Mutual GNU / Linux - Ryzom Community Forum Sat, 21 Dec 2024 12:25:38 +0000 ryApp::FeedBuilder 15 Mutual GNU / Linux - Ryzom Community Forum <![CDATA[Interface cfg doesn't load]]> Mon, 06 Mar 2023 03:20:24 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux was cross-version issue after all.

Logged in Sat and it failed like shown on screenshot. But, I really didn't feel like starting from scratch and just wanted to play. So I copied it to alt, logged her in (it was broken in exact same way), fixed both and played a bit. Noticed how mission journal and exchange window weren't where I like them, fixed those and logged out.

Logged both back in just now and voila, it loaded as it should.

So my guess is that those two changes triggered whole interface to re-write and thus upon save, it was written properly.

In any case, case closed. gg]]>
<![CDATA[Unable to use discrete NVIDIA card on Linux.]]> Fri, 30 Dec 2022 16:09:35 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
Also look into this as it has boosted my fps majorly

Liquorix Kernel]]>
<![CDATA[[READ ME] Linux FAQ and tutoriels]]> Sun, 02 Oct 2022 09:59:32 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
Downloading  and extracting it in the right location (/home/{username}/.local/share/Ryzom/ryzom_live/) solved this for me. Hope it helps :)]]>
<![CDATA[Blank page on fedora]]> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:13:01 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Ekoh <![CDATA[Linux mint 20, probleme pour l'installation]]> Tue, 20 Jul 2021 16:27:08 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Linux 64 :

Download the file :

Unzip it

On folder ryztart_installer click on Install Ryztart

If it didn't launch, right click on the ryztart_installer folder and choose open console and then type : sh package.bin]]>
<![CDATA[Installation on Ubuntu Studio fails]]> Tue, 20 Jul 2021 16:23:59 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Linux 64 :

Download the file :

Unzip it

On folder ryztart_installer click on Install Ryztart

If it didn't launch, right click on the ryztart_installer folder and choose open console and then type : sh package.bin]]>
<![CDATA[Version mismatch.]]> Wed, 23 Sep 2020 11:53:57 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Rizyinshi <![CDATA[Question about map search - question sur la recherche dans la carte]]> Thu, 16 Jul 2020 14:47:49 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Craftjenn

In fact, I saw that ryzom client use mainly only 2 cores (my PC have 8).

One on them (n°5) was regularly at 100%, while the other ones do nothing (2-3%)... only when I launch Ryzom

I use a gnome extension, for power management (cpufreqctl), and I noticed that if I cut the boost, it seems better...

The game client is badly optimized for "new computers". It's mainly due to NeL. I doubt this will change in a near future tbh. Basically it will require a full revamp of the engine (yes, I am making a shortcut here).]]>
<![CDATA[New Horizons destinations not clickable]]> Sat, 18 Apr 2020 11:56:28 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
The issue exists for me only with the steam client. The self-built client doesn't exhibit this problem.]]>
<![CDATA[Pourquoi utiliser 1 seul coeur?]]> Sun, 29 Mar 2020 20:38:23 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Ulukyn <![CDATA[Arch linux]]> Wed, 19 Feb 2020 18:00:46 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Ogmios
Quand j'aurais le temps et si j'ai les moyen de le faire, je ferais un AUR

Les paquets sont déjà dans l'AUR. Tu as :
Notons que les paquets de l'exécutable ne sont pas à jour. Il faut désormais compiler depuis le dépôt GitHub en utilisant la branche nommée atys. Les branches compatibility et compatibility-develop ne doivent plus être utilisées pour l'exécutable officiel et peuvent engendrer des crash. Idem pour le dépôt mercurial sur BitBucket.

Pour ma part je préfère recompiler le client moi-même à l'aide d'un petit script, ça m'évite d'attendre.]]>
<![CDATA[Can't install on Ubuntu 18.4 AMD64]]> Tue, 14 Jan 2020 13:27:05 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Jakolane <![CDATA[Unable to install Ryzom under Ubuntu 18.04 amd64]]> Fri, 11 Oct 2019 18:45:23 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Bubbason
Newer Ryzom Installer versions supposed to download client files from
You can download them there as well as latest Ryzom Installer.

