
#1 Melden | Zitieren[en] 


The current encyclopedia is still unfinished and most of its rites are impossible to finalize with the means at our disposal. Thus we have opted for the creation of a new encyclopedia, based on the ARCC tool, which will be much more flexible and quicker to implement. Its content will be designed by the event team and deployed in game by the devs.

When will the new encyclopedia be implemented in game?
The first rite of this new Encyclopedia is scheduled for March. Other rites will follow on a regular basis. The new Encyclopedia is the first dev priority after bug fixing.

Will I lose bonuses earned with old rites?
No, you will keep them. However, they won't be stackable with new bonuses: A bonus given by an old rite will not be obtainable a second time by a new rite giving the same reward.
For exemple, if you have a +50 focus bonus from an old rite, you will not be able to gain again a +50 focus bonus with the equivalent new rite.
We will tell you beforehand which new rites have the same rewards as old ones.

In practical terms, how will the transition from old to new Encyclopedia proceed?
Both Encyclopedias will coexist until the new one covers all old rites, after which the old one will be removed. You will still keep earned bonuses and be able to read Lore texts from old rites.

What advantages will the new Enclyclopedia have over the old one?
The new Encyclopedia will in time offer more content and missions for players of any level, in any field (geography, history, foraging...).
Moreover, it will fit into roleplay needs: Aside from rites open to all, there will be specific rites for Citizens, Patriots, Vassals or Initiates, but also for factions (Kamist, Karavanist, Marauder, Ranger, Trytonist...). Some rites will require prior completion of other rites, or will be restricted to some specific fame ranges or combinations. We aim for a flexible system, allowing everyone to enjoy specific content besides the one avaible to all.

What if my character is rewarded a bonus, but later on he does not meet the given requirements for the rite anymore, does he lose the bonus?
No, unless he completes a rite from another faction. For example it is not possible for a character to have bonuses from both the Kami and the Karavan rites simultaneously.

My non-reckless character seems to have lost its pre-merge bonuses, is this intended?
It's a known bug. Non-reckless characters have kept rites and earned stanzas, but not health, sap, stamina and focus bonuses. We are working on fixing this.

Miscellaneous dev news

We also give you the following news:

- All PvP item sellers will return to active service within two weeks.
- Kitin outpost towers and package delivery missions will be back soon.
- We are no longer feeding kitin patrols in Prime Roots, be wary of their return, as they will be starving! :-D

We wish you a good game on Ryzom,

Your Ryzom Team.

Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Will PR digging be fixed before Kitin patrols return ? KP on top of the current issues would be a bit much.


#3 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

This is all good news (apart from the return of Kitin Patrols, obviously).


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#4 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

What about the homins who did the focus rites pre-merge and no longer have the bonus? I havnt tested but i heard we cant redo them for the bonus now so i was wondering what will happen with the new stuff. Same with the hp ones etc.

Zuletzt geändert von Legalizhurb (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


#5 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

What about the homins who did the focus rites pre-merge and no longer have the bonus? I havnt tested but i heard we cant redo them for the bonus now so i was wondering what will happen with the new stuff. Same with the hp ones etc.

This is a good point but it is answered here:
Tamarea (atys)

My non-reckless character seems to have lost its pre-merge bonuses, is this intended?
It's a known bug. Non-reckless characters have kept rites and earned stanzas, but not health, sap, stamina and focus bonuses. We are working on fixing this.Your Ryzom Team.

I am a non-reckless character and I lost all bonuses after the wipe. I have since redone the rites and got the bonuses back. It is good to know I haven't been wasting my time.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#6 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Oh my it seams I kept all my lvls apart from Reading lol
Ty for pointing out my blindness Arfur :)


#7 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Arfur (atys)
I am a non-reckless character and I lost all bonuses after the wipe. I have since redone the rites and got the bonuses back. It is good to know I haven't been wasting my time.

:-/ didn't work for me

But I really do look forward to a functioning Enzy \o/

Zuletzt geändert von Razrah (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#8 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Actually, I am happy about the return of the camps, and not unhappy about the return of the KP (hopefully in KL, too). I would welcome if they will not simply be back after a patch, but will reappear in the course of events (don't know whether that is possible for the Event Team, but hope so). As to the camps, I would highly welcome, in addition, if we get the chance to complete those camps not fully fortified before the second great swarming.

Still I miss any statement about the future of advanced occupations.

Zuletzt geändert von Daomei (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#9 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

two questions:
1. about kitin towers and delivery missions: will it be towers building event or just delivery to already finished towers?
2. about rites: as i am new toon here - do i need to strat "old" ency or it will be better to wait for new one?

#10 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Daomei (atys)
Still I miss any statement about the future of advanced occupations.

Aye ..... I'd like to see Catalysts Artificer replaced with an Occupation similar to the originally announced Marauder Crystal Improver thing whereby one could imprve the quality of OP Mats thereby making Level 50 - 200 OP's relevant again.

Zuletzt geändert von Fyrosfreddy (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


#11 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Hayt (atys)
two questions:
1. about kitin towers and delivery missions: will it be towers building event or just delivery to already finished towers?

It will be a tower building event.
Hayt (Atys)
2. about rites: as i am new toon here - do i need to strat "old" ency or it will be better to wait for new one?

It's not necessary to start the old encyclopedia before starting the new one, but the new one will not be completly incorporated in just one month. The plan is to have regular additions to it in the months to come and expand it over time. In the mean time you can enjoy the old one as well.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#12 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

It sounds as if the rites for those of us who completed them on Arispotle are to be restored.. I'm not clear does this mean we need to re-do the rites in order to see the stats bonuses, durability bonuses, etc?

I noticed the craft plan for the generic axe appeared suddenly... so will the stats bonuses be the same?



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

#13 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Minou, Tamarea said three things about the old vs new rites that should help you understand your questions:

1. "Will I lose bonuses earned with old rites?
No, you will keep them. However, they won't be stackable with new bonuses: A bonus given by an old rite will not be obtainable a second time by a new rite giving the same reward."

2. "You will still keep earned bonuses and be able to read Lore texts from old rites."

3. "My non-reckless character seems to have lost its pre-merge bonuses, is this intended?
It's a known bug. Non-reckless characters have kept rites and earned stanzas, but not health, sap, stamina and focus bonuses. We are working on fixing this."

From this I would deduce that the craft plan for the generic axe should have been there all the time since the merge (if you had it before merge), however the extra stats should be coming back some time soon when that bug is fixed.

And, no, you don't have to redo any rite in order to have a bonus that you had prior to the merge.

#14 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I think Minou's question centers areoumd the WHEN.

- He sees that his axe plan has reappeared but his bonuses have not.

- He sees that some players who have redone the rites have their bonuses back but some do not.

The confusion coming from some things having apparently been restored, and some not leaving many of us wondering if the fix in yet and at what point we should be concerned if we still missing something.


#15 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Exactly - as Freddy says, when should I be worried that the fix didnt' work for me.. =)



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

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