
#263 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

This is good news. Keeping the levels of the paid players would show us that you at least care and tried to maintain our trust in you. Furthermore, imagine how many f2p homins would subscribe in the coming days in order to keep their current levels. As many have already stated, the disparity in level between the veteran players and newbies only enhanced the game's experience because these veteran players were nothing less than extremely helpful. I am holding out in the hopes that Winchgate will come to its senses. If all is lost, I will likely unsubscribe my account and create a free account because as others have said, I will have lost all trust in you. It seems to me that keeping the levels of the paid players would be the best way forward.

#264 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

If the developers are able to come up with catastrophic events, I'd actually prefer the scenario where all are devestated and run back to the Ruins of Silan, or a simlar place, old characters die and pass on their knowledge to a "younger generation" who have to start afresh, with only the passed on knowledge.

That would be even worse. In fact, that's an absolutely horrible idea. At least if everything is deleted with no RP comment we can imagine that our characters still exist somewhere, that maybe they have even rejoined the characters of absent friends.

#265 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Yumeroh (Aniro)

The whole Ryzom team was deeply touched by your general mobilization. We have read your many posts throughout the weekend.

Please remember that whatever your discontent every individual deserves respect. Slurs and other inappropriate comments are not acceptable.

We met this morning to consider the issue and take into account your remarks.

We still need time to find a viable solution and we will get back to you with a news as complete as possible in the coming days. Until then, the events for these next 2 weeks are continuing as planned.

Let us know if is anything else we can do. I'll keep loyal to Ryzom.

"May the Force be with you" :)

i think you said it was technical impossible to do something different that wipe out everything now you say you plan to reconsider?
reconsider what? a new lie to tell us?
you guys are a big joke
whatever your new statement is going to be about .....last thing i have to say to you is...

trust comes with honour and honour is something you missing

#266 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

It makes no sense to keep skills if the intent is to make room for more new players. Stockpiles can be rebuilt fairly quickly and dapper will be easy to obtain as a high level player. In fact this would only serve to widen the gap between the haves and have-nots since newbies will not be able to compete for resources. My recommendation if any is to allow the subbed accounts to keep 250 levels of their choosing. This would allow people with exotic master skills to keep something, as well as allow lower level players to keep most of their work. At the same time it would also provide the opportunity for us to band together and rebuild things. I also imagine that the technical aspect of this wont be to large to overcome.

You do realize how insulting this is right? What youre saying here is the following:

"If the company can indeed keep levels then it should still wipe everyone in spite of it"

lol.. sorry this rubbed me the wrong way.



#267 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Yumeroh (Aniro)

The whole Ryzom team was deeply touched by your general mobilization. We have read your many posts throughout the weekend.

We met this morning to consider the issue and take into account your remarks.

We still need time to find a viable solution and we will get back to you with a news as complete as possible in the coming days. Until then, the events for these next 2 weeks are continuing as planned.

Dear Ryzom team who apparently reads these posts:

I'm new here. But I suspect I speak for the majority of players when I say, that if you do find a way to combine all without deleting current characters and guilds, you should also do a server roll-back to the date of the initial announcement. Many players gave up mass items, or guilds disbanded, during this time due to the announcement.

Hmm.. now this one is quite interesting and I think I may have to disagree. This is a good lesson in being too impulsive. :)



#268 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Yumeroh (Aniro)

The whole Ryzom team was deeply touched by your general mobilization. We have read your many posts throughout the weekend.

We met this morning to consider the issue and take into account your remarks.

We still need time to find a viable solution and we will get back to you with a news as complete as possible in the coming days. Until then, the events for these next 2 weeks are continuing as planned.

Dear Ryzom team who apparently reads these posts:

I'm new here. But I suspect I speak for the majority of players when I say, that if you do find a way to combine all without deleting current characters and guilds, you should also do a server roll-back to the date of the initial announcement. Many players gave up mass items, or guilds disbanded, during this time due to the announcement.

Hmm.. now this one is quite interesting and I think I may have to disagree. This is a good lesson in being too impulsive. :)

Rollback should be implemented if they decide to transfer skills. Or we lose harv and jaim forever

#269 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

It makes no sense to keep skills if the intent is to make room for more new players. Stockpiles can be rebuilt fairly quickly

The vets also level a lot faster than the newbies. What now? Get rid of the vets completely?
Would it really make things better, or more "fair", or more enjoyable, for newbies? And if one day, they turn into
vets them selves... what to do with them? Get rid again?

#270 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

The vets also level a lot faster than the newbies. What now? Get rid of the vets completely?

Isn't that what they have been trying?

#271 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

It makes no sense to keep skills if the intent is to make room for more new players. Stockpiles can be rebuilt fairly quickly
The vets also level a lot faster than the newbies. What now? Get rid of the vets completely?
Absolutely true. I even think it will be deeply frustrating for newcomers to see how players who started with the same level are progressing incredibly much faster than themselves.
I remember quite well how I struggled on minor obstacles and simple misunderstandings as a beginner (I am still rather new with my nearly 19mths of playtime). When I was restarting an alt on Silan lately it took me an afternoon to complete all quests, kill Kiro (not alone, of course), and reach the mainland with about 120k dappers. With my first chars, that took a week or more.

