
#1 [de] 

Atys'ata, highly respected members of the Circles of Min-Cho!

Please let us use this notice-board of your city to discuss matters that concern all of the cities of amber, so that we can reach decisions together faster than by waiting for the next date/s of the national Assembly of the Great Circles of Zora.

1) Academy at Zora

The Circles of Hoï-Cho have suggested to build or rather establish an Academy in Zora on Pluvia 6th in the 2nd cycle of 2571 (OOC: January 7th 2013). An official petition for this was filed by the Circles of Hoï-Cho on Fallenor 16th in the first cycle of Atys-Year 2572 (OOC: March 1st 2013) since there has been no time left to talk about this topic during the first Great Assembly of the Circles in Zora.

If an Academy for the Zoraï Nation is established it might not be accessible for commoners, but only for scholars of the Witherings that we Circles could contact by writing to them and inviting them to our Assemblies and Events. We hope that the honored members of the Circles of Min-Cho as well as of Jen-Laï will comply to this petition of Hoï-Cho? Please tell us what you think about building / establishing an academy for the Witherings in Zora. Do you wish for this as well or would you rather vote against such a petition and project?

2) official/public institutions/buildings in the Witherings

The Circles of Hoï-Cho have asked the Dynastic Circle about what kind of public/official institutions (and/or buildings) do actually exist in the Witherings (especially in the cities of amber) and who the respective contact partners for these institutions will be for us to write to or invite if needed. After receiving the answers to this question we will of course inform the Circles of Min-Cho and Jen-Laï about all of that.

3) burial-rites of the Zoraï

During the talk about this topic we realized that we could not find any old documents about the official burial-rites of us Zoraï or especially the cities of amber. I, Zhoi, as a representative of the Circles of Hoï-Cho politely ask if you might know about the burial-rites of us Zoraï or if you maybe even know of an official document about these rites, and would be so kind to let everyone know about them?

Many consider the wooden commemorative stones close to the Kami-Altar in Zora to be a cemetry, as well as other identical sites in every city of amber. It is unknown how many dead Zoraï are actually buried there though, or if the "graveyard" might merely be a memorial dedicated to certain important individuals - or maybe something completely different. The Circles of Hoï-Cho have asked the dynastic circle about this. We will of course let you know their answers after receiving them in the future.

4) official law against dealing with Goo

The Circles of Hoï-Cho have suggested to phrase an official law against the handling and selling of Goo in the Witherings. As some homins might think it is already widely known that we Zoraï have been chosen by the most respected Kami to fight against the goo, others might in fact not know - especially refugees and tribes from other countries. It would be fatal if they got the wrong impression that (because of four tribes dealing and even experiementing illegially with Goo in the Witherings) it was permitted to let's say consume Goo-drugs or the like in the cities of amber.

In the past a law like this was outlined already; I would like to translate it to the dialect of Min-Cho to first let all representatives of the cities of amber decide about the wordings before officially filing a petition for this law and send it to the Sages. The draft could be phrased like this:

The Theocracy of the Zoraï hereby forbids the production, use, unauthorized possession, import, export, trading/transfer, advertising/offering as well as non-reporting the knowledge of such illegal deeds of all kinds of objects, item-parts, fillings or components and the like, that are mixed, filled or processed with Goo of any kind in the Witherings.

Especially weapons and munition made with or from Goo are striktly forbidden, as well as any kinds of drugs made of Goo. Any counteracting will lead to a court proceedings and will be punished severely. Any findings of Goo-polluted objects, item-parts or the like (especially weapons and ammunition) in the Witherings has to be reported to the officials of the cities of amber as quickly as possible. Trusted scholars can ask for an official permission to scientifically research Goo and will be advised to use utmost caution; not least because of the danger of Goo for their own body and mind.

It is not forbidden to harvest Goo of any kind to destroy it, but on the contrary: this is very welcome and we encourage every homin to do so as often as possible. Goo and Goo-polluted materials should otherwise be delivered to officials in the cities of amber and not be used to produce items like equipment nor weapons. Dealing with such materials to make profite is definitely forbidden.