At the risk of sounding critical, why is it so hard for Ryzom to produce a Linux client that works without needing to go and download extra files? It's not like this is a new problem.

This thread should have been archived years ago.

From a commercial perspective:
1) how many hours have been spent on support helping players install a linux client?
2) how many players have tried to install the game, and given up and gone to play something else?

Surely, the cost of the hours needed to package the client properly is far less than the number of wasted support hours and lost subscriptions ...

Because I don't know any commercial MMORPG under Linux that package all data in the same package as the client.

We made the choice to package clients and data separately to optimize downloading process. A lot of other MMORPG have an installer/downloader, we're not the only one to make that.

Now another problem you're perhaps not aware, but if we create a Linux package with all data inside, it will be installed in root partition, same problem under Windows where applications are installed in "C:\Program Files" that are read-only for applications. But a MMORPG needs to patch itself.

So, the easiest way to bypass these issues is to use a tool that'll download data and install them at a right location where there is enough free disk space and where application can write. The old Windows client required Administrator privileges under Windows, that is a huge security problem.]]>
<![CDATA[Ryzom not listed in Ubuntu Software Center [14.10]]]> Mon, 30 Sep 2019 20:28:35 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
Instead use the official repository at
Installer is there too with updated version.]]>
<![CDATA[Crash on 1 toon]]> Sat, 04 May 2019 10:12:36 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
/thread closing]]>
<![CDATA[Translating Bash Script to Windows and Mac]]> Tue, 02 Apr 2019 20:50:40 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
Wiki Page

Download ZIP
Download TAR.LZMA]]>
<![CDATA[Minimal CPU]]> Sun, 24 Mar 2019 14:00:05 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Siela
I just checked, just compile it using -DWITH_SSE3=OFF, for the rest there's a guide on
Thanks for the reply, I can try to build the client, but how to report upstream that the 32 bit version should be compiled with this option?]]>
<![CDATA[Inevitable/Constant Crashes on GNU/Linux T400 Laptop]]> Mon, 17 Sep 2018 23:56:34 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Gnulinux
Not sure what I did differently this time, but I was able to disable sound before I launched the client and that fixed the crashes :)

The problem was apparently the sound. I am not crashing any more. :D I'm thrilled I can play now.

One thing I've seen over the years is a lot of folks turning off the sound for stability. The reason I mention it is that most of them have one thing in common; they run Linux.]]>
<![CDATA[Screen scrolls around the monitor with the mouse]]> Sun, 16 Sep 2018 16:33:31 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
The resolution is only 1280x1024 I think, nothing unusual and my desktop is 1920 so it's more than capable of it.

However other odd system symptoms have arrived such as VLC being HUGE when it should be tiny playing music. So it's probably at my side of things.

Thank you all for the suggestions, much appreciated.

Now to find out which is the best current Debian based distro to slap on the machine.

<![CDATA[Really Weird Problem WRT The Newest Patch]]> Wed, 05 Sep 2018 22:02:25 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
I had previously COMPLETELY deleted Ryzom, downloaded the most recent client, installed it. I also got the latest Nvidia driver, and checked that my kernel is the most recent for my distro (it is).

Thus, it was an entirely "fresh start". Also, I looked around and could not make sense of these files, so in short: it didn't work.


Have a good game!]]>
<![CDATA[Kervala (?) Client???]]> Thu, 09 Aug 2018 19:08:10 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Moniq <![CDATA[All the chars, creatures, critters.... totally white]]> Mon, 02 Jul 2018 17:07:27 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Mianko <![CDATA[Ubuntu 16.04 Ryzom not starting]]> Sat, 23 Jun 2018 08:08:43 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Nocturnys <![CDATA[How to uninstall Ryzom from ubuntu 16.04]]> Fri, 18 May 2018 05:49:00 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux find / -iname '*ryzom*' 2>/dev/null

But I'm almost sure everything is in ~/.local/share/Ryzom.

(Also, dont leave us for good ^^)]]>
<![CDATA[Client Crash]]> Tue, 20 Feb 2018 22:03:20 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Karu
If you rereun installer then sourceforge might give another mirror.

