
#1 [en] 

There is no range specified in the description of Taunt power. As well, the red X is removed from the icon at 27m, but it still can't used until I'm within 25m. (These numbers are for Taunt 3, if it makes a difference.)

Last edited by Celik (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

yup not ingame at the moment but at max taunt lvl I noticed that the red X dissapears before you are in the correct range. It is espacialy difficult when taunting those verry agro Goo infected mobs because getting to close and you get all of them on you so trying to taunt them from as far as you can you can't watch at the icon, you need to watch at range instead and that's less accurate.


#3 [en] 

There is no range specified in the description of Taunt power. As well, the red X is removed from the icon at 27m, but it still can't used until I'm within 25m. (These numbers are for Taunt 3, if it makes a difference.)

Range is indicated at the bottom of the action. Taunt 1 - 6 all show Range 25 meters and that is the range I've always been able to use Taunt.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#4 [en] 

true but the red X disabling taunt dissapears faster then 25m, around 27-26m


#5 [en] 

I believe this is related to the difference in homin to center of mob distance and homin to edge of mob distance.

#6 [en] 

I think that's a workaround to allow taunting at 25m range without standing still.

Well, i'll explain in more detail:

Movement in Ryzom is intentionally delayed to ensure movements to be smooth. My guess is it is about 0,8 to 1 second. Symptoms are:
- Toons always start running slowly and increase in movement speed slowly
- If you move choppy in a high frequency yourself, others will see a slow, smooth movement
- If you run alongside another player, he will see you about 8m behind him, independent from your personal lag.
- If the personal lag of a player exceeds this timespan, movement gets choppy.

So, what does this have to do with taunting (and other actions)?

Actions are not delayed the same way movement is. Actions are delayed by your personal lag only which is generally far lower than the movement delay.

So, if you run to a mob and turn back immediately at 25m hitting taunt at the same time, taunt wont work. It says you were out of range. That is because your movement is delayed and you didn't reach the 25m range on the servers yet.

Nevertheless, you can run to a mob, immediately turn back at 25m and hit taunt those 0.8 to 1 second after you did turn back. This works because your toon now reached the 25m range to the mob on the servers. This wouldn't be possible if taunt was disabled on the client immediately after turning back.

Using a larger (wrong) range is clearly a workaround where it should have been a time delay. But it at least doesn't force you to wait within 25m until taunt actually works. Which would be dangerous when taunting kinchers for example.
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