The Theocracy of the Zoraï wants to remind all Zoraï and Initiates that the most respected Kami have chosen us to fight against the Goo. Please remember this duty as often as you can and let the officials of the cities of amber know if you hear of dealings with Goo wherever on Atys. Thank you.

(OOC: please note that the handling of Goo-mission-materials and even Goo-polluted animal-loot is not forbidden RP-wise. Some Goo-polluted loot might be used for crafting - since the products are not specifically labelled as Goo-polluted, you won't have to fear of getting "in conflict with the law")

What do you, respected representatives of Min-Cho, think about this? Do you wish for a law like this and if yes, then what would you like to have mentioned (or not mentioned) within its text?

part 1/2, to be continued...

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#2 [en] 

...continuation, part 2/2

5) meeting with the Gibads to ask them about the removal of Kitin-mounds

At the national Assembly of the Great Circles in Zora we all heard of the Fyros-scholar Daeronn Cegrips who is looking for "stimulating" potions to get rid of the remains of Kitin-mounds in the Witherings by making use of desert-termites.

Two ideas have been brought up about this matter: the Gibads and the Academy of Yrkanis with the respectable biologist Cuiccio Perinia.

a) so I plan to write a letter to the Academy of Yrkanis, perhaps by making use of my good relation with Filira Salazar Caradini who is a member of said Academy. I'd like to ask not only about "stimulation" potions but I would also like to ask for advice concerning the idea of using termites in the jungle and the dangers this might pose.

b) the Gibads can only be dealt with on a national level. So I politely ask of you to permit me to and hopefully even take part at contacting the Gibads to ask them what they think about idea of Daeronn Cegrips to feed termites with "stimulating" potions to reduce the remains of Kitin-mounds. The Gibads have proven to have their own kind of wisdom and they know the jungle very well - maybe better than anyone else. Also they do have knowledge of making potions with unparalleled magic.

Please note that the Circles of Hoï-Cho will of course NOT undertake any action about this matter other than merely asking around - not before the Circles of Min-Cho and Jen-Laï as well as the honored Sages of the Zoraï will give us their approval to do so.

The Dynastic Circle has voiced thoughts about inviting Daeronn Cegrips to talk about the Kitins - because there was a rumor going around about Goo-polluted Kitins in the Kitin-nest in the Almati-woods. I have personally asked the Dynastic Circle to please wait with making personal contact with Daeronn Cegrips until we have asked around and the cities have come to a decision about his idea.

6) responsibility of the cities of amber for certain regions of the Witherings

The most respected Awakened Fey-Lin Liang wishes for a meeting to discuss this matter. Still it is possible that not all representatives of all cities can come together at a specific date and time. So I propose politely to you to make use of the black boards to talk about this matter so each representative of the Circles can tell us what they think about it.

I would ask of you if it was alright if every city has 1 vote so that we can come to a faster conclusion? For this the representatives of your cities would have to be of one mind to speak for their city.

Let's say for example: if the representative of Jen-Laï has asked for Jen Lai to be named responsible for the Maiden Grove, and the representative of Hoï-Cho has also voted for this constellation, than it would be settled and decided since 2 of 3 cities have already agreed to that.

Do you wish for another way to decide about things like that? Please be so kind to let us know.

If a meeting should be preferred it is possible that the Awakened Sartyrica of the Circles of Hoi Cho might not be able to attend. Still I am authorized to speak on her behalf - if it is about the regions.

7) other official topics are considered to not be well-elaborated enough yet to be decided upon so they will be postponed by me deliberately; but if you know of other matters to talk about please do so freely!

8) on a personal note: I have heard that Initiate Astarth will undertake the test to become Awakened. I as a representative for the Circles of Hoï-Cho wish him all the best with his test and think that he will surely make a splendid and most respectable Awakened!

9) on another personal note: you might have heard of my mostly private dispute with three Akenak-members. I have now asked for a decision to be made by Sharükos Lykos about that unimportant matter through Akenak Arrlon, as he is now ambassador of the Fyros for the Zoraï.

After what has happened I'd like to warn all represantatives of the Circles on a purely personal level about the Zoraï-hostile impression Akenos Icus and Akenos Rollocks have given. Please be cautious when talking or dealing with these dangerous homins.

