EVENTS - Ryzom Community Forum Tue, 08 Oct 2024 06:44:41 +0000 ryApp::FeedBuilder 15 EVENTS - Ryzom Community Forum <![CDATA[[For All] Fairhaven Little ones Market]]> Sat, 17 Aug 2024 15:53:52 +0000 EVENTS Caught up in life, Kyriann didn't see 2629 go by. A year without a market? Ashamed, she rushes to prepare the 23rd market for the first days of 2630.
Fairhaven is still a welcoming place for young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 23th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 15th circle (50 to 150 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.
To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.

If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 9h - Holeth, Thermis 6, 1st AC 2630*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 24 August 19:00:00 UTC (1 month ago).

<![CDATA[rendor happy new year 2024]]> Wed, 17 Jan 2024 18:43:05 +0000 EVENTS

pour la page]]>
<![CDATA[Player event Black Market #28]]> Tue, 02 Jan 2024 17:17:57 +0000 EVENTS It is time for a new Schwarzmarkt! (Black Market)

What is Schwarzmarkt?
The so-called Schwarzmarkt was originally created as an opportunity to trade from homin to homin without paying a fee to the official merchants at their stalls and without filling the treasury of governments with taxes. Of course, we don't support criminal activities and since the laws of trade became more liberal since that time, it is not illegal anymore, but we want to keep the name and the atmosphere of it. The original idea came from the guild Rebellen von Loria who also organized the first sixteen Schwarzmarkts. Later this tradition was continued by The Free Soul.
At the Schwarzmarkt homins – in general the crafters themselves – offer goods to be sold by public sale. Bids are only allowed in dappers. The highest bidder gets the item in exchange for the dappers directly at the location of the Schwarzmarkt.

How does the process of the Schwarzmarkt look like?
The Schwarzmarkt is located in a cave in the Darkmoor (at the dead end of Windermeer). There will be a trek from Fairhaven to the location fifteen minutes before the market starts. The offers will be called according to their quality starting with goods of q100 and ending with q250. Bids have to be done in around. The auction will last about three hours.

Which goods can be sold?
Generally, all tradable items can be sold. These are:
# equipment (weapons, armor, jewels, tools)
# items from outposts (materials, flowers, xp-booster)
# special items (yubo-plushies, candy canes, items from the Wheel of fortune, NPC crafting crystals,…)
# profession items
All items must have their full hp. In exceptional cases, lower durability has to be announced before the auction. Raw materials generally are disclosed.

How you can offer goods?
If you want to offer something at the Schwarzmarkt send an in-game mail (shift+W) to Varo. This mail minimally should contain the following important information:
# vendor (if not the sender of the mail)
# (full) name of the item (land, layout (hq, mq, lq))
# quality (q250, q220,…)
# durability
# important data/values? (dodge, parry, damage, speed, resistance,…)
# desired starting bid
We will have a critical look at these items and tell the vendor if they will be offered at the Schwarzmarkt. Items with lower values may be disclosed. We will also have a look if the items fit the rest of the offers. Our goal is to have many different items in different qualities so that both the “small” refugee with his small purse and the veteran of many years and dapper millionaire can find something.
Sometimes it has been possible to offer items spontaneously. If you choose this way, you have to be aware that your item maybe could not be considered – registered items have a higher priority.

When will the Schwarzmarkt happen?
Target date of the 28th Schwarzmarkt is:

Sunday, February 25th 2024, 19:00 UTC, 20:00 CET

This would offer you enough time to collect dappers and/or to craft beautiful and useful items.

If date or time change you will be informed.]]>
<![CDATA[Apartment contest - Concours d'appartement]]> Wed, 20 Dec 2023 18:19:13 +0000 EVENTS
Cancelled due to lack of participants.

Thanks to everyone who came forward.]]>
<![CDATA[La fin et le début]]> Mon, 04 Dec 2023 19:16:48 +0000 EVENTS]]> Eleanide <![CDATA[Miss and Mister Atys Contest]]> Sun, 02 Jul 2023 19:51:40 +0000 EVENTS Eleanide <![CDATA[[All] Harvesting materials for the Water Road]]> Thu, 22 Jun 2023 14:19:01 +0000 EVENTS Kurutani


ne craignez vous pas de vous retrouver avec uniquement de la résine voire des ligaments ?

Quitte à prendre le temps de forer, pourquoi aller sur des lots de 200mp alors que les lots de 100mp rapporteront autant d'elyps?

Pour ma part je me suis quand meme mis sur le bois (lots de 200) , j'espère juste que je ne serai pas le seul a piocher les lots de 200.
<![CDATA[Vœux et serments]]> Mon, 03 Apr 2023 19:23:13 +0000 EVENTS
Et le voilà donc là à siroter un truc quelconque, perdu dans ses pensées, sans paraître remarquer outre mesure le silence qui englobe leur petit coin. De son côté, comme à son habitude, la cheffe observe froidement tout ce qui l’entoure, indifférente à la boisson posée devant elle. Peu de choses échappent à son regard, et Ba’Rakha finit par en sentir le poids. Il s’extirpe de ses ruminations et retrouve un peu de son aplomb habituel pour la toiser avec un sourire narquois.

– Oui ? C’est à quel sujet ?
– Qu’est-ce qui te contrarie ?
– Est-ce que j’ai l’air contrarié ?

D’un geste minimal du menton, la cheffe indique les doigts du Tryker qui font tourner ses dés à une vitesse vertigineuse dans sa main sans qu’il ait même l’air d’y penser.

– Tu es plus sincère avec tes doigts qu’avec ta langue.

Ba’Rakha ne peut pas s’empêcher de pencher la tête d’un air aguicheur.

– C’est une proposition ? Tu veux que je te fasse une démonstration des deux pour comparer ?
– Né.

La cheffe a répondu sans même une légère inflexion agacée, elle ne se laisse pas surprendre comme ça. En même temps, c’est la cheffe depuis un sacré paquet de temps, et dans une guilde comme la Compagnie, ce n’est pas rien de conserver ce poste. Ba’Rakha préfère donc ranger ses dés dans sa ceinture avant de répondre.

– Je repensais au mariage de Jazzy et Ylang Hao, et aux répercussions que ça pouvait avoir sur nos affaires.
– Aucune.

La cheffe est catégorique. En temps normal, le Tryker lui ferait confiance, mais quelque chose le contrarie quand même.

– C’est pas tant le mariage en lui-même. Ça fait longtemps que Jazzy a perdu le peu de jugeote que son espèce de parasite mental lui avait laissé. Je vois pas comment l’autre folle pourrait fondamentalement aggraver la situation.
C’est plutôt les autres. Ils assument maintenant ouvertement de ne plus appliquer leurs fameuses valeurs qu’à eux-mêmes. Et encore. T’es pas citoyen, t’es pas un pote d’Ailan, t’as aucun autre droit que de la fermer. Les coutumes et lois des autres nations ? Pareil, ils s’en balancent comme d’une éolienne cassée. Tu t’es mariée ailleurs ? Ça compte pas, c’était pas un mariage tryker.

