Outpost building event
Yes, it's a great idea.
Atys: Aaylejah, Arfur, Chongon, Dean, Dominikus, Gorran, Klayton, Mjollren, Nakari, Nomga, Psykro, Redishwolf, Rollocks, Soloreaper, Suboxide, Xemmy, Yuritau, Zhoi, Zono
19 (4)
No, we already have enough OP.
Atys: Meagon, Ulykus
Arispotle: Stitch
Atys: Bitttymacod
Abstain 4

#1 [en] 

Do you guys think we should have the event again? post your ideas :P

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Dean (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

I voted yes but something like this could be incorperated with the idea of more and new op buildings (in the end some op's where ppl didn't build for enough wouldn't get that many options making em less important)


#3 [en] 

I voted yes but something like this could be incorperated with the idea of more and new op buildings (in the end some op's where ppl didn't build for enough wouldn't get that many options making em less important)

I would like to see the OPs become dynamic: Have all the buildings require regular upkeep. Allow guilds to build new buildings as has been mentioned but require all buildings to require regular maintenance via mats. X number of mats need to be given to a guild NPC at the OP on a regular basis to keep the buildings in good condition. More buildings would mean more mats. If a guild fails to supply its OP, the buildings start to deteriorate. Drill production would drop. Eventually, the buildings would fall apart completely.

This dynamic would limit the number of OPs any guild might want to control and would give a visual clue to other homins where the OP owners are actively involved in caring for their OP or possibly inactive.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#4 [en] 



#5 [en] 

+1 Good Idea, but hopefully the deterioration of the OP's wont happen too quickly where it takes constant attention and you cant do much else in the game.

#6 [en] 

I really like Gorran's idea

#7 [en] 

I think we should wait and see what OPs will be about in the future. The meaning of OPs is about to change as cats will be taken out of the game.

I think it is very unlikely an inactive guild will hold an op again - or even want to hold one. And the costs of upkeep must be in relation to what the op does. And from what i can imagine now it won't be much.

I also don't think we need more ops atm. Those op materials should be rare and ops subject to a lot of battles :-)

#8 [en] 

I would like to see the OPs become dynamic: Have all the buildings require regular upkeep. Allow guilds to build new buildings as has been mentioned but require all buildings to require regular maintenance via mats. X number of mats need to be given to a guild NPC at the OP on a regular basis to keep the buildings in good condition. More buildings would mean more mats. If a guild fails to supply its OP, the buildings start to deteriorate. Drill production would drop. Eventually, the buildings would fall apart completely.

I like this idea, quite a bit. We talked about OP buildings for an SoC project as another option for a 'dapper sink.' This is typically regarded as okay because players get something out of the added costs.

But recurring costs for things like guild halls, player apartments and outpost buildings seemed like something players would not like, they're not really getting anything out of this change. What do the rest of you think?

#9 [en] 

I would like to see the OPs become dynamic: Have all the buildings require regular upkeep. Allow guilds to build new buildings as has been mentioned but require all buildings to require regular maintenance via mats. X number of mats need to be given to a guild NPC at the OP on a regular basis to keep the buildings in good condition. More buildings would mean more mats. If a guild fails to supply its OP, the buildings start to deteriorate. Drill production would drop. Eventually, the buildings would fall apart completely.

I like this idea, quite a bit. We talked about OP buildings for an SoC project as another option for a 'dapper sink.' This is typically regarded as okay because players get something out of the added costs.

But recurring costs for things like guild halls, player apartments and outpost buildings seemed like something players would not like, they're not really getting anything out of this change. What do the rest of you think?

Simple (hah, I know the worst thing you can say to a programmer is "Oh, it's simple!") solution is to make two levels of apartments/guilds halls/etc. Keep the first level as they are but offer other levels with 2x, 3x or 4x the storage space. Have recurring rental fees based on the extra storage.


Runku'Lam Loi

#10 [en] 

Simple (hah, I know the worst thing you can say to a programmer is "Oh, it's simple!") solution is to make two levels of apartments/guilds halls/etc. Keep the first level as they are but offer other levels with 2x, 3x or 4x the storage space. Have recurring rental fees based on the extra storage.

Would you expect that the apartment be physically larger as well? Storage space can be accomplished pretty easily and I believe through sheet configuration. The code challege is adding a system in to handle recurring in-game payments.

If you wanted the space to be physically larger there would be artistic assets involved which is arguably more expensive to accomplish than the code.

#11 [en] 

Simple (hah, I know the worst thing you can say to a programmer is "Oh, it's simple!") solution is to make two levels of apartments/guilds halls/etc. Keep the first level as they are but offer other levels with 2x, 3x or 4x the storage space. Have recurring rental fees based on the extra storage.

Would you expect that the apartment be physically larger as well? Storage space can be accomplished pretty easily and I believe through sheet configuration. The code challege is adding a system in to handle recurring in-game payments.

If you wanted the space to be physically larger there would be artistic assets involved which is arguably more expensive to accomplish than the code.

New looks are always welcome for the variety but really not an absolute in such a situation.


Runku'Lam Loi

#12 [en] 

that has been an idea for years, it has never been accepted and implemented. With the removal of cats I dont see a massive need for OPs anymore...some of the OP mats are just pointless and useless.

Flowers need work too, they should stay active after death...

maybe they could make speed, invul and health eggs? would help change the dynamics of pvp that is for sure.

Maybe new tekorn/vedice/maga style mats should be created too, maybe ones that add more HP or stam to a weapon...

#13 [en] 

Solo -- would you care to expound on which mats you think are pointless or useless? I certainly didn't see *any* of them flooding the market before this time, so they must have been being used for something.

The one that comes closest to useless in my mind is Greslin filament, but even that gives a nice break in quantity digging.

This is the second time I've heard the "useless mats" comment -- I'd like to know why people are making it.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#14 [en] 

cheng root is pointless and never gets used and I dont believe either of the picks ones are that good and worth fighting over an OP for.

#15 [en] 

"Not worth fighting over an OP for" and "worthless" are not the same thing in my mind.

Egiros gives about an overall 20% increase in yield while digging, which is nice if you're being weathered or haunted by KP. The "no-boom" from greslin, as I said earlier, gives an occasional respite while quantity digging.

I'd never heard of cheng root before this, so someone must be using it. And having a 20% chance of an insta-cast doesn't sound that bad to me if I'm spamming heals.

But - de gustibus ne disputandum est -- there is no wrong way to play.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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