Also please be assured that you won't have to fear any disrespect coming from me towards you. It is true that I have shown disrespect towards Akenos Icus and Rollocks after their many questionable actions and very aggressive comments, since they deliberately gambled away all of my respect. It takes a lot to make me feel this way; so I don't believe any of you will or even can ever go that far.

I humbly await your answers, honored members of the Circle of Min-Cho.

With utmost respect,
for the Circles of Hoï-Cho

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#3 [en] 

There are new issues that we might want to discuss, honored representatives of Min-Cho:

10) Kitins

Perhaps you have heard rumors about unusual Kitin-activities in the Prime Roots (like building new mounds there) or of more goo-infested Kizoars (or even other types of Kitins) in the Kitin-lair? Initiate (hopefully soon Awakened) Astarth has also seen such changes. Even the Dynastic Circle seems a bit worried about these rumors.

So I ask politely of you to please keep your eyes open to watch out for suspicious Kitin-movements. For your own safety but also to warn others about it. Thank you very much in advance.

11) Regional and national matters

There has been some irritation in the Verdant Heights lately. At the regional Assembly of the cities of the Kingdom Taliar Luth came to Avalae to obtain permission of the city-representatives to lead the water road through the forests of the Verdant Heights. As soon as representatives of Natae and Davae heard of Taliar Luth's arrival they asked him to also talk to them about this national matter.

At a quick meeting (of the few representatives who were able to make time for it) one representative of Avalae explained that her city-government had thought it sufficient if Avalae alone would settle this matter - since a quick decision was needed and some of the Trykers were/are Sap-brothers of some Nobles from Avalae. These words filled the Nobles of Natae and Davae with a bit of indignation.

I trust in you, honored representatives of Min-Cho to first consult the representatives of Jen-Lai and Hoi-Cho before deciding about national matters - if for instance Taliar Luth or whoever else should want to try something similar in the Witherings, to make one befriended city agree to a national cause and with that try to circumnavigate or rather ignore the opinions of the other cities... Please beware of tricks like that!

This is why Hoi-Cho will of course talk everything over with the honored representatives of Min-Cho and Jen-Lai before acting on a national level.

12) Differences of language

In the meanwhile all of us will have come to realize that there have been different customs of speech in each dialect. Some homins have been irritated when being told how to talk "correctly" as they have been speaking in their own dialect according to their own customs for years and years which was always being considered as "correct" by others they knew.

Like for example with the use of Taki Zorai, Fyrk, Mateis and Tryker. Before the Second Great Swarming and our Exile we representatives of Hoi-Cho definitely knew more than just a little Taki Zorai in theory. Still back then we refrained from using too many phrases of our old languages especially at our Assemblies, so that all spectators would be able to comprehend our discussions.

A lot of us have since tried to learn more phrasings of all the old languages. But we still do not want to outcast others, especially not our old friends, by showering them with too many unknown words. It is hard to balance this out, especially when considering that lately simultaneous translations of different dialects have also become more common at many Assemblies.

I hope you won't hold it against us that some of us might even start to reduce our usage of the old languages since it seems that it sometimes just gets too much. We in return will of course also show as much consideration and tolerance of your local customs of parlance as we can.

Thank you for your kind reading and for your understanding in advance!


#4 [en] 

Fakuang listened with interest to the report of the young homine. Finally got something to get out of his lethargy.

-Interesting. This zoraï is rather well-tempered. Perhaps we should offer her to join us ... whatever, no, she's much more useful where she is.

An unpleasant smile twisted his scared mask while ideas came to mind. He took his writing materials and prepared some messages, then handed them to the frigthening messenger.
-This one for Pyr and that one for Zora. Make a few copies for secondary cities, everybody must see them. Be inconspicuous, some weak ones of Theocracy might take it badly.

#5 [en] 

Fey-Lin had taken the time to consider all ideas sent, all contexts, all the answers she would be able to give ... in fact she mostly took time for many other things.
But next local assemblies approaching, some answers ahd to be given. Since no Jen-Laï initiate had began discussing these subjects, some shall be discussed during ana ssembly, but some answers could already be given.
So, after haveing told a story to her children, An-haï and Haï-Laï, she sat in her appartment and, while they were sleepin, began to write a letter under a light-amber's brightness.


