
#1 Report | Quote[en] 

This announcement will be long, but we hope it will answer your questions and reassure you. There is no question of closing the game or kill it as we read it, but we absolutely must take into account the economic pressures that are the main reasons for this servers merge. The goal is not to make more money but to stop losing money and thus allow Ryzom continue to live.

Backup of levels

With the active support of the community and the many requests to save your character levels, it was possible to consider, test and now offer an alternative to the avatar reset. See below for details:

All subscribed accounts on the day of closing of the current servers will keep the appearance, the name but also the levels and skill bricks of all characters that are on the account.

We have also made arrangements so that you can, if you wish, restart your Ryzom adventrure from scratch. More information on this subject later in this announcement.

As a result of these changes, we have decided to move the server merge back a week, to (Saturday, 29 September at midnight GMT+2), to give us a little more time and you more chances to win a starter pack.

Starter packs

You may have heard of the starter packs we are now offering. There are three kinds of starter packs. A character can restart with one pack only. The hightest that you have won is selected automatically. You will not be able to exchange the items in the packs. All characters with a starter pack will keep their name and physical characteristics.

Basic Pack
  • Keep the name of the character
  • Keep the physical characteristics
  • 1 Handed Axe (q25 stats)
  • q100 Amplifier (q100 stats) 100% in speed and 97% heal and off
  • q1 Armor (q25 stats)
  • 1 stack of 999 q100 generic raw materials
  • 10,000 Dappers
Silver Pack
  • Keep the name of the character
  • Keep the physical characteristics
  • 1 Mektoub Packer
  • 1 Handed Axe (q50 stats)
  • q100 Amplifier (q200 stats) 120% heal
  • q1 Armor (q50 stats)
  • q200 Black Marauder Heavy Armor
  • 5 stacks of 999 q200 generic raw materials
  • 1,000,000 Dappers
Premium Pack
  • Keep the name of the character
  • Keep the physical characteristics
  • 1 Mektoub Packer
  • 1 Handed Axe (Q50 stats)
  • q100 amplifiers (q200 stats) 120% heal
  • q1 Armor (Q50 stats)
  • q100 White Marauder Light Armor
  • q200 White Marauder Medium Armor
  • q150 White Marauder Heavy Armor
  • 3 stacks of 999 q100 generic raw materials
  • 4 stacks of 999 q150 generic raw materials
  • 5 stacks of 999 q200 generic raw materials
  • 1,000,000 Dappers

Overview of options

With the merge, you have several options available to you. Below all options are explained..

If you have a paid, currently subscirbed, account, you have the choice between:
  • Doing nothing: In this case, all your characters on your account will keep their levels and each will start with a Basic Pack.
  • Register one of your characters to the "List of the Reckless": the levels of this character will all be reset and it will start with a Premium Package (other characters of the account keep their levels and get a Basic Pack). You can register only one character per paid account. You have until the close of servers to register. Your account must have an active paid subscription at the time of registration.
If you have a free account, you have the choice between:
  • Doing nothing: In this case, all characters of the account will be deleted.
  • Involve one or more of your characters in events before the servers close: In this case, their levels will be reset and will start with a Basic Pack.
If your character should win a Silver Pack, it will replace the Basic Pack.

All characters and accounts that will be created after the server merge begin as before, without any starter packs.

Overview of changes brought by the merge

Digging spots and some creatures may not be where you expect them! Careful!

We want to take advantage of the merge to rebalance the economy, so it will necessarily to go through your wallet and steal all your dappers. Sorry.

As with dappers, resetting your inventories will help bring more balance to the game. Each server had a different progression, various events... It is therefore necessary to start on a neutral, common basis.

Guilds of different communities come away with a substantive equality and therefore, it will promote competition among other guilds and factions.

Kami Tolerance should be back for the pleasure of diggers.

Apartments and mektoubs
Your apartment will be put up for sale and your mektoubs released into the wild.

Guilds require a very specific and complex transfer process, which could lead to bugs and other instabilities detectable only after migration. Transfer simulations will not guarantee that things will work perfectly. To avoid such often unpredictable problems , we have decided not to take risks and let you recreate your guild yourself.

All fame will be reset to allow everyone to have access to cities in the early days and avoid early factional conflicts. We realize that upgrading fames takes time, so it's a sacrifice that we ask of you to simplify the transfer process.

Some parts related to items in the inventories can not be kept. These include experience and levels of basic occupations that are stored in the form of items.

WebIG, mail, forums, craft recipes
WebIG applications, emails, forums and craft recipes will be kept.

WebIG had to be adapted to manage a single server instead of three as at present. Since it was partly OpenSource, we took the opportunity to address an important aspect in the management of characters.

Web applications need to be converted, which will be done gradually. Forums, emails and craft recipes will be available the day of the opening of the new server. The rest of the applications will follow after.

Apartment items
For your apartment items, we will do our best to keep them in a storage for all your characters. We can not promise 100% retention of all your objects, but we will try to so that you can use your old furniture and feel at home when you purchase an apartment.

OOC Events

The OCC Events that are run until the merge are designed to enable you to win Basic and Silver Packs, but to have a good time. There will be small regular events in the week but the big ones will take place on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Friday, September 14
- Teleporting is easy!

Saturday, September 15
- What pet names will you give your mektoubs?
- The power to change the size of the mobs

Friday, September 21
- Outpost attack
- Mektoub race without teleportation until Monday

Saturday, September 22
- What if everyone was rich, had unlimited PvP points ?

Friday, September 28
- Outpost attack with all players.

Saturday, September 29
- Big screenshot with all players
- Giant fireworks
- Final countdown and the servers closing in live at midnight.

Look regularly the event schedule on the in game Calendar (SHIFT + W), here and in the Events channel for more details!

Ryzom Team

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Yumeroh | Senior Gamemaster | Community Manager | Senior Tester Manager

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

You guys are awesome. Great solution for everyone

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

This will be a great new beginnning and also very interesting! Thank you!


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Wow, just simply WOW, this is better in anything I had hoped we can keep old chars lvls and restart new ones at the same time with the boost you guys did great.


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Ryzom team, you guys are awesome , thanks. A. Lot.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

My hearfelt thanks to you guys. I am very glad you were able to work something out. I will resub for this, and sub my alt too.
Hope to see many of the homins I know behind this and on the new server.

Thanks again Ryzom :-D


#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Thank you for listening and for reaching, what I consider to be, a fair conclusion. I could say I am a Happy Bunny but I'm really a happy Tear. I hope that other homins appreciate these proposals as much as I do.

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Does unsubscribed accounts fall under the free category?


Dandy Highwayman of the Red Ribbon Army

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

It makes much more sense.
It means also the P2W scheme has been abandoned.
Count me back.
Sorry Guild Wars 2, bye, bye...

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

Thanks, better then nothing.


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#11 Report | Quote[en] 


I was very angry before. Thank you for being big enough people to realize mistake was made and try so hard to compromise. That means a lot to me, and speaks well of all of you.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 



Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Clicked the Add to the List of the Reckless and there is no indicator that anything happened. It does, however, show on the Profile page. Probably should add some indicator on the WebIG home page.


Runku'Lam Loi

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

great solution ! thank you very much ! This exceptional understanding of the voice of your customer will be made heard and should be the good example for other companies.

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

I love it. Fantastic compromise.

Call me reckless.

+1 to WG for finding a reasonable solution.


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