

#1 Report | Quote[en] 


What are the pros and cons of being in a group, both on Silan and mainland; do they differ?
Missions on Silan suck if you're playing in a team due to the need to repeat n times (for n players in a group).


I didn't pay much attention ot the downsides of group play on Silan, as I was often grouping with helpful Vets or just one other like-minded Newb, however, a friend of mine has just played through most of the Silan missions and teamed-up with other Newbs to do the Arken mission. His comments were (more or less):
Wtf!? We had to kill Arken 5 times in order for everyone to 'get' the kill award. It took ages and relied on everyone sticking around to ensure that the mission was done to the last man. This is a crap way of rewarding team play.

Is this how team mission/quests play out on the mainland, or is the Arken issue just a specific implementation for the Silan quests?

It would appear that there's little benefit to being in a group, for missions, if the mission has to be repeated n times (with n being number of players in the group); granted the mission may require the solo player to level-up further in order to actually be able to complete said mission.

I do appreciate that mission running is not a Homin's raison d'etre :)


Last edited by Karsa (1 decade ago)


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

(( For missions, each homin is required to complete the mission whether in Silan or on the ML. The benefit is from team play. It's also possible to have one team member killing kipee while another is killing bandits.

If you have 9 team members all needing to kill Arken (or whatever), then you have to wait 9x the respawn time when teamed. When not teamed, you have to either wait for that team that is killing Arken to finish or hope to sneak a kill in while their waiting or come back later. Everybody ends up waiting at some point or another even when soloing.

The real advantage of being in a team is safety. There are some very nasty things roaming the bark. ))


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Thanks Gorran.

I think I would feel better about this system if the group got a 1/n credit for every time Arken (or whatever) was killed, in order to keep the group of n motivated to stick together.

Ah well, game's been this way a long time no doubt and all this, and more, has been said already :)



#4 Report | Quote[en] 

I'll add to what Gorran said - Safety is a big plus to playing in a team, but for me the biggest thing is being able to go after beasties / bandits / whatever that you would have no hope of killing solo. Ever tried killing Arkan on your own? Even if you could you would be mobbed by his gang and solo you would have no chance.

This also goes for when training melee or magic. To get a decent amount of XP for killing something solo you need to go after something that is only just stronger than you. The most you can get in this case is about 1000XP. Anything bigger and you stand a better than even chance of getting killed yourself, which is frustrating as well as counter-productive.

If you train with a healer you can go after bigger stuff, killing while they heal you. In this way you can easily get 3000XP with very little extra risk.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

The "Kill Arken" mission is not typical of something a team would ordinarily do on the mainland (in terms of most team members trying to get credit for the killing).

I suspect that the granting of just one mission completion per team for the killing of Arken was done mainly for the sake of keeping the programming simple. The granting of one mission completion at a time is a tedious pain for the players, but granting of mission completions to all team members for one killing would be too easily exploited. Anything in-between would involve to much programming. So what we have is less than ideal, but at least it exists and has a good reward! :)

Perhaps the best situation would be for seasoned characters to team up to help newbs complete the mission...

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Many vets do keep alts on Silan to help with Arken or the Kirosta.Ask for help in region.If no answer try uni someone may login an alt.-Kil


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