Got it to work after about 10 tries. Got a similiar error later on. Thankfully the installer picked up where it left off. All is good now =) Thanks for the help!!!]]>
<![CDATA[ubuntu 17.10 ryzom_client ne marche pas]]> Thu, 25 Jan 2018 06:53:58 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 712 setupNVVertexArrayRange : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_NV_vertex_array_range' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 763 setupEXTVertexWeighting : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_EXT_vertex_weighting' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 888 setupNVVertexProgram : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_NV_vertex_program' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 963 setupEXTVertexShader : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_EXT_vertex_shader' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1273 setupNVFragmentProgram2 : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_NV_fragment_program2' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 697 setupOESDrawTexture : 3D: OpengGL extension 'OES_draw_texture' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 681 setupOESMapBuffer : 3D: OpengGL extension 'OES_mapbuffer' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1125 setupNVTextureShader : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_NV_texture_shader' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 833 setupATIEnvMapBumpMap : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1147 setupNVVertexArrayRange2 : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_NV_vertex_array_range2' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1404 setupNVOcclusionQuery : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_NV_occlusion_query' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1156 setupATIVertexArrayObject : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_ATI_vertex_array_object' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1185 setupATIMapObjectBuffer : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_ATI_map_object_buffer' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1227 setupATIVertexAttribArrayObject : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 381 setupDisplay : 3D: OpenGL version 1.2 or above(*); Available extensions:
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 381 setupDisplay : 3D: Texturing: ARBMultiTexture EXTTextureEnvCombine(*) ARBTextureCompression EXTTextureCompressionS3TC NVTextureEnvCombine4 ATITextureEnvCombine3 ARBTextureCubeMap NVTextureRectangle EXTTextureRectangle ARBTextureRectangle EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic (
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 381 setupDisplay : 3D: Programs: ATIFragmentShader ARBFragmentProgram ARBVertexProgram
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 381 setupDisplay : 3D: Misc: EXTSeparateSpecularColor EXTSecondaryColor EXTBlendColor ARBOcclusionQuery NVStateVARWithoutFlush ARBMultisample NVXGPUMemoryInfo ATIMeminfo
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 381 setupDisplay : 3D: GLX:
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 381 setupDisplay : 3D: Array/VBO: ARBVertexBufferObject ARBMapBufferRange
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 381 setupDisplay : 3D: FBO: FramebufferObject FrameBufferBlit FrameBufferMultisample PackedDepthStencil
3D: GLX_ARB_create_context GLX_ARB_create_context_profile GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float GLX_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GLX_ARB_get_proc_address
3D: GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_EXT_buffer_age GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile GLX_EXT_create_context_es_profile GLX_EXT_fbconfig_packed_float
3D: GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GLX_EXT_import_context GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating
3D: GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent GLX_MESA_query_renderer GLX_MESA_swap_control GLX_OML_swap_method
3D: GLX_OML_sync_control GLX_SGIS_multisample GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group
3D: GLX_SGI_make_current_read GLX_SGI_video_sync
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1883 setupGLXEXTSwapControl : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GLX_EXT_swap_control' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1896 setupGLXSGISwapControl : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GLX_SGI_swap_control' was not found
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_vertex.cpp 1746 initVertexBufferHard : 3D: 4294967295 vertices supported
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_vertex.cpp 1747 initVertexBufferHard : 3D: Success to allocate 16.8 Mo of AGP VAR Ram
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 2103 initFragmentShaders : WATER: Try ARB_fragment_program
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 2121 initFragmentShaders : WATER: ARB_fragment_program OK, Use it
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_window.cpp 2248 getCurrentScreenMode : 3D: Current XRandR mode 0: 1920x1080, 24bit
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_window.cpp 2920 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client init.cpp 1295 prelogInit : init : setMonitorColorProperties fails
2018/01/24 22:48:51 INF 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl.cpp 1592 enableUsedTextureMemorySum : 3D: PERFORMANCE INFO: enableUsedTextureMemorySum has been set to true in CDriverGL
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_window.cpp 205 nelXErrorsHandler : 3D: XError: BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter)
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_window.cpp 205 nelXErrorsHandler : 3D: XError: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
2018/01/24 22:48:51 WRN 957498560 ryzom_client driver_opengl_window.cpp 205 nelXErrorsHandler : 3D: XError: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
Problem seems to be graphic driver on your pc.
follow this guide to install driver on ubuntu]]>
<![CDATA[Client don't start anymore]]> Sat, 30 Dec 2017 20:45:30 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Wajua <![CDATA[Another Segmentation fault with fglrx driver.]]> Sat, 18 Nov 2017 20:45:56 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Riewell <![CDATA[Échec de la mise à jour liée au dernier patch]]> Wed, 01 Nov 2017 07:11:16 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Kimory <![CDATA[Ryzom On 64bit Linux Boxes - Hope This Helps]]> Sun, 29 Oct 2017 00:27:49 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux

