
#1 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Hi all,

Just started playing the game and it is awesome (well at least what I saw up to now).
But the game crashed on me and now it won't start anymore....

I am running Windows 7 64 bit on a AMD Phenom x3 2.8 Ghz with 4 GiB RAM and an NVIDIA 9800 GTX, so that shouldn't be the problem I think.

My Windows reports the error as such;

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: client_ryzom_rd.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4f4bd16f
Fault Module Name: client_ryzom_rd.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4f4bd16f
Exception Offset: 001d205f
Exception Code: c0000409
Exception Data: 00000000
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1043
Additional Information 1: 3c10
Additional Information 2: 3c105cca05430359909e4ded1fab7e17
Additional Information 3: 5a73
Additional Information 4: 5a73e7020f0fa4025ce2669350e45c72
***************************************************************** ****************

Can anybody help?

Last edited by Eolevan(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#2 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I made a new account and now it works (again) but as far as I can gather it is based on the fact that I tried to play an alternate scenario (the one made by Ryzom), which crashed the game.
Now if I try to continue my game it crashes...
Can a GM / mod / "person with mucho powers" plant me back at that ring thingy?
That way I can play again (I hope).
Thanks ahead, and thanks for a very cool game.

*EDIT Scenario editor also crashes the game on this account*

Last edited by Eolevan(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#3 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Thx for the relocation GM!``````
Last visit Четверг, 6 Июня 06:39:37 UTC

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