
#16 [en] 

There is definetely more than a months play time even if you exclude digging and crafting. It depends on your play style. If all you do is grind grind grind grind then maybe yeah but I don't expect you're having any fun in the process.

Crafting and digging isn't for everybody and Ryzom is not at all a solo game. It's an mmorpg. You interact with people and work together for the bettering of each other. If you don't want to dig or craft then help people kill stuff and protect them while they get mats in return they could make you gear. Even just being in a guild people will supply you with stuff. Even if you aren't in a persons guild often they will craft stuff for free.

The point is to be able to craft a variety of designs as I said before.

If it doesn't itnerest you simply don't do it! Don't go trying to change something that works for 90% of the population. If you've grown bored then that's you. Maybe ryzom isn't for you. I hate to turn people away but ryzom is a grinding game with other stuff mixed in.

#17 [en] 

Dainan -

I haven't been in for as long as Meagon, or Kilgortrout or Fyrosfreddy or any of numerous other people, but I have been playing the game for 4+ years and have been Bittty for coming up to three years now. A month in with Bittty, I had mastered... um... nothing... I didn't even have any levels to 100 and I had explored... oh maybe 5% of Lakes.

But, you say that you want differences between Choice Forest Shu Fiber and Choice Lakes Shu Fiber. There is already an amazing difference. The latter can be used to craft attractive and functional Tryker clothes. The latter can be used only to craft silly-looking Matis clothes (that somehow, some people really like).

If you're going to make the stats different, then the name may as well be different as well, because now they are different materials, no matter how close they may look. One is Shuf Fiber and the other is Shul Fiber. At that point you will have increased the number of items of Choice (and exe) mats in the database by a factor of almost 4 (16/5 to be precise). Then the combination engine has to be taught how to use those subtle differences.

In addition to not being needed (in the opinion of many of us) you are proposing a very large investment in programming time and effort for something that will, as Meagon points out, be included in Kippeecraft 3.0 withing a few months -- i.e. to no improvement in gameplay. (And if the effects are subtle enough, most people won't care about the minor changes.)

Let me make an alternative suggestion: A set of Ranger Plans for weapons and armor that MUST use materials from each of the continents. Give them a new look. That's only 4x2x16 new skins for armor, etc. etc. I suspect the effort would be similar, but the upside would be tremendous.

- With respect.

- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#18 [en] 

I just thought up an analogy that might give a rationale for it.

We buy the patterns for Fyros armor/weapons/etc from the crafter trainer in Pyr or Dyron or Thesos. They belong to a guild/union, and they send strawbosses around to everywhere people are crafting. Those strawbosses are VERY civilization committed. If they see you using Choice or Excellent materials they check the label. If it doesn't say "Harvested in Desert Lands", then you can't use it.

The equivalent in modern day America would be Union sponsored legislation for electronic tags that have to go on every truck of raw materials "Dug in the USA". If the tag isn't there when the truck pulls up to the factory, the factory won't let the truck unload.

I didn't say it was a great analogy. :D


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#19 [en] 

Thank you, Bittty, for the reply. I understand where you're coming from on that, and very much appreciate the time you took to tell me that.

I like the idea of crafting plans that use materials from each continent, and that probably WOULD be a lot easier on the programming staff - I imagine they could just build off of the crafting codes they've already got, which would be a lot easier than having to devtest a bunch of new recipies like my way would have likely required.

So, I'll amend my proposal to simply mirror your alternative suggestion. It's a great one and I would LOVE to see it!


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn

#20 [en] 

Topic moved


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

#21 [en] 

There are actually a few crafting plans which can use materials from ALL regions (gainable by rites - so very special items)

Lets just assume that we take lake and desert shu fibers - one's very wet and the color pigments have been washed away to a degree the other one is on the other hand very dry and the color pigments have been accumulated in it.
This would explain why the color of Tryker items is a lot brighter and the items have (at least in HQ) more shine. In addition have the Fyros trainers taught you how to work with very dry materials without destroying them but those methods will of course result in the look used for the Fyros items.
Similar reasons could be found for the other 2 races as well.

The reasons mentioned by the others (it's working, KC is an external tool, never touch a running system, ...)


#22 [en] 

In addition to not being needed (in the opinion of many of us) you are proposing a very large investment in programming time and effort for something that will, as Meagon points out, be included in Kippeecraft 3.0 withing a few months -- i.e. to no improvement in gameplay.
There are no plans for KC 3.0, heck not even 1.1 is out yet... But I know what you mean. If it's not in KC, another database will pick the stuff up. I fully agree this won't introduce much "content" if any at all. I suggest different plans, why are matis pants the same as fyros pants? Should be more thrilling not to mention the new tweaks / recipes / stats possibilities.

I also understand the general uneasiness KCs features bring to some, I've always seen it as proof of concept which I'm not going to work on much further. There are still many things KC fails with and also if you have no idea what to do it is of not much use either. And this is a good thing imho.


Last edited by Arcueid(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#23 [en] 

There are no plans for KC 3.0, heck not even 1.1 is out yet... But I know what you mean. If it's not in KC, another database will pick the stuff up. I fully agree this won't introduce much "content" if any at all. I suggest different plans, why are matis pants the same as fyros pants? Should be more thrilling not to mention the new tweaks / recipes / stats possibilities.

I also understand the general uneasiness KCs features bring to some, I've always seen it as proof of concept which I'm not going to work on much further. There are still many things KC fails with and also if you have no idea what to do it is of not much use either. And this is a good thing imho.


You're the creator of KC? Nice work! You know that program single-handedly kept me playing this game? Not having recipies was frustrating, but KC really helped give me guidance on the aspect. Thanks! :-)


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn
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