This is also an appeal to treat real newbies with tact when we masses of seasoned players are flooding Silan the 25th and after.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#272 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I haven't got off the newbie island because I like to play a couple hours a week or month instead of half of most days. I'll most likely build another character or two before I take the jump to the mainland

but I'd be happy to pay a couple months sub fees in advance to see my main come through intact.

seems like a reasonable way to raise the cash to overcome the technical difficulty of character transfers would be to transfer characters for anyone willing to pay their sub for 2-3 months in advance. one character per subscription, or perhaps a small additional fee for alts. This would allow players to select the most vital characters to them and at the same time raise enough funds to hire temps to do the data transfers.

Best side is for the long term subscribers staying on they aren't paying anything they aren't already.

As an older and casual gamer the biggest obstacle for me in MMORP's isn't the experienced players or even the pvp loving jerks who like to smash noobs for fun. It's the limited space for low level toons, and all my buddies leveling past me. I enjoy the game and will drop in on the new server and make new characters. prolly will even pay some dues this fall when I start playing more.

I do like the 2x experience rule for paying players. maybe add a few more bonuses of that nature and kill the level cap so that free players can hope to achieve everything the sub players do if they are willing to grind enough?

#273 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

New players will have the opportunity to craft items that are useable by others. The way the game was intended. They will have the chance to learn the regions the way it was meant for them to learn them - through exploration and teaming with others of their own level and a lot of hard work. They will experience the true difficulties of going from one capitol to another without the assistance of "trek masters" who will most probably have left the game. The new players will be given a chance to become significant instead of constantly in the shadows of the old-timers.

With this kinda logic, there should be a Toon wipe once a year to "accommodate new players".

I think it's a horrid thing to rudely chase off a loyal playerbase. Every MMO gaming community has its seasoned Vets, and incoming clueless newbies. That's part of life in any MMO. We're supposed to learn how to live & work together, not alienate half the populace just so newbies can feel significant right away.

Remember, once upon a time, these seasoned vets were exactly what you are describing... they were teaming with others of their own level and exploring and facing challenges together.

One day after you've "forged a new world together", I hope they zero out your skills for the sake of kids who are 5 years old now, who will feel put off by "vets like you" when they come of age to handle a keyboard & mouse.



Always argue with an idiot... it's the only way they can get Experience! :)

#274 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

New players will have the opportunity to craft items that are useable by others. The way the game was intended. They will have the chance to learn the regions the way it was meant for them to learn them - through exploration and teaming with others of their own level and a lot of hard work. They will experience the true difficulties of going from one capitol to another without the assistance of "trek masters" who will most probably have left the game. The new players will be given a chance to become significant instead of constantly in the shadows of the old-timers.

With this kinda logic, there should be a Toon wipe once a year to "accommodate new players".

I think it's a horrid thing to rudely chase off a loyal playerbase. Every MMO gaming community has its seasoned Vets, and incoming clueless newbies. That's part of life in any MMO. We're supposed to learn how to live & work together, not alienate half the populace just so newbies can feel significant right away.

Remember, once upon a time, these seasoned vets were exactly what you are describing... they were teaming with others of their own level and exploring and facing challenges together.

One day after you've "forged a new world together", I hope they zero out your skills for the sake of kids who are 5 years old now, who will feel put off by "vets like you" when they come of age to handle a keyboard & mouse.


Yes, I believe that was what the Cho server was all about. Allowing a fresh start for those that wanted it. But it didn't work out because it was determined that Cho hurt the population of the more established servers.

I'm sorry if I didn't spend enough time to make my statement in a less offensive manner to veterans. I've only played since 2006 and sometimes forget that there are veterans who have played much longer. I think some vets need to consider why some long established players don't play much any more.

But I will admit that others, like me, need to consider the aspirations of other vets and realize that some are driven to maximize every capability on one character. It's a different play style and we each have the styles we prefer.

I'm not trying to drive anyone off. I'm actually only trying to look at the bright side instead of the negative side of the situation.

I hope they come up with an accommodation that is acceptable to the vets. I sometimes consider myself one too.

#275 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Yumeroh (Aniro)

The whole Ryzom team was deeply touched by your general mobilization. We have read your many posts throughout the weekend.

We met this morning to consider the issue and take into account your remarks.

We still need time to find a viable solution and we will get back to you with a news as complete as possible in the coming days. Until then, the events for these next 2 weeks are continuing as planned.

Dear Ryzom team who apparently reads these posts:

I'm new here. But I suspect I speak for the majority of players when I say, that if you do find a way to combine all without deleting current characters and guilds, you should also do a server roll-back to the date of the initial announcement. Many players gave up mass items, or guilds disbanded, during this time due to the announcement.

Hmm.. now this one is quite interesting and I think I may have to disagree. This is a good lesson in being too impulsive. :)

Rollback should be implemented if they decide to transfer skills. Or we lose harv and jaim forever

Harv and Jaim are not a rollback. They are just reestablished toons. Of course that should be done. What this user wants is for all changes (including inventory changes) to be rolled back.



#276 Melden | Zitieren[en] 


Harv and Jaim are not a rollback. They are just reestablished toons. Of course that should be done. What this user wants is for all changes (including inventory changes) to be rolled back.

lol ill convince u in a tell :P

#277 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Yumeroh (Aniro)

The whole Ryzom team was deeply touched by your general mobilization. We have read your many posts throughout the weekend.

Please remember that whatever your discontent every individual deserves respect. Slurs and other inappropriate comments are not acceptable.

We met this morning to consider the issue and take into account your remarks.

We still need time to find a viable solution and we will get back to you with a news as complete as possible in the coming days. Until then, the events for these next 2 weeks are continuing as planned.

Thankyou for the response Yumeroh


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