
#1 [en] 

OOC : translation of a report from Laofa – no longer an alive character, RIP

Even before the beginning of the Akabaho-Ban, an inappropriate presence was drawing attention : a zorai, wearing coat of arms from the Clan de la Sève Noire, notorious marauder clan of sinister reputation.
Homins were upset by his presence, though with no one daring take arms to repel him. But the awakened Fey-lin semed to have other projects for him ... He then was tolerated during the ceremony.
The Sage Sorrow (aka Supplice in french) finally came.

Feylin : Do we wait for someone else Tseu-ito ?
Supplice : Yes ... the spirits
Kigan stare at Denakyo.
Denakyo throw an eye behind her, looking at Kigan with the other eye, uneased.
Riditch look at the sky and pray for another homin to join the assembly, coming exactly from the sky.
Supplice : From the Kamis, from our memories ....
Paolen whispers : Awakened Fey-Lin Liang is trying to broing this homin back to the Path.
Supplice look at the né-kwai homins
Supplice : I understood...
Riditch : sil ?
Riditch : Sorry... yes ?
Supplice : This ceremony requires that we leave our shoes, even non zorai peoples.
Riditch complies
Kiwalie remove her boots
Supplice : otherwise, the spirits will stay hidden.
Kiwalie : the snow is cold *shivers*
Supplice is grateful
Riditch removes his boots and note with discontent that the soil is very cold
Bardor hesitate during a moment
Shaakya is already used to walk with naked feet and has nothing to removeSupplice turn round and points at the bar
Supplice : But it's not forbidden to warm up
Osquallo removes his boots.
Riditch dit : Jena, the soil is so cold !!

Le Sage went to the bar of Jen-Laï and brought back "beverages for the inside and potions to massage feets".

The homins started up to walk until an altar close to the city. On the road, animals followed them, red izams and fat mektoubs. The spirits were already whispering at the ears of some peoples .... The homins gathered in front of the altar, silent, and Fey-lin began with the ceremony.
Feylin : I will now pray, Laï-Poko will translate for you
Supplice stays apart, in respect for the emotion of the homins
Supplice meditate to amplify the prayers
Feylin : Kami, talaozu'o kai-ho,
Laipoko : Kami, keepers of the jungle
Feylin : Kami, liu'o fuuho'o kya-ho,
Laipoko dit : Kami, guide of our peuple
Feylin : Kyo wang liu'o mayu-zi akaba :
Laipoko : The void entered in our hearts :
Feylin : Boo, aka kitin'i
Laipoko : Fear, because of kitins
Feylin : Déna oko aribini'i, akaba ké
Laipoko : Sadness for friends now lost
Feylin : Kai'bini, wang-sek liu.
Laipoko : Please, come to us
Feylin : Nékyo liu'o mayu-zi o an y hai.
Laipoko : Fill our heart with peace and harmony.
Feylin : Ochi kami no.
Laipoko : So be the will of Kami.
Denakyo dit : Ochi kami no.
Laipoko dit : Ochi kami no

During the prayer, kamic lights were bliking, and at the last word, a black Kami appeared in front of everyone, on the left side of the altar

Riditch just nods at the end of the prayer
Mindae : Ochi kami & Jena
Kiwalie thinks at her friends
Feylin looks at the Kami, happy of the appearance
Shaakya lowers her head, holding back tears.
Feylin : The time has come to pray for our lost persons
Kigan stare at the kami.
Supplice don't need to open his eyes, he felt the presence of the Kami
Feylin : Liu aribini'i akaba,
Laipoko : You were friends,
Feylin : Liu hozu'i akaba,
Laipoko : You were parents,
Feylin : Liu akaba ké.
Laipoko : Now you're no more.
Feylin : Liu'o qi-zi wang o Ma'Qi-Zi,
Laipoko : Your sap merged with the Sap,
Feylin : Liu'o shi wang o Ma-Duk,
Laipoko : Your vital energy merged with Ma-Duk,
Feylin : Ma-Duk wang o Ma'Tal akaba.
Laipoko : Ma-Duk who merged with Atys.
Feylin : Niu hiro-gan Ma-duk, niu hiro-gan liu no.
Laipoko : We honor you as we honor Ma-Duk.
Feylin : Niu zo'kai Ma'Tal, niu zo'kai liu ayumé no.
Laipoko : We will protect you as we will protect Atys.
Feylin : Liu'o zhongyum hya o niu,
Laipoko : Your memory is with us,
Feylin : Kéwangé niu wang o liu ayumé.
Laipoko : Until we will join you.
Feylin : Ochi Kami no.
Laipoko : So be the will of the Kami. Ochi Kami no.

