
#64 Reportar | Citar[en] 

If you're going to wipe everything, wipe EVERYTHING is my vote.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#65 Reportar | Citar[en] 

double post deleted

Última edición por Ulykus (1 década hace)

#66 Reportar | Citar[en] 

This Interview of VL opens more questions than it answers.

- There was not a single reason given why to wipe character levels. A lot of previous posts agree that there have been serious issues with the economy. But no reason to delete toons. If there is a serious reason, at least tell us about it now. Character transfers have been done before, and yes, there might be some work for support and devs involved. It's not about loosing some recent additions like occupations too (if they don't meet the standards of former ryzom development), it's about loosing the core of our characters.

- Rebalancing of the game... i'm really afraid about that one. Current Information and communication policy brings back worst nightmares of past rebalancings. This will be no good.

- It's not about difficult. It's about the mature community that held ryzom together. Most of us don't have the time to start fresh anymore. The question will be to keep RL up as good as it is now or continue with Ryzom.

- You contradict yourself about free to play. You say real ftp up to 125 is a unique feature (true) and you keep it that way (clearly wrong, read yourself about cats + ftp). Today it's a downside not to have sufficient space to be a crafter. But it can be explained. You will turn ryzom into one of those ftp games where non-paying players got a huge disadvantage. 2x Exp all the time for premium accounts is even more than most ftp games do, making ryzom a below average ftp game.

- You said it's not about RP. How do you explain one tryker cannot understand another when they want to chit-chat at stables or a bar? Governments cannot continue the way they were, most likely they will close down or held in one language only.

If you learned anything about this community in the past 8 years... don't do something like this without us.

#67 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Ulykus, while I agree to most you wrote, I fail to see why killing the occupation achievements is any better than killing skills. At best it is less catastrophic, but still nullifies efforts of roughly half a year of intense and often painful playing for a player who achieved grade 6 in basic occ and 250/250, 300/300 in extended.

I simply do not see for what we are being punished. Taking away our apts, beasts, guilds, all our items, ok, I can see some point. Merging the servers, painful, but probably promising anyway, and understandable. If money is lacking urgently, why not try some crowdfunding instead of abusing players who love their game?


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#68 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Well I know what this server needs.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#69 Reportar | Citar[en] 


I also kept my account for 6 years, even when I was not playing. Too much time invested in the game to start all over. I would cancel my sub, but my credit card was billed a week ago for 2 toons, 3 months. Sad :(

Maybe Ill have to ask for a refund...

#70 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I said it because i tried to imagine which part of the toon (not equipment) would be technically impossible to move. Since character transfers stopped roughly when webig was introduced i found it likely the issue was somewhat related to webig.

Any skill loss is bad, no doubt.

#71 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Take our Dappers (and our equipment, even), reset the Economy, but preserve our Skills, names, and Faces. Naming conflicts can be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, if there are overlaps between servers (first one to log in keeps their old name, otherwise prompted for new name, but skills still left intact).

You still have time to instill this notion before the Sky falls on our heads...

I've been gaming for 35 years now, and on MMOs ever since they've been invented, and in all that time, I've never seen a more fair, balanced, equitable gaming system than Ryzom. With a population to match. A masterful programming achievement.

I understand financial woes during this economic (or lack thereof) era, but... a more Graceful solution is requested than the one you've put forth. Time to get back to the Dev huddle and reconsider your options.

You can do this! I know you can think of a better way. Just try, 'tis all I ask.



Always argue with an idiot... it's the only way they can get Experience! :)

#72 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Another thing that maked me laugh is...

"Starting from tonight and until the closing of the old servers, we will implement a series of events that will help you earn "starter packs" on the new server that will facilitate your progress in the game. The best pack contains, amongst other things, a set of level 200 white Marauder Medium Armor."

Everyone that is Subbed should be given this at the very leaste for having everything else taken from them and deleted. There needs to be some kinda of reward for those silly enough to bother staying after you delete everything they worked for, without them having to work ever more for it IMO.

I'm just so shocked, its funny they think this will fix the game and get new people paying to play.
and that is the key word here "paying", you have merged and kept chars lvls twice before, saying you cant now is just a lie.
No new advertising, A pissed off once loyal comunity, and zero insentive for old players to return and new players still wont know about this game because they will not advertise. the best you had was word of mouth and now thats going to be gone from what i can see.

IMO merge keep player lvls skills ocupations so on, delte all other items housing money and such and delete any accounts that have not resubbed by a set date, that will get you more money from those people wish to save there toons will have to resubb. you still create space and you dont piss off your playerbase. and you make moneys. everyones a winner.

Got to be a better way they just deleting everything and saying you had no other choice. Its not like you even asked the comunity for ideas on how to make money or save the game from what i see.


#73 Reportar | Citar[en] 

This is horrible, beyond stupid, you have just killed the game.

#74 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Only explanation I can come up with is they no longer have someone on the team with the knowledge and expertise to combine the servers keeping the characters intact, otherwise it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever no matter how you look at it....

#75 Reportar | Citar[en] 

There can't be a technical reason why they can't transfer the characters because it's been done twice before. But if they don't/can't do it that way perhaps they can at least pull a record of all characters. Once the new server is up they would only need to wait for players to request they're levels back. The CSR's can check the players database records which will tell them what trees to boost to what level.

Boosting doesn't require anything specific to happen, it can be done in game face-to-face and is instant.
Because the population is so low it shouldn't keep the CSR's too busy after the first couple of weeks to full-fill most of the initial requests. After that I'm sure it will only be a slow trickle of old players occasionally making a requests.

I did the re-roll thing at beta, I did it again at Cho, there won't be any more reinvigorating experiences that I haven't all ready had since early 2004, the game isn't about levelling for me any more.

I know mine is an extreme case, but there are plenty of other players that have put a lot of time into just the levelling side, that won't want to do it again.

Please make a record of the databases and boost players on request...

Última edición por Final (1 década hace)



#76 Reportar | Citar[en] 

We got quite a few it professionals playing. recruiting them to help on a one-time merger would be easy if they don't know how. but anyway it is VERY unlikely this is a technical issue. levels can be set by gm commands. levels can be read from db by various means.

P.S. Hopefully they will keep record of the current state. If they do the next owner of ryzom can resume at this point.

Última edición por Ulykus (1 década hace)

#77 Reportar | Citar[en] 

The interview very clearly stated that they want everyone at the same level so newbies don't feel "without chance". The fact that the guys at Winchgate have no idea what they are talking about doesn't change their weird way of thinking. It being "technically impossible" is just a lie on top to make it more convincing.

#78 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I'm not so sure it'd be as simple as a pure lvl boost - what about all the skills that go with the levels, I'd have thought it would be FAR more time consuming to do it on a 1-1 request basis than a database merge... I still think they must be lacking the database know-how, maybe they made their main DBA's and designers redundant a while back in order to save money and just kept people with enough knowledge to keep the existing databases maintained
Last visit viernes 7 junio 02:28:06 UTC

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