Sans qu’il s’en rende compte, les doigts de Ba’Rakha sont retournés chercher ses dés et recommencent à les faire circuler entre eux à toute allure. La cheffe laisse son subordonné ronchonner encore un peu avant de l’interrompre avec une ironie froide.

– Rien de nouveau dans tout ça. Aucun puissant des nations ne respecte ses propres lois à moins que ça ne l’arrange, et tu le sais parfaitement. Et tu t’en satisfais très bien d’habitude. Né, je crois que ce que tu ne digères pas, c’est de t’être retrouvé avec une chaussette dans la bouche.

Ba’Rakha sursaute, et puis il éclate de rire et ses dés s’arrêtent enfin de bouger.

– C’était pas une chaussette, c’est Zhen qui a eu la chaussette. Moi, j’ai eu un bâillon. Qui est un accessoire tout à fait courant dans les mariages trykers, c’est bien connu. Cela dit, j’ai repéré à qui il appartenait. Il y aura peut-être une ouverture de ce côté, va savoir.

C’est peine perdue, il n’a pas réussi à choquer la cheffe. Peut-être parce qu’il en faut plus pour la choquer, ou peut-être parce qu’il n’y croit pas vraiment lui-même. Ce qui ne l’empêchera pas d’essayer s’il en a l’occasion. Après tout, certains Trykers pourraient avoir l’esprit plus ouverts que la moyenne : il n’y a qu’à le regarder lui, sans parler des goûts particulièrement éclectiques de son compère Fein... D’ailleurs, en parlant du ragus, c’est toujours un bon moyen de changer de sujet de conversation.

– À ton avis, il va falloir combien de temps aux Trykers pour virer Zhen et Fein de taule ?
– Pas assez longtemps à mon goût. La seule utilité de ces deux idiots, c’est qu’ils épuisent la patience et l’énergie de quelqu’un d’autre que moi.

La cheffe étant ce qu’elle est, et Ba’Rakha ayant été impliqué dans certaines transactions, il a plus qu’un sérieux doute sur cette affirmation. Mais il ne va pas en discuter en public. Par contre, si quelqu’un pouvait payer pour cette histoire de bâillon.

– Et pour que l’un d’entre eux aille raconter quelques vérités dérangeantes à Jazzy sur ses futurs marmots ?

Le Tryker n’a pas appuyé le pronom possessif. Ça serait trop facile, et la cheffe ne le paye pas pour tomber dans la facilité. D’ailleurs, elle n’en n’a pas besoin parce qu’elle prend un moment pour y réfléchir.

– Je suis certaine qu’ils trouveront ça très drôle. Leur mauvais goût en matière de blagues n’a d’égal que celui de ton copain en terme vestimentaire.

La cheffe n’a pas non plus insisté sur son lien avec Fein. Mais c’est quand même un ordre, et Ba’Rakha ne s’y trompe pas. En même temps, il est à peu près certain qu’il ne sera pas nécessaire de pousser beaucoup les deux zigotos sur le sujet. Ils sont vraiment capables de tout, et leur sens de l’humour est absolument délicieux. Au moins de son point de vue.]]>
<![CDATA[Mateis nya mate]]> Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:33:04 +0000 EVENTS Anzhye <![CDATA[Explosive Beach Party]]> Fri, 17 Feb 2023 07:40:51 +0000 EVENTS An invitation to ALL who want to blast the "secret" beach party of Heernis.
I'll be brief:
1. bring alcohol and fireworks! The more the better!
2. we will really annoy the Kamis. Therefore bring picks to loot material!
3. there should be healers in case someone faints.
4. a water barrel for water bombs will be provided!
5. put on bathing suits!
6. bring your pack animals and let them swim in the water!
7. bring lots of fun!
Meeting place: The small island in the "Resting Water" region of Aeden Aqueous.
Date: 23h - Prima, Germinally 25, 3rd AC 2622(*).
Make the party go wild!

PS: Since the stubborn hermit who calls himself my husband won't be around, here's his last letter from him. Isn't that romantic? I think I'm falling in love all over again. *necky giggle*

(*) [OOC] On Sunday, 26 February 2023 18:30:00 UTC (2 years ago)
Secret letter
Hello Xakisse,
How dare you, you decaying clopper swill! I've had enough of your spur of the moment solo runs. "The more the merrier." Are you out of your mind? What don't you understand about "secret and private"?
Let brains rain from heaven, especially for you!
You're trying to hurt me now by spreading nasty rumors! Yes, I have been away from home for half a decade and lived as a hermit, but you can't blame me for that, can you? Whoever is married to you needs nerves of hardened bark. A stubborn mektoub is nothing compared to you.
Very well. What are we going to do about all this? I'm not going to let you take away my beach party just because all of Atys is invited now. I can only shake my head at that. I'll spell it out for you again: A-L-L A-T-Y-S.
I'll leave the organizing to you then, you shriveled-up kitin queen.
Everyone has to bring a keg of alcohol, it's part of etiquette. It's a beach party. Anyone who doesn't come here in a bathing suit, or God forbid, someone comes in full armor, I'm so kicking him out! He's going to count fish! The party has to end with an explosion, fireworks and drunk homins! So now you instruct everyone to bring a pickaxe, as well as fireworks. We'll loot all the materials, get the Kamis really fired up and celebrate the moment of the explosion with a drunkenness like no other!
So, what to do with all the materials now? Exactly, everyone has to bring his packers, as many as everyone can! In the water they are protected from explosions anyway. The materials are then put up for sale in Fairhaven. This is good for business, but also good for newbies. They can burn the stuff for practice.
So, you started this rumor, and now you get to take the fall for it.
For the record:
1. alcohol, 1 keg each, fireworks are strongly encouraged.
2. everyone comes in a bathing suit.
3. hoes are obligatory, who does not dig, heals (because of gas and explosion)
4. everyone has to bring as much pack animals as you can spare.
5. the collected materials are put up for sale without any ifs and buts!
Do you think you can do it? As a high officer of Die kleinen Handwerker (The Little Artisans) guild, I sure as hell hope so! So get to work!

PS: Woe to you if you mention that those were my orders, my reputation as a Ranger would be in tatters. Burn the letter after you read it. I will watch the spectacle from a safe distance.
<![CDATA[Boire ou débattre, pourquoi choisir?]]> Mon, 30 Jan 2023 09:26:26 +0000 EVENTS
Affiche postée dans tous les bars du désert
oren pyr patriooooootes

Avec Lyren, on a été chargé par le celiakos Graphybus d’organiser un petit débat entre nous sur l’idée de marchander avec les maraudeurs. Parait qu’Azazor, le fyros parti faire la bringue dans les Anciennes Terres avec Eeri, il trouve ça bien. Mais lors de la dernière réunion akenak, y’en avaient qu’étaient pas d’accord. Alors moi, j’ai pas d’avis hein, mais je suis sûr de vous mettre d’accord sur une chose : pour en débattre, rien de tel que de se retrouver au bar de Pyr et picoler un coup. Puis peut être que l’alcool aidant, on finira par se mettre d’accord. Oui, je sais, la byrh ne résout pas tous les problèmes, mais l’eau non plus.
Alors rendez-vous le Prima, Medis 1, 2nd AC 2622* pour dévaliser le bar et débattre dans la joie et l’ivresse.

