buy bulk upgrades for guild halls (with dappers, not real money)
yes 66 (10)
no 9 (1)
Autre 4
S'abstenir 5
Le sondage est clos

#1 [en] 

I would like to see the option to buy bulk upgrades for guild halls.


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 

Whether I think this would be a good idea or not would depend entirely upon the pricing schedule and other particulars. Therefore I vote Other.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#3 [en] 

i would like to see 1/4 price of gh for 1/2 more bulk (2.5m dappers for 5000 bulk) but i left that out of my first post because i didn't want to put too many options in it and not get any votes this time, besides that, no matter what we would like IF they ever do it, they'll make their own value's on it, and sad to say it'll prob be alot more cost and a lot less bulk, defeating the purpos all together. after all, tell me a better dapper sink then this, at least this is useful.


Remickla (atys)
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#4 [en] 

what guild wouldn't like the chance to have say 10M (10,000,000) bulk, i want to see a stack of 999 mat's in a gh, and who wouldn't like to be in a guild that's invested that kind of time and effort into, a real guild that really is working to make it's self the best there is, lolx. so really, how about a few more YES votes please, or any vote for that matter, if only to show that voting's not a total waste of time.


Remickla (atys)
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#5 [en] 

Supprimé par Aileya (il y a 1 décénie) | Raison: pushing spam

#6 [en] 

Supprimé par Aileya (il y a 1 décénie) | Raison: pushing spam

#7 [en] 

Supprimé par Aileya (il y a 1 décénie) | Raison: pushing spam

#8 [en] 

Supprimé par Aileya (il y a 1 décénie) | Raison: pushing spam

#9 [en] 

ok, i know it's been a long time since i've said one word on this one, because i was so focused on the apartment part of this idea, however i've found ways to make the bulk in my apartment so much less of an issue that i will be letting that idea die untill some poor new toon posts, and then i'll posting that they should read though the entire post from start to finish, there's enough information there to help them do the same as the rest of us do.

but let's get back to GH bulk, it's a guild hall folks, so that means that it's a location for many toons to place and store items that are for a large group, i know that many guilds have more then just one guild hall, and that seams a little crazy, why should a guild have to have more then one guild hall? the bulk limit is logical for an apartment, only one toon can use it, but the guild halls, they really need an upgrade, something that's insanely huge, thus guilds will be able to store mats, gear of may different Q's with various bonuses for various uses, wepons of the like, tools of the like, ect.

it's a game, sure there's the RP side of the game, and i don't mean for this to be forced on anyone's guild, i'm saying that it would be a nice upgrade for the guild in question and their GH, let's say that you can buy an apartment sized bulk upgrade for a guild hall for the price of an apartment, and that there's no limit, they're always looking for a way to make us waste the very very hard to earn dappers (for non mission plaing toons like myself), this would be a good one, i don't know how many guild's would soon be spending millions on a regular basis to buy more bulk for their guild hall, i mean let's face it, if you need the extra room it's worth spend the dappers for it. from the game point of view there's no reason not to do it, after all it's a game, for the RP side of the house, if you don't want it, don't buy it, it's that simple, also for those that don't like this idea, would it hurt you for those of us that do want it to get it? the answer is simple, no it wont' hurt you because you don't want it, so please let's have supporters vote and post on this, if you don't like the idea, please pass on by, unless that is you have a good point as to why, then i'm all ears so i can watch ppl like me do our best to pick your point apart. (maybe we'll do it and pick it apart, maybe you'll stump us and make us think, ya never know)

thanks again everyone,


also this post is not pushing spam, this is trying to keep my idea and my thread alive with new information and new ideas, if you spend 5 minutes thinking and posting don't delete it please. yes i was calling for votes in the few posts you deleted aileya, because i was also doing the same in the game in uni chat and other "global" chats, and users were having trouble finding the post to vote on it because it wasn't "on top", and i'll tell you what, i'll get players i know to translate the basic idea and let's get this post put up as a global announcement for 1 month, much like the issues with digging after merge, i bet this idea would get as many hit's and votes as that did, and would most likely get more, because this is something new to consider.

thank you again everyone that read that too.


Remickla (atys)
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#10 [en] 

I vote yes. But here is another option that will help with both storage space and the need of sorting items in Apt and GH.

