
#1 [en] 

Part 1: I found the culprit that stole amps, swords and other material from my apmt. I chased him and froze his legs with cold spell. The tryker began to combat with me but was very incompetent in that field. I hit him in the temple with the butt of my axe and knocked him unconscious and he fell into the water. I hoped he would swim back up but he never returned to surface. I committed a murder. I began looking around promptly to see if there we any witnesses. A few Corsairs spotted me and called for Ba'Narky as they began chasing throughout the lakes. now im on the run.


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#2 [en] 

Part 2: *Panting* I think I've lost them. I've been running and hiding for hours and i ve made it to the tunnel of woe where I will hide out for now...stay tuned


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#3 [en] 

Part 3: Kincher's are very vicious kitin's when you are alone. I dont care if you are as strong as me. I peel the secretion from my axe and set it on the ground and nurse my bloody right arm. They chased me all the way to the "Runninghill Pass" of Knoll of Dissent. Stay tuned


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#4 [en] 

Part 4: Tonight I create a fire for myself as I continue to let my wound heal. I think about how i will never experince my life they way i wanted as long as Im on the run. Im a fugitive, a lone warrior lost in the dark. if i dont kill Ba'Narky he'll either kill me or arrest me. I must do something..


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#5 [en] 

Part 5: Later that night I open my eyes because my ears heard the moaning sound of a child. I look through the thick grass and notice a young tryker is being manhandled by matis guards. its atleast a team of them. Right now i need to stay under radar i have a feeling Ba'Narky is still searching for me. But what about the young tryker...I can't just stand here...can i?


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#6 [en] 

Part 6: They took the tryker away and I just stood there and watched. How could i possibly call myself a true tryker when i didnt even move a muscle. i must find out where they took the boy and why. *sigh* i feel like a coward. first i have to make it to Yrkanis, maybe a matis will heal my wounds.


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#7 [en] 

Part 7: I havent eaten in days. My body feels like 10 tons of steel are resting on it. My feet slide through the grass because im too exhausted to lift them. I fall face first into the dirt on the "Towerbridge way of the Verdant Heights. Seems as if im closer but it looks so far away. I-I...i have rest, just for a couple hours.


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#8 [en] 

Part 8: I awaken from a deep sleep and the sun rays illuminate my face and blinds me a little. After i get use to the sunlight i look to my right and I see Ba'Narky has his blade to my face and his team is behind him. "Be'rahael Casken, you are under arrest for the murder of Ba'lossey Asker". I think to myself, over my dead body. I release my axe and get into a fighting stance.


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#9 [en] 

Part 9: Ba'Narky informs me that my life as a tryker citizen has been erased. They renounced my tryker citizen title and placed wanted posters up on stables, homin apartments and guild halls. There's a 5mil dapper bounty on my head as well. Seems as if my life is going into turmoil. The pressure is too mighty even for someone of my caliber. Even if i happen to defeat and getaway from Ba'narky and the corsairs right now and arrive in Yrkanis, I have been away for days there is no telling how many homins have seen the wanted posters and the matis might arrest me. Sigh...choices must be made and they must be made fast. I know one thing and one thing only...I will not spend my life in prison. I'll die first. If here and now is my time to die...then so be it. Pray ye to Jena


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#10 [en] 

Part 10: I fought bravely. I managed to put down a couple of Ba'narky's guards but unfortunately my stamina didn't hold out. I rest on one knee, damaged and i have reached my limits. I look at his eyes of determination. So much fire in his eyes as if he's been searching for me for years.

Be'rahael Casken- "Get on with it then, no since in delaying the inevitable and i have nothing left. I refuse to be taken alive so...get on with it!"

Ba'narky cracks and grin on his face as he walks slowly towards me. Suddenly his guards begin to drop like flies. He is shot with a mighty blow of fire. He hurries to his feet and flees. Who are these people walking towards me in the shadows wearing this strange kind of armor, armor i have never seen before. A women walks up to me but its pretty dark and i cannot make out her face. Her sword orbits flames and her voice is strong.

Be' rahael Casken- "Who are you?"

Women voice "You know who i am"

The light of the moon illuminates her face where i can at least make out who it is. I look at her face in shock and a couple of her subordinates appear next to her.