Gloire au Grand Glouglou !

* Le jeudi 9 février à 21h au bar de Pyr.

PS : Il sagit d'un mini event RP avec juste du dialogue. Tout le monde peut venir et donner son avis, mais seul l’avis des patriotes sera noté dans le compte rendu remis aux instances impériales.
Si y’a un compte-rendu. Faut pas oublier qu’on est surtout là pour boire… Pis avec deux alcooliques dont un brasseur tryker et la fille d’une ivrogne patentée, ce sera pas de la poésie.]]>
<![CDATA[Pèlerinage à Fairheaven]]> Wed, 25 Jan 2023 13:01:30 +0000 EVENTS
- Des homins qui veulent rejoindre les Lochi ?
- Ça c’est une mission pour Bai Trykali !
- Y dois en informer le commandant.

Eolinius nota le lieu et la date.

Ambassadeur Tryker auprès de la Théocratie
Membre de Bai Trykali
Officier supérieur de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani]]>
<![CDATA[The Meeting of the Bards]]> Sun, 15 Jan 2023 18:53:48 +0000 EVENTS
Once again I would like to proclaim an evening of bards. An evening full of music, and stories, full of fun and friendship.
Everyone who wants to contribute is invited to do so, as well as everyone who just wants to listen.
Bring your music, your songs, your stories and sagas, myths and legends, so that we can share them and enjoy an evening of peaceful fellowship.
On 5h - Tria, Nivia 27, 1st AC 2622(*), we will meet in a cozy, safe place in the region known as Frahar Towers. A small, hidden alcove where our voices will find the sound and reverberation they need.
Food will be provided but of course everyone is free to bring drinks or snacks.
I look forward to seeing you.

Woren Siloy.
Lylanea Vicciona
Ranger and Bard of the Four Lands

(*) Sunday, 5 February 2023 20:00:00 UTC (2 years ago)]]>
<![CDATA[Player event Black Market #27]]> Sun, 01 Jan 2023 21:18:24 +0000 EVENTS It is time for a new Schwarzmarkt! (Black Market)

What is Schwarzmarkt?
The so-called Schwarzmarkt was originally created as an opportunity to trade from homin to homin without paying a fee to the official merchants at their stalls and without filling the treasury of governments with taxes. Of course, we don't support criminal activities and since the laws of trade became more liberal since that time, it is not illegal anymore, but we want to keep the name and the atmosphere of it. The original idea came from the guild Rebellen von Loria who also organized the first sixteen Schwarzmarkts. Later this tradition was continued by The Free Soul.
At the Schwarzmarkt homins – in general the crafters themselves – offer goods to be sold by public sale. Bids are only allowed in dappers. The highest bidder gets the item in exchange for the dappers directly at the location of the Schwarzmarkt.

How does the process of the Schwarzmarkt look like?
The Schwarzmarkt is located in a cave in the Darkmoor (at the dead end of Windermeer). There will be a trek form Fairhaven to the location fifteen minutes before the market starts. The offers will be called according to their quality starting with goods of q100 ending with q250. Bids have to be done in around. The auction will last about three hours.

Which goods can be sold?
Generally, all tradable items can be sold. These are:
# equipment (weapons, armor, jewels, tools)
# items from outposts (materials, flowers, xp-booster)
# special items (yubo-plushies, candy canes, items from the wheel of fortune, NPC crafting crystals,…)
# profession items
All items must have their full hp. In exceptional cases, lower durability has to be announced before the auction. Raw materials generally are disclosed.

How you can offer goods?
If you want to offer something at the Schwarzmarkt send an ingame mail (shift+W) to Varo. This mail minimally should contain the following important information:
# vendor (if not the sender of the mail)
# (full) name of the item (land, layout (hq, mq, lq))
# quality (q250, q220,…)
# durability
# important data/values? (dodge, parry, damage, speed, resistance,…)
# desired starting bid
We will have a critical look at these items and tell the vendor if they will be offered at the Schwarzmarkt. Items with lower values may be disclosed. We will also have a look if the items fit the rest of the offers. Our goal is to have many different items in different qualities so that both the “small” refugee with his small purse and the veteran of many years and dapper millionaire can find something.
Sometimes it has been possible to offer items spontaneously. If you choose this way, you have to be aware that your item maybe could not be considered – registered items have a higher priority.

When will the Schwarzmarkt happen?
Target date of the 27th Schwarzmarkt is:

Sunday, February 12th 2023, 18:30 UTC, 19:30 CET

This would offer you enough time to collect dappers and/or to craft beautiful and useful items.

If date or time change you will be informed.]]>
<![CDATA[Deuxième rencontre sur les kamismes]]> Thu, 13 Oct 2022 12:55:02 +0000 EVENTS Canillia relit l'affiche posé sur l'étable d'Yrkanis.
Elle est raturée et barbouillée de dessins obscènes mettant en scènes des bestioles poilue aux grands yeux...

Elle se dit que cela pourrait être intéressant et que si cela ne répond pas à ses questions cela pourra lui permettra de se faire un avis. Et puis Léa semblait intéressée...

Espérons que ma présence ne soit pas vue comme une provocation...]]>
<![CDATA[Mariage de Copal et Liosta]]> Mon, 26 Sep 2022 11:53:32 +0000 EVENTS

Copal & Liosta

Copal & Liosta + Aniro Karin & Harimini]]>
<![CDATA[[Tryker] Chasse à l'homin (15/09/2022)]]> Sun, 18 Sep 2022 12:57:53 +0000 EVENTS Les Homines et Homins volontaires et pressés de retrouver le Matis recherché attendaient à l'entrée de Fair Haven. C'était le moment! Jazzy apparut enfin devant eux. Une petite trentaine de guerriers aventuriers courageux! Kara, Kami et Neutres! Le commandant se frottait les mains de voir que toutes les factions voulaient travailler dans l'intérêt de la Fédération.
Il fallait organiser les patrouilles qui se montraient impatientes. Après un discours plutôt bien entendu, ils se concentrèrent sur le territoire de la Loria, conseillé par Natsu'kan représentant pour l'occasion de la Tribu des Corsaires.
Après avoir donné ses instructions, la dispersion se fit sans devoir insister. Les recherches commencèrent de toutes parts! les Kamis par le sud, les Kara par le nord ouest et les neutres par Avendale. Pour rendre la tache plus amusante! Les kitins et autres monstres d'Atys s'étaient invités plus qu'à l'accoutumée sur leurs passages.