There are doors in the GH that lead to rooms where guild trainers where supposed to be available, an idea that never saw light. Why not make these GH rooms extra storage space and add a "Storage NPC" (SNPC) like a guild merchant that will hold mats and items for guild members only - these SNPC would have the sorting options merchants have, where if we need Clothes mats they would be easy to find by using the sorting system which allows us to sort items by type and quality.

Limit the SNPC to 4 per guild (maybe), Devs can decide what limit of bulk SNPC can hold or even add a time limit (like merchants have). SNPC can also be a dapper sink - they can cost what an apartment cost and maybe even make the guild have to pay the SNPC a salary to continue holding the items (this would work for RP). This could be an SNPC like a hawker that can hold all types of items, or special SNPC - armor SNPC, Weapons SNPC, etc... each costing differently.

I don't know if the amount of coding needed to do is too difficult, or possible, but we do need extra inventory space in GH and a new sorting option that makes looking for things much easier. It has always been an issue. And this idea sort of tries to work with both issues of bulk and sorting. My 2c, only an idea for discussion not a demand and definitely not something to argue about.

#11 [en] 

someone's got a thread for the sorting idea portion apple, but thanks for the votes and the thoughts, i can see your going to be very active indeed, so glad to have you back on the big tree.


Remickla (atys)
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#12 [en] 

just another thought for this thread if WG doesn't want to offer upgrades, how about this, a guild hall comes with 10,000 bulk already, let's add 2000 bulk to that for every toon that is in that guild, thus the bulk of a gh is based at 10,000 and each added toon (including the guild leader, so it's a member times x code) gives that guild 2000 more bulk, because let's face the fact, guilds are suspoesed to be groups so let's make it good that a guild thats big can store what's needed for all toons in the GH.

and i'm going to keep thinking of stuff to add to this, because i've asked many guilds about this, and they all agree it would be good to have more bulk, but most of then feel it's a waste of their time to vote on ideas or even bother with the thread. (sad that so much of the player base feels that nothing is ever done much, stagnation will be the death of the game, because we need something new once in a while that really does add to the game, or we'll start loosing old players, think this way WG, there are vet players that let sub's lapse to create f2p's so they can keep in touch with friends and not have to pay to do it, how much will that cost you if more and more ppl do it? plan for the next 1/4 century not the next fiscal 1/4)

sorry if i offend anyone with things i say, i guess being american and having freedom of speech goes to my head sometimes.


Remickla (atys)
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#13 [en] 

And what happens when a toon leaves guild for whatever reason? If you have more bulk than the new, lower limit, what happens with the extra mats?

The limit can be easily tricked with f2p alts, in any case.


#14 [en] 

both good points, one any honest guild wouldn't use (and if they did again who would it really hurt?), one that would make that my newest option void UNLESS it was cumulative and if a toon leaves the guild for any reason the bulk is intact, however the next toon to join would not get the guild bonus bulk, because the guild had already gotten it ( the same could apply if x number leaves, then x number must also join prior to getting more)

but your comment does bring me to the root of the thread again, let the guild buy extra bulk as needed or wanted with no limit, it's a dapper sink (because they don't want billionre toons anymore, which is dumb, it's not like they just give away dappers regardless, but rich toons do help the poor new players with something WG doesn't ; as it is now i won't give them away, but if i had billions or even a few hundred million i would be more then happy to drop 500k to 5m on a new toon, they could buy tp's packers apt's ect with them then, but i'm still trying hard to get there so i can't pass them out yet in thos amounts, not that i won't help with some dappers if asked nicely and respectfully for valid needs, not just because they want them), but they want to find ways to keep dappers being worth something as though you could cash them out and get real moeny to bankrupt WG. sooner or later there will be toon's with billions, it's just a matter of time because there's just not much worth wasting them on.

again i see no valid reason NOT to give us this simple upgrade, and for all the "no", "other", and "abstain" voters, try to give me a good reason, i dare you because i KNOW i can shoot them down, there's just no reason this is bad, it's not forced on anyone it's an option to use ONLY IF YOU WANT TO, so please give me reasons for no, other, abstain. becasue just what i said is a perfect way to shoot down the negitive views.


Remickla (atys)
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#15 [en] 

The tricking could be made more complicated as well as minimizing the effect of people leaving the guild by doing it like this:

Increase size of GH by 2000 for every member able to access it. (or maybe even more restricted only ones that can take things out of it)

I personally would prefer then "buy" or "rent" option with dappers though


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