enemies: it would have been doing them to great an honour. But Ezek wasn’t an Antekami. He was still holding his discourse without stopping his work, sometime bursting into laughter.
-How many lives are worth the one of this homina, according to you?

With a lifeless voice, she answered:
-Not even one… If… If I knew, I’d already told you…

It wasn’t hard to lie in these conditions. Not hard at all. She was more stoned than if she had taken any drug, numbed by the horror…

Then he finally stuck his dagger in the homin’s mask, finishing him off:
-He he he... He won’t come back… Not this time.

Something woke up in Dénakyo. Was the dagger? She asked him how he could be that sure of it. He went into an insane laugh:
-I’ve poisoned my dagger! And I’ll do it for every homin and homina that I’ll sacrifice every week! Isn’t it funny?
-You’ve got the poison that destroys the life seeds?

He launched a spell against her, which sent her rolling further bellow the hill.
-Don’t ask questions. Keep quiet and listen carefully…

He gave her his orders. Then he sent her back brutally to Zora. Very brutally.

Dénakyo wiped her tears, and waited for the changing of the guard before pinning up the paper that he had given to her, on the place in Zora. She was used to dropping notes sneakily, having done it for such a long time.

On this one could be read some basic, freezing words.
Mizu Li-Yung
Thermis 6, 4th CA 2553-Mystia 16, 3th CA 2575
Killed by Ezek after being tortured.

#24 [en] 

# 23 – Ezek

Using the last shadows that would ineluctably been devoured by the sun shine, Ezek and his right-hand homina dragged the body of the young Zoraï he had just assassinated. They took it to the gates of Zora. Only a few minutes after they had left it, the guards were warned by an homin who had had the bad luck of finding the mutilated corpse of the poor kwai.

The two criminals had already disappeared.


The matis homina stared at her colleague.


-It is indeed very imprudent.

-I don’t bear that my puppets plot against me.

Ezek was quite short, but really big on the paranoid side.

-You think she’ll understand? I mean… she’s only a Zorai…

-Too bad if the goo has already roasted the few minds she has. I’ll have to kill hundreds before managing to forget her.

-You’re a really mentally ill, and horribly jealous also.

Ezek looked at his assistant as if she had been coming from another planet. The matis homina kept quiet, a slight rictus on her lips. She didn’t tried her luck any further, but she loved to upset her associate.

-Behave yourself, or I’ll put you in chains again.

-No way my dear. I’ve won our bet.

-Mmmmh, that’ll teach me. But you could also be free and dead.

-Quit grumbling like a cute, and clean up your face. You’re disgusting with those sap stains.

-I’ve got work to do. Let me be.

The marauder sent his Shadow off. He waited for her to have left, not able anymore to stop the cough that tortured him. The white rag was soiled with sap and violet stains.

He went back to work again.

#25 [en] 

# 24 Swan

Unable to focus, overwhelmed with pain, Swan found a refuge on the highest point of the lakes.

Like every time, some peace entered her soul… in those dark times for the tryker clan.
Anonyma had been abducted. The commando leaded by Ezek was already far away, and the young Mac Fay left in the hands of the most hunted criminal on the bark.

Really, no, tonight there was nothing that could appease Swan… but anger was rumbling in the lakes.

#26 [en] 

# 25 Swan

The whole clan gathered around Swan. The Tryker, who was still shocked after her meeting with Ezek, read them the message this one had given to her. An ultimatum!
Dwane clenched immediately the handle of his heavy axe.

- No way that we would abandon Anynyma to her fate!

Unable to keep calm any longer, Pimm grabed the message and nailed it so hard with his dagger in the wall, that a long fissure appeared.

- There you go! Nizyros, Ezek’s puppet, is officialy our foe.

- Calm down, our allies will be there soon, tried Zam to apease the anger, but still sharpening his blade without raising his eyes…

Hearts were heavy. From now on, everyone had its mind turned towards Anonyma.

#27 [en] 

# 26 Swan

***** ULTIMATUM ******


You’ve sought for war, there it is. When one of yours has shown common sense and has shown herself reasonable by joining us, you’ve tried to assassinate her. I won’t tolerate such insolences from the Karavan and Tryker nation minions. Anonyma Mac Fay is in my power and marauders are full of resources… I’ll be merciless towards you and this homina cand die at any moment. I want the name of the sponsor of this affront to be published before Thermis 21st AC 2576 (10th December 2013). Otherwise, I’ll give her back to you anyway, so that you can cry over her body. Remember of some Tryker whose fate has tragically swung in the real middle of Avendale…

Anonyma is the first Mac Fay on my last, but she’ll be the last if you show yourself reasonable.
I’ll persecute you to very last one if the culprit doesn’t reveal itself.

Nizyros, Leader of the Clan des Forces Obscures (TN: Clan of the Dark Strenghts)


#28 [en] 

# 27 – Peatpom

Pom read the letter nailed on the wall with a war dagger bearing the emblems of the honourable Mac Fay Family, and wondered:
  • why would a Nair-Mac Fay wish to abandon his kin and disown everything?
  • how could the members of a family want to kill one of their own?
  • what is the father of my friend doing in all this? Why did she look so upset and shocked the last time I saw her?
  • Nizyros would declare war on the Trykers?!?

With a worried look, Pom thought also:
"There will be war. It’s now unavoidable. Honourable homins will fall on both sides. I’ve got to get ready and do my fare share…"
She went to the nearer inn and got herself drunk, so as to feel the sap flow in her veins once again, and enjoy life with one-night friends.
Tomorrow is another night…

#29 [en] 

# 28 - Anonyma

Anonyma is serene. It’s strange, by the way. In a situation like hers, she should be panicked, scared of the fate that may be hers.