Un echo résonnait dans la vallée de la Loria. Une voix d'un air malin, des mots provocateurs envers le peuple tryker. Ce qu'il n'avait pas calculé, c'est l'odeur de la fumée de son feu de camp qu'il avait posté sur la falaise en vue direct du vortex d'Avendale à 2 lieux du camp tryker.
Oui les trykers ont l'odorat assez bien développé et une fois repéré, il a rapidement été rejoint par l'ensemble des chercheurs volontaires. Il n'a pas pu resister vu le nombre de guerriers qui voulaient en découdre. A vrai dire, ils n'attendaient qu'une chose, qu'il se défende, pour se défouler de leurs armes.
Mais il a été plutôt bien encadré et s'est laisser emmener jusqu'à Fair Haven où Kedgi de la Guilde de Try prit le relais. Il était désormais entre les mains de la Garde Fédérale...

Jazzy envoya un izam au bureau du Gouverneur
--- Objectif atteint grace aux Trykeri et amis mobilisés pour la sécurité de la Fédération ---]]>
<![CDATA[Biography Contest - Win a subscription!]]> Sun, 28 Aug 2022 22:03:34 +0000 EVENTS
Eolinius: I have contacted the first alternate. Once they have accepted the prize, I will send you a private message to let you know who it was. I will make sure that they know you are the donor as well.

Thanks again, everyone!]]>
<![CDATA[[Expedition] Toute capitales pour tous joueurs]]> Tue, 05 Jul 2022 14:55:50 +0000 EVENTS Ce soir je ferai une expedition pour les personnes qui on besoin de passé d'un capital a une autre
Le départ sera de Pays Tryker => Pays Matis => Pays Fyros => Pays Zorai => Pays Tryker ce soir 05 Juillet 2022
Pensez a avoir quelque dappers avec vous pour prendre tous les tp qu'il y aura sur le chemin
Ainsi d'avoir du temps a disposition, car les trajets seront quand meme assez long pour le tour entier
Pour ceux qui aimerai venir en renfort, vous etes les bienvenues
A toute a l'heure]]>
<![CDATA[[Événement pour tous] Fête des Réfugiés 2618 (8-25 Avril 2022)]]> Fri, 29 Apr 2022 17:15:40 +0000 EVENTS 50% des rêves réalisés!]]> Ashgan <![CDATA[[Tryker] Alarms' unveiling (2022/01/27)]]> Sun, 23 Jan 2022 07:35:28 +0000 EVENTS [Tryker] Alarms' unveiling (2022/01/27)

I invite the Taliari, Talalochi and all Tryker Citizens to the unveiling of the enhanced vigilance alarms that our engineer Bill MacBill has finished setting up according to your recommendations.
Meet me in Frogmore Place on 5h - Quinteth, Folially 17, 1st AC 2617(*). We will then check the alarm locations and operation in Fairhaven and the lake cities.

Ailan Mc'Kean
Naw Trykoth Governor

* [OOC] Thursday, 27 January 2022 20:00:00 UTC (3 years ago). [/OOC]]]>
Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[[All] Panic in Silan (2022/01/16)]]> Sat, 08 Jan 2022 14:35:14 +0000 EVENTS [All] Panic on Silan (2022/01/16)

The news spread everywhere, to the rhythm of the messengers sent from 1h - Tria, Frutor 3, 4th AC 2616.
To all homins who can use a weapon or cast some healing

Chiang the Strong needs our help. Contaminated frippos have been seen far outside the Blight Zone on Silan, even near the ranger camp. The area is no longer safe for young refugees.

Please come and help with the hunt organized by the Rangers on 5h - Prima, Frutor 7, 4th AC 2616 (*).

Barmie Dingle

* [OOC] Sunday, 16 January 2022 20:00:00 UTC (3 years ago). [/OOC]]]>
Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[[All] Panic in Silan (2021/12/17)]]> Sat, 08 Jan 2022 14:33:33 +0000 EVENTS As the event was cancelled due to a bug, we propose to play it on Sunday, 16 January 2022 20:00:00 UTC (3 years ago).
Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[[OOC Event for all] Atysmas 2021: Detailed program]]> Fri, 31 Dec 2021 15:29:02 +0000 EVENTS "Grinch or Elf?" rewardsThe "Grinch or Elf?" event is over, and the winners are the Elves!

If you participated in this game as a Grinch or as an Elf, do not forget to come and take your rewards!
To do so:
— go to the Silan Arena;
— click on the giant statue in its center to open the game status;
— click on the locks to receive your individual rewards;
— Elves, click on the Snowman to the bottom to receive the final reward.

Merry Atysmas to all!]]>
<![CDATA[GvG La Lune Eternelle vs. In Vino Veritas, 19h UTC on 6th Dec 2021]]> Thu, 02 Dec 2021 20:52:34 +0000 EVENTS
we invite you to watch the show:

Next Monday, 6th December 2021, 19h UTC (20h CET) we will have a guild vs. guild fight between La Lune Eternelle and In Vino Veritas (equal-sized teams).

The fight will take place in the PvP arena on Silan. The result will decide the price for the possession of the outpost Malmont Farm, near Dyron.

The estimated duration is about 1 hour and / or three fights.

We invite all homin to come and watch, enjoying a few fresh Byrh and Shooki liquor along with some slices of freshly-grilled Bodok.

See ya in Silan!]]>
<![CDATA[[Fyros] Tracing the trail of his brethren in blood (2021/10/17)]]> Fri, 26 Nov 2021 20:30:55 +0000 EVENTS PS: j'ai beau avoir un perso fyros, j'ai pas fait fyrk seconde langue, donc ça reste sujet à caution. Ceux qui ont réussi à décoder le message mais qui n'ont rien dit ici car leur perso n'a aucune raison de le faire peuvent y apporter des compléments (Krill, on t'a vu :P ).

<![CDATA[Réunion des akenak du mercredi 10 novembre]]> Tue, 09 Nov 2021 21:24:50 +0000 EVENTS
Il n’a jamais pu supporter les celiakos. Tout juste parvient-il à tolérer celui de Thesos, Ibiphan Dynix. Mais alors ce Cexius, quelle face de yubo ! Presque aussi pédant que l’autre karavanier de Perimenix.

Il croit l’impressionner avec sa tunique blanche immaculée ? Lui qui n’a probablement jamais tenu une retch de sa vie, il pense pouvoir prendre de haut un ancien légionnaire ?
oren pyr, celiakos Lyan Cexius

Il ne t’a pas échappé que je suis le dernier akenakos encore présent, et ce depuis des années. Si cela ne t’avait pas encore frappé aux yeux, tu pourras le constater par toi-même demain. Il ne t’a pas non plus échappé que nos politiciens professionnels roupillent depuis bien trop longtemps dans les chambres dorées du palais. La preuve en est avec cette attaque de la cité de Pyr dont tu es le celiakos qui n’a donné lieu à aucune réunion avec les patriotes et officiels malgré la gravité de l’attaque.

Alors je veux bien croire que cela te dérange de voir un simple akenakos de Thesos prendre les devant et organiser de lui-même une réunion que tu aurais dû faire de toi-même. Je veux bien croire aussi que ton titre de celiakos de Pyr te donne l’impression d’être le seul à pouvoir organiser des réunions à Pyr (et en cela tu as en partie raison, Pyr est ton domaine).