I will answer to some of the questions asked, the others will be studied during next asse, and corresponding answers will come in proper time.

About official institutions of the Théocracy :
I can just tell you about the existence of the Archives of Jen-Laï, whom curator should still be Lingi Chon-Vao, succeeding to Nuo Tun; and about the Order of Magnetism Scholars, located in Jen-Laï too, with master Gioi Qai-Zhan as head.

About kitin mounts :
I doubt that the Gibads could understant easily the question, since I don't think they know what a termit is, and the exposed plan may be too much scientific for them.
But, I have the project to suggest an alternative plan at next Circles of Zora, let me explain it briefly : the danger of those mounts is in the fact they are exits fo kitin tunnels dang through the Bark. In order to suppress them, the Bark has to "heal" and i suggest that we help this by using botanics. However, in order to guarantee an Atys-respectful practicing, I recommend to ask for botanists from the Ancient Dryads tribe.

About national and regional matter :
It is obvious that the Cities shall not supersede Zora, exceeding their place inside the Theocracy. I dare hope that if an assembly receiving a foreign request would ever lose its way, the corresponding Sage would guide it back on the right way.

I will end with a notice that this mean of communication between our cities seems not adequate to me. This is a subject that we will discuss at Jen-Laï, and which is to adress at Zora's Circles in order to find a right answer together.

Kami bini liu no.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Feylin (1 decade ago)


Fey-Lin Liang

#6 [en] 

Atys'ata and thank you very much, honored Awakened Fey-Lin Liang!

I am glad that there is now at least a little bit of news that I can tell to the Dynastic Circle and the Sage Sens / Gangi Cheng-Ho in Hoi-Cho at the next Assembly. And also a few things that the honored Astarth had told me after your wonderful story-telling together with Initiate Paolen.

I really hope that my petitions that I have described above will be adressed at the coming-up Assemblies of Min-Cho and Jen-Lai, so we Zorai-representaties can get some action in motion together soon. If we cannot come to any decisions amonst all three cities other than by meeting in person at our national Assemblies of the Great Circles in Zora, then it will always take us Zorai years to get anything significant done politically. I wonder what representatives of other countries will talk about us behind our backs in that case...

Thank you for telling me about the Archives of Jen-Lai and the Order of Magnetism Scholars.

If you really want to wait with your proposal of your alternative botanical plan to do away with the Kitin-mounds until the next national Assembly of the Circles in Zora, then it might be much too late! The Rangers are already on the move with their plan. I have informed you in my last open letter to Jen-Lai about what the Rangers have said and decided to do. As you could see (or rather read) I spoke up at your behalf at that occasion. Still the reaction of Wilk Potskin was not in your favour. So if you do not talk to the Rangers soon, they might start testing potions on termites in the Witherings and all of Atys in a short while.

It is a very good idea to try to heal the bark, I approve of that! Yes, with botanical solutions it might even be possible to close up the Kitin-tunnels to a certain extent. However the Kitins can always dig new tunnels, and if there are still Kitins inhabiting the tunnels they might even get angry when their surroundings start to close up. It's possible that they might quickly dig their way up to the surface and then take their anger out on us homins in that case. So this plan has to be considered just as carefully as the plan of the Rangers...

Sadly you have not permitted me to talk to the Gibbads yet, and also Min-Cho did not even react. Neither the honored Astarth nor the Monks of Atys. You seem to underestimate the Gibbads as it seems... Some of us in Hoi-Cho have had contacts with the Gibbads long ago, and we know from these experiences that the Gibbads are well capable of giving us Zorai wise advise about how to deal with dangers for the bark / environment, and they really do know a lot about magic potions as well. They are actually immeasurable valuably allies and should be treated with utmost respect.

