
#1 [en] 

My suggestion, as the title suggests, is to increase the final magic amps reward on Silan, called "Icy Touch" from q40 to q50. Keep every other stat the same, just increase the quality by 10.

I'm suggesting this because nominally, Silan is a 1-50 zone, except for magic, which caps out at 30, because anything you get after 30 is too high level to benefit from the Icy Touch amps. You can't make player-crafted amps to make up for this deficiency either, because the only way you can make q50 amps is with basic mats and the result of using q50 basic amps with level 40 spells is WORSE than using Icy Touch with level 30 spells.

I'd rather see Silan magic cap out at 40 than 30.

#2 [en] 

Silan is a 1-50 zone, except for magic, which caps out at 30, because anything you get after 30 is too high level to benefit from the Icy Touch amps.

after 30 next elemental spells available at 45. Icy Touch is pretty good through lvl 44. by comparison Fire and Wrath is good through lvl 45. <3

Zuletzt geändert von Vourac(arispotle) (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#3 [en] 

I agree with Vourac, time to come to the mainland when you reach that level anyway...

#4 [en] 

I agree with Soularis here. Silan is a starter island, you are supposed to learn the gameplay, not level beyond a certain point. Come to the ML.


#5 [en] 

Silan is a 1-50 zone, except for magic, which caps out at 30, because anything you get after 30 is too high level to benefit from the Icy Touch amps.

after 30 next elemental spells available at 45. Icy Touch is pretty good through lvl 44. by comparison Fire and Wrath is good through lvl 45. <3

Your logic of Icy Touch being good till level 44 is wrong. You get new offesnsive affliction spells at 40, and you also get new heal spells at 40. All of these spells are Spell Level 50, which is too high for Icy Touch. Level 30 is the last magic level at which you can actually use the new spells.

And, the go to mainland thing.. no. I have characters on the mainland already. This character is one I made specifically to stay on Silan. I just want to be able to use all the skills that are available for purchase on Silan.

#6 [en] 


Even if it would only take the dev 15min to change it, it would still be to much of his time that he could invest in other things.

For 1 or 2 crazy ppl that stay on silan for like forever scaring new players in coming to the mainland telling them  they need to do all quests and so on it's not worth the devs time.

Come to mainland once you know how to edit a skill and maybe prospect a node, lvling a skill past lvl 20 on silan won't help you in anyway once you reach the mainland with guilds and cats.


#7 [en] 

Silan is a Q45 area with 1 boss of level 50. Bosses are usually higher level than the area they are in. You can dig up to q45 mats. I don't think that you can craft a Q50 Amp there.

The Icy Touch is high enough quality to do what a new player might be expected to do in magic skills on Silan.

The goal of Silan is to get new players to learn the various skills and techniques in order to make arrival on the mainland a smooth transition.

It is not meant to be a place to power level new players. They need time to learn how this world works.

#8 [en] 

hmm well on main land max lvl amps is q250 and max lvl bosses is q260 so taking that down to silan: max lvl boss is q50 so max lvl amps q40?


#9 [en] 

hmm well on main land max lvl amps is q250 and max lvl bosses is q260 so taking that down to silan: max lvl boss is q50 so max lvl amps q40?

Named = max q260
Boss = max q270


#10 [en] 

yup jarnys, my mistake


#11 [en] 

q50 amps can be crafted on Silan using purchased materials but we all know the worth of purchased mats when crafting.

Players keep thinking that Silan is a place to stay. It is not. It is a school for refugees who are not yet ready to face the demands of the Mainland or who are willing to remain in this school environment to teach other refugees. Neither being a student nor being a teacher on Silan requires amps better than q45.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#12 [en] 

Discussing whether or not a person should stay on Silan is pointless, because I've already decided this one character is staying there. The discussion is over in that regard. And Suboxide's "scaring newcomers" comment is completely out of line because the one thing I always see higher level silan characters (myself and others) doing is helping new players in various ways.

Talking about max mob levels vs equipment levels is also irrelevant. There's two things at play here:

1. The devs decided that Silan was going to be capped at 50, and so they went to the skill trainers and trimmed the list, making only certain abilities available to Silan characters. For the most part that amounts to everything 50+ is unavailable, though there are some exceptions (easiest one to point out is you can't buy the prospecting for choice mats stanza, even though it's only level 5).

2. Of all the skills available for purchase on Silan, ONLY the spells available at magic level 40+ are made unusable by the mission equipment.

#13 [en] 

Discussing whether or not a person should stay on Silan is pointless, because I've already decided this one character is staying there. The discussion is over in that regard. And Suboxide's "scaring newcomers" comment is completely out of line because the one thing I always see higher level silan characters (myself and others) doing is helping new players in various ways.

Talking about max mob levels vs equipment levels is also irrelevant. There's two things at play here:

1. The devs decided that Silan was going to be capped at 50, and so they went to the skill trainers and trimmed the list, making only certain abilities available to Silan characters. For the most part that amounts to everything 50+ is unavailable, though there are some exceptions (easiest one to point out is you can't buy the prospecting for choice mats stanza, even though it's only level 5).

2. Of all the skills available for purchase on Silan, ONLY the spells available at magic level 40+ are made unusable by the mission equipment.

Then ask for the devs to remove those spells. Problem solved.

#14 [en] 

That would also work, though I would prefer my suggestion, naturally. And for dev time, as far as I can tell, it would take literally 5 seconds to change a 4 to a 5.

#15 [en] 

But one problem with q50 amps is that you need to be at least level 25 in magic to use them. So a fresh graduate of the magic missions at level 21, for example, wouldn't be able to wield them.
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