Mais j’aimerais te rappeler qu’il ne t’appartient pas de m’enlever ce titre d’akenakos, qui me fut remis par sharükos en personne. Aussi tes menaces à peine couvertes me passent bien au-dessus. Et j’aimerais aussi que tu saches que si j’ai quelques problèmes avec le respect de la chaine de commandement, que tu appelles discipline, je reste on ne peut plus fidèle à l’Empire. Et c’est bien en ce sens que je me suis permis d’organiser une réunion à Pyr. J’aurai dû t’en parler, il est vrai. Mais je pensais, curieusement, que les celiakos étaient trop occupés à gérer l’après-attaque de la cité.

sharükos pyrèküd ! sharük pyrèküd !

Azazor, akenakos de Theso

Il va encore s’attirer des problèmes. Mais qu’importe. Cela fait trop longtemps qu’il ne l’a pas ouverte. Il étouffe à respecter les règles. Et il n’est pas brasier plus ardent que le feu le plus couvert.
L’Empire a besoin qu’on le secoue. S’il doit en payer le prix, il est prêt.]]>
<![CDATA[Anlor Winn 2021: Detailed program]]> Thu, 28 Oct 2021 07:48:35 +0000 EVENTS The wind gets stronger.
The wind roars and makes homins tremble in their shelters.
Go hide yourselves away, you fools, because the Ill Wind is coming. And who knows what it brings under its wings of misfortune?
Listen to the cursed laughter of the Anlor Winn. Mouah hah hah hah....

Anlor Winn's Jigsaw Puzzles

A pumpkin has cut a large image of Anlor Winn into sixty (60) fragments and kept them. Throughout Anlor Winn's time, the pumpkin hides in one of the Atys tribes camps (including Prime Roots) by moving from one place to another regularly to escape the cauldron.
Go in search of it to collect a fragment and try to reconstruct the image!

Location of the event: All over Atys, including Prime Roots.
Rules of the game:
Click on the pumpkin that randomly appears in a tribe every 30 minutes, to get a picture fragment. The fragments are collected in a special personal window, gradually completing the image.
The pumpkin remains in play for 20 minutes and then reappears elsewhere, with a new random fragment, every 30 minutes. You can find out when and where a pumpkin is in play by clicking on the “Dynamic Events” icon of the map.
Rewards: Anlor Winn tokens for each pumpkin found, Choice tokens for each fragment found and Excellent tokens for each image reconstructed.

The Silent Statues

By-passers hear a young homina crying near the Burning Bothaya of Pyr. But they are too scared to go and see ... What's going on there?

Location: Near Pyr, not far from the Burning Bothaya.
Rules of the game:
Talk with Wicher Ba'Pearoy to start the event. Once the mission accepted, a light will appear on the ground not far from Wicher. Click on it and be transported somewhere.
Look for the Yubo. Once you have catch it, click on the pumpkin in your special bag to come back to Witcher and give her the Yubo plushy back.
Be quick and remember: DON'T LOOK BACK!
Once finished, this event can't be replayed.
Rewards: A gift for your apartment.

60 seconds

Come and challenge stronger and stronger creatures, alone or in groups!
How high can you reach?

Location: Matis Arena
Rules of the game:
All those wishing to join the game must be in the Matis arena at the start of the session. The arena will then be closed until the end of the session and no one will be able to join the players.
You must kill creatures one at a time within 60 seconds each. Each new creature will be one level higher than the previous one and will have 5% more health points.
You start with a zero level creature, then one, two, etc.
If the creature is still alive after 60 seconds, the session ends and the arena opens.
Five minutes later, a new group can enter the arena to try their luck.
Rewards: Tokens for each creature killed. An unique reward every 50 levels. This reward can only be earned once.

Attention, this game will begin on Sunday, 31 October 2021 08:00:00 UTC (3 years ago), after Atys tournament.

Anlor Winn storytelling

Anlor Winn whistles around the homins gathered around a fire. It listens to the scary stories and doesn't think to run its scythe on the heads within its reach.
But beware, if it doesn't hear enough stories, its fury will be raging like never before!

Come to the village and appease Anlor Winn by telling scary stories or simply by supporting the storytellers, on Sunday, 7 November 2021 20:00:00 UTC (3 years ago)!

Location of the event: Anlor Winn Village in Almati Wood. The players that are still in the starting area are very welcome. They will find a teleport to Anlor Winn Village, just down Chiang the Strong's Hill.
Rules of the event: Everyone is invited to tell their scary story. All stories are welcome but they must be about Atys, Anlor Winn or the fears of the Homins.
Rewards: A scythe for the storytellers and a title.

And all over Atys, watch out for various surprises and unusual objects that could turn out to be more dangerous than expected.

Mouah ah ah ah

Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[(Event Player) Phaedrea's Tears Anniversary]]> Thu, 14 Oct 2021 08:25:54 +0000 EVENTS Come with your speeches and fireworks.

Localization and date: Silan, Hill of Chiang the Strong. October 16, 18:00 UTC.

1. Visit Silan to pet Tynee and Ari zigs.
2. Yrkanis (Kara TP) to start trekking from PT GH to Virginia Falls.
3. The Rangers, one vision.
4. History of Phaedrea’s Tears.
5. Current mission and vision.
6. Renowning.
7. Free words (open to all).
8. Final words and Fireworks (All).]]>
Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[[Rangers] Turquoise seed (2021/10/10)]]> Fri, 08 Oct 2021 16:08:38 +0000 EVENTS
Thanks, Husyrech. Reading that, I'm glad that Salazar's memories, as well as his interpretation of events, weren't far off back then and aren't now. ;)

<![CDATA[[Player Event] Frigoo (2021/09/13)]]> Wed, 22 Sep 2021 11:33:36 +0000 EVENTS As Mazeyum indicates, the story begins well before, in fact during the event of 06/12/2020 where a fyros is kidnapped in the lakes. After several adventures he is found at the tribe of the black circle which releases on the participants come to deliver him a gooified timari.

The story could have ended there, but what becomes amusing and what the moderators did not predict at the beginning, is that the players continued the story on their own and here forcing the moderators to react, which led to another event, the destruction of a goo pump near the black circle tribe, which is the start of the story of Eeri, Mazeyum and other participants of the Drakani guild with the contamination of Ostium.

This proves that the story of Atys is not fixed, and that each player can influence its story (relatively) by interacting with other players.

<![CDATA[[All] Closing Ceremony of Atys Games 2614 (2021-08-31)]]> Sun, 19 Sep 2021 17:16:05 +0000 EVENTS ]]> Ghost Of Atys <![CDATA[[Rangers] Nurturing cord (2021/06/20)]]> Wed, 08 Sep 2021 16:06:33 +0000 EVENTS

<![CDATA[Ploderos Team]]> Sat, 14 Aug 2021 09:53:14 +0000 EVENTS
Feel free to join, cya!