I got that running on a variety of boxes when installed on usb disk or stick without any troubles. Sometimes, some library may be reported missing, but apt-cache search or so will help.]]>
<![CDATA[Full screen reverts to windowed @ alt-tab]]> Wed, 18 Oct 2017 19:48:22 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Relaxation <![CDATA[SSL Errors with Linux Installer]]> Wed, 13 Sep 2017 07:40:44 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux

% ./
INF 57cd07c0 utils.cpp 613 CLogHelper ryzom_installer : RYZOM INSTALLER VERSION: (RELEASE)
INF 57cd07c0 utils.cpp 614 CLogHelper ryzom_installer : Memory: 6474 MiB/7986 MiB
INF 57cd07c0 utils.cpp 615 CLogHelper ryzom_installer : OS: Linux version 4.9.16-gentoo (root@pc) (gcc version 4.9.4 (Gentoo 4.9.4 p1.0, pie-0.6.4) ) #1 SMP Thu Apr 27 00:29:36 CEST 2017
INF 57cd07c0 utils.cpp 616 CLogHelper ryzom_installer : Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz / ? Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10 / GenuineIntel / 2336.000MHz / 2 Processors found
INF 57cd07c0 main.cpp 157 main ryzom_installer : Launched ~/Downloads/ryzom_installer_linux/ryzom_installer_linux64
INF 57cd07c0 main.cpp 276 main ryzom_installer : Next step is DownloadData (3)
INF 57cd07c0 downloader.cpp 274 onHeadFinished ryzom_installer : HTTP status code 307 on HEAD for
INF 57cd07c0 downloader.cpp 278 onHeadFinished ryzom_installer : Redirected to
WRN 57cd07c0 downloader.cpp 421 onError ryzom_installer : Network error Im Ablauf des SSL-Protokolls ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. (6) when downloading
INF 57cd07c0 downloader.cpp 274 onHeadFinished ryzom_installer : HTTP status code 0 on HEAD for

When I download the files manually instead with the installer it works and also updates within the game client work, it's just the downloads of the installer that are broken.]]>
<![CDATA[Linux 32bit official installer, incorrect free diskspace on installation]]> Fri, 08 Sep 2017 05:34:11 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Astarth <![CDATA[je n'arrive pas a me connecter depuis chez moi !!]]> Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:51:53 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
J'utilise la meme version d'ubuntu que toi.

Contacte moi si t'as besoin d'aide :)]]>
<![CDATA[linux installer error downloading ryzom_live_data.7z - file larger than expected]]> Sun, 02 Jul 2017 08:14:22 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
Download the file by hand in your browser/downloader/whatever and put it in the ryzom folder.

Re-run installer.

If you do not know where your ryzom folder is look in ~/.local/share/Ryzom/ryzom_installer.ini - the installation_directory is where the installer log and the downloads go.]]>
<![CDATA[[NOT BUG] Care Plan Not Working (Linux Mint 18.1 Serena 64bit)]]> Sun, 11 Jun 2017 22:09:42 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux on purpose in order to make it non-sticky. There were too many times where I accidetnally over-healed the Source Life and ran out of Focus as a result.]]> Gidget <![CDATA[Ryzom PPa - 16.04 Xenial]]> Wed, 15 Feb 2017 19:36:59 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Landar
Hi Ekoh,

The site you provided requires a user name and password? Do you have a generic account to use or directions on how to setup my own account?



