
#16 [en] 

i'm not sure why you would want a dedicated channel for looking for group and trade..

1. you already have the ability to do so (you just have to join it yourself and tell people that you created it, which is exactly what the tip in the load screen does)

2. making it dedicated will join you in the channel by default, there by getting the attention of fresh-users, leading them to use it as q&a

3. splitting up world chat at a point where there is not much traffic, would prolly lead to even less traffic on the dedicated channels.

i guess my question is, why are you not satisfied with the current solution of typing: /channel xxx ? (<-- name of the channel in the tip, could also be trade or lfg...)

i still feel the best solution is just to promote the name of the channel more

#17 [en] 

Dynamic channels arent permanent. They dissapear everyserver reboot. Moreover people need to JOIN the channel so everyone would have to join a "Looking for team" channel to actually see other people looking for teams. There are no lists of dynamic channels. Looking for people to join a LFG or TRADE channel on Universe would be pointless - might as well write LFG or Trade On Uni, but Uni shouldnt be used like that.


#18 [en] 

The thing is, Amiko (and everyone else), that Uni is being used for everything and it is NOT overcrowded. There are hours at a time with no activity in Uni, followed by either a question or a comment, a brief spurt of activity and then silence again.

At the moment at least, the use of the Universe channel on Arispotle is a non-problem except once in a while. "Once in a while" problems don't need blanket "solutions."

IMHO, YMMV, etc.

-- B


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#19 [en] 

The only reason I suggested another channel was because of confusion concerning the use of the existing Universal channel. As the matter has been clarified, I consider the request withdrawn as the clarification has rendered the need moot.

From what I understand, the rule is that the Universal channel is PRIMARILY for Ryzom Q & A, but other uses are perfectly fine and the only authority to say "Ryzom Q & A only, please" comes from the CSRs and no one else.

Should population increase, however, revisiting the topic may become necessary.


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn

#20 [en] 

From what I understand, the rule is that the Universal channel is PRIMARILY for Ryzom Q & A, but other uses are perfectly fine and the only authority to say "Ryzom Q & A only, please" comes from the CSRs and no one else.

No, everyone has the right to ask others to stick to the rules. The rules say Q&A + Ryom related chit-chat (not sports, not how great that movie was, etc.). I actually turned Uni off completely today. Most enjoyable day on Atys. Sad because I like helping people but I don't want to have to wade through all the off topic chatter.

#21 [en] 

you only have to join once... next time you login you're joined to the channel by default... if it doesn't exist it gets created... you can try by typing /channel someth (then logout and in)

#22 [en] 

From what I understand, the rule is that the Universal channel is PRIMARILY for Ryzom Q & A, but other uses are perfectly fine and the only authority to say "Ryzom Q & A only, please" comes from the CSRs and no one else.

No, everyone has the right to ask others to stick to the rules. The rules say Q&A + Ryom related chit-chat (not sports, not how great that movie was, etc.). I actually turned Uni off completely today. Most enjoyable day on Atys. Sad because I like helping people but I don't want to have to wade through all the off topic chatter.

Unfortuately, requests from non-CSR players don't seem to carry any "legal" weight, so to speak. Absent any further clarification on the rules from an authorized source, this will be personal policy moving forward.

If you don't like it I would strongly recommend you lobby to have the rules in this instance changed to suit your liking. Until/unless that happens, I take my directives from an authorized representative.


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn

#23 [en] 

Unfortuately, requests from non-CSR players don't seem to carry any "legal" weight, so to speak. Absent any further clarification on the rules from an authorized source, this will be personal policy moving forward.

If you don't like it I would strongly recommend you lobby to have the rules in this instance changed to suit your liking. Until/unless that happens, I take my directives from an authorized representative.

Wow, it's legal until I'm caught huh? I have a better method, since I like being able to watch Uni and answer questions now and then, I'll just be very liberal with my /ignore list for those that find it more convenient to ignore the stated rules of the game.

#24 [en] 

Unfortuately, requests from non-CSR players don't seem to carry any "legal" weight, so to speak. Absent any further clarification on the rules from an authorized source, this will be personal policy moving forward.

If you don't like it I would strongly recommend you lobby to have the rules in this instance changed to suit your liking. Until/unless that happens, I take my directives from an authorized representative.

Wow, it's legal until I'm caught huh? I have a better method, since I like being able to watch Uni and answer questions now and then, I'll just be very liberal with my /ignore list for those that find it more convenient to ignore the stated rules of the game.

If that's what you prefer. Frankly, I'm not interested in a forum flame war.


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn

#25 [en] 

@Nakari: why don't you do it like me? have the channel open but don't let it write into user.
I'm looking into the Universe tab once in a while if it turns orange but all the other time I'm only in the user chat to see region, around, team and guild only.

@Dainan it would be a little rude to ignore the request of an other person to "stick to the rules" if it's phrased in a reasonable manner like "could you please stop with the soccer chit-chat? I nearly missed that one question from XYZ"
In a worst case scenario one could always make a screenshot for the CSRs (maybe with activated timestamps to show how long it took or how fast the chat scrolled) - and in that case there might be some consequences even with no CSR around ;-)


#26 [en] 

Jarnys (Leanon)
@Dainan it would be a little rude to ignore the request of an other person to "stick to the rules" if it's phrased in a reasonable manner like "could you please stop with the soccer chit-chat? I nearly missed that one question from XYZ"
In a worst case scenario one could always make a screenshot for the CSRs (maybe with activated timestamps to show how long it took or how fast the chat scrolled) - and in that case there might be some consequences even with no CSR around ;-)

So long as I operate within the boundaries of the rules, I reserve the right to refuse non-CSR requests to be silent. Those that don't like or respect the practice of this right are free to respond in any manner they see fit. I can't control that any more than a regular player can dictate limits on what I discuss and where.

I consider this matter closed and have no further response.


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn
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