Communication & Marketing - Ryzom Community Forum Thu, 05 Dec 2024 02:28:27 +0000 ryApp::FeedBuilder 15 Communication & Marketing - Ryzom Community Forum <![CDATA[Marketing to a broader player base]]> Wed, 16 Oct 2024 17:50:45 +0000 Communication & Marketing Placing these new ads on various MMO advertising sites would be a simple upload by the staff every month or two to keep them fresh and show we are actively looking for players. Lets face it opening these markets could bring in vital cash as well.
Ryzom has always suffered from being under advertised and that has been just lack of effort mostly. Putting the total package of play styles the game can offer can help increase population and awareness.
<![CDATA[Negative alte Kommentare]]> Mon, 11 Mar 2019 09:05:09 +0000 Communication & Marketing
vielen Dank für den Hinweis.

Auch ich kann leider nichts zu den Hintergründen sagen, ist mir neu. War aber zu der Zeit in der die Reviews verfasst wurden auch nicht aktiv.

Gut wäre es, wenn möglichst viele eine Bewertung abgeben oder im besten Falle auch ein Review schreiben würden. Wir als Team alleine können bei solchen Bewertungsseiten immer nur schwer dagegen halten.
Da braucht es die geballte Kraft der Community ;)

Viele Grüße,
<![CDATA[[Comm & Mark] Reports of Ryzom Forge's meetings (Communication Group)]]> Fri, 19 May 2017 21:02:55 +0000 Communication & Marketing Trahtar <![CDATA[[Comm & Mark] How players could increase Ryzom publicity: Nuzanshi's little viral marketing idea for Ryzom]]> Mon, 15 Aug 2016 02:39:53 +0000 Communication & Marketing Seto <![CDATA[[Comm & Mark] Ryzom articles on other media platforms]]> Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:45:09 +0000 Communication & Marketing

The people who keep playing this thing just means they're broken in the right way so as to fit in :)

In the game there are lots of features that are half-baked, underdeveloped, or generally unfinished and unpolished. There's a myriad of server-side bugs, MOST of the rites are not finished, do I need to go on?

Ok, mobs migrate. So what, is it such a core mechanic? It barely registers past a few actual implications for trekking. Enormous skill system that requires one to be a master of several skills before they can attempt pvp? When other games offer you an automated scaling of your character to max level, so you can have fun after a few hours, not after 4 months? Several stanzas that are literally useless or extremely niche?

Ryzom is a great game, sure. But when people dislike its unique features, they're not just being dumb. They're being practical.]]>
<![CDATA[[Comm & Mark] Unveil Ryzom's secrets]]> Sun, 28 Jun 2015 09:38:47 +0000 Communication & Marketing Suboxide <![CDATA[[Comm & Mark] Proven texts for other platforms]]> Tue, 09 Jun 2015 16:23:04 +0000 Communication & Marketing Diesen Review habe ich im deutschen Mac App Store gepostet, kann gerne, auch in teilen, wieder verwendet werden, nur bitte nicht dort im App Store, an der selben Stelle ;)

Warum habe ich dieses Spiel nicht früher entdeckt?!

Ryzom ist ein geniales und einzigartiges Sandbox MMORPG.

Die Welt Atys ist in 5 Habitate unterteilt, Dschungel, Seenlandschaft (das Mektoub Reittier kann schwimmen!), Wald, Wüste und Urwurzeln. Und es gibt 4 Jahreszeiten ähnlich wie bei uns mit Schnee, Herbstlaub, Frühlingsblumen.

Die Fabellebewesen und Monster von Ryzom sind sehr naturgetreu animiert, haben Herdenverhalten, können dich anschauen und beobachten oder dir ans Bein machen, aber man kann den kleinen putzigen Yubos dafür nicht böse sein. ^^

Zu Weihnachten, Ostern, Halloween und auch ständig zwischendurch gibt es Events.
Die Community ist mindestens 5 sprachig und super nett und super hilfsbereit.