Why should the Gibbads not know what termites are? It would be an interesting task to explain Daeronns plans to them so that they can understand the problem properly. The Gibbads definitely should be able to tell us how to reduce the dangers of termites or maybe even offer better solutions to get rid of the Kitin-mounds, including botanical ideas of all kind. But well, as I can see that the vast majority of the representatives of the Circles do not seem to be interested in meeting with the Gibbads, you will probably not be able to change your mind about them by getting to know them better. It is a real pity!

About the national matters: I realize I have made a bit of a mistake (nobody cared about it anyway though) by calling my proposal an "official petition" to build an Academy in Zora. I did in fact not speak to the Sage Sens about this nor did I write a letter about that topic to the Sages, I also did not name it "official petition" during the Assembly. In fact I merely talked to the representative of the Dynastic Circle, Zhienkao Pai-Du, about this idea during an Assembly, and he said that it should surely be possible to establish an Academy. Period. Nothing more than that has happened actually.

Sorry, but I really don't understand why these means of communication via notice boards is ignored by most representatives of the cities, and is even considered "not adequate" by you? You know just as well a sI do that personal meetings cannot be attended by all representatives of the cities at the same time. So notice boards are the ideal solution because they can be used by anyone whenever they have the time to do so.

Maybe you want to keep our talk more secret? Especially since strangers can put up personal letters in here too, like it has sadly happend? In that case we will have to try and find private notice boards? But will the representatives of Jen-Lai and Min-Cho use different boards where they might be forced to use passwords if they are already ignoring the easily accessible notice board right here completely for so long?

I cannot even promise that the Awakened Sartyrica is going to use any notice boards at all. As she has not taken part in the latest discussions on the boards of Hoi-Cho and has also missed several Assemblies of Hoi-Cho because of being ill, it seems that I will have to contact her via Izam / letter about everything. She will normally react to that, even if it means a lot more trouble for me, hehe.

Hm. Maybe it's the same with the other guild-leaders of Min-Cho and Jen-Lai? Is writing a personal letter to each and every representative perhaps the only way to get them to tell their opinion about political matters? This makes me feel a bit sad to be honest. And it makes me even sadder if we would really have to wait until the next national Assembly of the Great Circles of Zora to talk about all of this some more...

I bow to you with respect,
Mata Zora
Zhoi, for the Circles of Hoi-Cho


#7 [en] 

For Zorais travelling a lot, having the discussions on noticeboards is essential to participate. Even if we are not part of the honoured circles, we might still be interested to influence political discussions. Personally, I am torn between the activism shown by the rangers, and the rather slow evaluation of possibilities by our circles.

The termites are not new to Atys. If I understand this correctly, the Rangers merely use potions to catalyze the termites' effectiveness to improve their effect on the Kitin mounds. If the termites would be dangerous to Atys we would have noticed long ago. However, I do agree in Zhoi's faith that the Gibbads could provide additional helpful information. To me it is hard to understand why we Zorais are so slow to react.

On the other hand I do not understand why the Rangers ignore concerns by us inhabitants. They may be an old organization, but they act unwise to just proceed without asking the governements first. Maybe they will. Maybe our circles could invite Wilk Potskin to the next assembly in Zora? He should understand the trepidation on the side of the Zorais.

Maybe the termites could be experimented with first on an island in the open water of the Trykers. They can be observed there, and no harm can be done.

#8 [en] 


Let me point that termit nests can only be found in the Desert. This insect species don't live anywhere else, as far as i know. This is why I think Gibads don't know them, they don't live or travel to the Desert. I checked recently the Greater Outback : although it has a climate similar to the Desert, there is no termit lair there neither.
I never said that I didn't allow a meeting with Gibads, just that for our current purpose, it would be useless. I would like to meet them and know more about them, especially how they perceive kitins, and how were last years for their tribe, while hominity was in exodus.
As for wisdom advices : we should be able to find them by ourselves.

Playing with the termits using drugs, considering them just as tool and showing scorn for this life form is denying one of our Zoraï values, the same that made our people condemn the massacre of Momos, or the experiment from Matis with intelligent plants on Silan.
Introducing a species that do not live in the Jungle is not respecting the equilibrium of Nature, it is against another of our values.
Doing so with no concern about the consequences is the opposite of Wisdom, another Zoraï Value.