Those despicable homins promise her a dreadful punishment. Definitive death for her body and her spirit.
She has seen that it was possible… poor Ba’Kyl was the subject of this in the past.

Yet her mind is in peace. Even if Jena, despite her immeasurable power, won’t be able to undo the perversion that Ezek threatens to apply to her life seed, Anonyma knows that her soul will rest for ever near the great goddess.

But she doesn’t desire death. She has far too many things that keep her here. Her kin, and especially her beloved…, whom she’d like to see grow up and love other things than war.
Incidentally, she fears that her deadly fate may harm this vain wish…

“She’d never find peace if I were to die… Yet she has so many pleasures to know.”

There also was Olorin. She feared his reaction. Who would be able to hold him if she wasn’t there anymore? She dreaded he might corrupt himself also if she were to disappear.

And the clan. The proud and loving Mac Fays. But she knew that she could look after them along to the gentle Jena. She’d accompany every step of them on the Bark…

Yet, something was troubling her… Thalyna. This little imp had corrupted Atharius by marrying him, and them making him abandon his brothers and sisters to join the vile marauders.
No wonder that someone may have wanted to kill her. Especially if she has done likewise before or after her pass among the Mac Fays. What is stranger is that this try may have been sponsored by the Mac Fays… it’s not our way of doing.

But these two “sons of a ragus” seems to be sure that one of us is responsible.
“And if they were wrong? How could it be otherwise? No Mac Fay would act like that.”

Anonyma had been sentenced, she knew it. Nizyros wouldn’t consider anything else. For him, Mac Fays were responsible. Nothing would make him change his mind. The only survival hope of the Tryker homina was in an assault against the marauder camp.
But would the Mac Fays stand a chance, all by themselves, against the union of the marauder clans, on their own ground?

Anonyma started to cry. She cried not being able to see her grow up, mature, assert herself… and love.

Then she thought of him.
“How was he doing? Had the matis homina taken good care of him?”
Tears ran now copiously on her cheeks…
“What I have done? Was it the better decision? Yes. He would never have been allowed to grow up in the middle of civilisation. He was too much like him… physically. Some would have killed him on sight… and HE would have wanted to get him.”

Hearing noise coming closer, Anonyma made her best to hide her grief and her tears.

The runt came in: “Well! You’re crying? You’ve finally become aware? Do you now yearn for death?”

“Don’t be so self-assured, Ezek. I’m just feeling a cramp. It should be said that, there’s nowhere more uncomfortable! No wonder you’re so frustrated… no homina would accept to stay here!”

“Shut up you idiot! You’ve no idea what you’re speaking about!”

The Tryker left in a huff. Anonyma softened… she had managed to divert his attention. He hadn’t notice a thing.

#30 [en] 

#29 – Denakyo

Dénakyo shook with all of her limbs, despite knowing that she was safe between Pyr’s walls. She had run like never before to reach civilisation. She could feel sap dripping along her mask. But there was more urgent. It had been within a hair breadth…

The teleport pearl slipped from her hands, her shivers being so violent. In which order to do what she had to? If she went directly to Fey-Lin, this one would never let her leave again and everything she had endured would be vain… but if she lost to much time, if Ezek heard about… And her horn which was causing her a throbbing pain. She had just one want, and it was to plunge under one of the waterfalls of the Cities of Intuition to get rid of this stain. Né, emergencies first. She finally broke the pearl under her foot.

Once she arrived in Min-Cho, she wrote quickly a note towards the Awakened, which she entrusted to a messenger, in order to make sure that the message would be passed on as quickly as possible.
Message in a sealed envelope addressed to Li'laï-ko Fey-Lin Liang
Have your children in a safe place. Say they have left for the adoption ritual for several days, if possible. Protect all your relations. Tell Tao Sian never to leave alone.


She ignored the glances that Zoraïs were throwing at her on her way: yes, she had been fighting, yes, one of her horns was bleeding, yes, she was dirty with what looked like sap drops violet enough to be nélaï. Just for once, it wasn’t important, the impression she could give. There was more urgent.

Had she time enough to clean and heal herself before going back to Fakuang? Né, if Ezek decided to come back… Although he had looked to feel really under the weather… Thank Ma-Duk for having diverted the Tryker from his gruesome intent by having him suffer this strange crisis.

Out of the question to fail. The Kamis had given her a mission, and she would prove herself worthy of it. All these years of pain had finally found their reason of being. She had had time of doubts, indeed, by dint of mixing with the Antekamis, but never had she given up the gift that the Kamis had given to her, never had she totally renounced her faith. Everything was now making sense.

She would give Ezek what he wanted. She would give Fakuang all the reasons to be pleased with her. And if she didn’t survive it, she would die for Ma-Duk’s glory.

German link:

Note: Zorais have a very sensitive mask, which they also consider as a gift from the Kamis (hence sacred). The moaï, the loving kiss, consists in rubbing the masks and horns against each other. The Antekamis mutilates their mask to renounce the Kamis. To touch the mask of a Zoraï is both intimate and sacred, depending on the circumstances an extreme communion or a dreadful stain.

Né = No
Yui = Yes
Nélaï = blasphemy. Goo is under strict taboos among the Zoraïs (at least near Jen-Laï, I don’t know well enough the habits of other communities on this subject).
Li'laï-ko = Awakened
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