Was außerdem noch sehr genial ist, ist das Crafting, man kann fast überall verstecktes Material im Boden durch scannen finden und abbauen und fast jedes Loot von Tieren und Pflanzen kann beim Handwerk benutzt werden.

Die besten Rüstungen, Nahkampfwaffen, Feuerwaffen, Magieverstärker und Schmuckstücke können ausschließlich von Spielern hergestellt werden. Und man muss sich nicht entscheiden, man kann alles gleichzeitig lernen, wenn man genug Zeit und Geduld hat (betrifft auch alle anderen Fähigkeiten).

Manches Handwerks Material kann man nur zu bestimmten Jahres und Tageszeiten finden, besonders gutes Material ist natürlich meist an besonders gefährlichen Orten zu finden. Die höchste Materialqualität gibt es nur in den unterirdischen wunderschönen aber sehr gefährlichen Prime Roots Gebieten.

Ryzom ist bis Level 125 kostenlos spielbar, um dieses Level zu erreichen braucht ein durchschnittlicher Spieler mindestens einige Wochen.
Und wenn man dann soweit ist oder vielleicht schon viel früher entscheidet man sich, dass man dieses wundervolle OpenSource Spiel unterstützen möchte und bezahlt ca. 7,50 Euro pro Monat. Mit dem Abonnement erhält man außerdem auch noch dauerhaft doppelte Erfahrungspunkte.

Fazit: Testen! Lohnt sich :)]]>
<![CDATA[[Comm & Mark] Work trails: feedback from a player]]> Sat, 06 Jun 2015 21:37:07 +0000 Communication & Marketing
I found Ryzom here: (these user comments convinced me to start the download).

I tried to find out more before I started a download of a few GB, here (and
And this page is horrible and completely outdated. If this one had been the only page I read about Ryzom I would never ever have tested it.

And there I see the major problem, how Ryzom looks to the world (to the Internet).

It's nearly invisible and there is a lot of outdated and confusing information spread, but nearly no information about recent stuff, server merge, the no more existent Ring is mentioned everywhere, prices are higher than they really are....

So Ryzom looks to the outside world like it's dead or they have never heard of it at all.

Not completely invisible, it's in Mac AppStore, but why there isn't the latest version? At least on my Mac 2.1 is more stable. (I already wrote a good German review there) I heard/read rumours you plan to go steam, would be good as well.

But first you should try clean up the information mess, at least at the most important spots like wikipedia.

If you are too low on workforces involve the community more, make crowd sourcing more organized as it actually seems to me.

Make regular artwork/programming/writing contest on topics where stuff is needed, let users vote, give special digital stuff to the contest winner, maybe give sub vouchers for big/important work (avoid worldwide postal shipment, avoid rewards for posting reviews on third party sites).

Encourage the other users who like this game like I do, to make more Youtube videos, to write recent reviews and spread them, to find sources of wrong/outdated/confusing information about Ryzom and report them to 
someone who can take care.

Maybe a better name for the Communication forum section in Ryzom Forge would be Marketing, it describes more precise it's use.

This is the place where much has to be done. And already good stuff in there. :)

And care more for new player, create a section for new players in the forum, collect links and tutorials there, It is really hard for new player to find the written information they are looking for. Big parts of the Ryzom wiki are outdated and/or incomplete, information in forum is more complete, but harder to find. Bmsite is really good and seems to be up to date. :)

Maybe integrate the good/useful parts of the wiki in an own forum section and remove the wiki, this would allow people instantly discuss wiki topics and search forum and wiki-forum entries at once.

The most easy way to find what I am looking for is to go in uni and ask, this community is most amazing I ever stumbled in.

Hopefully we can help Ryzom to better visibility. The more people come to Ryzom to test it, the more will know about it's existence and tell others and bring them. Social networking is very important, it's actually in some areas already replacing classical advertising.

No matter they are free players, all players the free and subbed are equally important.