<![CDATA[[Player] Black Market #26]]> Thu, 12 Aug 2021 18:31:46 +0000 EVENTS It is time for a new Schwarzmarkt! (Black Market)

What is Schwarzmarkt?
The so-called Schwarzmarkt was originally created as an opportunity to trade from homin to homin without paying a fee to the official merchants at their stalls and without filling the treasury of governments with taxes. Of course, we don't support criminal activities and since the laws of trade became more liberal since that time, it is not illegal anymore, but we want to keep the name and the atmosphere of it. The original idea came from the guild Rebellen von Loria who also organized the first sixteen Schwarzmarkts. Later this tradition was continued by The Free Soul.
At the Schwarzmarkt homins – in general the crafters themselves – offer goods to be sold by public sale. Bids are only allowed in dappers. The highest bidder gets the item in exchange for the dappers directly at the location of the Schwarzmarkt.

How does the process of the Schwarzmarkt look like?
The Schwarzmarkt is located in a cave in the Darkmoor (at the dead end of Windermeer). There will be a trek form Fairhaven to the location fifteen minutes before the market starts. The offers will be called according to their quality starting with goods of q100 ending with q250. Bids have to be done in around. The auction will last about three hours.

Which goods can be sold?
Generally, all tradable items can be sold. These are:
# equipment (weapons, armor, jewels, tools)
# items from outposts (materials, flowers, xp-booster)
# special items (yubo-plushies, candy canes, items from the wheel of fortune, NPC crafting crystals,…)
# profession items
All items must have their full hp. In exceptional cases, lower durability has to be announced before the auction. Raw materials generally are disclosed.

How you can offer goods?
If you want to offer something at the Schwarzmarkt send an ingame mail (shift+W) to Varo. This mail minimally should contain the following important information:
# vendor (if not the sender of the mail)
# (full) name of the item (land, layout (hq, mq, lq))
# quality (q250, q220,…)
# durability
# important data/values? (dodge, parry, damage, speed, resistance,…)
# desired starting bid
We will have a critical look at these items and tell the vendor if they will be offered at the Schwarzmarkt. Items with lower values may be disclosed. We will also have a look if the items fit the rest of the offers. Our goal is to have many different items in different qualities so that both the “small” refugee with his small purse and the veteran of many years and dapper millionaire can find something.
Sometimes it has been possible to offer items spontaneously. If you choose this way, you have to be aware that your item maybe could not be considered – registered items have a higher priority.

When will the Schwarzmarkt happen?
Target date of the 26th Schwarzmarkt is:

Sunday, September 19th 2021, 18:00 UTC, 20 CET

This would offer you enough time to collect dappers and/or to craft beautiful and useful items.

If date or time change you will be informed.]]>
<![CDATA[[All] Lore Nights]]> Sun, 08 Aug 2021 07:59:51 +0000 EVENTS The Lore Night (2021/08/13)

Do you like to see the day fade away on the immensity of the sawdust dunes?
Do you dream of learned discourse about the planet's geography?
Then come to the Lore Night on Friday, 13 August 2021 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago), dedicated to the planet, Atys. The Lore-Team will tell you everything you need to know to fully embrace its magic.
<![CDATA[[Fyros - Player event] Practicum (2021/07/01)]]> Fri, 02 Jul 2021 17:51:29 +0000 EVENTS
D’abord, une balade de santé dans la kitinière du bois d’Almati. Le groupe, composé d’homins de toutes nations, n’est tombé entièrement qu’une seule fois. Il a pourtant répété plusieurs fois de ne pas toucher aux œufs et au garde-manger des kitins. Mais il en faut toujours pour manquer de discipline. Entre les débutants et ceux qui ne savent pas se tenir, il fallait s’y attendre.
Au moins, ça leur servira de leçon. La kitinière ne pardonne pas la moindre erreur.

Puis, pour panser les plaies, le groupe a fait un tour à la patte du yubo, le bar de Pyr. Cela faisait longtemps qu’il n’avait pas vu autant de monde chez Lydix. Comme toutes soirées réussies au bar, cela s’est fini par un combat à main nue, avec Pephoan, le jeune fyros en première année à l’Académie Impériale. Combat inégal pour le fyros à peine sortie des bottes de sa mère. Mais cette bonne raclée lui servira aussi de leçon et l’endurcira. Et Pephoan a su faire preuve d’honneur, en combattant à armes égales en laissant tomber sa pique. S'il respecte les quatre piliers de l'Empire, il ira loin ce petit. Azazor a aussi profité de la soirée pour recruter un akenos, Balder, afin de le seconder dans ses taches d’akenak. Le fyros a plus l’air d’un ivrogne que d’un scribe, mais au moins il lui apportera un compagnon de beuverie. Et la boisson a toujours fait partie de la diplomatie fyros.

C’est donc en chantant qu’il rentre dans son antre pour se reposer. Demain, il doit faire un rapport à Pyphollo, lui dire que les homins sont rentrés à peu près en un seul morceau. Il faudra aussi qu’il précise que Pephoan a pris quelques coups, a fini complètement soul et que s’il se met à gueuler des chants anti matis, c’est normal, c’est le métier qui rentre.

Et on lui pèlera le jonc comme au matis d'Avalae
Qu'on a fendu un beau matin
Qu'on a penduuuuu avec ses tripes!
<![CDATA[2vs2 Tournament - Saturday 17, July 2021 - 19:00 UTC]]> Thu, 01 Jul 2021 16:12:43 +0000 EVENTS Geor <![CDATA[[Marauder] One piece of information can hide another (2021/06/15)]]> Sat, 12 Jun 2021 10:59:10 +0000 EVENTS [Marauders]One piece of information can hide another (2021/06/15)

"There is something else. More of an impression than an actual fact. It's as if Krikitheus felt it was too incredible to bring up in a meeting." Aristarcus looked annoyed.
"I couldn't trust an izam with it, so I thought I'd come and talk to you about it in person."
"So you come to tell me that you failed? "The cold anger that sometimes invaded Chei Pui-Yan seemed ready to burst out. "I need a spy who is doing her job."

Aristarcus felt the blow but did not answer, preferring to defuse the conflict.

"All that does not please me. I need to know everything, even the unspoken stuff, in order to keep my place near Akilia. You'll drive ours to go get this information, by force if necessary." Chei Pui-Yan's tone left Aristarcus no choice but to nod.

"As you wish. I'll take them to Krikitheus, but they'll do all the questioning, I don't want to risk losing my cover. And we'll go get sap samples and iridescent necklaces, so you'll have all the facts."

Chei nodded and waved her off.

A few minutes later, Chei appeared in the camp:
Those yubos of scientists of the nations thought they could forget us. We're going to refresh their memories!
Join Aristarcus at the Hidden Source Camp on 9h - Dua, Frutor 26, 4th AC 2613(*).
For Akilia Ash Storm!