Denakyo cries silently : Ochi... kami no...
Shaakya let her tears flow, thinking about her lost cousin
Feylin breath deeply, marking a silence
Mindae remembers
Riditch Think about so much lost homins that he don't know which one to begin with for a prayer in their memory
Feylin : Now, let's evoke the memory of our lost peoples from Jen-Laï
Kiwalie close her tear-full eyes
Feylin : One by one, you can come and pronounce a tribute to whoever you wish.
Feylin look if someone wants to begin
Paolen prays.
Paolen's prayer
Jena Laï'o Mi
Waki, niu'o hozu'i
Kami Gan-sek niu
Jena, mother of Light
Our close familiy went away
Kami feel us !

Jena Hai'o Mi
Jula'i taki roku
Kami Liang-sek niu
Jena, mother of Harmony
Tears are singing
Kami listen to us !

Ô Ma'Tal'o Mi
Niu li'sen réh'kéan
Kami Kai-sek niu
O mother of the Bark
We meditate in this winter
Kami look at us !

Paolen put down a book at the base of the altar.
Mindae take her turn to move forward, and put down a sketch.
Kiwalie look at the Altar, shaking her head with sadness.
Kami look deeply each homin, seeming to sound their soul.
Shaakya look at the light pearls elevating to the sky

Riditch : Deles silam Homins
Riditch : I won't pray... neither Jena or the Kamis
Riditch : Just evoke the memories of homins who disapeared too early
Riditch : Here, in the jungle, I knew homins who were dear to me too...
Riditch : The Awakened Ki'atal and her family
A soft breeze seems to envelop the homins.
Riditch : The Awakened Kaikyo... a homin full of good sense and wisdom
Feylin holds her hands tight
Riditch : Kiriga.... completely lost because of his madness
Riditch : So many other Zorais that I could have known and who disapeared under Kitin hordes
Riditch : But I wish to evoke too the memory of members of House Aquilon who gave their lives to save others
Paolen nods with her mask.
Riditch : The memory of the Sharukos... as surprising as it may seem ... he was a honorful homin
Riditch : It was a honor to fight besides him.... (translator's note : this is related to the death of Dexton during the 2nd Exodus on Aniro)
Kigan jumped hearing the name of Kiriga.
Riditch : But too... my Karan... called back too early to the goddess...
Riditch : Not forgeting the living legend who was Radamanthe...
Riditch : I forget many others, far from proving unworthy ... may we remember of them....
Paolen nods with her mask.
The echo seems to repeat endlessly : Ki'atal... Kaikyo...Kiriga... sharükos...Karan... Radamanthe...
Riditch : Homins Aiye !

Paolen prays for all lost peoples.
Laipoko prays
Kiwalie feels the presence of Ki'atal
Zorroargh don't pray, but cannot hide a tear flowing
L'écho répète toujoursThe echo is still repeating : Ki'atal... Kaikyo...Kiriga... sharükos...Karan... Radamanthe...
Feylin look if someone else wnat to say his tribute
Denakyo moves forward, tremblign, still crying, and put down a bunch of flowers at the base of the altar.
Kiwalie burst into sobs by thinking at Kaikyo , the gentler of all homins
Denakyo : I pray for the rest of all who could'nt leave in time, expecially py parents, who stayed in Jen lai...
Osquallo mumbles something for himself.
Denakyo is muted because of emotion, and ratehr go back in the rows.
The Kami whispers to the heart of the homins there : with Kamis, forever...
Shaakya breathe deeply in order to calm her emotion
Supplice nods with his mask and close strongly his eyes