Now you can download the official client witch is the result of all the work done on the client availaible on]]>
<![CDATA[[RESOLU] ryzom_client network_connection.cpp 2295 stateProbe : CNET[0x25e8640]: received normal in state Probe]]> Sun, 05 Feb 2017 14:25:20 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
Il semblerait aussi que se soit le seul FAI français sans Ipv6.

J utilise le conditionnel, parcque je n'y pige pas grand chose, et que j ai juste récolté ces informations sur le net.]]>
<![CDATA[[Fixed] Problem with WSAD]]> Tue, 03 Jan 2017 18:43:20 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Poxi
Hi! I had the same problem! i played trough steam and couldn't move. I downloaded the game from the page and works well. It's a s**t to do that, but it was the fastest solution i found in Uni. I play in ubuntu studio 14.04. Cheers!

Ryzom on Steam has been updated and the issue is fixed aswell.]]>
<![CDATA[Client freezing in apartment - linux 64-bit]]> Wed, 14 Dec 2016 19:41:22 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Gidget <![CDATA[Linux 64 bit installer log error]]> Tue, 13 Dec 2016 20:28:53 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
Just noticed that the 64 bit linux installer attempts to write its log to /ryzom_installer.log it is never going to have permissions to perform this request as a user.

Probably a typo and it should perhaps be ./ryzom_installer.log

<![CDATA[Ryzom ne démarre pas/plus (Ubuntu 16.04)]]> Sun, 16 Oct 2016 14:27:37 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Merci :)]]> Seeliah <![CDATA[Ryzom DATA from beta client vs. Ubuntu repository]]> Fri, 14 Oct 2016 12:46:59 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
We'll put Ryzom Install in Ubuntu Software Center and so clients will be able to patch :)]]>
<![CDATA[Where did the rsync server went?]]> Fri, 23 Sep 2016 21:19:12 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
Also the v3 client uses the original patch (not patchlet) again, so you should no more have to update data with a script.]]>
<![CDATA[fix for those getting the please wait lag out side the dreaded please wait hour]]> Thu, 15 Sep 2016 15:34:58 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
So to fix lag on linux any version type
iwconfig to get your cards name

results will look like this

wlp1s0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:"apnameremoved"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: g0:48:9g:29:85:Ag
Bit Rate=115.6 Mb/s Tx-Power=22 dBm
Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Power Management:on

In my case my card is named wlp1so so the command will look like this

sudo iwconfig wlp1s0 power off

Again type iwconfig

new reults will look like this

wlp1s0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:"apnameremoved"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: g0:48:gA:29:g5:Ag
Bit Rate=115.6 Mb/s Tx-Power=22 dBm
Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Power Management:off

Wave by by to your lag if pwm is your issue as it was mine and many others who have already done the same in game.

Current ping ties in game for me 180ms to 250ms down from 600ms to 750ms average.

As i am by no means a linux guru if any one knows any other tips that reduce lag please drop a post here.]]>
<![CDATA[Segfault when launching the 32bit client on Fedora 24 x86_64]]> Fri, 09 Sep 2016 15:57:25 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Mjollren <![CDATA[Error while launching]]> Wed, 20 Jul 2016 12:43:18 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux
Things have changed considerably since then.

You can get newer stable 'beta' clients from Those have automatic patching and if you use static client, you should not require any extra packages than you already have.

If you have Steam, then Ryzom is available from there aswell.]]>
<![CDATA[client terminated by exception]]> Sun, 03 Jul 2016 16:25:07 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Siela <![CDATA[Flashing Screen - only since today.]]> Sat, 25 Jun 2016 12:50:41 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Jizza <![CDATA[Won't run on GNU]]> Wed, 22 Jun 2016 20:59:56 +0000 Mutual GNU / Linux Karu
Do I need install 32bits packages? libgl1-mesa-glx?
If you want to use 32bit version, then you need to install a lot of 32bit packages.

If you want to use 64bit, then you can grab 64bit version from There is both binary only and full download available.

If you using packaged version, then it should install 64bit version already that you can find under /opt/ryzom I believe

UNZIPPED: "ryzom_client_static_full_linux64_3.0.0.7578.7z", from this link, and everything running out of the box.]]>