* [OOC] On Tuesday, 15 June 2021 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago).[/OOC]]]>
Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[[Storyline] Sweeties for the Gibbaïs (2021/06/04)]]> Sat, 05 Jun 2021 09:44:46 +0000 EVENTS After extensive monitoring of the maturation of the salins, the scientists all agree that they are ready to be harvested.
Meet Haido Xuan at the Nexus Kamist Observation Camp on 9h - Quarta, Folially 16, 4th AC 2613(*). She will take you to the harvesting site to observe the results of your research.
You will be able to fill your bags with salins before the end of the summer.

* [OOC] On Monday, 7 June 2021 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago).[/OOC]]]>
Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[[Fyros] The lost expedition (2021/04/25)]]> Wed, 02 Jun 2021 12:55:00 +0000 EVENTS
« Azazor, j’ai une drôle de nouvelle à t’annoncer.

- dey ?

- A ton avis, qui vient de demander les conditions pour intégrer la Garde Impériale ?

- Laisse-moi deviner, un matis ? sourit Azazor.

Le garde partit dans un éclat de rire.

- Hahaha ! dey, celui-là, il aurait fini dans les geôles rien que pour avoir osé poser la question.

- Alors qui ? Parle !

Le garde eut un hoquet de surprise. Azazor n’était décidément pas patient pour un dapper.

« Le gosse des Dresseurs d’Eau, celui que t’as sauvé des Cooky’s Cranks la dernière fois.

- Pephoan, ce pleurnicheur ? C’est une blague ?

- dey, il a vraiment demandé comment rentrer dans la Garde.

- Et vous lui avez dit quoi ? Reviens dans 10 kilos ? »

Le garde sourit.« Je crois qu’on lui a fait comprendre que c’était pas pour tout de suite.

- Déjà, il n’a jamais mis les pieds à l’Académie, alors c’est mal parti.

- Bah, tend l’oreille, ça viendra peut-être.

L’akenak ne répondit pas mais se contenta de secouer la tête, n’y croyant manifestement pas une seconde.

«  Et tu te chargeras de son éducation ? ajouta le garde.

- Tu m’as pris pour qui ? Un talumetimos ?

- Ben je sais pas, t’écris bien des trucs?

- ney, mais je ne suis encore que talumetimètos. Et vu le peu de succès qu’ont mes théories, fyrak se réveillera quand je pourrai enfin enseigner.

- Ne perds pas espoir. Ça viendra un jour ou l’autre.

Azazor se contenta de sourire mollement. Il fit un bref salut au garde et partit en direction de la Place du Marché.

Pephoan, pensa-t-il. Pephoan à l’Académie Impériale. Ce jeune fyros n’arrêtant pas de pleurer, comment pourrait-il survivre ne serait-ce qu’une saison aux enseignements rigoureux des maitres de l’Académie ?

Mais si cela s’avérait exact, que Pephoan soit accepté à l’Académie, ne pourrait-il pas prendre en charge quelques-uns des enseignements du jeune homin ? L’aguerrissement de base par exemple ? Apprendre à courir fyros en ligne droite, à diplomatiser fyros à coup de retch ou encore à reconnaître un matis à l’odeur. Il avait déjà entrainé quelques homins du temps des légions fyros, cela lui donnait une expérience en la matière. Il avait aussi pour projet avec le CEK de former des débutants à l’exploration de nids de kitins. Il pourrait embarquer Pephoan dans ces péripéties. Rien de tel qu’un raid dans un nid pour s’endurcir.

« fyraï èt » murmura-t-il à voix basse. Si c’est le destin...]]>
<![CDATA[[Zoraï] Sap is sacred (2021/05/23)]]> Tue, 18 May 2021 07:19:45 +0000 EVENTS Something was wrong, Sage Sap could feel it deep inside her: somewhere on Atys, the sap was shaken. So it was while she was heading to the Town Hall to report her worry that a guard called out to her, asking her to go to the Chief of Guards as quickly as possible.
Shuai-Chon Vao greeted her with a brief bow, then, without bothering with further preliminaries, confirmed her hunch:
"We have received a message from Wo-Lo Biani, the chief of the Sacred Sap tribe. A very precious amber cube has been stolen from the tribe's own camp and he asks for our help."
"Tell him we'll be there as soon as we can. I will gather all our available friends. We will meet at the kami altar of Fleeting Garden in a few hours(*)."

* [OOC] On Sunday, 23 May 2021 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago).[/OOC]]]>
Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[[Storyline] [Tryker] The Secret of Nexus Gibbais: Experiments and Consequences (2021/05/13)]]> Tue, 11 May 2021 07:59:30 +0000 EVENTS [Storyline] [Tryker] The Secret of Nexus Gibbaïs: Experiments and Consequences (2021-05-13)

Scientist Krikiteus Ibiton enjoyed coordinating the analysis of precious sap samples collected from the mysterious Majestic Salina.
The specimens of this giant tree, which had recently appeared in the Nexus, were permanently guarded by Gibbaï whose strength was tenfolded. This "power" had of course intrigued the homins, and scientists from all the nations of Atys were openly collaborating, for once, to discover the secret of the Gibbaï of the Nexus.
Of course, she suspected that each people was keeping some discoveries to themselves... After all, wasn't the Empire doing so? But, despite everything, the research was progressing: the link between this multiplied power of the Gibbaï and the iridescent necklaces they used to wear was now established. But what could be the link with the sap they harvested on the Majestic Salinas populating the Nexus?
And above all… How to make an "empowering necklace"? This was the question that the scientists of each nation were trying to answer in their respective academies.

Krikiteus took one last look at the reports from each nation's scientific bodies.
Good. It was time to publicly report on advances in research. It was also time to pass on the invitation from the FISHES society to curious an open-minded homins to come and see for themselves the experiments underway to unlock the secrets of this sap.
A few hours later, posters appeared in the Nexus camps, at Ranger Camp and in the Atysian cities:
Homins of all nations and stateless people interested in advances of scientific research in the Nexus,

I invite you to join me at the Kamist Observation Camp in Nexus Minor on 9h - Dua, Pluvia 26, 2nd AC 2613(*) where I will report on the progress of research conducted on the subject by Academies of Nations.
You are also invited by the FISHES society, which participates in federal research, to then join their mobile experimentation camp at Dew Drops. Scientist O'Bannon Emmen will receive you there and let you observe the experiments in progress.

oren fyrai,

Krikiteus Ibiton,
coordinator of the analysis of the Majestic Salina's sap.

(*) [OOC] On Thursday, 13 May 2021 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago). [/OOC]]]>
Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[In memoriam de Teeneemai]]> Sun, 09 May 2021 22:57:46 +0000 EVENTS
<![CDATA[[Matis] A red banner (2021-05-09)]]> Thu, 06 May 2021 14:17:35 +0000 EVENTS The messenger of the Border Guards was trying to keep a low profile while the Karan let his anger explode. How unfortunate the Karan had arrived just as he was reporting his camp had been attacked by the First Deserters and that these had stolen military equipment! He had had to repeat it all from the beginning under his inquisitive gaze and confirm what everyone knew but did not admit: a red banner was flying over the First Deserters' camp.

