
#61 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I think you're falling prey to the erroneous but emotionally very tempting and thus very common thought pattern that goes something like this: "Well this problem never affected *me*, therefore I cannot imagine it being a problem, therefore it cannot be a *real* problem. Therefore anyone claiming to be affected by it must just be exagerating and a solution that would mildly inconvenience me is unacceptable."

If you think the discussion is ridiculous, why don't you step out of it after voicing that you have no problem with anyone being able to see when you log on or off, and leave those of us who do have a problem with it to voice the fact that we do have a problem with it. Why on Atys would you feel the need to convince us that just because you fail to see a problem with it, it's ridiculous that we do?

I personally didn't even consider the stalking issue when seeing this feature, but now that it's been laid out to me, I agree it's a serious issue.

#62 Reporter | Citer[en] 

This is a feature that was commonly asked for... it is not a new thing to gaming and it is in many other games. This is the first time I have ever seen someone claim it to be a privacy issue due to the possibility of someone being stalked.

And the reason I didnt bow out of the conversation after stating that I dont believe it really is a serious issue is because somebody used my differing opinion to theirs as a reason to delete their character. An overly dramatic reaction but then again overly dramatic seems to be the trend here...

I would also like to point out that even if its true, how common is it exactly for someone to be stalked in ryzom by a person who is a threat to them in real life? Is it really on the devs to account for such a rare and unlikely occurance when implementing commonly requested features? And if we do expect that where is the line drawn? Im sure there are people out there with severe epilepsy who would react to effects even on minimum settings. Do we ask for them to be removed?

Dernière édition par Beeficus (il y a 1 décénie).


#63 Reporter | Citer[en] 

hmm, having read over this a few times, hopefully this may clear up some things:

Irfidel: yes, the message you mention (assuming it shows up in the info tab) would be something that could be monitored; however, I think the ToS prohibits scripts from being run in the first place, (though client chat logging is possible), so, it still boils down to ignoring the person and/or reporting the issue so someone can monitor it.

easiest solution possible: if you ignore someone, they no longer see you in friends (i.e. can't friend you); subsequently that means the "griefer" is unable to track you, whether through the friends list or the info tab--this could include email as well. this would easily keep something very simple from becoming something much worse.

again, at least for this new feature, it is not the patch that is to blame, since it was something the player base asked for; however, the discussion seems to have shown that some tweaking in the area of privacy may be in order--specifically, effectively *hiding* a player from someone they've ignored.

furthermore, some discretion is in order on the part of both the player base and the devs in terms of what they request, and what they implement.

Hadrian Kross

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Hadriankross (il y a 1 décénie).

#64 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I would agree that a feature to hide your online status from other peoples friends lists could be nice for those popular folks who get tell spammed the moment they log.


#65 Reporter | Citer[en] 

perhaps something like /hide that would turn off all your guild/status/etc. stuff and make you invisible in chat and friend/ignore lists??

I opened a thread here for discussion on this topic:

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Hadriankross (il y a 1 décénie).

#66 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I don't think Guild status should be affected - you elect to be in one - if you're having issues with a member then you should report it to your HO/Leaders and then to the CSRs

#67 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hi folks,

We understand and appreciate the stated concerns regarding the new online/offline notification and a resolution for this is planned for the next major patch.

#68 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hi folks,

We understand and appreciate the stated concerns regarding the new online/offline notification and a resolution for this is planned for the next major patch.

what about all the other bugs? I.E. mac users, OP PvP, mission timers etc...

is there any ETA on this new patch? remember we are paying customers.

#69 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I believe mission timers were fixed, Solo. And I think he means the next content update, not the patch to fix the last patch.

#70 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Any news at all guys? you are leaving paying members in the dark on what is happening!

#71 Reporter | Citer[en] 

What would you have them do, write daily reports on what's being done? Are you software engineer so you'd understand? Doubt it cause then you wouldn't ask. So simplified versions then? Wouldn't you rather have them spend those couple of hours fixing/adding stuff?

#72 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Daexin posted current workarounds/fixes only a day ago.  Yes, it's frustrating to not have news, but it's not as if there is an "army of devs".

If we were getting daily notes then there'd always be a cry of, "why didn't it get patched at 0827 the way they said it would?"


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#73 Reporter | Citer[en] 

What would you have them do, write daily reports on what's being done? Are you software engineer so you'd understand? Doubt it cause then you wouldn't ask. So simplified versions then? Wouldn't you rather have them spend those couple of hours fixing/adding stuff?

You do realise we haven't had one official update since the failed patch right? No ETA, no word what so ever...

Have I managed development time scales....yes.
Have I managed customer expectations...yes.

It wouldn't take hours to give the "paying" community an update. You do realise the game has urgent bugs which haven't even been acknowledged, right? Outpost battles are currently unplayable.

We have people un-subbing, the population is very low. Mac users do not have an update, Linux users have to do a work-around just to patch their client....

we waited nearly 1 year for a 13.2Mb client patch...

I monitor the development forums and I can appreciate how slow things move because of the small dev team, however the way bug fixes are handled is extremely poor.

I am just concerned at the way the game is being developed, if you could read parts of the code you would understand.

#74 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Ulukyn has been pretty active on the french board the last weeks. Their patch-thread almost looks like one of the Q&A sessions we used to have back in the days.


Dandy Highwayman of the Red Ribbon Army

#75 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Pointless debate. You are a customer, you have your rights. Take care.
if you could read parts of the code you would understand.
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