This project is against Zoraï values, it's really simple to get to this conclusion, so please consider and discuss this at your next local city assembly.
As you said, Zhoi, things are going too fast, so I will ask to Sage Sorrow that, if all cities agree with my conclusion, the Theocracy react in the way the Sages find appropriate against this outrageous plan and convince the Ranger to change their mind without waiting the next Assembly of the Circles of Zora.
As it is a national matter, relations with Rangers, I wouldn't have taken action in the name of the Theocracy too fast.

This leads me to tell about organization : a new constitution is to come, and its announcement is clearly delayed too much. We don't know how to handle things, but they don't wait for us to happen. I think that there should be more national assemblies than right now. And it seems not right to me to have our local assemblies used mainly to prepare the national one, and discussing national matters, instead of actually dealing with local issues. It is but the purpose of those local assemblies.

I don't see any reason why someone would not be part of the Circles, unless he's simply not initiate of the Theocracy. Traveling or not makes no difference.
Of course, initiates that are not able to be present must still be able to be informed, but each assembly has reports for this purpose, and I hope that absent initiates can count on some present initiate to speak their mind. I don't know for other assembly, but I write an agenda so that people know what will be discussed in advance.

So, about this mean of communication, I feel this not adequate, first because that makes me translate a lot, but I guess it would be necessary whatever the mean we find, and second because strangers don't have to know our discussions. Though it's a pleasure to have them assist to our assembly and see our wisdom as example, the access to such discussion preparing an assembly is giving too much informations to some people, who could use them to interfere.

Lao lor y kami bini niu no.



Fey-Lin Liang

#9 [en] 


* About termites:
Even though I am not a biologist, I have lived in and on Atys for a rather long time and I have heard a lot of strange stories. For example I have heard of termites that can build their nests invisibly into the bark/ground or into dead wood, even on branches of trees - of course I don't know if all of this or part of it is true. But still it could actually be possible that there are different sorts of termites living on all of Atys, not only the one species that builds visible high mounds in the desert.

* About the Gibbads:
And well; who knows if the Gibbads might have visited other ecosystems? They could be a very old race. I'd prefer to ask them themselves. To be honest: I would jump at any chance I can see to talk to the Gibbads - as soon as possible - and to ensure them of the friendship of the Theocracy.

* About the Rangers:
The Rangers have spoken to us at the Assembly of Zora on Fallenor 16th in the 4th Cycle of AtysYear 2571 (February 11th 2013). They could have started their experiments shortly after already. But they did not. Instead they have waited until Thermis 26th in the 2nd Cycle of 2572 (OOC: March 15th 2013). Also the trainers of the Rangers are not ready to accept followers to train them into being patrollers yet. So if you look at it more closely: doesn't it seem that they move pretty slowly?

I fear that Irfidel, whose wisdom I have learnt to acknowledge during past events, may very well be right: at the moment our Circles cannot react quickly enough on urgent matters. What if a sudden danger to the Witherings occurs, like an invasion of Kitins or a spreading of the Goo? We of Hoi-Cho will normally make use of the notice-boards on such occasions to inform everyone and will also start writing letters to the higher-ups of every country and organisation involved.

* About disrupting the equilibrium of nature:
It is true that bringing invasive species into other ecosystems might disrupt the harmony of nature that we Zorai hold highly. The problem is that especially insects of all kinds might have already been spread by homins all over Atys a hundred times. Insects are so small that single specimen or eggs, larvae/chrysalises, pupae and the like can easily stick to clothes, shoes, pack-mektoubs and so on.

Nearly every homin has at least once travelled all over Atys on foot or mektoub without using Karavan-technology or Kami-magic. However seemingly this has never posed any problems for our beloved great tree up until now. Either termites are not really a foreign species to our jungle, or the ecosystems of Atys are self-adjusting enough to regulate insignifcant invasions like that, or the venerable Kami are holding up the balance of nature with their unfathomable powers. Or maybe all of that together?

Still it might get problematic if the normally harmless termites are being fed with weird magic potions!

