


You will find in this post some explanations about New Horizons transports and missions.


The "To New Horizon" provides transports to go from a city to another in the same nation.

As time goes by, transports will need new elements to keep working.

THese elements are :

  • water,
  • flowers,
  • maps,
  • tools.

If and only if they need them, transports will buy those products from you (choose "I want to help you.").

However, transporters' ressources are limited. They will only buy a limited number of products from the same homin each day.

But they must take care about their providers that may also be their customers.

So, the reward depends on the homin's fame in the nation.

The greater is fame is, the greater the reward will be.


If you have questions, bugs, remarks about New Horizon transports. Please, post them below.

Zuletzt geändert von Vradden (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


Why u change all time a running System? Now u get only Fame, but no Points anymore with +25 fame - what a shit!


In Vino Veritas


You guys should make at least one dev play the game. Blindly changing things on a whim serves noone. The q250 faction picks will now not last long enough to save up the faction points needed to replace the broken ones.


I agree to Zimbo that the cut of rewards is frustrating. Get real: Dappers, Fame, that is bit a byproduct, and would hardly motivate many to donate a single occupation product as that may more fast and easily be achieved by bandit bashing. Nation points are what makes these donations attractive.

In my opinion, it is fully ok to limit the number of products to be donated by toon. I can also understand that the reward is growing by nation fame.

Right now, the situation, as I know it is:

Up to 25 fame and probably more: Zero points

45 to 50 fame (maybe starting earlier): 50 points

above 51 fame (achievable thru bug): 80 points

Probably more for citizens with more than 50, 60 whatever fame.

I think this cut is far too radical and will demotivate many and seduce others to setup special toons for leeching. That way you will disrupt fair and balanced gameplay.

To get a perspective, I would like to compare with touring the camps runs in the old world. There, a neutral or not adverse civ (civ points above +10) could achieve 2200 civ points per nation every 8 hrs. A citizen could achieve 5600 civ points for her nation proper.

Normally, few took pains to do more than one run or two per day.

Now, let us see. A neutral needs fame 45 (not 10) to get 50 points per occupation product, meaning 900 points for a full day's (ok 20hrs) yield at 100% recipe. There are at most 3 occs to be done a day (ok 3.5 with a lot of effort).

That means the old maximum for a neutral was 4 nations * 3 times a day * 2200 points = 26,400 points. For a citizen, it was 3*5600 and 2 nations * 3*2200 = 30,000 points.

Now it is, if only limited by occupation products, 2,700 points a day. That is devastating.

(And it remains devastating when taking in account that a grade 6 player may theoretically harvest 6 cert sets a day and produce 6*18 products of grade 1-6. It would take nearly the whole day to do that).

3 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Daomei (vor 1 Jahrzehnt) | Grund: corrected calculation


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral


J'aimerais comprendre une chose, quand j'ai commencé à donner des items je gagné 100 point par unité donné, en étant fyros avec 60+ en fame fyros.
Aujourd'hui je ne gagne plus que 80 point pourquoi ? Mystère on ne nous dit rien.
Après j'ai t’être raté le post sur le forum, mais il semble qu'une fois de plus, on implante des trucs sans rien dire et les joueurs doivent découvrir par eux même... ou alors une semaine après.

Donc quand on crée quelque chose c'est bien de l expliquer et les modification attenante aussi svp.
A force sa devient chiant de devoir deviner...


Nomiya (atys)
J'aimerais comprendre une chose, quand j'ai commencé à donner des items je gagné 100 point par unité donné, en étant fyros avec 60+ en fame fyros.
Aujourd'hui je ne gagne plus que 80 point pourquoi ? Mystère on ne nous dit rien.
Après j'ai t’être raté le post sur le forum, mais il semble qu'une fois de plus, on implante des trucs sans rien dire et les joueurs doivent découvrir par eux même... ou alors une semaine après.

Donc quand on crée quelque chose c'est bien de l expliquer et les modification attenante aussi svp.
A force sa devient chiant de devoir deviner...

+1 le fait ton patch note toi même c'est assez usant, on a un cycle de développement court avec une petite structure agile c'est cool, les bug sont corrigés assez vite mais quand on doit soit même identifier les "effets voulu et les bug" c'est ...pénible

Bon jeu

EDIT le pire c'est que signaler ces changements sur le site off ça serai cool les joueurs verraient que ryzomlejeuzombiequiveuxpasmourrir évolue...

