
#1 [en] 

I have to constantly change language settings. Now that I seem to be meeting more and more spanish speaking players I started to play in Spanish mode. I played in english mode but this was a problem, for example while I see regions in english they see them in spanish so I had problems giving players directions to areas in game, and other little things. Changing my language setting helped me to better understand them and provide accurate information about the game in Spanish. But the only way to change language is by going into the game configuration window, and only from in game. So I have to log in, change language setting, and then log out and relog again to apply the change. If I crash my game starts again in english and I have to do the process all over again. I tried going into the ryzom_ configuration_rd file but the only options are english, dutch, and french. My suggestion is to add the option for language setting right from the sign in window.

#2 [en] 

Agreed: ryzom_ configuration_rd should be updated to reflect additional languages.

In the meanwhile... The Setting is in client.cfg
// the language to use as in ISO 639-2
LanguageCode = "en"; // english

You can make copies of client.cfg for each language you use and replace the file on startup, maybe by batch files on windows...:

1. make 2 versions of client.cfg, name them like client_en.cfg and client_es.cfg.

2. make two batch files and save them to your ryzom directory like this:
copy /Y client_en.cfg client.cfg
start /WAIT client_ryzom_rd.exe
copy /Y client.cfg client_en.cfg
The last line and /WAIT are optional, they take care of saving changes made to ingame settings.
/Y option for copy allows overwrite without confirmation.

3. use shortcuts to batch files instead of ryzom

P.S.: 'deutsch' means german :-)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ulykus (1 decade ago) | Reason: added location for batch and comment

#3 [en] 


This make sense - I hadn't realised what a PITA it was to change languages. It should be simpler and it should not require relogging.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#4 [en] 

Agreed: ryzom_ configuration_rd should be updated to reflect additional languages.

In the meanwhile... The Setting is in client.cfg
// the language to use as in ISO 639-2
LanguageCode = "en"; // english

You can make copies of client.cfg for each language you use and replace the file on startup, maybe by batch files on windows...:

1. make 2 versions of client.cfg, name them like client_en.cfg and client_es.cfg.

2. make two batch files and save them to your ryzom directory like this:
copy /Y client_en.cfg client.cfg
start /WAIT client_ryzom_rd.exe
copy /Y client.cfg client_en.cfg
The last line and /WAIT are optional, they take care of saving changes made to ingame settings.
/Y option for copy allows overwrite without confirmation.

3. use shortcuts to batch files instead of ryzom

P.S.: 'deutsch' means german :-)

Thanks for the suggestions I'll try them. And thank you for the P.S. :D
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