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#10 [en] 

* About making our Sages talk to the Rangers:
Awakened Fey-Lin; perhaps you will have to contact Initiate (or maybe already Awakened) Astarth in person (like by writing a letter?) to get his agreement to request of the Sages to talk to the Rangers. I for my part will first ask the Sage Sens for advice at the upcoming Assembly of Hoi-Cho which will be really soon. The Sages and even our Great Mask have been present at the Assembly of Zora when Wilk Potskin talked about his plan. Our Sages did not protest against this. But surely the Sages have been thinking about this matter and maybe they have already contacted the Kami or even Ma-Duk. They might now know more to say.

* About reports for our Assemblies:
I have not been able to find reports of the Assemblies of Min-Cho. But I remember Initiate (perhaps now Awakened) Astarth saying that he would write a protocol for the Assembly of Zora. Are these reports hidden somewhere perhaps, like at the notice boards for Kami-disciples or Zorai-Initiates?
For several times I have tried to get translations for the reports of Jen-Lai; but my helpers are not very skilled and I was not really able to understand their translations. I could only guess what they might mean...
I for my part have always written very detailled reports in the dialect of Hoi-Cho and have on this board of Min-Cho also published shortened reports of every Assembly of Hoi-Cho in the dialect of Min-Cho.

* About better communication and addressing national matters quicker:
I would not mind if we held a National Assembly in Zora every year after speaking one hour about regional matters at every city at first, since regional matters are small and normally should not need much of our time to be addressed? Especially since we have held enough regional Assemblies up until now to settle the most important regional matters.

Else there could be two National Assemblies after another and then one regional Assembly?

Well, I wouldn't even mind to handle regional matters solely by making use of notice boards and letters and only have National Assemblies! Our regional Assemblies are not really proceeding well to tell the truth; since most of our ideas will either need the permission of the other cities or an answer from the officials (most often the Dynastic Circle, sometimes the Sages) anyway.

* About "secret" meetings:
If there should be a need to hold a closed Assembly only for representatives of the Circle maybe we could make use of an apartment of one of us maybe, and then only invite wanted speakers and guests in?

Someone will of course still have to provide translations, there is no way around that. I can help out with translating between Min-Cho-dialect and Hoi-Cho-dialect even though simultan-translations are really hard to do as I realized at two occasions already, so I might make many mistakes...

By the way: there is some classified information that I have hinted at in one of my reports here on the notice-boards concerning an Assembly of Hoi-Cho, but it seems that not even Min-Cho nor Jen-Lai was interested, even less any strangers...

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#11 [en] 

While reading Zhoi's remarks, I became confused:

Larvae? Hm.. I would have to scratch my chin harder than my mask allows me to, but I think I remember finding Larvae while cleaning the land in the Cities of Intuition. If I only could remember where....? Ahh. So frustrating. This world is too big for a Zorai to remember all places. Even a tall Zorai. *chuckle*

But the Circles are full of wise people. Even this Fey-Lin whom I only met after the swarm. They'll all make the right decisions. I'd rather have a slow Circle, than a hotheaded Akenak... And even if they don't decide anything? Well. Probably the termites will eventually eat the mounds anyway. Even if the Rangers don't find a way to speed them up. Hah. Wait and see. In the end even the Yubos might make a sport of digging new holes and pushing the mounds into the tunnels. And if they don't, then the Mektoubs surely will...Nature here is unforgiving and claims back what it owns...

#12 [en] 

  • It's actually impossible to invite someone else into his/her own appartment.
  • Kitin mounds disappeared because of server reset/restart, as well as New Horizon transporters become unavailable. The disapearance of Kitins mounts is nto to be taken as such in our roleplay.
  • About termites, well ... Atys is not Earth, so many species shall not exist on Atys, and for termites, they may be different of what we can find in real. Especially, if they can dig in the Bark to build nests, then they can just eat the Bark and Atys, seems as dangerous as Goo !
end of OOC (which remembers me of OCC, Robocop's firm)]


You may have learned that our Sage Sorrow being in pain, the Assembly of Jen-Laï is delayed. I will take this opportunity to assist to the assembly of Min-Cho and discuss about our common subjects. As soon as this is done, I will come to the assembly of Hoi-Cho and try to give some more answers.
I hope someone will be able to translate your debate for me, or I should find it difficult to understand by my own.