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Shayma (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


Nomiya (atys)
J'aimerais comprendre une chose, quand j'ai commencé à donner des items je gagné 100 point par unité donné, en étant fyros avec 60+ en fame fyros.
Vous allez comprendre d'etre heureuse. D'autre au niveau fame entre 1 et 25 ont recu 100 point aussi, maintenant zero. Ceux entre 45 et 51 fame ont 50.

Oui, c'est chiant. Et c'est chiant ces surprises.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral


L'idée était bonne au départ! 7200 points toutes les 21h ( si pas de stock d'item métier ) c'était pareil que les anciens pnj colis ( ancienne méthode pour faire des points nation ) qui eux étaient toutes les 8h.

Même si cette nouvelle méthode est bien plus simple, on s'en doutera...

Bref. Maintenant, c'est devenu un peu... useless? Non que je veuille critiquer, cela dit, c'est plutôt frustrant de gagner aussi peu de points.


I rather enjoy the concept! I enjoy it even more now that there's some solid information from "On High" about the mechanism of it. Thanks!


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn


I made the rounds today and received as follows for one water:

From Tryker Agent (My fame: 50): Some fame, 5,000 dapper, 50 Civ Points.
From Zoari Agent (My fame: -4): Some fame, 3,000 dapper, 0 Civ Points.
From Fyros Agent (My fame: 4): Some fame, 3,000 dapper, 0 Civ Points.
From Matis Agent (My fame: 24): Some fame, 3,000 dapper, 0 Civ Points.

Makes sense to me; fame is intended to have consequences and citizenship is suppose to have reward.


Ezra (atys)
I made the rounds today and received as follows for one water:

From Tryker Agent (My fame: 50): Some fame, 5,000 dapper, 50 Civ Points.
From Zoari Agent (My fame: -4): Some fame, 3,000 dapper, 0 Civ Points.
From Fyros Agent (My fame: 4): Some fame, 3,000 dapper, 0 Civ Points.
From Matis Agent (My fame: 24): Some fame, 3,000 dapper, 0 Civ Points.

Makes sense to me; fame is intended to have consequences and citizenship is suppose to have reward.

So 3k daps/0 Civ is the low end, 10k/100 Civ must be the high end, and it must start adjusting upward at 50 fame. I have 80+ Fyros fame and last night got 8000k dappers, 80 fame each item. Thanks Ezra!


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn


Ezra (atys)
I made the rounds today and received as follows for one water:

From Tryker Agent (My fame: 50): Some fame, 5,000 dapper, 50 Civ Points.
From Zoari Agent (My fame: -4): Some fame, 3,000 dapper, 0 Civ Points.
From Fyros Agent (My fame: 4): Some fame, 3,000 dapper, 0 Civ Points.
From Matis Agent (My fame: 24): Some fame, 3,000 dapper, 0 Civ Points.

Makes sense to me; fame is intended to have consequences and citizenship is suppose to have reward.

Thanks for the detailed info which matches my less exact observations. Still the result is absolutely unsatisfactory. I would never start, and would never recommend, wasting a single product without getting any Civ point. That is simply cheating and a ripoff. So those below 40 or 45 fame have to go back to bandits and forget NH.

Compared to the old civ point quests, including the digging quests, which existed beneath touring the camps, the yield is simply miserable.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral


Small Update:

1. I seem to have been to able bug my Tryker Fame to 51 by giving the Agent Water, at 51 Fame I get: 8,000 Dapper and 80 Civ. Points.

2. I am getting Matis Civ Points at 30+ Fame. I noticed too late and can't get an exact number now since the Agent won't except more items now, but I was feeding him mats for fame and my Matis Civ. Points have defiantly gone up.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Ezra (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


I had civ. points in Fh (-11 fame with Tryker), 100 per items, same as Thesos (+5x with Fyros). Only less money doing it at Fh.


Grande bleue du Désert


The way a player is told that NH doesn't want any more products from her is deficient, too. There should not be a message "We do not need products for the moment" when products are accepted from others. Something like "Thank you, we do not need your products at the moment, you may help us later, again" would be clearer and better. In addition, the exact cooldown period should be told. That cd periods can be managed in ARCC is demonstrated by the Free Tools service where it works fine.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
Last visit Donnerstag 13 Juni 04:34:59 UTC

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