Feylin moves slowly forwards
Feylin : Taunwe, Ki'atal Lae Lia ....
Zorroargh stare
Feylin : You couldn't leave in time, nobody really knows what happened to you.
Feylin : Paï I do believe that with your adoptive daughter, Be'Tsy, you all three left as free hominas.
Feylin dries some tears on her mask, before resuming.
Zorroargh stares at the fireflies to avoid being filled by emotion
The echo repeats tirelessly : Ki'atal... Kaikyo...Kiriga... sharükos...Karan... Radamanthe... parents... Taunwe...Be'Tsy...
Feylin : Kaikyo, mayumé ...
Feylin : During a long time, I cried without understanding ....
Feylin : Today, remembering of your last smile toward me, I have faith ....
Feylin : One day, we will be together again.
Feylin turns back and join the rows

Paolen Look at the Awakened with respect.
Kiwalie is crying
A soft warmth seems to envelop Fey-Lin.
The warmth seems now to envelop all present people, to appease the sorrow.

Mindae hesitate then move forward again
Mindae : I heard voices
Shaakya notice that Zor'o Argh is here, and send him a small and sad smile.
Mindae : from warriors who fought so that one day the bark flourishes again
Mindae : I heard voices,
Mindae : From those who didn't believe of new worlds, and prefered to be taken away by the swarm.
Mindae : I heard voices
Mindae : From survivors who couldn't bear what we became
The echo repeats : voices... voices... voices...
Mindae : and then, there is this voice, speaking to me ... right now
Mindae : this voice telling me to dream ...

The echo repeats : dream... dream... dream...
Mindae step back in silence
Osquallo looks in the space.
The Kami Seems to speak to the heart of the homins : with Kamis they are ... forever...
Riditch remember the light column which took Yrkanis away and tighten his fists, angry
Zorroargh answers with a sad nod to Shaakya
The echo seems to add : with you they are ... forever ...
Riditch : *low* Sil... Yrkanis Aiye...
The echo repeats : with you... forever...
Feylin look if someone has a tribute to say
Kiwalie has the throat knotted by sobs
The echo keeps repeating : Ki'atal... Kaikyo...Kiriga... sharükos...Karan... Radamanthe... parents... Taunwe...Be'Tsy... warriors...
Supplice grab a bit of soil at his feet
Denakyo cries a long and silent sob
Supplice bring the wet lump of soil and melted snow in front of his mask
A soft warmth envelops each homin again.
Supplice smiles looking a light going away.
Supplice whipsers : Kamis... forever
The soft warmth seems to caress theyr cheeks, as to dry their tears.=
Riditch : Deles necat Ki'atal, Taunwe, Be'tsy, Kaikyo,.... I will miss you ...
Feylin steps forward, and turn solemnly toward the homins.
Kiwalie watch Supplice, pensive
Feylin : We, survivors, have to go back to our City with the Memories of our Lost Ones.
Feylin close her eyes a moment, then start to walk.

On the road to Jen Laï, a zorai tell :
Paolen speaks for herself.
Paolen : One day I met a child. The Swarm took his parents and sister but despite this he was smiling. I asked him why, and he answered me : my familiy gave me so much during their lives, that I can only be grateful for having shared moments of their lives.