Mata népuké, kami bini liu no

Fey-Lin Liang


Fey-Lin Liang

#13 [en] 

(OOC: thanks! :) Oh, so it's still not possible to invite others into the apartments again like before the server-merge? :( Sorry, I didn't know since I lack the dappers to buy a new apartment...
Yes, that's exactly why I mentioned that Astarth had said that the Kitin-mounds had disappeared - some don't know if in RP they should assume that the mounds are still there or not, so I think we will have to make that absolutely clear for everyone.
Of course the termites of Atys may be very different, but that's exactly the reason why I said "who knows" :) So we cannot be sure of any of our theories; and in the end it's the Event Team who will have to decide.)

Atys'ata, Awakened Fey-Lin Liang!

Oh, I am sorry to hear about the honored Sage Sorrow's / Bai Ji-Mao's illness getting worse again!

Sometimes the respected Sage Sens / Gangi Cheng-Ho excuses himself, but on those occations the Initiate Zhienkao Pai-Du will stand in. Maybe you can also ask for someone from the Dynastic Circle who could lead the Assembly at Jen-Lai if the Sage Sorrow cannot?

Of course you are very welcome at Hoi-Cho anytime, Awakened Fey-Lin Liang! And in this case (just like that time when Akenos Rollocks and Akenos Gunbra visited us) someone will of course look after translations. I already said I could manage to help out as I already did, even though I am far from perfect. I really hope the Awakened Sartyrica will be able to attend to the Assembly today again too so you can meet her.

Mata Zora
Zhoi, for the Circles of Hoi-Cho


#14 [en] 


I'm sorry that I couldn't write earlier about our assembly in Jen-Laï, but there are many tasks in these times.
You might be aware that a kwaï has been abducted and there is an inquiry going on. (ooc : Paolen's message on this board)

Here is the summary of the national subjects we discussed in advance :
  • We agreed with the proposal for regional responsabilities of our cities, Void and Haven of Purity for Hoï-Cho, Grove of Umbra and Cities of Intuition for Min-Cho and Knot of Dementia, and Maiden Grove for Jen-Laï.
  • About the Academy, it seems us it's not a subject of discussion to create it, although information about members is important. In this purpose, I shall write a letter to Lingi Chon-Vao, Archivist of Jen-Laï, to ask her to give us details.
  • The alternative plans about kitin mounds were all judged as interesting, so all of them should be studied. We shall begin the necessary steps with tribes about botanics, and with Magnetism scholar as soon as possible, in my opinion, at least to know more about what is possible or not.
  • Laws about Goo are welcome, though it must be carefully writen.

Aditionnaly, we have had some subject that revealed to be relevant of the assembly of Zora :
- communications between our cities : it is always welcome, but in fact actual communications we have are necessary because we tend to discuss of national matters during local assembly. Maybe more frequent national assemblies and less regional ones shall be better.
- We asked for an announcement system in Zora to promote local events that we may organize.
- In a previous assembly, we had a complain from local tool merchant about the prices made in Zora, which don't allow him to sell his own products at a reasonnable price, leading him to poverty.
- I asked for volunteer initiates, because the Theocracy still have no official ambassadors.

Mata Zora, Kami bini liu

Fey-Lin Liang


Fey-Lin Liang

#15 [en] 


I want to precise something I found again, about the discussions we had at the Assembly of the Circles of Zora
concerning the law against Goo use and trade.

I was referring to a treaty passed between the four nations during year 2516, at your city of Hoï-Cho. While it is know to say "four homin powers (Yrkanis, Dexton, Mabreka and Wyler) sign Free Trade Agreement to establish free movement of merchants in all homin territories." in both Hoï-Cho and Min-Cho dialects, the translation in Jen-Laï dialect refers to an agreement of free movements of trading goods.

This is why you, Zhoi miko, didn't remember about this, and this is the reason of my demand for an add to the text of the law project.

I want to inform you too, that I have transmitted a written official demand to the tribes of the Ancient Dryads and the Siblings of the Seed, as we agreed during the Assembly.

Kami bini niu,

Fey-Lin Liang


Fey-Lin Liang
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