Web Apps



I tried adding my custom app to the game with the following data:

name: ArcDB IG
url: http://www.bubblegumcrisis.de/arcdb/ingame.php
icon: http://www.bubblegumcrisis.de/arcdb/icon_ig.png

It took me over 10 attempts before the app finally appeared, not sure if the data is correctly transfered to the server or the server is currently just overloaded. Other people have reported issues aswell, the window just closes but no app gets registered.

Thanks :)


i've tried with another page about fame for guildies and it also takes most multiple attempts

* I think the whole updated app is kind off buggy all mac users in guild can't see guild forums ingame

Last edited by Subox (1 decade ago)



* I think the whole updated app is kind off buggy all mac users in guild can't see guild forums ingame
because web domain changed, it needs client patch or at least changes in client.cfg (basically atys.ryzom.com -> app.ryzom.com)

when I added test app, it only took one try. I did it out of game. Is there timeout or something?




No timeout, it returns to home screen but the app is not added. No different screen if it works either. Maybe script does not recieve formular data? no idea.


It seems, that this app-function just needs "/" at the end.
So at least this worked for me (ingame and outgame):

url: http://www.bubblegumcrisis.de/arcdb/


Aileya | Senior Game Master | Deutsch / English
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It also took me many tries to add this app. No timeout, just a normal page reload with nothing changed.


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr


multiple tries, no succes...


It works as soon as delete the space in the title on the app... don't know if it's pure coincidence or not.


Sobek (atys)
It works as soon as delete the space in the title on the app... don't know if it's pure coincidence or not.

I think this is a coincidence, while testing I was way too lazy to type the whole title. I added the url only and a name like "asdf" until it worked, then edited the app with the correct name and icon ;)


Aileya (atys)
It seems, that this app-function just needs "/" at the end.
So at least this worked for me (ingame and outgame):

url: http://www.bubblegumcrisis.de/arcdb/

http://www.bubblegumcrisis.de/arcdb/ is a different page and not optimized for ingame use. It doesn't make much sense to me either, since the web app *does* accept urls without "/".
If the "/" was a problem, the behaviour would be consistent and any url without the correct scheme discarded ALL the time.
Without knowing the details, to me it looks like the content of the edit boxes simply doesnt arrive at the destination and hence gets ignored..

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Arcueid (1 decade ago)


Speaking of which... Is there a short documentation somewhere on how to go about adding apps? And can an app be tested from a local WAMP server, or does it have to be web-accessible to be added to WebIG?


So called "Apps" are just standard webpages. You can add any url you like and test it local with a webserver. I haven't tried it yet, but in theory "localhost" should also work and lead to your own PC. Only difference is the limited html support of the ingame browser and its own ryzom colorscheme.


Last edited by Arcueid (1 decade ago)


I have noted another thing, the updated interface of my app uses <form action="ingame.php" method="GET"> to transmit data. With this, I get timeout errors (yellow text from ingame browser) in about 1 of 10 attempts.

The old interface with plain urls like ingame_legacy.php?type=4&color=*&quality=*&race=*& ;loot=*&action=filter works flawless. Maybe this is the same issue with the "ADD APP" Button, which is using form too.


Sounds like it's hard to test against. Any constants available or planned when using the in-game web browser? Toon ID, Guild ID would be nice for authentication.


There are some request properties added: toon name, ig flag, char id and some long hash. On the API page there is some php code to verify the login, but i don't know if it's secure.

You could try to add an app at and report back... i don't have a local webserver running.


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