The Karan finally turned sharply to the messenger.
"Go back to the camp and tell them I will take care of it personally. The Greatness of the Matis will not suffer this latest snub."
And he abruptly disappeared, leaving a heavy silence behind.
Announcement widely spread throughout the Kingdom
Matis Nobles, Vassals,

march under the Banner of the Kingdom and Jena and bring back the equipment stolen from the Border Guards by the infamous First Deserters!
My youngest son, Manalitch, will make his debut as the future commander of his brother's armies by your side.
You will find him at the Border Guards' camp on 9h - Holeth, Frutor 6, 2nd AC 2613(*).

Jena Aiye, Matis Aiye!

Karan of the Verdant Heights

* [OOC] On Sunday, 9 May 2021 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago). [/OOC]]]>
Ghost Of Atys
<![CDATA[[Zorai] The secret of Nexus Gibbaï (2021/05/02)]]> Tue, 04 May 2021 09:27:50 +0000 EVENTS We apologize and look forward to your support in helping Haido in her quest for science.]]> Margote <![CDATA[[Rangers] Funeral ceremony of Orphie Dradius (2021/04/18)]]> Fri, 30 Apr 2021 04:49:13 +0000 EVENTS “I met Orphie Dradius shortly after the great barkquake of the Nexus, in 2609. It was after Erin Mac'Cartlann had discovered an old map in her archives that led us to the Tunnel of Woe.

“ She came to the Ranger meeting after the expedition, and I was impressed by this homin who, despite her age, retained a particularly energetic yet benevolent appearance.

“ I could hardly exchange a few words with her, but they were enough to make me understand how she had been able to participate in the foundation and develop, with her companions of course, a community as important as that of the Rangers.”

(Dorothée se tourne vers Orphie)

“ I wish I had known you better, Orphie, but more than ever, I will follow the precepts you fought so hard for.

“In the memory of Oflovak Rydon; Woren Siloy Ranger!”

“I would like now to bring you the words that Kiwa’Lie, our leader, my ‘Mom’, would have liked to say to you herself.
“She is unfortunately retained by a particularly arduous quest that requires her full attention and our support.”

(She takes a deep breath)
“ I quote ” :

Orphie was my mentor, she was the person I admired most on the bark, she looked after the hominity, she was my reference, my guide.

Yes, Orphie gave me a taste for the Ranger faction, thanks to her we had signed the TENANT peace treaty in Fairhaven before the second swarm. I was very proud to be her emissary and to give her the treaty that Mabreka, Dexton, Yrkanis, and Denen Toen signed on behalf of all the nations. Thanks to her the peoples of Atys were at peace, even if only for a short time.

It is, thanks to her, because of her that I, I mean that Djiper, Zo'ro Argh, and I became Rangers in our turn, when we went back from the second exodus, by founding a totally Ranger, hominist and pacifist guild. And we gave it the name of this circle that sadly brings us together today.

Her departure breaks my heart.


Rest in peace Orphie!

— Kiwa'Lie

(Dorothy throws a shooki flavored cookie and a termite on the pyre)

“Your ultimate quest will not be in vain, I'ts a Ranger promise!

“We will find out what creature took you away from us and I have no doubt that, beyond the differences that divide them, homins will once again come together for this.”

(Dorothée bows to Orphies' remains) :

“This is the greatest tribute we can pay to you.”

Funeral ceremony of Orphie Dradius, Fallenor 7, 1st AC 2613]]>
<![CDATA[[Rangers] Ultimate quest (2021/02/11)]]> Thu, 29 Apr 2021 09:00:26 +0000 EVENTS Orphie Dradius. It was after Erin Mac'Cartlann had discovered an old map in her archives, which led us to the Tunnel of Woe. She had come to participate in the the Ranger Assembly that had followed the expedition. At the time I was very impressed by this homina who, despite her advanced age, retained a particularly energetic and yet benevolent appearance. I could hardly exchange a few words with her, but they were enough to make me understand how she had been able to participate in the foundation and develop, with her companions of course, a community as important as that of the Rangers.
Like everyone else, I had been very worried when I read the words of the poster that alerted us about her recent demise. When I arrived at the Ranger's Circle, I was not reassured by Apocamus Dradius's strained expression and the pallor of his face, and I think everyone else felt the same. Still, the extent of the mobilization gave me some hope, and it was without delay that we rushed into the Kitin's Lair to find her.

At first the party, somewhat disordered, explored the best-known part of the cave, towards the room where the kitins gather their livestock, where they were met by an unusual concentration of Kinchers, who soon mingled with the usual residents of the place. The fighting was fierce and many were injured. Nevertheless, the united homins were able to explore the eastern galleries but could not get past the debris or the kitin mounds that obstructed them. No trace of Orphie... the disappointment was great.

Rubble at the end of the egg room.

Wounded Orphie and the giant sting

Regaining its courage, the expedition headed for the primary egg room. Here again we had to fight hard, as going unnoticed was not an option. Finally, at the very bottom of the egg room and after a thorough search, we found Orphie's dagger, so she had been there. We then spent a considerable amount of time destroying a Kitin mound and trying to clear the rubble that closed off access to the greater depths (I even got stuck by a sliding boulder, but luckily I was rescued quickly). Finally, a little later we discovered Orphie herself, badly wounded; next to her, what looked like the huge black stinger of a monstrous insect. Gathering our strength once more, we climbed to the surface, Apocamus carrying his grandmother as gently as possible.
Once we went back to the camp, in that circle she loved so much, we tried to heal her; but her wounds were far too severe and her seed of life faded away and extinguished. I hope at least that she will have felt, in the arms of her grandson, the affection that we all carry carried for her.

Her final quest will not be in vain, it's a Ranger's promise! We will find out which creature took her away from us; and I have no doubt that, over the differences that divide them, homins will unite once again for this. That is the greatest tribute we can pay to her!

Orphie's Death.

一━══ ⧼⧽ ══━一

— Excerpt from "Memoirs of a seasoned ranger", by Do'ro Thee]]>
<![CDATA[Atys TOURNAMENT (24/04/2021)]]> Sun, 25 Apr 2021 10:01:57 +0000 EVENTS
Here are the results and a group photo. You can also replay the matches on the event's website:

See you next time!

<![CDATA[[Marauder] Black pawns move into position (2021/04/15)]]> Mon, 12 Apr 2021 19:43:40 +0000 EVENTS Black pawns move into position

Chei Pui Yan, the leader of the Clan of the Hopeless, walked out of his former tent, now home to Akilia Ash Storm. Since her arrival, Akilia Ash Storm had upset many habits at the Hidden Source Camp. And also revised upwards the ambitions of the Zoraï Marauder.
So, it was with a voice full of a new fervor that he shouted across the camp:
Time of conquest has come!
Let's gather in the Camp on 9h - Holeth, Floris 6, 1st AC 2613(*), and let's go to conquer new tribes for Akilia Ash Storm!

(*) [OOC] On Thursday, 15 April 2021 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago). [/OOC]]]>
Ghost Of Atys