Be'rahael Casken- "Its you.......Akillia Ash Storm"

Last edited by Rahael (1 decade ago)


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#11 [en] 

Part 11: If I wasn’t dead before I am now. One of the lead Marauders is standing here in front of me and I’m already half dead. My defenses are weak and I can barely stand on my own two feet. I try to gather the strength to stand but she backhands me into tree. Quickly she arrests my neck with her palm and holds my body versus the tree.

Akillia Ash Storm: “Hmm, Be’Rahael, I remember you from when we came to Fairhaven. You did quite a number on my captain, interesting”.

Be’rahael Casken: “Are you-going kill me?”

Akillia Ash Storm: “Well, your death would be delightful but just your death wouldn’t be that sufficient to the downfall of the lakes. There are plenty of homins there just a powerful as you are”

She drops my body and I fall to the ground.

Akillia Ash Storm: “I could actually use you Rahael. Besides once you learn the truth you’ll no longer find those “trykers” appealing to you anymore. Come with me and I’ll open your eyes to a world that your leaders had shrouded you from. I'll inform and teach you why we are Marauders”.

She offers her hand

The truth? What truth is she talking about? What about my leaders don’t I know about?

Last edited by Rahael (1 decade ago)


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#12 [en] 

Part 12: From that night till morning Akillia explained to me what happen during the first kitin invasion and how the leaders of the old land abandoned my ancestors…our ancestors. Our new leaders have knowledge of the past and seem to careless about it. Lies, I feel like I’ve been lied to for the simple fact that know one has told me anything. How can I call myself being a part of something, apart of this government, being a Tryker Citizen if I have no history of what I’m apart of? They didn’t plan to tell us that we were betrayed by our own people and they don’t intend to. They have brain washed us with these rules and commandments of being free and in actuality we are slaves in our own lands. Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.

I’m inside one of the Marauder camps and I stare at a campfire pondering about the knowledge I have just taken in. Akillia approaches me and rest her hand on my shoulder.

Akillia Ash Storm: “So, what say you Mr. Casken, will you become one of us and really be free. Help us take back what’s ours?

I look at her…I look at her with hard, keen eyes

Be’Rahael Casken: “It would be my pleasure to join you”


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#13 [en] 



The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#14 [en] 

Chapter 2: “The Black Cloud”

Part 1: I feel better now; my lacerations have healed thanks to Akiilla. I step out of the tent and walk outside into the scenic, yet deadly landscape of the Prime Roots. I stand there and look at it as if I was looking at a lovely waterfall. I notice the Kitin Patrol from a far, crawling the ground of the prime roots like spiders in its web. Akillia walks up next to me with some armor in her hand and says,

Akillia Ash Storm: “Don’t worry, our time here is only temporary. Soon you will feel the water of the lakes flow through your hand, the soft sand between the toes of your feet”

She hands me some black and white Marauder heavy armor. It’s a style of armor I have never seen. It has an elegant shine to it and feels more durable than any heavy armor I’ve ever worn.

Be’rahael Casken: Humph…

I let my head down and shake my head.

Akillia Ash Storm: “Here, rid yourself of that useless Tryker armor and feel the power of the marauder”

I take the armor with a grin on my face.

Akillia Ash Storm: “Be patient dear…you WILL return to Fairhaven”


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#15 [en] 

Part 2: About 60 meters outside of our camp there is an injured Fyro crawling to safety. Behind him is a Great Kirotsa stabbing him in the chest with it’s stinger. I can hear his screaming from here. The agony in his cry rumbles inside of my stomach. I unleash my axe and toss on my helmet and begin to charge out to help him. Akillia grabs my arm.

Be’rahael Casken: “What!”

Akillia Ash Storm: “That’s not our problem. He’s the enemy”

I snatch my arm away from her

Be’rahael Casken: “He’s an innocent man!”

I hastily charge out there and like butter slice through the leg of the Kirotsa. When it falls I slice it continuously until it dies.

I help up the Fyro warrior

Aenalus Ulydix: “Thank you. I would have died if it wasn’t for you”

Through his stomach comes Akillia’s burning blade. He falls to his death and she walks off calmly and smooth.

Akilla Ash Storm: “I told you before, there the enemy. You have no more friends…except us”

I stand in anger


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred
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