Finally, the march stopped on an empty place of Jen Laï. The following is a piece of theater and the tyllidohl cannot render the actor's play .... By chance, maybe a homin would have animated lucio to share.
Feylin : It is time to celebrate the Return, because it was only possible thanks to those who bravely gave their life for that.
Zorroargh rather stay behind
Feylin : We owe to lost ones to live fully.
Feylin add : We prepared something .... but everyone has not come back.
Denakyo think that some will never come back...
Feylin : Well, we can still get ready.
Feylin : Kiwalie, Yragael, LaIpoko, come closer
Laipoko : Yui !
Feylin whispers something to Kiwalie
Feylin looks at Yragael : lao
Feylin : where are ....
Feylin : We lack someone ....
Zorroargh whispers to Shaakya: I came to give my support to my friends ... but I have to go.
Clintya bows to Supplice.
Shaakya whispers : I understand
Feylin sighs : a pity ....
Zorroargh : Would you greet Feylin for me ?
Chonchon bows to Clintya.
Feylin : I will need a stand-in actor.
Kiwalie look at Mindae
Zorroargh bows deeply.
Feylin : Anyone who can come play a role ?
Shaakya bows deeply to Zorroargh.
Mindae step forward
Feylin look at Mindae : perfect, you're dressed in white
Feylin : Kiwalie, can you give her an accessory ?
Kiwalie : already done
Shaakya wonders what's going on

Feylin hit three times her shield to announce a traditionnal theater show.
Supplice wonders Mu Shua-Lao will play too
Feylin : The life continued in the Cities of Intuition
Laipoko (dressed with light vestments) looks around her with casual manners.
Feylin : But anxiety grew : kitins were getting restless at the gates of the Cities.
Laipoko is afraid of kitins
Feylin : The authorities reassured all inhabitants, and regrouped them in the capital.
Yragael (dressed as soldier) try to calm Laipoko.
Kiwalie and Mindae were dressed in white, wearing an insectoid matis shield of buckler to figure kitins
Kiwalie imitates an agressive kirosta
Laipoko is calm.
Feylin : The kitins were gathering, more and more.
Kiwalie provokes Yragael.
Kiwalie look at Yragael with a hungry look.
Feylin : the homins took the path to Pyr, leaving their cities behind them
Yragael watch out
Mindae waves her mandibles like a hungry kipesta
Mindae shows her sharp mandibles
Feylin : But the kitins didn't come for bark or amber, they pursued the homins.
Supplice stays out of the path
Kiwalie kirosta wants to eat homins
Feylin hit her shield one time, to indicate that the scene change place.
Mindae shakes her legs, jingling with an awful noise
Feylin : In Pyr, a fleeing plan was going to be applied, the homins would go to a secret Kami oasis, from where they would leave to a secured place.
Feylin : The kitins prepared many ambushes on the road.
Shaakya remembers the story of the Exodus that she found in an amber cube left by her cousin.
Gunbra thinks about her family, the sharükos and all homins who never saw the end of the road.
(from now Kiwalie and Mindae were renamed into Kipesta and Kirosta, Yragael as Guard, Laipoko as Refugee)
Kipesta, agressive, spits her venom
Feylin : All those who were skilled with weapon or magic defended the refugees.
Guard defend the refugees
Feylin : the Kipestas spitted fire, the Kirostas sprayed their venom
Kipesta spits here venom again.
Kirosta burns homins
Feylin : Many died in this day, but their sacrifice allowed their relatives to survive.
Feylin see that Refugee disapeared
Shaakya let silent tears roll along her cheeks
Kirosta turn around its preys
Kipesta leave, hunting for other targets
Feylin : Now, it is our duty, as survivors, to always honor the bravery of those we owe our lives

Feylin : Ochi Kami no
Feylin hits her shield three times
Feylin bows deeply.

While actors bow, the spectators applause, moved by the piece of theater. Then the Awakened invite the homins to warm up their heart in the bar, with some hot beverages, and while some go empty a last drink in the memory of their friends, others just scatter.

But there were indeed many spirits of the dead this evening, who accompanied the prayers of the homins ... some whose name was evoked, others who were forgotten, some who stayed apart of the ceremony, not daring to approach, fearing to regret their past life... But all heard the prayers of the living who were staying, and blesse them, wishing them to enjoy the Bark longer than they could themselves.

Thanks for this beautiful ceremony...

(and thanks for the original report)


Fey-Lin Liang
Last visit Thursday, 6 June 16:51:36 UTC

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